Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 08, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, July 8, 1938
who la a patient in St. Vincent
hospital She was operated on for
goiter Tuesday morning and la re­
covering nicely. Mr Moore la ex­
pected home in a few days.
• Dorothy Durkee of Eugene, Z.shland visiting at the T 8. Wiley • The Bellview Grange, which
former resident, spent the week­ home and with other relatives and entered a float in the July 4 par­
end visiting at the Broili home.
ade. won first prize in the organi­
• Vic Sandei v.- . .*1 with rela­ *> Mr and Mrs Ralph Hon of zation division Mra Ed Gow land
tives at Marshfield last week-end. Memphis. Tenn . visited here over was chairman with Mra. Henry
• Alden Roberts, who has been tne week-end with Mr and Mrs Stenrud and Mrs Kincaid working
working in northern Oregon, spent J W Mcl-ain enroute to Lake with her.
a few days in Ashland visiting Louiat* and other Canadian points. • Miss Marjorie Beil, with Jack
with friends early in the week.
•> B C. Forsythe returned to Uni­ Roberson of Medford and other
• Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hartman versity
friends, spent several
of Oregon after visiting Medford
of Junction City. Ore., visited here here over
the holidays with his cent City. the week-end in Cres­
over the week-end with relative« family.
and friends.
• Curtia Byrd is at hia home here
• Jack -Moore of Medford tran- <) Ray Beardon of Portland has from hia work in Dorris, Calif
«acted business ui Ashland Wed- recently been employed at Mars' • A birthday party was given in
shoe shop.
Lithia park in honor of the birth­
• Mrs. C. C. Robertson returned O Mrs. Bill Johnson. Mrs. Mae day anniversary of Mrs 1. E
Wednesday from a two weeks va­ Lambert and daughter Della tran­ Deaiimond last week Those at­
sacted business in Roseburg Wed­ tending were Mrs Herman Helm.
cation in California.
• Mr. and Mrs. Everett McGee nesday.
Mrs Walter Longetreth. Mrs Ed­
left Wednesday for Lake o' the <> Mr and Mis. Walt Jarmin and win Dunn. Mrs Roy Crow. Mrs
family and Mr. and Mrs. Muriel J M Crow. Mrs C Conley. Mrs
• Mr and Mrs. Louis Podge and Jarmin of Medford visited Mr &>>d George Helms. Betty Dunn, Veeda
Robert Lkalge S[H?nt July 4 week- Mrs. R W. Swartsley over the Williams Joanne and Barbara
end at Lake o' the Woods.
Helm and the honored guest. Mrs
• Dr. Karl Dryud of Klamath t> Visitors at the home of Mr I. E Lh*admond
Falls visited in Ashland with and Mrs. Gary’ Newton Wednes­ • Mrs K L Brantley and chil­
friends and relatives during the day were Betty Ferguson of Port­ dren. Gene. Bob and Clarice, and
land, Mrs. Lowell Williams of two sisters of Mrs Brantley spent
• John Gnffin visited with his Salem and Mrs. G E Newton of the week-end at Crescent City, re­
parents in Albany over the week­ Independence. Ore
turning to their homes Monday
• Margaret Short returned Wed­ evening
• Mr. and Mrs. Larry Porter nesday from Tacoma. Wash., • Mr and Mrs Elmer Byrd vis­
spent the holidays in Dunsmuir at where she has been vacationing ited here with relatives over the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob for the last few weeks
• Mrs Jimmie Metz is visiting • Mr and Mrs Woodworth were
• Dr. E. G. Everett, M. D.. phy­ her parents in Eugene for a few at their home here Sunday and I
Monday from Lake o' the Woods. I
sician and surgeon. Hersey bidd­ days this week.
ing, office phone 18-J. residence • Genevieve Patterson left Wed- where Mr Woodworth la building
11 tic) nesday for Corvallis where she a cabin for Will Dodge of Ashland
• Mr and Mrs. C. V. Flanders left will be the guest of her sister. • Mr and Mrs Ivan Farmer and '
Thursday for Albany where they Mrs. Frank Land for a few weeks sons Jack and Jerry are visiting
will visit with relatives for a few • Mrs Earl Leever and son left here this week, planning to return
recently for Corvallis to visit for to Mr Farmer's work at Dorris,
[ Calif . next week.
• Mr. and Mrs. Larkin Grubb and a few days.
• Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKenzie
sons are vacationing on the coast
! and son Robert of Sisters, Ore..
for a few days.
spent Monday at the home of Mr
• Mr. and Mrs. Linn Mills and
'and Mrs Herman Helm.
Mr and Mrs. Billy Hulen of Med­
• Mr and Mrs. Earl Rozelle of
ford spent the holiday in Ashland.
Modesto. Calif., visited over July
• Mr and Mrs. William Darby of
Eagle Point spent Monday in Ash­ • Miss Ola Mae Grimm returned 4 with Mr and Mrs J. M Crew
land visiting with friends and en­ to her home here Sunday after They drove to Crater Lake Mon-
! day.
joying the celebration.
having spent a week visiting in • Mrs Homer Moore attended a
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lind and Klamath Falls with relatives.
son Bill of Corvallis left Wednes­ • Mr and Mrs Walter Hash and picnic In Lithia park Thursday af-
day after spending the holidays in daughter Edna spent Monday in , temoon given by the Friendly
J class of the Presbyterian church
Ashland visiting with Mrs Hash's • Mr and Mrs D E York of |
parents Mr and Mrs G W. Jones. Medford spent the holidays at the
• The Bellview Parent-Teachers Herman Helm home
association, who held a concession • Mr and Mrs J M Crow and
in Lithia park over the holidays, their guests. Mr and Mrs Earl I
cleared a nice sum which will be Rozelle. Mr and Mrs. Walter
used during the winter season to Longstrelh and family and Mr
provide hot lunches for the school and Mrs. I E Deadmond enjoyed .
children Mrs Reynolds acted as a picnic in Lithia park Monday.
chairman with Mr and Mrs. Ed • Mr and Mrs. Chester Farmer
When You Are Ready
Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long- and son Bobby are visiting here
To Move Phone 238-R
streth, Mr and Mrs Willis Byrd,
Mr. and Mrs. George Helms. Mrs.
Anderson. Mrs. Herman Helm,
Mrs Wean us and Mrs I E Dead­
mond working with her George
Helms built the concession and
George Yockel hauled the lumber
• Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moore and
son spent the week-end at Lake o'
the Woods
• Mr. and Mrs Miles Farmer and
daughter of Dorris. Calif., spent
the week-end and Monday with
relatives here.
• R E Bell, who is employed at
the Crescent mill near Greenville,
and son Robert Bell, who also is
employed at the California mill,
visited over the holidays with Mrs.
Bell and family, returning Monday
evening to their work.
• Mrs John Fanner, who has
been ill for the last several weeks,
is able to be up again.
• Mr. and Mrs N B Hull spent
Monday at Lake o' the Woods as
guests of Mr and Mrs. Louis
Dodge of Ashland.
• Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brahs and
daughter Betty and Elmer Ayers
spent Saturday and Sunday at
Squaw lake fishing.
• Claude Moore left last week for
Portland to be with Mrs. Moore.
j About People You Know! ]
this week from Dorris, Calif., as I « W W Brahs and II I. Clay
mb of Aahland were fishing at
the mill there is closed this week
U»’ Woods Thursday.
• Mr and Mrs W O. Martin,
Mr and Mrs D. F Korth W I
The many friends of Ham Evans
Seibert. Louise Martin, Ma I m * I Met- will regret to learn of his death,
calfe, J. H Williams and Alice which occurred last Sunday morn­
Metcalfe enjoyed a picnic In Uthla ing at his home lie hail been In
park Monday
ill health for several months The
• Mrs Mark True attended a pic- Evans family arc former residents
nic birthday dinner given In honor of Bellview and still own n ranch
of Mrs J. F. Keeney of Aahland In the community Mra Evans and
daughter Ella survive
• Mr and Mrs Ray Clary and
family and Mr and Mrs. t Walter
Sexton and daughter Elizabeth of
Klamath Falls «pent the week end
and Monday with Mr. and Mia
I Ed Grimm Mra Clary and Mia
, Sexton are daughters of Grimma
• Miss Edna Hash la entertaining
her cousin. Carl Harris, for aev
oral daya He plana to leave Boon
for Alaska, where he will apend
the summer.
Good Burglary Insurance!
Here’s one instance where the best burglary
insurance is the cheapest. Thieven ulwayH
choose a dark house with shadows to hide
their prowling . . . leave a light burning and
they’ll leave YOUR house alone! When away
for a week-end, or out for the evening, re­
member that a nickel’s worth of electricity
will protect hundreds of dollars worth of be­
Ashland Light Department
“Your SERVIL E Department
CULMER’S Transfer
D iamond «
The Three Pals
That Jolly Well Make
Beer A Pleasure!
Bohemian Club
AL BROWER, Proprietor
What Ashland Makes, Makes Ashland
Sparkling in streamlined beauty, this new Wedgewood brings you1
2-in-l value ... perfect cooking plus healthful, economical gas heating^
of kitchen and adjoining room or rooms. Yet it costa no more than
an ordinary range if you buy now. ★ Note these thrilling,
features: Speed-plus-simmer burners that give
•touu* A3600
every heat variation. Extra-low temperature oven, heavily
SftO* vài
insulated for cool cooking. Astogril Broiler that sears and
broils in half the time. Automatic lighting. Built-in circu­
lating heater that operates at amazingly low cost. ★ Here
is an outstanding bargain—/or a limited time only. Order
now, pay on terms to suit your purse.
10c per gal.