SOUTHERN OREGON MINER W hîtë I About People You Know! ÊG J SATURDAY FOOD BARGAINS! BACON Dixie Squares Pound 19c FLUHRER’S CHOCOLATE DONUTS, dozen 23c FLUHRER’S ASSORTED COOKIES, dozen 13c FLUHRER’S DATE DROPS, dozen - - 19c C & H SUGAR, 25 lbs. $1.59 SEMINOLE MILK—OREGON OR “"TISSUE MORNING, 3 for - 23c FLOUR White House 49s $1.89 JELLO, any flavor 5c STERILIZED*HJLLY-WRAPPED SN0W-WHIT-E 1000 SHEET ROLLS ROYAL CLUB PEACHES, No. 21,3 for ROYAL CLUB SPINACH, No. 21, 3 for ROYAL CLUB KRAUT, No. 21,3 for - ROYAL CLUB PEAS, No. 2, 3 for - - ROYAL CLUB STRING BEANS, No. 2, 3 for ROYAL CLUB PEARS, No. 21,3 for - MECO BROKEN SLICE PINEAPPLE, 3 for COFFEE White House, In a Glass Jar 59c 43c 43c - 42c 59c 25c 25c NEW PEAS, 4 pounds - - - 25c NEW POTATOES, 10 pounds - - - 3c CABBAGE, per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c ONIONS AND RADISHES, 2 bunches for BANANAS, 4 pounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRAWBERRIES, Home Grown, Lowest Market Price Toilet Tissue 7“".... East Side & Plaza Meat Markets *ARTsn»r. PHONE 188 MAZA MARKET FREE DELIVERY PURE LARD, per pound - 15e FORK SHOULDER 17c LEG OF PORK -221C HAMBURGER, Lb. 15c lean CUBES, pound 15C beef STEAK, lb. - 15c-25c PHONE 56 ROASTS, Ib., 10C-20C LEGO LAMB lb. 221C LAMB SHOULDER 15e VEAL SHOULDER ROASTS, pound - 15c 7 z c to 10c STEW LUNCH LOAF, Lb. 30c D1LL PICKLES COLORED HENS ONE HOUR’S NOTICE • 1 F 3 for 5c PORK pound 25c SAUSAGE, pound - 15C A Page 3 • returned from a business tnp last week-end which took him ax far east ax Chicago • Mr and Mrs V O N. Smith and daughter. Emmie Lou. re­ turned recently from Eugene where they have been visiting and attending graduation exercises for their son. George Francis Smith • Wilbur Bushnell and Miaa Dor­ othea Wycoff visited over the holi­ days in Eugene with Mr Buxh- nell's parents Mr and Mrs E T Bushnell. • Ray Byers, who has been teach- ing in the northern part of the Htate, returned to Ashland recent­ ly and will spend the flummer here • Portland arrived in Ashland late Saturday night returning north Sunday morning, accompanied by Miss Florence Hoagland Klamath • M Falls visited early this week with Mias Juanita Ross who recently returned to spend the summer here at the home of her mother Mrs Marcia Roas • Miss Beatrice Lockhart recent­ ly left for the northern part of the state Miss Lockhart, who re­ signed a position on the Ashland high school faculty wall marry Jack Bliss Oakland high school coach, sometime this summer. • Mr and Mrs Ed Butze. former SONS students, visited in Ash­ land last week-end sieian and surgeon, Hersey build­ ing. office phone 18-J, residence 18-L (2tfc) • Miss Wanada Aldnch of Glide arrived here Friday to attend sum­ mer school at Southern Oregon Normal. • H L Claycomb Wednesday left on a business trip to Lakeview • Ed Kelly of Klamath Falls was in Ashland* Tuesday. • Harry Hoxie, who is employed I in Cottage Grove, was among baseball fans who enjoyed seeing Ashland beat the socks off Camp Wimer Sunday. • Tom Cunning, former local chamber of commerce secretary, was a visitor recently. Cunning, who now lives in Oakland. Calif., is selling for a wholesale drug company • George C ■Ming. Medford at torney, was a business visitor here Wednesday. • Ray Wood, former Lithian now living in Roseburg, was a week­ end visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs. J H Carlton. • Mr and Mrs Dick Petersen were holiday visitors in Klamath Falls. • Mr and Mrs. Jean Hastings and family drove to Crater Lake Monday. • Miss Frances Hardy, who has been teaching in Roseburg, ar- ■ rived in Ashland Saturday and will spend the summer here at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs J. H Hardy. • For a square deal go to Peil (16tfc I • Arriving Sunday from Sparks. Nev where he is employed, was Bill Edsall, former resident who is visiting friends and relatives here • Wyatt Padgett spent last week­ end in the San Francisco bay area. • Floy and Beverly Young, who have been teaching in Medford and Prospect, are spending the summer at ttie home of their mother, Mrs. Georgia Bowman. • Miss Doris Hunter of Klamath Fails visited at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs William Hunter for a couple of days early in the week • Bert Griffith, Eugene railway mail clerk, visited in Ashland Sunday and Monday with Mrs. G. O Van Natta ------------- •_------------ THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHVRCH Congregational Church school, 9:45 a m., Mrs Glen Prescott. superintendent: Miss Gladys Butterfield, pianist Morning worship. 11 o'clock Sermon, "My Father's World." Music, "This Is My Father's World." by mixed quartet: Kath­ leen and Roberta Nourse. Rodney Rogers and Harold Reedy. Christian Endeavor, 7 p m. Pilgrim forum. 7 to 8:30 p Kathleen Nourse, leader. ■ •--------- TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHI R( H The Rev. Charles M. Guilbert. Ph B . S. T. B.. Vicar Second Sunday After Trinity 8 a. m.. Holy communion 9:45 a. m., churcfi school. 10:15 a. m.. church school, sen­ ior department. 11 a. m„ choral eucharist and sermon. "Love of God and Love of Men." 7:30 p. m.. evensong and ad­ dress. "The Psalms for Today Psalm 73." Wednesday, June 9 7 a m., Holy communion. St. Barnabas' Day, Friday, June 7 a. m.. Holy communion. It’s a Wonderful Way to Soothe Itching Skin Soothing, cooling Zemo usually re­ lieves distress of itching skin. For 30 years, this clean, reliable skin lotion has been the favorite with millions. Excellent for the itching of minor skin irritations. Buy soothing, de­ pendable Zemo hxlay- to relieve the itching of Simple Rashes, Pimples, Ringworm and Eczema. Tested and approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. All druggists', 35t, 60f, 11. TALENT ITEMS Francisco is a guest of her par­ ents Mr and Mrs Carl Beeson • of Camden. Ore are visiting with Mr and Mrs Frank Ho.dridgt Mr Jeffries' parents • coast before settling down to fu­ ture work • from Eugene where she has been visiting a daughter. Mrs Velma Cochran She announced the birth of a son bom May 28 to Mr and Mrs Cochran • wo th relatives in Eugene this week. • shearing crew have returned from eastern Oregon where they have been for the past two months. • tended the alumni banquet of Ashland high school Friday ev<- Ring. recently was • A erected at Charles Long's pool hall. • is staying with Mrs Irene WeTIs during her convalescence. • Ira. Taresa L'we and son Don were in Talent for Memorial day. • Subscribe for the Miner today. I ---------------------------------- 1 PROSTATE DISEASES responds to chiropractic & other methods in majority of cases. ladies of Talent sponsored by the Community club held Wednes­ day at the city hall. About 60 guests were present to enjoy the affair which is one of the largest meetings on the club g list of ac­ tivities Nearly all of the elderly ladies of Talent were invited and enjoyed the club’s hospitality. The program consisted of two song numbers by the audience a solo Mrs Lloyd Morrison of Phoenix and Mrs Smith of Talent. Mrs Esther Jeffnes accompanied the singers at the piano. Hulda Estes concluded the program with two piano solos Many visiting women E. B. ANGELL from Phoenix Medford and Ash­ Chiropractic Physician land were present. Following the 460 Boulevard Phone 48 program, delicious refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were esrved • J Spitzer 1.« visiting his aon in the Eagle Point area this week World * daickeft ccm cur®. caarant««» «ú-ey • Mr ar.J Mrs Ridings of the $50,00 Cacn-Gf cacà ss'tti ton» lifts cd n Ü a • rnaa! »i.-. h . Applegate country moved to Tal­ ba ■ er m ra . * ■' t REWARD atta REWARD if find an» ent to occupy the house recently used by John Briner. who died a East Side short time ago. Pharmacy • Mrs. Cliff Green was sho; in Medford Tuesday • An event of particular interest to Talent residents was the recent sale of Ray Schumacker s market and grocery to Mrs Ethel M Low and Mrs Jerene Stewart of Grants Pass The two ladies are being assisted by Mr. Schumaker Headquarters for Buying in getting organized and acquaint­ and Selling of ed The ladies plan to employ a Fruits and X egetables butcher in the near future. Ray came to Talent in 1932 and CABBAGE and has steadily improved his building and business until the market is TOMATO PLANTS modem in every respect. He has GARDEN SEEDS taken an active interest in com­ munity affairs and was instru­ OF ALL KINDS mental in organizing the chamber Remember —We Have of commerce and in staging the A Large Stock of pear festival of 1936. His weekly newspaper. News Flashes, has Berry Crates been welcomed in Talent homes and Hallacks for its timely editorials and news. The Schumaker plans are in­ WE DELIVER definite but they are expected to take a two months trip to the east CORNS CURED CORN-OFF HERBERT’S TWO STORES I LOOK BEHIND THE NAMEPLATE! FAIRBANKS-MORSE « before ygu buy any refrigerator. Greatest improvement in home refrigeration. No other refrigerator has it. Has every worth-while feature found in all others. _____________ JORDAN ELECTRIC COMPANY 180 East Main Street Phone 80 4 »■ Drug./Stereo [(siDE PHARMACY); COLGATE WHITE PERFUMED SOAPS 1101*1 ODORS 2 ,or 11* Former 25 « Sizo Cashmere Bouquet