SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pagw 2 Friday, December 3, 1937 Chief 'raient Wired For Sound al Station • BELLVIEW • • Mr and Mrs James Metcalfe and Alice and Kenneth Metcalfe were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs W. H Hill of Fourth street in Ashland Sunday. Hamilton is • Miss Adeline spending this wtVk in Ashland with Mr and Mrs Earnest Rogers. Mrs Rogers is Miss Hamilton's sister. • Mr and Mrs Leon Judd. Leona May and Charles Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and daugh­ ter Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs Mer­ win Arnett and daughter Suzanne were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E Bell and family Thanks­ giving • Mr. and Mrs Lester Ives of Vallejo. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Har­ ris Holmboe of San Francisco, the Rev. and Mrs. Janies H Edgar and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mont­ gomery were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C B Lam­ kin. Mr. and Mrs Ives and AI r and Mrs. Holmboe returned to their homes Saturday. • Miss Rosemary Bell spent the the Thanksgiving holidays at Charles Miller home in Klamath Falls, returning Saturday evening to her home. • Mr. and Mrs. Mark True made a business trip to Medford Tues­ day. • Mr and Mrs. John Hessenauer were dinner guests of Mr. and • Order your printed Christmas cards now! The Miner has a new high quality assortment of greet­ ings packed 21 DIFFERENT cards to the box. complete with 21 en­ velopes and your name imprinted in Holiday Text for only $1.75! One-day service, imprinted in our and Nirs with her parents. own shop. C. Joy. Miss Joy is teaching A Mrs. Ed Hininger Friday evening. the Silverton high school. • Kenneth Bell was among the in 1 Ashland high football boys to re­ • Mi, and Mrs Roy Hessenauer of 1 Klamath Falls visited Wedpes- ceive his letter last Wednesday. • Miss Beth Joy returned to Sil­ day -• with Mr and Mrs John Hes- verton, Ore., Sunday after spend- senauer. ing the Thanksgiving holidays* Mrs Gordon Duffield, who has OPENS TONIGHT! XX lildiiws /'IIIF.F OF POLICE TALENT Monday proudly display Ing In hi« of­ fice n handsomely executed certificate of life membership in the Hot Squat society, hon orarj (or ornery I local frater nity of the Vsliland fir«- de part men I. Sealed officially and llluinlmlted by a jugged streak of lightning, the document 1« complete with the following -»ell explanatory text: "To w horn it may cnni-eni, greetings: "These presents attest that Chief of Police Charlie Tai ent lias undergone the cor­ poreal stimulation, exper­ ienced the excitement, felt In it« fulsome and protraided ex­ tent th«- ordeal of Electric Chair, the terrible see situated in the recreation room of the Ashland fire department's quarters located ill the citi hall, lit Vshland, lu the conn ty of Jackson, »tute of tire gon—so help us, host-men! "Furthermore, and stuff— that said party of the first part showed plainly evident ability to Take II. that said party retained hi« physiog­ nomical composure, maintain ed an even tenor of temper, anil passed the trial not only with flying colors but in such it manner as to Is- n*com- n tended for and receive lion onihle mention. "Though It must lie admit ted in all truth that said party showed signs of getting a hot shot of high voltage electricity in the seat of his pant« mid adjacent parts, and that said party quivered arduously, to say the least—and who would n’t! "To all of which we hereby, herein, hen-on and therefore set our hands and seal this 211th day of November, IWS7, in solemn commemoration of that dire event Inst evening above described—and we do mean dire. C. ■I. Baughman, Fire Chief Himself. L. •M. WILSON. Hosehandler Prima- Facie ■I. N. King. Engineer and Extinguisher Salesman. PHOTOGRAPHS ARE ON THE WANTED LIST’’ A4 Make Your Appointment Now Avoid the Rush! been ill with tonsilitis. Is much . improved. • Donald Farmer is ill at his hoire with rheumatic fever • Mr and Mrs John Hessenauer were guests at a dinner held for them in Medford Sunday by the I members of the Lutheran church I there. • Charleen Byrd is ill at her i home with a cold ami is unable to I continue her studies at school • Mr and Mrs Jack Walker. Mr and Mrs Jobbins and family and Mrs Hunter and daughter Ruby were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs R L Brantley Thanksgiving • Mr and Mrs D. Woodworth have purchased acreage near the Homer Moore ranch and plan to build a home there. • Mrs Edwin Dunn and Mrs Walter Longatreth made a busi­ ness trip to Medford Wednesday • Ml BD I MH F:Ml liar I and to attend a meeting in interest of I family of Crescent City sja-nt the Extension unit leaders Mrs i Thanksgiving with Hart’s parents, Purdue of Oregon State college ' Mr. and Mrs Frank Hart. conducted the meeting. • Mrs Francis Tame at Ortffta • Mr and Mrs. Harry Stems of- | creek is staying with her son Lysle Rogue River were Thanksgiving while Mrs Tame is visiting her dinner guests of Mr and Mrs I parents in Calif. Homer Moore and Barbara Jean • Mr and Mrs;.i N’< ther • ’rhe Upper Valley Community lands and two sons of Butte Falls club will hold Its meeting Wed­ were guests of Mr Netherlands’ nesday of next week Mrs Ben mother, Mrs Meda Fox, Thanks- Christlieb of Ashland, Mrs Homer giving day. Moore and Mrs A. C Joy will act • Delta Thompson visited Helen as hostesses for the afternoon. A Hewitt in Phoenix over the week- covered dish luncheon will be end. served after which the Christmas • Epworth league resumed meet- tree and gifts will be enjoyed. ings for the winter at the Metho­ • The Home Extension unit held dist church Sunday night its meeting today. Mrs Edwin • Mrs Joe Spitzer underwent an Dunn and Mrs. Longstreth con­ operation for appendicitis Tuesday ducted the meeting, which was a at the Sacred Heart hospital in discussion on clothing accessories Medford. According to reports she Mrs Chester Applegate and Mrs is recovering satisfactorily. Ross Applegate acted as hostesses • Mr and Mrs R !•' Parks wen- at the covered dish luncheon held dinner guests of Mrs Walter Bev­ at noon. Each member brought a ington Thanksgiving salad and dessert. • 4 S Crawford and E Cook • Mr. and Mrs Daniel Farmer went fishing Tuesday near Cen- and small daughter Dolores, Mi | tral Point. and Mrs Miles ~ Farmer and daugh- ter Betty lyiu, and Mr and Mrs. • Mrs Clair Preston left Wednes- Clarence Byrd and family were dinner guests of Mr and M rs. their home this week while some Willis Byrd and family for repair work is being done at the Thanksgiving. Ixmg-Bell mil) near Klamath Falls • Mr and Mrs Herman Clapp of where they are employed. Tacoma, Wash., were guests of • Miss Aileen Enlow who teaches Mr and Mrs Albert Arnold over in the Applegate district was at the Thanksgiving holidays Mr. her home during the Thanksgiving and Mrs. Clapp are aunt and un­ holiday«. cle of Mrs. Arnold • Mr. and Mrs Walter Sexter of • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard Klamath Falls visited Saturday and daughter Frances entertained and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Ed a group of their relatives at Grimm and daughter Ola May. Thanksgiving dinner at their • Mrs E. A Hamilton spent home Those present included Mr. Thursday and Friday of last week and Mrs. Avent and daughters, with Mr .and Mrs. Earnest Rogers Betty and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs' of Ashland. Mrs. Rogers is a Ivan Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. A R daughter of Mrs. Hamilton’s. Kincaid and Eunice and Leslie, • Mildred Martin started attend­ Dick Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. T A. ing the Medford Business college Morris, Mrs. Alice Cooke, Denver Monday. Kincaid, Daisy Kincaid, Leslie Lusk and Victor Berry. Dick Bail­ ey, who attends Oregon State and is a member of the same house as Leslie Kincaid, came as his guest. They returned Sunday. Victor Berry is visiting at the Howard home from New York City • R. E.’Bell and son Bob are at Here’s an eea solution to lour gift problem . gin- >our photo! fieri receiver of this ”|H*rsomill/«sl” gift will eon sider himself lurk.i, and you'll Is- saxe.l long, tedious shop­ ping trips and still have given perfect gifts! Stop In toduj — luite them taken now and mold last minute . Ilushnell Perkins’ modern mcttnxts will produce pictures of remark able air units—ur>uosi as lifelike as jour Image In the mirror, at very reasonable prices! BUSHNELL-PERKINS STUDIO IIOMKllI I.OYEIA POR TR \|TS'’ A A-l Klamath Hay................... ton $18.00 Ground Barley........................ cwt. $1.50 Cracked Corn ......................... cwt. $2.00 POTATOES AND FLOUR ANCHOR AND TRIANGLE BRANDS DAIRY AND POULTRY FEEDS MORE THAN CHRISTMAS IS IN SIGHT Ves, indeed! With the hull- days come« co-o-o-old weath­ er. and a definite need for winter oils and greases In your car—If It Is to get any kind of a break at all. i im - SHELLUBRICATION bring her into the pink of condition for frigid c II iim - s . We to It that your car Is thoroughly winterized according to Shell's rigid s|H-cif l< ntlons. Change over to winter lubrlciuite With the help of ART COOPER BUD GANDEE Main und Second Streets Phone 1170 day morning for Denver, Colo, where she will join her husband, who is employed there as a phar­ macist. • Oeoi | IN BELLVIEW • What Ashland Makes, Makes Ashland • PASTEURIZED MILK ASHLAND CREAMERY BUTTER SHASTA ICE CREAM CHURNED BUTTERMILK---- 10c per gal. ASHLAND CREAMERY PHONE 24 HERBERT’S TWO STORES Headquarter« for Buying and Selling of Fruits and Vegetable« How About Sending the Folks Back Home a Box of Ashland’s Famous Apples? GIVE 1'8 THE ADDRESS —WE WILL DO THE REST WE DELIVER neaday from southern California, where she has been visiting with relatives • Mr and Mrs Roland Parks of Malin spent the Thanksgiving hol­ iday with their parents in Ash- land and Talent • Mr and Mrs Bob I>>gan and family and Ben Webster «pent Thanksgiving with their parents. Mi and Mrs. John Webster « VVE DELIVER—PHONE 1H0 FLANDERS FARMERS’ MARKET PHONEM • • TALENT • Twinkling, Thrill Packed Spectacle! A riot o^flascinzting fun, with V thousand and one attractions! Come io*and enjoy yourself while you shop. Giv* more, spend lei«., buy Penney gifts! » I hirliiR Tonl|(ht*» ( liilstiinis Opening ! See Our Christmas Window Tonight! I / z ACCESSORIES MAKE IDEAL GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY TO ENJOY! Make your ear comfortable and safe for cold weather driving rind give the whole family—as well as yourself—a break! |ft; We have a complete and varied stock of winter car comfort needs in a price range that will save you money. Included are if... car heaters, defrosters, felt btu k floor mats, batteries, car and truck, horns, air electric, cigar lighters, fog lights, tire chains, Air Chief del roster fans ami many other helps. We also are Ashland headquarters for dozens of attractive chromium doll- up accessories. Shop Harrison's—we’ll lie glad to help you. xr II1"" ? p 1 • ¿4 V Qi Qi Qi