SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Augunt 13, 1937 i Í PHONE YOUR ORDER FOR FREE DELIVERY—GALL 15'3 SATURDAY FOOD BARGAINS! Toilet Tissue F-‘,h,,r 3 12c BANANAS, 4 pounds for WATERMELON, per pound CANTALOUPE, each 2e 5C CABBAGE, per pound 3e White House Coffee 25c SUGAR, C & H, 25 pounds MILK, Golden Key, 3 large cans for $1.59 23C CORN FLAKES, Kellogg’s, 2 for 15C APRICOTS, No. 21 tin, 2 for STANDBY TOMATO SOUP 5c Kraft Cheese, pound 21c ROYAL CLUB ROYAL CLUB FLUHRER’S PEACHES 19c SPINACH 15c WALNUT BARS dozen 15c ROYAL CLUB ROYAL CLUB HOMINY lie STRING BEANS 2 for 25c FLUHRER’S CINNAMON DONUTS dozen 25c ROYAL CLUB ROYAL CLUB FLUHRER’S KRAUT 14e PEARS 21c PECAN ROCKS dozen 25c 23c 42kT Pound» Soda o or Graham East Side & Plaza Meat Markets FL A Z A MARKET, • EAST SIDE PHONE 188 T > FREE DELIVERY PORK SHOULDER 20c LEG OF PORK 25c HAMBURGER, Lb. 15c LEAN CUBES, pound 15c BEEF STEAK, lb. - 15c-25c COLORED HENS ON ONE HOUR’S NOTICE pound 25c THONE 56 ROASTS, lb., 10c-20c LEGO LAMB lb. 22ic LAMB SHOULDER 15c About People You Know! ] • K<-n Madden returned to Klam­ ath Falls Monday evening after visiting here with his wife and son. • Mrs R. W Hall underwent a major operation Sunday at the Community hospital. • Mrs Hazel Neff and daughter took up employment in Medford Sunday • George Hibbs, salesman at the Claycomb Motor company, la spending a week at Lake o’ the woods. • Allen Autry and children were at Oregon Caves Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs Everett Miller and children of Medford visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Emma Davis. • Ed Doyle and Mr. and Mrs George Vacok returned Sunday from a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bill Bates in Dunsmuir. • Mr and Mrs Art Cooper were Ashland •Visitors in Grants Pass Sunday • Mrs Ray Ivewis and two sons, Billy and Carl Slack, left for Myr­ tle Point Saturday to spend a week with Mr. Lewis • For a square deal go to Pell. (16tfc) • Arba Ager returned thia week from a visit at his home in Port­ land. • Bud Gandee, Leonard Patter- i son, Phil Keeton, Al Simpson and Leonard Hall saw the Klamath Falls Red Sox-San Francisco Seals baseball game In Klamath Falls Monday. • Mrs Bill Bates and young son of Dunsmuir are visiting in Ash­ land • Miss Wilmetta Connolly of Bend arrived in Ashland Tuesday and is visiting at the P. D. Mc­ Dougal home. She wil attend SONS this fall and winter. • Mr and Mrs. Floyd Dickey and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett are leaving Sunday morning on a two weeks vacation trip which will take them througiT eastern Oregon I and as far as Weiser, Ida. They plan to do some fishing while i gone. • George Brickell returned Wed­ nesday to his work at the Gro- ' ceteria following several days spent in Grants Paas where his mother was seriously ill. DILL PICKLES 3 for 5c PORK SAUSAGE, pound - 15c ra • Fern Madden left Tuesday night for Rio Vista, Calif , to spend a short time. CORNS CURED • Mr and Mrs W H Parker visited in Klamath Falls Sunday Worli s qulokoet earn «ur«. Crs-0» fluarantuea «onoy • Dr. E. G. Everett. M. D.. phy­ baak torn lifts oft .’•» 10 alr>u?aa without ¡jaln. h. sician and surgeon, Hersey build­ aald burn ar iu '-'M. ' > ing, office phone 18-J, residence • CWAR0 If yav RnO an/a I 18-1- (2tfc) East Hide CORN-Ofr • Mr and Mrs. Hugh Gilmore Pharmacy have returned to make their home here after several months spent in Lakeview. INFLUENZA responds to chiropractic A other • Mr and Mrs Clyde Nellis of Dunsmuir spent Wednesday eve­ methods in majority of cases ning and Thursday In Ashland E. B. ANGELL • Mrs. Bess Canfield is on a Chiropractic Physician week’s vacation from the East 460 Boulevard Phone 48 Side pharmacy. $50.00 BSWABD FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL! BORDEN’S GLORIA ICE CREAM quarts 29c FA*T ; • Mrs Harriett Bates was a business visitor in Ashland Tues­ day afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs John Everett of Twin Falls. Ida , spent the week visiting Mrs. Everett's parents, Mr and Mrs Carver. • Stanley Robbins left Sunday for New Orleans. He will go by way of Nebraska, where he will visit a few days with relatives. • .Mrs L. R Keller of Los An­ geles arrived in Talent to make their home here. They are looking for a location. • Mrs. Mary Sinclair of Medford is a guest of Mrs Meda Fox this week • Miss Ardel Fee of Eugene is spending the summer vacation with her grandmother. Mrs. Ruth 11< '.filch. • Dudley Estes and Russell Parks 1 went to Crescent City last week Mr. Parks returned home Friday evening. Dudley remaining to visit with his brother Charley and wife for a few weeks. • Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft returned from Berkeley Saturday where they have been attending school j the past six weeks. • Miss Dolores Shelton of Port­ land is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tryon. • Matelene Maxwell underwent a tonsilectomy at Medford Mon­ day. Dr. Finley performed the op­ eration. • Talentites driving to Crater lake Sunday included Mr .and Mrs. Le- ' Roy Olsen, Miss Ruth Olsen. Dick Kreger. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gas­ tons. Miss Jerene Steward and Paul Walker. • Fred Hodapp and daughter Mary were calling here Monday evening. • Mrs. Ralph Householder and son Leslie and small daughter Jean of Grants Pass were guests of Phyllis Householder at the Tame auto camp Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barnes of Washington arrived here Monday evening to work in the fruit, which will be ready for handling in a short time. • Mr. and Mrs Lysle Tame spent Sunday evening in Medford visit­ ing friends. • Bill Hotchkiss underwent a major operation at the Community hospital in Ashland Monday. I t sidf PHARMACY fy i 1/ 7 THE ,n€ BEST / REFRIGERATOR j • TALENT • / YOU CAM . BUY COSTS OHLY /•(H a wuk MORE THAN / THE CHEAPEST . II w * GET THE f CAREFREE /DEPENDABILITY / \ OF . A ENDURING _____ VEAL SHOULDER ROASTS, pound - 15c STEW 7ic to 10c LUNCH LOAF, Lb. 30c Page 3 HERBERT’S TWO STORES Headquarters for Buying and 8elllng of Fruits and Vegetables APRICOTS Now’s the time to buy your APRICOTS FOR CANNINO —We haw them at all prices Also YOUNGBF.RRIES and BLACKBERRIES. They are at their best now! WK DELIVER ROLL AT OR REFRIGERA TION ROLLATOR* COMPRESSOR ■ ■ « sc J m / v « Norge coW - ■sLhf m«cAan/Mi on/y S woving ports. ProvMei more ooU for cuiront rood ond H alsiost ticfltlllii. • nas. 0.0 mt . err. • For as little as 80c a week more than you’d pay for the cheapest, you can own a genuine Norge Rollator Refrigerator — the best refrigerator by every test of usability and over-all performance. Only Norge gives you all of these outstanding advantages: Pressure- Sealed Cabinet Top, Extra Large Freezing Capacity, Extra Cold Stor­ age Space, Completely Sealed Ice Compartment and a 10-YEAR WARRANTY on the Rollator Compression Unit. ELHART’S H. H. ELHART C. D. ELHART