Friday, August 12. 1938 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 ton loaded freight cur nearly two milea straight up In the air It Is the Job of your automobile engine to harness this energy and transform it Into forward motion In the process of cooling the en­ gine. overcoming filiilon and ex- |>elling exhaust r.ases, uppioxl mutely IH) per cent of the energy in the gasoline is wasted, ao that only 10 per cent is actually uti­ lised in propelling your car The gasoline Is drawn Into Die carburetor from the fuel tank, mixed In the proper proportion with air. then whisked through the intake manifold at speeds us high us 250 miles an hour into the cylinders, where It is compressed, ignited by an electric s|>ark. LIFE’S BYWAYS! Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ★ Entered as aecond-claAa matter February' 15- 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ★ TELEPHONE 170 Leonard N. Hall Editor and Publisher ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES tin Advance) ONE YEAR $1.51 SIX MONTHS 80c i Mailed Anywhere in Uie United States) burned aid expelled through the exhaust system In the process of burning the liny particles oi limiid gasoline lire turned Into carbon dioxide, carbun monoxide and water vapor, many times the orig­ inal volume o.’ the gasoline, and It Is thia audden Inc reus# In vol ume which forces the pistons downward ami causes the