Friday, November 26, 1937 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Howard Wiley Tries i Hugh Nichols, Star Revival At Nazarene Shirley Temple Coming to Varsity Sunday As Petite Co-Star of Kipling Lancer Tale For New Stale Job i Wrestler, To Appear Church Draws Crowd On Monday Eve Card Howard Wiley, soi^ of Mayor T Accoruing to the Rev. E, E. s Wiley, is among applicants who will take examination this morn­ ing at th«* Medford high mc ) i « h >I building for positions which will open under the new state unem­ ployment eoiiipeiisation cumini»- sion set-up which will be inaug­ urated Jan !. 193k Wiley will try for on«* of two poMitloii.s. inter­ mediate accounting clerk «ir Jun­ ior accounting clerk Th«* new compensation arrange meiits will include a group of of­ ficials whose duty It will be’ to hear eases for claims and to hand down proper decisions Many of tin* new employes will work nt the task of handling th«* complex system of records Th«* state is to be divided Into six districts and alsnit eight or 10 men will be required to care for each «listilet Certain educa­ tional and experience requisites must be met by aspirants for cucii position and a grade of 70 |>er cent is the minimum allowed any participant in the competitive rx- amination Wordsworth, resident pastor, re­ vival meetings at the Ashland Church ot the Nazarene are prov­ ing very successful and attract­ ing large crowds nightly to the church. The Rev. Mr. Woidsworth also announced that the Young Peo­ ple s zone convention wall be held here Friday and Saturday, Dec. 3 and 4, with members from Klam­ ath Falls, Giants Pass. Medford, Talent and other towns in the dis­ trict attending. The Rev Leonard Hannon of Prospect is chairman for the confab where papers and discussions will outline the work of the group. Washington Girl Buys Beauty Shop Portia McKeen, beautician, this week announced the purchase of Mary's Beauty salon, North Main street, from Mrs. Glen Edgehill I nee Mary Powell). Miss McKeen, who has had sev­ eral years experience at beauty shop operation in Everett, Wash., says that she will continue to use the present business name for an indefinite period. Mrs. Edgehill will make her home in Albany where her hus­ band is employed. QI NDAY, Monday and Tuesday th«* Varsity th«*ater Mill present * Shirle« I'etnple in “Wee Willi«* Winkle," Rudyard Kipling'» heroic story of adventure in th«* land of th«* Bengal lamcers. < «> »tarring with Shirley ar«* Victor McLaglen, ('. Aubrey Smith, June l^uig and Cesar Romero. ASHLAND WILL ‘OPEN’ DEC. 3 i Continue«! from page 1) X Today & Saturday! ^ieatu/uL^ Carence E MULEOMFS RIDES , AGAIN NORA LANE George HAYES plus BEKT WHEELER KOB’T WOOLSEY in Ml ON AGAIN OFF AGAIN” SUN • MON «TUE 2-FEATURES-2 I also will exhibit prizes Some others who have not yet been contacted also are expected to swell the total before the gala event. Prize and ( anti Donor» Listed Ashland Laundry. Harrison Parts. Claycomb Motor company. Litwiller Funeral home. Texas service station, Wolff’s service station. Amos' second-hand store. Madden's Tire shop. West Side Grocery, Nutter and Moore. Mary's Beauty salon. Plaza Bar­ ber shop. O’Harra's grocery. Plaza grocery. Daugherty's market. ~ Reception Cleaners. Wardrobe pool hall, Simpson's hardware. Plaza McNair Drug company, cate. Parr's Trade shop, Jones the Jeweler, — — Peil's Implement store, Lithia Plumbing and Heat ing, Western Auto Supply store (Jim Starbuck), Ashland Dally Tidings, Taylor's lunch. First National bank. Hotel Ash­ land Garage and Service station. Ashland Hotel Beauty shop. En­ gle and Thomas. Ashland hotel. J D Mars and Son, Whittle Transfer company, Billings Insur­ ance agency, Log Cabin, John Loughlin, printer. W W. Robison Real Estate agency, O B Dews. Mitchell’s Barber shop. Herbert's grocery, Bairds' cafe. Westfall Va­ riety store. Postal Telegraph, Oak Street garage, Copco. Icenhower’s New. and Second-hand store, Moore’s confectionery, Provost brothers. Ted's Feed store, Jacks' Fix-It shop. Mac's Shoe shop. Sniders' Coffee house. Ingle Drug company, ^Vick’s Furniture store. Bushnell-Perkins studio. South­ ern Oregon Gas company. Slade Songer’s Jewelry store. VaLere’s cafe, Broady Brothers Drug com­ pany. J. C. Penney company. Pal­ ace cafe. Southern Oregon Miner. Standard cleaners. Al Jordan. Stevens Meat market, Schuer- man's grocery, the Waffle shop, Bohemian club. J P Dodge and cafe, Lithia Sons, Nininger's bakery, Fortmiller’s Jordan’s Electric. Betty Jane Dress shop. Ashland Flower shop. East Side pharmacy, Lithia Bar­ ber and Beauty shop. Safeway store. Mother Goose shop, Erwin Insurance agency, Bee-Line pro­ ducts. Kent’s cafeteria, Hardy Ashland Groceteria, hardware. Shell service station. White House grocery. General Petroleum service station, Petersen’s Meat market, What-Not store, Kay Chevrolet and Varsity theater. BUTLER HITS ANOTHER CAR COLBERT. YOU/4G plus “Partners in Crime” with LYNNE OVERMAN ROSCOE KARNES • Evening Shows Daily Matinee Saturday FOOTBALL HIGH SCHOOL Medford 13, Eugene 7. COLLEGE \ la ba ma 9, Vanderbilt 7. Brown 7. Rutgers 8. Detroit 7, Duquesne 14. Cornell 34, Penn»ylvania 20. Tennessee 13. Kentucky 0. North Carolina 10, Virgin­ ia 0. Texas A AM 7, Texas (I. Kansas 0. Missouri 0. Hunting Out Sports By LARKY HUNTER A SHLAND high school gridsters * this week showed a healthy respect for Medford pigskin ar­ tists who trounced them on Ar­ mistice day for, when it came to selecting an all-opponent team, seven Medford first stringers were chosen from the rosters of Klam­ ath Falls, Medford and Grants Pass and three of Bowerman's boys got the nod on the second eleven. The whole thing started when Bill Hulen, sports writer on the Medford Mail Tribune, sent out ballots to writers and coaches to nd in the search for worthy as­ pirants over the entire Southern Oregon conference for positions on the annual all-star team. 1 1 1 On the ballots were mentioned the regular lineups of each team and blanks were provided so that first and second teams could be designated. Bill Bowerman. Medford ment- >r; Skeet O'Connell, local coach; Snowy Gustafson, Klamath Falls, and Loren Tuttle, Grants Pass, are the coaches who will choose players and sports scribes putting j in th’eir oars are Hulen, Sid Smith ' of the Grants Pass Courier. Asahel Bush of the Klamath News-Her­ ald and this writer. All the' coachen and newspafiermen have seen every team in action at some time during the Henson and, in some cases, against more than one conference opponent, so on the surface it seems that picking the winners is a lead-pipe cinch. However, when it got right down to cases, yours truly found that, except for one or two distinctly outstanding stars, all was not lieer and skittles. It's pretty hard to say that Joe Zilch is a better guard than Pete Burp Is a tackle merely on th«- strength of what can tie seen in the muddy pig-piles in the middle of a strange football field. of local angle on all-conference tim­ ber was gained almost completely from the results Almost completely because in a few instances wher«* there ap- peared to b«* reasonable doubt, names other than those |M>lle«l at the high school were substituted F < f At any rate, the Grizzlies threw all their weight behind the following candidates: First team: Left end. Wil­ son. Medford; right end, Mon­ teith, Me«!for«l; left tackle, Ehrhart, .Medford; right tackle, Santo, Medford; left guard, Erl, M«*dford; right guard. Conner, Grants Pass; center, Harding, Klamath Fallit ; quarterback. Root, Medford; right half, Green, Klamath Falls; left half, rtE- IInger. Medford; fullhack, (ilo- lanini, Klamath Falls. Second team: I .eft end. Bur- den. Grants Pass; right end, Huff, Klamath Falls; left tackle, Ewing. Klamath Falls; right tackle, Norton, Grants I'ass; left guurd. Manale, Grants Pass; right guard, Richardson, Medford; «•enter, Steven», Medford; quarter- buck, Angus, Klamath Falls; right half. Beck. Granta Fans; left half, Bowman, Medford; fullback. Rhoad«*s. Grants Pass. < r < In certain spots O'Connell and the writer think Ashland players should supplant out-of-town team members and. by making that re­ placement. the first stringers picked by the Grizzlies were moved to the second eleven and the player in that particular sec­ ond-team sj>ot was automatically deprived of the berth For each player getting a first team ballot two points are marked up. and one point goes to second string mention After tabulation of the eight ballots, the player polling th«* greatest number of votes for each place will get his name run up for that spot. Next greatest vote rates secon«l team award, next, first honorable men­ tion. Each player on th«* first and second teams will receive an award card from the Tribune < F / All these boys have worked hard to take the eye of this group of voters which is believed to be a fairly representative lot Na­ turally. some fans will have dis­ senting opinions and, in some cases there may be errors, because .some positions had several stel­ lar contenders between which there was little apparent differ­ ence. For the reason that selection loads an implied responsibility of keeping up the good name onto any underclassmen who will have to come back and play next year, it appears that it might be wise to choose only seniors for the honors. For instance, a boy gets the of­ ficial slap on th«* back this year and all next .season he may worry a little if he doesn't quite live up to his reputation in the first con­ test or two- an«l blooey! once he starts thinking of the stands, whether from worry or big-head­ edness, his game is shot. But the deuce of it is that un­ derclassmen can’t be ignored when they obviously are bigger stars than seniors on the same team and you can’t have everything right, anyhow, so until some one has a better idea this method will have to suffice! Spencer Woodruff, 400 Liberty street, Wednesday turned in an accident report at the police sta­ tion, claiming that G. S. Butler- had driven his car into the rear of the parked Woodruff vehicle in So, because the local footballers front of the Lithia hotel. The left rear fender, tail light and bumper probably would know more about of the parked car were damaged the ability of the guys who played opposite them more than anyone ----- . • --------- else, they were given the chance HUSCHKE ILL IN CITY to pick their opponents and the Word was received here Tues­ day night that Eric Huschke, local Southern Pacific brakeman, be­ came ill in Dunsmuir and was taken from a train there unable to complete his run into Ashland. Wednesday he was removed from 358-870 Kant Main Street— E»tabliHh«xl IU22 a Dunsmuir hospital to the rail­ road hospital in San Francisco. FARMERS MARKET-BELLVIEW HAY, GRAIN, DAIRY FEED, FLOUR POULTRY FEED, POTATOES Wood Price« Right! Battery B Claims Fast Hoop Squad Battery If Ashland unit of the Oregon National guard, will hav«* i basketball team this year which will rank among th«* strongest In­ dependent team« of this region, according to reports Tentative plans were laid Monday night at drill session Every man on the »qund is a bona fide member of th«* orgnnlza lion and in no case will "rlngcni" •>r tMirrowed players I m * used Four new court stars who caper«*«! icroaa the maple for Ashland high «-ho«d during the Inst four years will form n nucIcons of the squad which is slated for a record sea­ son. They are "Dutch" Schcidcr- ••Iter, Walt Lee, 'Tiny" Jon«*» and Iwonatd Warren Other» who will start active practice thin week-end are Jim MacCollister,.Harry Hoxie and Dean Warren, playing man­ ager. The latter three were reg­ ulars on the 193«> tram which wound up the season with 14 win» for 23 games All necessary facilities floor, showers, suits nml equipment arc at hand for the guardsmen at the locnl armory, ami Capt Charles Delsmun has indicated enthusiasm for the idea The battery boys will use the O'Connell system of play to a luig«- extent and will try to sched­ ule games with secondary high schools, guard units from Grants Pass, Medford ami Klamath Falla, BONK Frosh and independent teams WANT ADS FORDS FOR SALE! Look Th«*»«* Over Before You Buy 193d Ford DeLuxe Sedan 1931 Ford De Lux«* Roadster 1930 Foni Coupe 1929 Ford Coupe 1933 Forti Ihckup 1931 Ford Panel Many Other» Very I^>w Down Payment Very Easy Monthly Payments Buy in Ashland! CLAYCOMB MOTOR COMPANY Phone 50 Ashland «I George Carey Is ill nt tils His kiyou boulevard home from an i ttuck of gallstones «• Mi and Mrs W l> nml son Virgil motored ««■lit City over Thanksgiving ARSITV A WAlIltH UVUlfft INltWSIIU -----------------I’hoiD* 22----------------- Today & Saturday! COMING SUN • MON «TUE Prices M ATI NEES EVENINGS 25r 35c KIDDIES I Oc ANY TIME EVENING PRICES PREVAIL SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS ST( DENTS 25c ON MONDAYS, TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS “THE MIKADO” Í SPONSORED BY Ashand Lodge No. 944, B.P.O.E \ Musical Comedy With a Semi-Professional Cast Ender Direction of George W. Maddox OESER’S Super Service STATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION AGAINST A FREEZE-UP: PRESTONE GLYCERINE LET US SERVE YOU Phone 180 Monday night wrestling fans of southern Oregon will have a tieat ill store for them when Hugh N.chols. former light-heavyweight wrestling champion, will tangle with Jimmy laitt The match promises to be a good feature in any nuui's ring, according to follower» It will be the first Medford ap­ pearance for Nichols The middle bout will find an­ other local favorite, Steve Str«*- licli. matched with Joe Sinolliiaki, th«* "Putrid Pole" who knowa ull th«* mustn't hold» Two weeks ago he foute«i hia way to a win over Steve ami the rematch Monday has the eai marks of a grudg«* evener Another popular wrestler will appear In the opening event In the person of Popeye Pat O'Brien, who will meet a newcomer. Phil Romano of Mexico City Romano is making hl» initial ap­ pearance In Oregon ami is said io I m * of th«* tall, rangy stock and a clean wrestler who pleases funs and wins popularity wherever he wrestles Opening gong, according to Promoter Mack Lillard, will la* at 8:30 p m sharp in th«* Medford armory BEST SERVICE SUPER PYRO ALCOHOL I LIKE TO HERVE YOU DR. W. OESER THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 2 (DON'T FORGET THE DATE!) Lithia Theater ADMISSION 7 h and XI.00 SECTION RESERVED FOR CHILDREN—35« :