SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, December 3. 1937 Png« 3 About People You Know! ] ■i L___ .__ ____ —____ _.................... ....... ........ ........... 3E lì Ÿ SATURDAY FOOD BARGAINS! Phone Your Order for FREE DELI VER Y-Just Call 156 POTATOES is FÄ., 29c GRAPEFRUIT, Arizona, 8 for ORANGES, 2 dozen for CAULIFLOWER, per head LETTUCE, Home Grown, Large Heads, each BANANAS, 4 pounds for CRANBERRIES, 2 pounds for 25C 25c IOC 5C 100 pounds C&H .......... $5.49 $1.51 25 pounds C&H 10 pounds C&H 62c U. S. No. 2 lOO-pound sack GRAPEFRUIT, Florida, No 2 Tin, 3 for 41c CORN, Whole Kernel. No. 2 Tin, 3 for 43c PEAS S&W Petit Pois, No. 2 Tin, 3 for 63c CRANBERRY SAUCE, Trupack or Royal Club 15c Stringless Beans, Royal Club Asparagus pack, 3 for 47c KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP, quart. 33c Pearl Shortening 4 pounds 49c 29c pound WHITE HOUSE DRIFTED SNOW COFFEE FLOUR 49 pounds $1.98 In A Glass Jar 25c pound East Side & Plaza Meat Markets r EAST SIDE PHONE 188 FREE DELIVERY PURE LARD, per pound - 15c PORK SHOULDER 17c LEG OF PORK 22C HAMBURGER, Lb. 15c LEAN CUBES, pound 15c BEEF STEAK, lb 15C-25C COLORED HENS ON ONE HOUR’S NOTICE pound 25c MAKKK'r PHONE 5« ROASTS, lb., 10c-15c LEGO LAMB lb. 221C LAMB SHOULDER 15c DRENE 49' TOY Liiterine Headquarters • HILTS NEWS • • Mr and Mrs Jack Clark and family spent Thanksgiving day with Mr and Mrs James Stevens at Fort Jones. • Mr and Mrs Elmer Jackson and son Jack spent the week-end in Dorris with relatives • Mr and Mrs Clinton Cobb spent Thursday in Medford • W. W Walker and family at tended a theater in Yreka TI iiiih - day evening. • Mr and Mrs Gran and son spent Thursday afternoon and evening in Medford. • Mr and Mrs Scott Willis were guests of Mr. and Mrs Robert Grlbcrg Wednesday and Thursday. • Nina Hess of Ashland was in Hilt Friday. • Mi and Mrs Frank Ward en* tertaincd a few friends at their home Friday evening Those pres­ ent were Mr and Mrs Fred Hevnes Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilberg, Mr. and Mis Jack Clark and Mr. and Mrs McCullough. Luncheon was served • Mr. and Mrs Richard Williams and son Russell were in Medford Saturday • Mi. and Mrs J. Clark called on Walter Freshour at Klamath River j Sunday. . • Mr and Mrs. Bradfield and Mr and Mrs Vernal Nebeker motored to Medford Saturday. • The Hornbrook Sunday school joined with the Hilts Sunday | school in joint services Sunday Castoria ?, 27c SEE OUR DISPLAYS r 24' I Gillette I Blue 30c BROMO Seltzer I Blades i 25' ’ !° 49c * Pertvet ion 25c CLEANSING TISSUES BISODOL &>". 26c Powder ’1*4 Lotnr» m white and 21' < hoirr of many paa lei «Ladra I Keller • Analgesic Balm 39' 75c Carters PILLS 59' Prince Albert Model Dill’s Best Velvet Granger Rough (’ut Site • 23' 3 oz. ROASTS, pound - 15c STEW LUNCH LOAF, Lb. 30c Disinfectant 23' ‘ 39 50c IPANA 1 Tooth Paste I 39' 67c COFFEE MAKER tf Cup 10 9 Fluid i 68c 69c 79c 68c l)rin Typr Cleaning . • ■ Valentine ' HAIR TONE CHRISTMAS WKAI’I’EI» (Pound Tins) Ju ¡trill' LYSOL 1 Cream and blue finish port plain enamel,rhromr lid_____________ 25c Chocolate EX-LAX 21' 1 ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS II» and 60-Watt 5 for 27c 'i-Heat Adjuilabl 50c HEATING PAD Woodbury Creams Real Value Hi*. 2 MOUTH WASH Pint 1)1 IX 3 for 5c PORK SAUSAGE, pound - 15c 1 c TOOTH PASTE VEAL SHOULDER PICKLES w ☆ 69c Half or W hole MINERAL BOARD Roches fu// he - POTATOES HAMS • .1 C Broady of Auburn, Neb..*« father of Pell and John Broadv. , arrived tn this city Tuesday for a visit • Warren Oksoa. former SONS student, arrived Sunday from his home In Hayward, Calif., and is spending several days In Ashland with Limey Williamson • Mrs K .1 Madden and young sou Bobby of Klamath Falls, who have been visiting at the home of tVfINING prospects may be rei- M M Blower. Mis Maelelen's falli vived in southern Oregon, ac­ er, since Tuesday, planned to re­ cording to an Oregon State* De­ turn home today • Mi and Mrs C II Thomas i e- partment of Mineral Industries re- That turned Tuesday front a northern peirt sent out this week trip which took Mrs Thomas to chromite* and either metals former­ Portland and her husband to Eu­ ly mined hen* are* coming back < IIKISTM \S ( IKIM4 gene for attendance at the Shrine was indicated by the elepartment, See our display of quality greet­ which continued: ceremonial there • Bob Blaylock has been em­ Chromite* was ndneel In seaith* ing carda Your mum* Imprinted In ployed in the Kitchen of the Lithi* e«ni Oregon during the* World war Holiday Text, complete with 21 hotel coffee shop Dedriek Wil­ but activities nil but censed with assorted cards, 21 envelopes, $1 75 liamson. present chef, will leave the* armistice, elm* to a collapse toi Reno Dee 15 eif the* market Within the* last few • Mi and Mrs Paul Horne and years the* economic situation for * baby returned to Klamath Falls chreemlte has undergone consider* Monday after a week-end spent in able* revision and this mineral Is * * Ashland tn greater demand with a higher • Bill Leever, Bud Kincaid Bai price* bara Kay ami Eleanor Oium re­ Preespecting for chromite In turned to OSC Sunday following southern Oregon has been rather the holidays difficult The* iiren Is covered with • Twenty-one finest quality . ....... a heavy growth of vegetation ing cards, all different, 21 envel­ which tends to conceal the out­ THE MODERN FUEL opes and your mime imprinted on crops and the* deposits themselves the cards in Holiday Text, all for ere usually quite* ¡seekety in na­ only $1,75 One-day service The ture* Dr F W Le*e, geophysicist Southern Oregon Miner, 167 East of the* I’ S Geological survey, Main, phone 170 has been retained by the State* • Dr and Mre R E Walker, Department of Geology mid Min­ who spent Thanksgiving m Port eral Industries to conduct some land at the home of Mrs Walker's experiments with geophysical parents. Mr and Mrs N V Mm prospecting for chromite* In aouth- ray. came back to Ashland Sun- ern Oregon The scientific appar­ day atus Is being use-el in areas about • Mr und Mrs Cheater < Mac­ which there Is considerable knowl­ Cracken left for New York en y edge* of the* geology and the re­ X Thursday morning following sev- sults of the- apparatus will Is* eral days spent at the home of checked against the* geology to MSI MacCracken's parents, Dr. und iscertain if this type* of prospect­ Mrs Gordon MacCraeken Another ing can I m * used to advantage If son. Gordon MacCraeken Jr., left the* methetd proves satisfactory, it c the same day for Portland will I m * a great besim tee chromite • Alice Coggins left Sunday to mining ami exploration By this c resume her studies at tJ of O. means many new deposits of 1 • Dr E G Everett. M D. phy­ chromite may be located sician and surgeon. Hersey build­ Ulf The* situation in regard to man- I ing. office phone 1M-J, residence 18-L ijtlcl • Jean Ciaycomb returned to Portland Sunday morning after vacationing at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs II L Clay­ comb. She is a student at Reed college • Mt and Mrs Otis Johnson m.I young son of Henley spent Thanksgiving in Ashland at the home of Dr. and Mrs R L Burdic • Mt and Mrs Larkin Grubb and two sons were in Klainath Falls f Sunday 60c 75c • Frances Hardy returned to her teaching position in Roseburg and 11 >b Haidy to U of O Sunday after Shampoo Antiseptic: vhiting at the home o* their par- « | enls, Mr and Mrs J H. Hardy V, • Investigate modern chiropractic Dr C C i 460 Boulevard. phone 4H ( r><;< I I Orh, C. R. W. • Mr and Mrs Frank Bechtel Mechanical Toys, Itoli» anil and daughter of Klamath Falls Games—Toys of all kinds! I were Thanksgiving visitors at the 3-01. Site I*' E Russlll home • * e o’1'* foel that SUGAR SWIFT’S PREMIUM gañese* is considerably like that for chromite The change In eco minile conditions makes it possible* to consider seriously deposits which have not bei-n economically workable in thè past ami whlcli muy now tic of cemsldcrable* itti- i iinlng port ance e w i ,ii i.. \ thè engineer, I h re*ill vestigli! Illg manganese areas in thè llght of market eondltlons At modern ■ present he I h located at Medfoid 'mid is working in the latke Creek land Evans Creek district While these deposits are* undoubtedly low guide*, if It can Is* shown that then* Is considerable* tonnage* H may be possible to get suine mines into production • • Mi and Mis Fl ink W ild ani family were* In Medford Saturday • Prau-Doux (Po-Do) PLAYING CARDS Bridge nr Pmnchle UU Quality linen finish t It nice of design« •Ss,»// / PLUTO WATER : « <>