Friday, June 11, 1937 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pag« 7 Fast Glendale Nine Invades Ashland Sunday - «--------------------------------- >-------------------------------- » •--------------------------------- <, LOGGERS AND LITHIANS CLIMB LITHIANS WILL LEAGUE LADDER TANGLE AT 2:30 AT GLENDALE Off on the right foot at last, an up-and-coming Lithian baseball team will take to the diamond at 2:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Ashhind high school field against Glendale in an attempt to repeat their stellar performance of last week when they trounced 'le Ixiggers In their native haunts The return engagement till» week will see the university combination try It again and Hardy*» southpaw curve bull will smack into the big mitt of Cliff (Chief) Mi la-an, w ho made Howard Hobson’» 1937 tram of selected i northwest conference all-stars. The In­ field combination will Is* com­ posed of l4* make them Ashland'» hardest hurdle not ex­ cepting the highly touted Crescent City Chinooks, and the r ime Sun­ day shoul dlx- a hair-raiser Boy Scouts will i>r on hand to serve fan» cold drink» • Pitching nine strikeouts and backed by the near-perfect sup­ Bob port of til» teammates, (Lefty) Hardy beat the Glendale laoggera at Glendale Sunday to win his first game In an A»hlann. Balding took the ball on the dead run and sent it on its way without a mo­ ment's faltering Leavens and Pat- terson made circus catches of line drives at their positions which had a highly \ enthusiastic crowd on its feet cheering. Balding's triple into deep n*ht field in the seventh scored Schopf and spiked any fears that he would be ball-shy after being hit In the head by a wild pitch in the Camp Wimer contest. He flashed home when Leavens pulled as pretty a MUMM bunt as ever was seen, ending the day s scor­ ing. Glendale fans spoke favorably of the abilities of local players, saying that the game was the best they had seen in southern Oregon circuit play and expressing a desire to see the return encoun­ ter here at 2:30 p. m Sunday. Score by innings: Glendale 020 000 000- 2 Ashland 020 000 200 4 Batteries: Ashland - Hardy to McLean; Glendale — Weaver to Plaster. HILTS WINS GAME The Hilts baseball team, man­ aged by Arnold Bauman, defeated McCloud last Sunday to the tune of 14-5. 5TR€TCHin‘G YOUR DOLLARS TO TH € LIIDIT/ A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY SUIT FOR FUTURE DELIVERY How They Stand! ATPR’«f,iTfß0r nt Islilaml nt Roseburg. ( it\ nt Grants Team Crescent (it > (inulta l’as» Roseburg Ashland (lien dale Medford I. 0 *> •> 3 4 I .1THIAN HATTING \X ER \GEs All II Pet. ria.v er 4 3 M c I omui TM .361 |4*UVCII« If) 7 6 .355 Schopf 17 3 I .333 Hardy 15 Ager 4 .TO Balding 5 :o .'TO Learning I I 3 459 Brown it Patterson IM 4 6 I Hall .167 Keaton I .143 7 • Nlm|mnn .105 19 Trum baiting average 474 Vshland Golfers Take Victory from McCloud An apparent McCloud win, 25- 23, was changed to a narrow vic­ tory for Ashland golfers Sunday at McCloud as Norman Kerr's previously overlooked three-point victory over his opponent was added to the total, putting the local divot-diggers out in front, 26-25 Hubert Bentley shot a 70 for the day's low as Ashland took the northern California Iti-man team into camp for the second time this season. Buy neckties with what it saves G $30,000 MEN’S WEAR SALE READ! 750 fine quality suits for men nationally famous makers - super quality at drastical­ ly reduced prices. That is the complete story of this great sale of men’s wear. We are over loaded, and must turn a great many « of these into cash Cold type cannot emphasise this state­ ment. But, if you are going to need a suit at any time thh Fall then for economy’s sake, buy it now. Unless of course a saving of $10 to $20 nothing to you at all. I Prices are advancing rapidly. New Fall Suits are going to be much higher than our present stock cost. s A L E DOORS OPEN AT NINE SHARP Il Im’l narraury to pay 50» or niora to (rl quality In a drnlifrlra. Idalarlna Tooth I'aalr, made by the maker! ot 1.marine, romra to you in a larn« tuba al 25*. Noir how li thana, brauiihra an