SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Friday, October 8, 1937 I‘etc Belcastro And ('lernens Will Meet In Armory Wrestle Coming direct from sensational successes in Seattle, Portland and other large west coast theaters. 'The Darktown Scandals." world's outstanding all-colored musical re­ vue will appear in a special one- day engagement at the Lithia theater Wednesday. Featuring 35 black and tan en- tertainers direct from the heait of Harlem, the “Darktown Scandals" is the fastest, the peppiest and flashiest stage revue on tout in America today. The show head­ lines Ida Cox. world famous blues singer, the Cotton Pickers, fam­ ous Victor recording orchestra. a • John Billings. CCC instructor at Lava Beds camp, visited last week-end at his home here. • LaVem Dalkenberg of Lake­ view spent the week-end in Ash­ land. • Mr. and Mrs Wallace Wolcott and Bill Porter have gone to Lake­ view where Wolcott and Porter are employed on a construction crew. r DOPEY the Dope! TODAY ONLY ITS THE TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT! HE ML 4 ” TERROR - INTO /; THIEVES -■nd lov« info th« heart* of hi« comrade«! Clarence E. Mulford's OF H THE I TEH Heh! Heh! Six out of 12 1 A last week and only missed the SONS-Albany and Oregon - St. Marys games by a point apiece. which is no worse than the place­ kickers did.' Although missing the exact score. Dopey picked the precise ' margin by «yhich Ashland beat j Grants Pass in their mud-slinging I bee and, by watching that fight- I ing bunch of die-hards from Hood River last Friday, became recon- ciled early to making a wrong guess there. Bill Bowerman should speak to his boys, though— pick them to lose and they win. pick them to be top-kick and they're just a buck private in the rear rank. No consistency! Idaho done the Dope dirty and. as for Minnesota, veil, Ay soom- tam t'eenk he ban leave da Cop­ enhagen to home! However, the satisfied customers broke even on the day and so did Dopey. He wagered 25 cents (five whole nickels, one-quarter part of a dollar, mind you!» on St Marys, but with the stipulation of tie, no bet! So, here we go again. Everybody on, and the lucky guy who grabs the brass ring gets a free ride! NOTRE DAME-ILLINOIS: The hustling Hibernians used six teams to beat Drake and they'll WILLIAM BOYD GEORGE HAYES BERNADENE HAYES RUSSELL HAYDEN A Pva-aemM Warner BAXTER Myrna LOY in SUNDAY-MONDAY MOTORISTS Pet«1 Belcastm, i sou (lie rn Ore- glut's super in« ante wrestler. will , tangle with Frankie i- Clemens, the Indian woiuhi Ixiy of Oklahoma, j in the main event of Promote i [ Mack Lillard's weekly groan con test al the Medloid armory Mon- : day night Uleinelis* death-defying parulyz- el hold has won a great many matches for him in his many up peaiunces heli- and the hold will go a long way toward winning ovet Belcastro if he can apply it to th«- big Italian In the middle main «-vent fans will need colored glasses and u sens«* of humor when Iws Wolfe, the terrible Texan, meets Gorilla Pogi, the Argentili«- terror In Wolfe's last match Pogi referetMl t,he bout ami sided against Wolf«*, so revenge attempts may be ex- peeled Opening this ull-stai card will ! come a new meanie under th«' name of Glen Stone from Olvmpia, Wash. He wilT meet Frank Mur­ dock. the fast and clever lad from Oklahoma Stone formerly wies- tied here affimt two years ago under the name of Billy Newman Opening bell will i>< ,ii g .(o p in. c ( unipare Our Quality and Price SAVE W ITH SAFETY AT STARBUC K’S ¿7 « PENN SUPREME MOTOR O il , !u (In lour Container) LONG-RUN WESTERN, gallon 33c (In bmr Container) TOP DRESSING SMALL SPOT LIGHT ELECTRIC DEFROSTER up 95c $1.95 29c I IRES Al (.REMIT ItEDI < ED s \I.Es l*l{l( ES! JIM STARBUCK use six points to whup the llllni \t I ItORI/ DE II.EII into submission. DUQUESNE: PITTSBURGH Here's where the beanstalk falls on Jack Pitt by a brace of touch- < HI Kl II OF I IIE NA/.AREN'E Fourth and (’ Stre«*ts ! downs. E. E. Wordsworth, .Minister M1N N ESt »TA -INDIANA I kipey "The church where y«m hopes that the Indiana alutnni never a stranger." don't let that Nebraska win over Sunday school, 9:45 u ni . T S the Gophers fool them into betting Wiley, superintendent Cradle rol on their alma mater because Bier­ Sunday with interesting special man's boys will hoosier the Hoos­ features Special address to moth­ iers by 20 points. ers by Mrs Walker Mrs. Ellen CALIFORNIA - WASHINGTON Hart will sing mi appropriate song STATE Will finish in just that This is rally d.iv tot the . l.ldli order. 12-0 for the Bear. roll. Mothers and tiabics especially ORE' JON-GONZAGA Gonzaga invited. finally scores but not enough Ore­ 11 a m.: Sermon by pastor. gon. 14-6. The Church Upon Her Knees 6:30 p.m.: Special young peo- UCLA-STANFORD: The Injuns have lost Bill Paulman, and the pie's service, M rs E E Words- The Di­ Bruins backfield ace, Kenneth worth, leader. Theme Washington, will demonstrate the vine Potter and the Clay " Ira fallacy of the theory that a fast Hart, artist, will illustrate, Spe- color won't run. lie will and cial music will lx- featured All UCLA will win by two touch­ urgent invitation is extended to all young people not attending serv­ downs. ST MARYS-NEVADA: At last ices elsewhere This will b«- an out­ the Gaels have found someone standing service of n-al live inter­ they can lick. Nevada won't upset est to youth. 7:30 Sermon by pastor them and will lose this year, 21-6. OREGON STATE - WASHING­ Subject. "Tlie Most Personal Ques­ TON: With some butter-fingered tion God Ever Asked.” We un­ backs replaced the Beavers will having some great Sunday nights Singing be better, but hardly hearty Crowds ar«- gratifying. enough to halt the Huskies, who and special music. Uplifting and helpful services. Th«- public ex­ will win. 19-12. presses appreciation of our serv­ USC-OHIO STATE: Ohio State ices You will «-njoy it Sunday eve­ will barely get the wooden horse ning inside the walls of Troy before Welcome to all! it is all saddled and shod. The Trojans by one touchdown, at • Subscribe for th«- Southern Ore­ least. gon Miner today One year, $1 SONS - HUMBOLDT STATE Unless the local lads show marked improvement over last Saturday's performance they will be hum­ bugged by Humboldt. The Arcata 4—31Mb eleven by two touchdowns. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATION KLAMATH FALLS - GRANTS General lumd Office at KoaM-burg, PASS: The Pelican's beak won't Oregon be big enough to swallow the NOTICE is hereby given that Cavemen, neitheir will his score Helmer Anderson of c. o K. C. be big enough to win the game. Bartlett, Parker Mountain Service Grants POM, 14-6. station, Keno, Ore., who, on May ASHLAND HIGH-CRESCENT 19, 1930, made original homestead CITY’: The Grizzlies to win by entry (Act June 9, 1916), No. one touchdown. 019085, for N’ASW'a, SE'«SW»;, BOSTON U-SLIPPERY ROCK: section 3, township 39 south, range Just to show extreme disdain for 4 east, Willamette meridian, has superstition. Dopey throws in this filed notice of intention to make 13th selection free of charge and final proof, to establish claim to claims that Slippery Rock has a the land above described, before slick chance beat the bean­ Victor A. Tengwald, United States eaters. commissioner, at Medford, Oregon, Traveling right behind the big on the 22nd day of October, 1937 FOR . SALE Peaches, 1c pound; SONS squad to the California Claimant names as witnesses; pears, l’ac; grapes, 2c; delicious coast thia week. Coach Skect O'­ Milton M Seaman, Robert Edsall, apples. 40c box; bring contain­ Connell's Grizzlies will make their Saylor Bailey and E C. Bartlett, ers Inquire 231 Gresham street. stop In Crescent City where they all of Keno, Oregon. will meet a strong eleven from GEORGE FINLEY, 1937 FORD de luxe sedan with 1 »«-I Norte high school Saturday Register. built-in trunk, used as show car, afternoon. (SeptlQ-17-24Octl-8) very low mileage; this car car- Tlie Ashland high school team ries a new car guarantee, big took a major setback this week discount. when "Dutch” Sch< idereiter. reg­ CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO ular center, cracked a bone in his Phone 50 Ashland wtist but Jack Weaver, tackle, has fitted into the pivot post well 1936 FORD de luxe Medan With ami O’Connell’s squad is expected built-in trunk, low mileage, one to win over the Crescent City out­ of our RAG cars; Hee thin car fit before you buy, you will appre­ ciate it. Your Ford Dealer All-Colored Revue CLAYCOMB MOTOR CO. Phone 50 AHhland WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO o I < < LEGAL NOTICES WANT ADS Grizzlies To Travel For Crescent Game e COMING TUESDAY ONLY! PLUS “TO MARY WITH LOVE” chorus of singing, dancing musical comedy artists On the screen John Boles and Doris Nolan will appear in the comedy romance. "As Good As Married " The stage revue will ap­ pear at 4:15. S and 10 p. in Tues­ day. c America’s Fastest 35 BLACK AM) TAN ENTERTAINERS HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, wom­ an to keep houne for month for two adult«, two children. T. Mansfield, corner East Main and Fordyce it recta ( 49p » from the Heart of Harlem DARKTOWN SCANDALS” Mighty successor ti inch Remarque's notable "All on the Western Front" on the Screen JOHN BOLES DORIS NOLAN “As Good As Married” ■ mmm LITHIA ' ~ 12 Extra Cann of Milk RECLEANEI) WHEAT OATS RYE — BARLEY KLAMATH HAY BETTER FEEDS for LESS MATS. 30c—EVENINGS 10c—Kiddies 10c Anytime '____ •________ SUREMILK 16 For Real Profit from Cows! . DAVIS FEED STORE 53 Second Street Service Station 858-870 E. Main SL—Eat, 1922 LET I'S CHANGE THE FOR RENT Four room apart­ ment for four girls, 2 large bed­ rooms. 152 Sherman St. (49c) OIL and GREASE DENTISTS Winter Lubricants DR. R E. WALKER Phone 178 Swedenburg Building Voti Pay ONLY for the NEW Put In— NO CHARGE for CLEAN-OUT ELECTRICAL SERVICE > ■ 1 IN VOCK CAR TO 1 Like To Serve You X. L. ELECTRIC Phone 82 137 N. Pioneer St Dr. W. Oeser SATURDAY SPECIALS Wheat, catch weights Ground Barley Rolled Barley, 80 pounds Anchor Flour Bouquet Flour Ground Wheat and Barley 12-inch Pint* Lumber $1.70 $1.15 $1.29 $1.15 $1.39 SI.(Ml $8.99 FLANDERS’ FARMERS’ MARKET South City Limits—Phone ISO Al.WAYS PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE e