Friday, July 8, 1938 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner LIFE’S BYWAYS! Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON ★ ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR JI 54. SIX MONTHS 80c < Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 170 SET YOU CUT OURSELVES A PIECE OF CAKE! Without vanity, Ashland people can well be proud of the job of hospitality they did over the July 4 week-end. This year’s celebration was one of the best in years, and one that would do credit to any city. The event, which went off without a hitch, carried on and gave emphasis to a fine tradition which has been exclusively Ashland's since the settling of south­ ern Oregon. Conceived and prosecuted with enthusiasm and community-wide cooperation, the celebration was a monument of pleasure and enjoyment to many thous­ ands of visitors who came here from all parts of southern Oregon and northern California. They came here expecting an appropriate and gratifying week­ end, and were not disappointed. Most folks wh<5 enjoyed the Ashland Independence day observance will think of the effort as an annual occurrence enjoyed by all. But those of us here behind the scenes weeks before the holiday arrived know that the celebration represented far more than just a two- day spasm of flag waving and hurrah. The occasion was the final product of weeks of con­ scientious effort and application of ability by dozens of individuals who fitted their talents together into one pattern. The celebration was the fruition of hours and hours of unrewarded and often unrecognized hard work. The thousands of visitors who crowded our park and city during the two days neither noted nor were concerned with why and how such a fine celebration came to be. but residents of Ashland should take heart in their community because of the ability of its people to work together so effectively. Not only did we celebrate the signing of the declar­ ation of independence in Ashland Sunday and Mon­ day, we also added vigor to the independence of our own community. ★ ★ ★ WE LOVE OUR NECKS! Although the trite phrase, “A safe and sane Fourth,” irks this department, we’ll swallow our in­ hibition long enough to chortle about the fine record established here over the holidays. Neither serious highway nor fireworks accidents occurred in this neighborhood, although an unusually heavy stream of traffic choked our streets and high­ ways, and several thousand youngsters were here for the celebration. Boasting always is in poor taste, but as regards physical safety, it is a fine and unusual privilege to point with pride to empty hospitals and unstained pavements. The real purpose in giving safety a nod. though, is to remind motorists that an accident-free community is not a happenstance, even during a holi­ day. Careful driving and sober conduct combine to promote safety every day in the year and we have a good precedent to follow the rest of the year. Although as a community of motorists we deserve a pat on the back, don’t take your hand off the wheel to give it. ★ ★ lowing return from camp by drop­ ping Hilt l>ack a notch. 12-« Bill lloxle tor the soldiers kept hits well scattered while his teammates blasted Court Roa«- and Hill Tal­ lis lively The Miners also kept to the win column Wednesday evening when they overcame a second Inning 3-0 handicap to tuk<- the game 17-4. Leavens was touched for three hits in the first frame which accounted for thn-e Activist! runs, but hurled steady ball until the seventh, when Jim Krinock was sent In to limber up Bill Ausland surrendered his mouml duties to Marlon Mann In the fifth after a series of hits sent six runs across Mann, In his two and one-third frames, wus nicked for the final seven tallies Fast on the heels of the holi­ days, the final week of the first half of the Ashland Hott ball asso­ ciation schedule got underway Tuesday night. July 5, with the Miners continuing their uninter­ rupted series of victories when they defeated Fortinlller’s 10 2 in an interesting but error-marred contest. Tire Battery timk an 11-8 measure of the SONS in the other game, which saw the lead change frequently. In the Miner-Fortmiller game, fielding mishaps la-hind Pitcher • Darby O'Toole. together with 14 IN FINED »17.50 bast-hits rapped out by the win­ ners. handicapped the team of Dick Petersen, arrested early Johnny Daugherty Ten errors Thursday, July 7, and lodged on a were tallied by the clerks while drunk ami disorderly charge by the newsboys fumbled but once city police, plead guilty and |»ald Leavens' five-hit effectiveness on a lift rim- and 12 50 costs in city the mound wus outstanding for the (toiler court . later In the day «»^ lie I wax given u 20 day jail sentence Miners Wednesday night the Battery which was suspended pending his continued their winning streak fol- good lx-huvlor Editor and Publisher Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935 at the poatoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Battery B Moves I'p In Pair of Wins As Miners Hold Top Spot and there is no telling how great Japan's losses have been in dollars and cents and how much face she's lost before the rest of the world. That is the rule of human behavior, however, Once started, brawlers never want to give up as long as there is life left to squander. to new motora Installed in new automobilen not registered prrv- ioualy. MUST I OBTAIN NEW REG­ ISTRATTON PIJKTES IF I BUY AN AUTOMOBILE FROM A PRIVATE PARTY’ In Oregon the registration plates or license plates remain with the MUST r RE-REGISTER MY automobile until the date of their AUTOMOBILE IF I HAVE A expiration. It would be necessary DIFFERENT MOTOR INSTALL­ in this case simply to have the certificate of title held by the ED’ No, it is not necessary for you former owner endorsed by him and to re-register your automobile, but assigned to you. and to send the it is necessary that the person who endorsed certificate to the secre­ transfers or installs the motor to tary of state together with the notify the secretary of state of the fee of JI. The secretary of state transfer upon a special blank, giv­ j would then issue a new certificate ing the date, description and mot­ of title to you, and also a new or number of the engine, and the | registration card name and address of the pur- chaser and fZUd certificate“’f • J°hn, »il»ngs of Dunsmuir spent title to secretary of state for cor- the holidays visiting at the home rection. The chief value in this of his parents, Mr and Mrs Ralph proviaion is that it prevents the Billings. transfer of engines from stolen automobilea. This provision does not apply T im T ells I m ® LOOK WHAT A MESS OF FiCrURES I’M IN / ALL I WANTED TO KNOW WAS WHAT THE LUMBER W OULD COST TO MENP T hat place in the P orch •' loor AHEAD Arrange meetings witk friend*. Arrange for accommodation*. If you're delayed on the road, call ahead and beep reserva­ tion* open. The*e ere only a few of the way* Long Distance can help you on vocation. The Mrvico it available just about everywhere. PACIFIC TILIPHONI AND T1LNRAFH COMPANY 69 Specict/ ★ NOW HERE’S SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT! According to an announcement from the Tokyo war office, Japan in the first year of her “incident” with China claims to have caused 1,300,000 deaths while occupying 775,000 square miles of their victims’ territory. They admit Japanese losses to be more than 36,000, and it is reasonable to assume that actual losses to the Nipponese have been far greater. The cunning Japanese war office presented the resume much as would a board of directors present a successful balance sheet to their stockholders. On this side of the Pacific it is hard to see what worthwhile gain Japan has made from the slaughter. Loss of lives—even though many of them be the en­ emy—has been revolting to less aggressive peoples. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER At Ease On Funeral Costs Don’t worry about the cost. Take a sensible view of it. You, best of all, know what you can afford. Spend just that—and no more. Remember, every price right down to the lowest includes a complete and dignified memorial service. Funeral Service Since 1897 LITWILLER FUNERAL HOME (Formerly Stock’s Funeral Parlor) We Never Close—Phone 32 CONSULT US FOR FULL INFORMATION ON NEW FHA FINANCING ASHIA nd Y om wdt *'joy baby's bath as much os he does after you install one of these genuine WESIX automatic electric water heaters No kmQtr wdl rf be necessary to put up with on obsolete, expensive, unsatisfactory method of heating water These new oufomotK electric water heaters ere like giant thermos bottles They use less electricity becouse practicolly none of the heat is lost through radiation It provides an obundonce of hot water at exactly the right temperature as constantly as the cold water *4>p*y Ask for complete details about the new water heaters and the special, "off peak," metered rate for water heoting • i * • * PHONE 20 OAK ST mí RAILROAD The California Oregon Power Company a 'Y