SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 LIFE’S BYWAYS! Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON Leonard N. Hall Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice al Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR $1 56 SIX MONTHS 80c i Mailed Anywhere in the Uniteti Sta tea) ★ II 1 1 You cam Bo*sr or Tut mi cuanicai wcmpi ma oithí . TULStNI ACK ANP AXk IHATIS Fl ME. Foie 5ilUP A9P LUX uriou $ rrV£ a - T)<*r OMC£ KMLW of the administration in pow-er, regardless of what is taking place. They demand absolute, unfettered free­ dom, and forthwith grind out unfree thoughts and words for their "protected” readers. Perhaps the greatest cradle of the real free press of America is in the small town publications—prin­ cipally the weeklies—which still delight in referring to crooks as crooks, bum politicians as bum politicians, and damned fools as such. And. it might be pointed out, the only reason they have been able to get awa^' with it without being sued out of their buildings and hell boxes is because objects of their candor know- darned well they wouldn’t have much if the court gave ’em keys and deeds to the weeklies and a year’s supply of newsprint as balm. • Mr and Mrx .1 W McCoy re­ turned Sunday from San Fran- > cisco after two wix-kx vacation ■ there • Mri Arthur King inec Fern Madden) arrived Tuesday from Rio Vixta, Calif , to vlxit her par­ ent«, Mr anil Mix A A Madden , • Mr and Mr« A I. Coggin« | and .laughter Alice are «pending the holiday« In Berkeley with rel- | alive«. ridge Gray, John Arnold, Mrs Taylor Williams and Mr anil Mrx Richard C Joy • Mi and Mrx Arthur Hendrick- son of Axtoria, Ore., visited Friday and Saturday with Mr and Mtn J O. Talent. Hendrickson is Mrs Talent’s brother • The Bellview school will hold its Christmas entertainment on Thursday, Dec 23 Mina Eunice Hager will have her room present the play, Christmas Gifts; Mixa Quimby's room, The Day After, and Mr Balding'x _ group. What Made the Chimes Ring The par­ ents are invited to attend • Mrs J O Talent. Mrs Gordon Duffield and Jeanette Talent made I day afternoon with Mr and Mrs a trip to Medford Wednesday | Mark True. • Mrs Gray returned Sunday • Mrs John Heasenauer, Mrx W from the hospital where she un­ O. Martin and Louise made a I derwent a major operation re­ business trip to Medford Wednes­ cently. day morning. • The Bellview Grange lx holding • Mr. and Mrs Van King, jr., left a dance Friday evening at the Wednesday for their former home Grange hall In addition to the in Los Angeles, Calif , to spend usual amusement«, a candy xale lx the Christmas holidays with their to be held Mix I E Deadmond lx parents and relatives. chairman of the sale • Dale Williams spent last Sat­ • Mr an