Friday, Auguwt 13, 1937 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 • BELLVIEW • WHY SPEND YOUR TIME AND MONEY Taking snapshots of friends, places and activi­ ties over the week-end or while on vacation, only to have mediocre, slipshod developing and print­ ing work muddy your •‘shots ’? (Once your roll of film has been developed, vou‘11 never know what it “could have been"!) WHY NOT MAKE CERTAIN YOU GET THE BEST Bushnell-Perkins Studio is well known for the finest quality developing and printing work ob­ tainable. We maintain a standard that will com­ pare with the BEST you can get anywhere, and that will SURPASS most! When you leave your films at Bushnell-Perkins you KNOW your ex­ posures will be returned at their best! ONE-DAY SERVICE­ IN AT 9—OUT AT 5! Slice Your Current-Costs With An All-Electric Kitchen ( We have installed a Sunday and night drop box in front of our store for your convenience—use It! Always, "In at nlnei, out at five.” BUSHNELL-PERKINS STUDIO HOME OF LOVELY PORTRAITS • Miss Velma Athanas of Ash­ land spent Sunday with Miss Mar­ jorie Bell. • Members of the Bellview Grange who attended the Pomona Grange picnic held at Jackson Hot springs Sunday Included Mr. and Mrs Vai Enlow, Mrs Heilmyer. Ray Enlow, John Arnold, Mr. and Mrs Davis and family, A lleen Enlow, and Mi­ ami Mrs H B Carter. • Mrs Earl Farmer and two daughters returned to their home at Independence Friday evening after spending a week at the John Farmer and Vai Enlow hornea Mr and Mrs. Farmer were lest dents of this community several years ago. • Mr. and Mrs. Vic Jacobson and family of Glendale. Calif., are vis­ iting with Mr. and Mrs Norberg Mrs Jacobson is a sister of Mr Norberg • Miss Beryl King of Ashland visited with Miss Esther Wade Did you know that, by equipping your home with needed electrical Tuesday. • Mrs Ada Huxley left Thursday appliances, including refrigeration, water heating and cooking for Three Hills. Alberta. Can., for units, you can take advantage of much lower light rates? The I a several weeks business trip. She has been spending the past week all-electric kitchen is the most convenient, the cleanest, the most | with Miss Lottie Beswick. • Miss Lottie Beswick was a economical not only for your kitchen, but for your entire house dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs Fred Engle Monday evening as well! See your electrical dealer or inquire of any light depart­ • Miss Marjorie Bell returned to ment employe for detailed figures on how and why you can save Klamath Falls Sunday evening I with her father. R. E. Bell and by switching to electricity! Bob Bell. She is employed there. • Charles Dowd is spending sev­ eral days at the different Oregon coast towns on business. Electricity Is CHEAPER • Mr. and Mrs Frank Watson of Portland and Mrs. Flora Monroe in Ashland! of Los Gatos. Calif, spent one day last week visiting Misses Anna Mae and Nina Hazelwood. Mr and Mrs Watson are aunt and uncle of the Hazelwood girls and Mrs. Monroe is their grandmother. Mr. and Mrs Watson were taking Mrs Monroe to Portland with them. • I E. Deadmond and J. M. Crow Your SERVICE Department made a trip to the summit of Mt. Ashland Sunday. • Miss Alice Metcalf has returned to her home after spending the past several days with Mrs Roy for a few days last week en route KlItMEIl LOCAL MAN I for the Uulon Oil company until Talbot of Ashland. to Portland, where he is employed. SIGNS FOR HAWAII ' last spring, when he was succeed­ • W. O. Martin and Mildred and j • ....... ..... is employe.I Harold Owing, who ed by Lowell Brown h?!?1“ bU"lni“ Wamath Falls’ visited last week According to a report from trip to Medford Wednesday mom- Lm Mr und Mrs John Hessen- Portland, C Otto Phillabiiuni, • John Billings visited here over inK auer. former local resident, has signed the week-end with his parents. • Misses Nina ^4 and Anna Mae _ h Johnson was at his home up with the United States army Mr and Mis Ralph Billings, re­ I I n \ 1 /I 1 M M A M ■ A M Hazelwood were dinner guests of ; last Saturday and Sunday from for service in the Hawaiian is* turning this week to his Instruc­ Miss Wanda Heinz Wednesday ; Klamath Falls, where he is em- lands. tor's position at I Jiva Beds CCC •vmtaf. I ployed 1 camp Phillabaum was Ashland agent • Earl Hamilton made a business * Mrs John I' „ Hessenauer made a trip to Medford Wednesday morn- | business trip to ‘ Medford ' Thurs" ing. day. • Mrs Walter Longstreth and • Mrs Mark True and Mrs. W. D. children Jack. Dale and Veeda Jackson left last Fl riday for an Williams have returned from a extended trip along the southern four weeks trip through Kansas, coast. Oklahoma and Colorado visiting • Mrs Axel Dahl arrived from I relatives and friends. Conrad, Mont., last week to jom • Mrs Pomeroy of Camas Valley her husband. They plan to make visited with her parents and fam­ their home here. ily. Mr and Mrs. J. O. Talent last • Edward Clary of Klamath Falls Saturday and Sunday. Is spending several <(^ys with Mr. • Mrs. Amy Spafford of Portland and Mrs. Ed Grimm and family. is spending several days visiting • Mrs. Albert Arnold, who took with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a sudden relapse, Is now able to John Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Earl be up again. Hamilton and family, and George • Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Guard of and Genevieve Farmer. Seattle visited last week with Mr. • Mrs. Delbert Mongold Is spend­ and Mrs. C. B. Damkin. ing several days visiting relatives ------ •------------ at the coast. • The Upper Valley Community Lane, Well Known Greyhound, the leader, now brings you its new club gave a handkerchief shower Jeweler, Is Buried in honor of Mrs. Ada Huxley last Super-Coaches, the most modern and luxurious vehicle* Tuesday afternoon at the club on American highways. New comfort, new convenience Funeral sendees were held at house Those attending the shower □nd a complete new travel thrill arc yours — at no in- 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon at included Mrs. Charlie Brown. Mrs. , r, .i e in rates. I 01» fares to all points in the U. S. Claude Connley, Mrs. Ed Dunn, the Stock and Lltwiller chapel for Mrs. R E. Bell, Mrs. J. M Crow, W. J. Lane, 67, owner of Lane's Mrs. I. E Deadmond, Mrs A. C. Jewelry store on East Main street, DAILY SERVICE from ASHLAND Joy, Mrs. Wade Wallis, Mrs. Vai who died early last Friday morn­ Enlow. Miss Marie Walker.M rs. ing at the Community hospital NORTIIBOI’ND- Mrs. George Helms, Mrs. J. E. after a lengthy illness. Lane had resided in Ashland for Gowland, Mrs Leta DeShazer, Leave: 2:28 AJM. 0:56 A.M. 12:56 P.M. Miss Lottie Beswick, Mrs. C. B. 12 years, coming here from Brownsville to engage in the 8:05 PJL 10:31 P.M. Lamkin, Mrs. Neil and daughter Joan and the guest of honor, Mrs. watchmaker's trade. He Is survived by his wife, Huxley. For the program Mrs. SOUTHBOUND— Wade Wallis gave two readings. Minnie, of this city, and two broth­ Leave: 12:30 A.M. 5:35 A.M. 10:18 A.M “The New Baby” and “Washday.” ers and a sister in Arkansas The Rev. James E. Morgan of­ • Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Van 7:1’ PJL 10:35 P.M. Slack and Mr. and Mrs. George ficiated at the services. Interment For complete information, mm »: Galotas of Bakersfield are spend­ was in Ashland cemetery. ------------•------------ ing several days visiting at the NININGER’S CAFE, Ashland Agent—Phone 52 home of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wal­ • Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Claycomb lis. Mrs. Galtoas and Mr. Van and daughter Jean are vacationing Slack are cousins of the Wallis at Lake o’ the Woods this week. 1 vwmwwwwwmvwwwv family. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joy re­ turned Wednesday evening from Pleasing Service ! a trip to Crater and Diamond lakes, where they have been spend­ ing the past several days. • Carl Moore stopped at his home PHONE « ( Ashland Light Department f the Arrival of its new highway CRUISERS GREYHOUND MONUMENT HEADQUARTERS GOOD FOOD WELL SERVED rpHE complete enjoyment x of eating in restaurants depend on ths manner In which the food Is served. We insist upon a quick, careful, courteous staff. What Ashland Makes, Makes Ashland We are designers and manufacturers of finest quality monuments, featuring Ashland’s famous granite. When you plan on monu­ mental work of any kind, see W. C. Elam at the ASHLAND MONUMENT WORKS 253 4TH STREET HOME ADDRKMH 409 OAK ST. BREAKFAST LUNCHEON DINNER DELICIOUH FOOD PASTEURIZED MILK ASHLAND CREAMERY BUTTER SHASTA ICE CREAM CHURNED BUTTERMILK----- 10c per gal ASHLAND CREAMERY )