5c A Copy S outhern O regon M iner A Copy The Paper That Has Something To Say—And Says It! Volume 0 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1937 Games Get LITHIANS HOST Pinball Five-Day Extension TO CRESCENT IN Of Time in County Although no definite arrange­ ments have been made to date, th« CRUCIAL GAME ■ district attorney and sheriff of- Number 41 “To-may-toes” or “To-mah-toes”/ It’s Still Tomato Week! ANTI-AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT DUE HERE THURSDAY 1 flees this week are considering the rTHE SECOND big peace-time possibility that various owners of army "invasion" will swing into banned pin-ball machines and Ashland some time during the af­ rPHE I*OET who wrote that part- punch boards throughout the ternoon of Thursday, August 19, 1 Ing Is such sweet sorrow never county may seek injunctions to when the 63rd coast artillery, one lost a handful of change In a pin- prevent enforcement of the pro­ of five mobile anti-aircraft regi­ ball machine hlbltory measures authorized re­ ments of the United States army cently. 1 1 1 and the only one on the Pacific Extending time limit for cessa- After all these years In Holly- coast, passes through the city on tlon of operation of the so-called wood, little* Shirley Temple had to Its way from Fort McArthur, gambling devices to August 25 go to an aquarium to be scared Calif., to Fort Lewis, Wash. District Attorney Frank Newman by an octopus. Like its four sister regiments. Tuesday gave five additional days 63rd is maintained at about one- 1 1 1 of grace to Jackson county own­ third its war strength as regards It la bad enough for ths Chinese ers of the machines who had prev­ both persorinel and equipment Its and Japs to be shooting one an­ iously been told to do away with actual strength is more nearly that other, but when they start firing them inside of 10 days of a battalion than of a regiment. those unpronounceable names over The state supreme court recent­ Its present composition includes hero In nsws accounts, It Is too ly handed down a decision that a headquarters and headquarters much. marble boards are illegal, after battery, a searchlight battery, an the question had been a stickler to iii anti-aircraft gun battery, a ma­ Difference ot opinion ’make* the whole world but whether Judges for some time because of you are A Baker physician has set some chine gun battery and a regimen­ the common, garden variety of human that to-me/-toe«,** an alleged element of skill re­ •r the ritry claw that saya "to-mah toes," you'll get lorr.atou when you tal band. sort of a record by delivering 14 quired in operating them Jose­ aak k nbiea for one family but we'll Headquarters and headquarters Ann« Shir le» for them during Tomato Weak, August 12 to 19 phine, Douglas, IJnn and I^ane R.K.O.-Radio )t his following among the young battery provides the clerical force atar inaiata ita "to-mey-toe»," but Eric Blore. R K.O.-Radi counties allowed bat five days be- , fnatnrad player, ha« been an upper cruet butler to many times he can’ for regimental headquarters, the aarried couples has hit a slump fore the machines and boards may | •ay anything but “to-meh-toee.” Both were getting rather belligerer clerks and drivers for the service 1 1 1 be confiscated, with other coun- i when •omeone got them to compromise and call tomaloci "love applet and supply sections and telephone "CIO moves to plug holes In tics also placing the ban in effect. and radio operators. silk tieup*’ saya a headline Ever Inasmuch as the ruling is from try spit? Big Searchlights state authorities, not local, no li­ cense fees will be refunded, ac­ The searchlight battery is equip­ 1 1 1 ped with five 60-lnch search­ cording to Chief of Police C. P Things are looking up for the Ashland lights, carried in Cadillac trucks, Talent, for the current quarter democrats these days Herbert and with five sound locators, which now Is nearly half gone. Hoover has announced his Inten- Lieut. John F. Goodwin, U. S. mounted on trailers towed by Notices of prohibition were served tlon to resume political actlvltles navy, officer in charge of the trucks. These searchlights are Tuesday In the form of registered 111 Oregon navy recruiting district supplied power from a generator letters from Sheriff Syd Brown An elderly woman, who seemed . with offices in the United States driven by the searchlight truck to owners throughout Jackson ‘kind of mad about something" I court house in Portland, said this motor. They have a candle power county, Including 33 in Ashland. poisoned New York pigeons Guess The law will cut the city out of THREE ASHLAND LADS,, Jack I week that a traveling recruiting of one billion two hundred million to visitors never will learn not party headed by Chief Machinist at the arc. Their beam is so in­ 3195O per year at the present 16: Robert Gregory, . Mate look up at tall buildings M P. Bryant, U. S. navy, tense that a pewspaper can be quarterly revenue rate of $487 50 17, Weaver, and Joe Jessell, 17, face a will visit Ashland August 21 for j read in it 20 miles away and any- every three months in fees 111 maximum sentence of 20 days tn the purpose of accepting applica- ' one who stands in front of the Further proof that tobacco la jai), a 3200 fine, or both, on tions and making examinations of searchlights, looking direcetly into harmful came In the death of four charges of tampering with auto­ ) ‘ applicants of good character be- the arc. will burn his eyeballs sisters In North Carolina, who mobiles as a result of their ap­ ! tween the age* of 17 and 24 for within a comparatively few sec- died while stringing the weed un­ prehension Wednesday afternoon der a tree They were killed by (Continued on page 6) by local police which cleared up al­ service in the United States navy. lightning Primary purpose of the tour is most completely a series of thefts which have annoyed car owners to offer convenient contact for / f f youths who reside in communities To In here for two weeks It is too Kxin to predict which which are not served by local sub­ I of the two warring nations China After watching for any misstep stations for recruiting. Park Aug. 22 or Japan has the best military during that time, Chief of Police Lieutenant Goodwin points with machine, but there la no doubt but C. P. Talent and Officer Clark Ashland will entertain former that the Japa have by far the History repeated Itself Sunday Thomas took the boys into cus­ pride in his dispatch to the fact Hawkeyes at the coming annual that losses due to non-reenllst- publicity agents best afternoon when the Grants Pass tody on suspicion and subsequent ment of men whose original en­ southern Oregon Iowa picnic at Merchants unslung their heavy clever deduction and questioning listment had expired during the Lithia park Sunday, August 22. f y y war clubs to smother the IJthlans brought out confessions of the fiscal A gossip is n person who re- The reunion will be held in the year which ended June 30, in a barrage of 14 base hits while misdeeds which dated back to July 1937, was peats everything you tell 'em upper picnic ground, on the shady less than three per cent, 1 30 when they cut a piece out of a the disorganized locals were kick- - - ------ —*--------- .------ — — - speaking well for the good food, bank of Ashland creek, where ta­ 111 Ing the ball around In the field garden hose at the residence of bles and seats will be provided to Clark Wood of Weston, bless for seven bungles Behind by six Mrs J. E Norstrom, Fairview healthy recreational facilities, ex­ accommodate a large crowd. The cellent pay and the 57 trade him, is ribbing thia column for points at the end of the seventh "treat. and stole some gasoline. usual attendance at these meet­ schools maintained by the navy playing pin-ball machlnea Bet the Inning the local nine put on an A story of dishonor among ings is around 200. Signs will Colonel would be an addict, too, eighth-inning rally but lost the ' thieves was spun when it was re­ department for the education of its point the way from the plaza. personnel, of which 92 per cent If the contiaptlona had foot rails game, 10-7 vealed that during a later gas I are taking some particular trade Registration will be from 12 Big Bob Hardy had a bad theft one of the boys discovered I ' course. 111 noon till 1 p. m. dinner 1 o'clock day in the box, dishing out 'a purse belonging to Mrs T. M. | _______ * ______ One good thing about having till 2 p. m., program, 2 p. m. to three walks and hitting Hugh i Jones in a car at 490 Liberty i „ a brain-child It can never stomp 3 p. m , or as soon thereafter as Hartman twice when the street He pocketed $18 found Its foot and any it wishes It had Dr. possible. The program will be bulky Merchant came to the within and one of the others took' ---- — never been born short and snappy, featuring music besides contributing a a watch, a ring and a bracelet, Council Vacancy plate and humor. Rites Held 111 I homer, a triple and two dou­ after which the purse and bracelet Two kinds of free drinks will be If a person starts out In life ble« amongst the bushel of were thrown away. The third boy, Dr. W. H Crandall, prominent Sunday afternoon. August 8. furnished, coffee and lithia water. with two strikes on him, It doean't osteopathic Granta Paas base hits. Rudy who acted as sentry for trio, knew Miss Dorothy Jean Crawford. Visitors are requested to bring physician, wax unof­ necessarily follow that It's easier ficially appointed Heyne allowed only six hits to nothing about the money until he daughter of Mr. and Mrs O. g ' full table service, also card bear­ by Mayor Wiley for him to make out. the I.lthlans for seven frames read an account of the loss in a Crawford of Madras, and Dr. ing name, address and former last week to occupy the seat on — •----------- hut weakened In the eighth paper, whereupon he demanded Charles Clyde Dunham, son of the Iowa residence. the city council left vacant by the with four more and was re­ his "cut." The siphon hose lost at Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Dunham of death of Dr F. G Swedenburg. Owen H. Barnhill, chairman of Plans lieved by Phil Griggs in the the scene of that “job” tied it in Ashland, plighted their troth in committee on arrangements, urges Crandall was among several lo ­ after being nicked by with the rest of the series and. by the presence of a small group of all former Hawkeyes to attend Miners’ Jubilee cal men discussed by the council ninth Schopf for a two-bagger, questioning each miscreant. Chief relatives and friends at the home what promises to be a very en­ for the post and. when asked, con- Griggs gave two hits and two of Police Talent was able to make of Mrs. May B. Johnson in Mad­ joyable reunion. Depicting the early mining his­ sented to serve out the term which walks In the final inning. the facts dovetail and recover ras. The groom’s father officiated ----------- •------------ tory of southern Oregon, the expires December 31. 1938. The most of the loot, although some in the double ring ceremony. Mrs. BIXIW BY BLOW: Miners' Jubilee will be held In selection will be made final at McCarthy grounded out, Dur­ articles were thrown away for C. Caves City, 30 miles from Grants the August 17 council meeting. ~ E Dunham played Mendles- ham to Patterson, as Grants Pass lack of value. Pass on the Redwood highway. sohn's Wedding march. came to bat in the initial frame. September 4, 5 and 6 Recovered articles Included two The bride was attended by her Ray then slapped a double over pairs of men's gloves, a watch, cousin, . During the jubilee cash prizes Bertha Dies Miss Kathryn Parker, and the short left field fence and three pairs of sunglasses, two Dr. John Wesley Nobel of Van­ will be given for rock-drilling con­ scored when Machado poled out a tests, both double and single; gold Here cameras, two wallets, the purse, Eve single. Machado progressed to seven gear shift knobs, four lodge couver acted as best man. Miss panning contests for men and Jeanette Turner and Miss Ruth women; sports of all kinds, a rodeo Miss Bertha M Barnhill, 67, third base but died there as Al lapel emblems, one fountain pen, Dunham assisted at the reception Sunday and Monday afternoons, died Wednesday night at the Bar­ Drolette grounded out, Schopf to a ring, a flashlight, four war vet­ which followed the ceremony. and a big pageant will be given ber convalescent home after an Patterson, and Ostrom fanned. erans’ medals, auto accessories, The young couple are graduates Ashland started out in fine A street 200 feet long and 50 feet illness of two days. playing cards and some drivers’ li­ of Southern Oregon Normal school fashion when Schopf opened wide is being constructed for al) censes and ownership receipts. Miss Barnhill was born near and Dr. Dunham also is a grad­ their half of the Inning with a kinds of concessions which will be Hastings, Iowa, September 28, Some of the stuff which had uate of Western States college of single to right field. Hall called sailors' diggin's after the 1869 She came from Kalispell, been discarded the culprits will Portland. They will be at home in whiffed, then Patterson clout­ famous ffrid of gold by deserting Mont., to Ashland in 1909 and have to pay for as well as for the Ashland after August 15. ed a three-bagger to centor, sailors, which later was known as lived here since then on Wimer ruined hose, it is understood. ■coring Schopf. Me lean went Waldo, the first county seat of street. She Is survived by a broth- The boys were released into the down swinging for The second Josephine county This street of er, Owen H Barnhill custody of their parents Wednes­ Gamp Another out and Kannasto drew a fun will attract many visitors. day evening pending further in­ brother, Homer Barnhill, died in walk, only to come to grief Monday morning, September 6 vestigation but the case probably Open Lake San Luis Obispo, Calif., July 28 trying to steal second. I^bor day there will be a big She was an invalid for the past will go to the city court soon, Blacksmith whiffed, and Hart­ Talent said Thursday. parade with all the trimmings of three and one-half years, follow­ CLIFF BROMLEY in the Immediate registration at the early day prospectors The jubilee ing a paralytic stroke. A third man took first when struck by Theft of doctor’s kits from the Chamber of Commercé office for rumble seat of a bicycle not Hardy only to get caught at sec­ car of Dr. C. A. Haines Sunday girls who desire to attend the starts Saturday, September 4. with stroke caused her death. __ built for two. the queen's ball and will continue STEVE ZARKA doing a little Funeral services will be held at ond base as Pitman got on with was denied by the boys and the Camp Fire girls summer camp at Bunday and Monday. the Stock and Litwiller parlor a fielder’s choice. An error on police are working on another sus­ Lake o’ the Woods August 22 to christening job for JIM CLINE ----------- •----------- (Continued on page 6) pect in an attempt to solve that 29 is asked by Eleanor Coombes. and ROY MURPHY at 10 a. m. Saturday, August 14. SPECIAL MEETINGS AT FULL SLADE SONGER looking all mystery and also some other re­ leader, so that necessary arrange­ GOSPEL TEMPLE TO START over h—eaven for an elusive cent cases. ments may be made. Among persons who have re­ Peggy Whittle. Ruth Dooms, new comet. REGRETS! The public is cordially invited BOB HARDY, GEORGE covered stolen articles by the coup Alice Harvey, Vail Specht. Joyce to attend forthcoming special are Charles Spindler, “ Harold Watson and Dorothy Morris are HALL and JIMMIE VOSS add­ By LARKY HUNTER meetings at the Full Gospel tem­ Boothby, J. A. Starnes, Ervin among those girls who have al­ ing press censorship to their ple on Siskiyou boulevard, starting Cole, H. L. Moore, Mrs Jones and ready signified their intention to other accomplishments, the vip­ Sunday, August 15, with the Mrs Ellery Hall. enjoy the outing for which a ers. preaching of Evangelist Don Mal- Now It was the first offense for two charge of $5 for the week is made. ARBA AGER, CUFF Mc- lough a promising attraction. of the boys but one of the three Full details may be had at the LEAN and DARRELL LEAV­ a Meetings will be held at 11 a. m. ENS being very envious of had been Involved in a petty theft chamber office. and 7:45 p m. Sunday, and will two years ago which never came LEONARD PATTERSON, who ----------- •----------- On machines. continue each evening except Mon­ to court for lack of complaining made the Medford "Winchell” days at the same hour. ’ Tribute witness column for his alleged intention ----------- •----------- to follow in the footsteps of "I hate to press a case like this,” When air ELAM BOOSTS ASHLAND TED SCHOPF. Talent said yesterday evening. GRANITE IN BUSINESS "These boys come from good fam­ CLARK THOMAS treating a in rest of Services will be held at 2:30 beer panhandler to a night’s ilies who suffer a great deal over With his first month of owner­ the affair. It is necessary, how­ o’clock this afternoon from the lodging In Calabozo Towers. ship of the Ashland Monument AUBREY MILES setting the ever, that they and other young­ Stock and Litwiller Funeral chapel works at TT>3 Fourth street behind Ice sters be taught that they cannot for Rufus N. Coley, 64, who died lefts and rights down while be­ him, W. C. Elam yesterday voiced break the law and escape being Tuesday in Malin. grudging his wife use of the enthusiasm for the southern Ore­ And Besides a daughter, Mrs. Marie car for an evening. punished for it.” gon trade area. ----------- •------------ Schultz of Ashland, he is sur­ ARCH BARKSQALE having nickels plenty He pointed out the fact that • Guy Lewis returned to Ashland vived by his wife, two sons and a tough time keeping BRICK­ his firm particularly sponsors the At least ’ stand Sunday from San Francisco where another daughter, all of Malin, and LAYER F L. SMITH on the job use of only the finest grades of he has been in the SP hospital for three brothers in Washington. between frequent toots of a Ashlnml granite in their stone a deuce-high hand the past month. He accompanied The Rev. E. E. Wordsworth will steam whistle. work, all of which is done under his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. be In charge of services and in­ W. D. (LAUGHING) JACK- his personal supervision. Elam has chasing the and Mrs. Jim Lewis of Redding, terment will be in Mountain View SON back to his old kitchen had many years experience in the who rstumed bom« the same day. cemetery. trick*. through! stone-cutting trade. I THE LITHJAN baseball club will take to the Ashland high school diamond at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon against Crescent City In a door die attempt to make up for last week's fiasco in which Grants Pass checked up the first defeat for the locals this half Crescent City, on paper and on the field. Is the strongest oppon­ ent which Ashland meets In league play Koll, a southpaw, and Deo. whose right hand tamed the home town boys In May, are excellent pitchers and the Chinook lineup Is studded with (flayers who are right up In the high batting and fielding standings Only one full game and three innings of another which was protested, both against Medford, will remain for the Chinooks after Sunday's game, and the coast nine Is considered a cinch to take the Craters In one of them What with the fact that Crescent City's only loss Is the