SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 LIFE’S BYWAYS! Southern Oregon Miner in kutinc Editor and Publisher ★ ★ Entered as second-class mattar February 16. 1936. at the postofflce at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. TELEPHONE 170 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR........... JI.61 SIX MONTHS........ 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) “THE TRUTH HUT SET YOU FREE” ★ ★ • BELLVIEW • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black and Mr. and Mrs. James Bozeman left for their homes in Los Angeles Wednesday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mark True. During their visit here they aaw Platt dam and Crater lake. They returned by way of the coast route, stopping at the Oregon Caves. Mr. and Mrs. Black are former residents of Ashland. • The Bellview Grange announces a dance for Friday evening, July 1. Dickey's orchestra will furnish music and refreshments will be served at midnight. • Mrs. Archie Kincaid and Mrs. Bessie Hamaker of Ashland made a business trip to Medford Wed- nesday. • The Neil creek school election was held Monday evening. Mr. Kerby was elected director and Mrs. A. R. Kincaid reelected to position of clerk for another year. • Miss Eunice Kincaid returned Wednesday evening from Port­ land, where she has spent a short time visiting friends and relatives. She attended the Rose festival while there. • Annual school election was held at the Bellview school Monday evening. Walter Longstreth was elected to serve as director and Mrs. Charles Anderson was re­ elected clerk. • Miss Beryl King, who recently moved to Hazel Creek, Calif., but who is back in Ashland for a short time, spent Wednesday and Thurs­ day visiting at the home of Miss Fem Weanus. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gowland, who recently purchased land on Walker avenue, are building a new home. • Jack, Veeda and Dale Williams and Bob and Betty Dunn and Bernie Helms, who have attended the 4-H summer school in Corval­ lis, .returned Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Longstreth and Mr. and Mrs. George Helms met them at Medford. Dale Williams and Lyn- dal Newbry of Talent, tied for second place in stock judging. Bob Dunn placed fourth and Jack Wil­ liams fifth. The boys competed, with 400 other 4-H members. • Mrs. Herman Helm returned Thursday from Roseburg where she met her sister who returned with her to spend a short time. • John Arnold, who has been ill for some time, is improving. • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hopkins are the parents of a two weeks old girl, Evelyn June. Mrs. Hopkins and the baby are staying at the Albert Arnold home. • Mrs. W. R. McCool of San Francisco is spending several days at the Richard Joy home. Mrs. McCool is a sister of Mrs. Joy. • Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Snyder have sold their place to Mr. and Mrs Badger. The Sniders have stored their furniture and are making an • I R llnrkadale la ill ut hla home on Scenic drive 9 Perry Ashcraft of Medford called on Aahland friend’ Tu< iday • Harold Wright am! Forre» Hall of Long llcaNAY I RX FbKHISHLP My HuSB**’*< Pin Hit C aja . IT "UASMAfíS HuSHlhKkOK^ Vou'P fU ÎÏjKPKtScy W mat AN LPT sj CT Ti*S J/ ca V /P aa Leonard N. Hall Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON Friday, June 24, 1038 Bring your home com­ pletely up-to-date with ultra­ modern gs* heating. Banish forever fuel handling, stor­ age, »moke, ashes, odor and inconvenience. * With a gas "forced-air" unit, a 6nger-