SOUTHERN OREGON MINER, ERIDA Y, MAY 28, 1937 Roose CHAT STARTS AT sii Loyalist Vessel, :ing Needed Supplies Ml.S.,Ta>HibvFoe Inundated by Tide of Bill An attack tutlonallty A S-v on * District Fltta^Z leers'! •*a¿ 'fl thÆ NITIONS SEIZED f‘'uibanees occurred tn F-r »teas from coast tn • taxi-drivers' strike In which cau«ed rhicazn « « to imed 'o^B sufficienti^ Insurance an reeponsIhtlPv i m jand Ship. V He said th* Mar Cantabrie* | ' caught fire, a« previously reported. f he ' but that the flames were brought under control and the freighter rAT' was towed by the Canarias to tha irsi rebel port of San Sebastian. tK The Canarias made prisoners of ---- 150 of the crew, Boo said, and It' were drowned trying to escape. Escape Attempt Fails The Mar Cantabrieo sailed frotft . 2jr^\,Vork and Vera Cruz, with \ p. «rials valued at $2,700.009! \ for the Madrid govern» ' »<£ iGsion Zn*We. out oafle»^^ t is b*< y In the day yl States scizd as l ul ls subscribed in y> a foreign loan X- Johnson act. on'-d insist “at \ that Congress r 4 I of such funds - a <1 s l>e applied to * ’ <-\cd the I’nited •^"^Ltiohv offering - oA’ \le not alone reference to kV'e’^^ench defense the Co n g r es s the 11 with a view to bringing ns^^WI pressure as possible from the folks •‘beck horns' to Increase support for the bilk T a Follette Hounds Flea At Its session lest night, the eon- vention heard Senator LaFolIetto (Prog.-Wls.) again cal! for a Su­ preme Court responsive to the will and needs of the people. Ho contended the present rour majority bespoke the "reactionary element« the three members have dissented fton^H —Justices Stone^^^- Cordozo. pittsb B ®7*?s uneventful aft» \Mextco until we were aft Arcachon," Boo aald, «'Rhted th* Canarlaa. h-sAe hut *hs Carer!«* weft gBFer and. chased t>s and tot* Kedoed us. We were-smarmed tad could not return the fire. “Shells from the Can arias «eft fire ts the Cantahrico amidships Ten men jumped overboard trying t® escape, but they droned before rescue boats arrlvet^^h I "Later, to avoid c^Vre, another Sean and I Jumped overboard. He (Turn to Taro 2, Column S) LE HAVRE. France, March 9. —Maritime workers called a 72-hour strike today, tying up all French ships in port including the great liner Normandie, due to sail tomor» row with 500 passengers. The French Line, however, denied reports the strikers had occupied the Normandie and said only guards io were aboard. The Normandie only recently Daughter came out of drydock where she of. Nev.. March 9. CP)—Mrs.' was overhauled in preparation for Naumberg, daughter of a new assault on the transatlantic *\?1 lor Henry Morgenthau and ’ record, held by the Queen Mary. \ Henry Morgenthau, Jr.. I About twenty ships, in all. wer® ’\.5>s,v«. f o{ the U. S. Treasury, won affected by the strike, called h*. gfcwjP* ’cstert divorce decree here cause the strikers were dissatisfied n: >;•■•.■» W. \’.v:mb*: g. with an 11 per cent wage increase. B^ffhv retired New York hanker ! JT ''■nc ocn«- .JPing of a voters’ ad- The decree was granted on! / i'c.dum. grounds of cruelty at a private ball. ^¿Fion was made after brief i tire of both Democratic and iiblican rnmebcr« at which both ^proposed amendment and the isability of a voters’ referendum di«.________ . Two hund:1 American 'I a “alt do J turned to® Ths ftl 1 en, deiner S’ J U.S.Oil Supply Zini Soon Seen V UK AGO, Mar F s inrrensea of nm 92,000 employe Á Jest a Moment packing ln<1 today by Ji With Bud Landis V brtQjp 'Coming events east rout the Farce ef July ^ts the sun comes ^kind starts warming >vour heart. « Co., nnd the Cudahy Packing Co. next Monday. Officials of the "big four" report­ ed the new basic wage scale would be 62'.J cents an hour, an i Il-time peak In the pocking industry and an Increase of 26'4 cents over the low of 36 cents an hour which pre­ vailed In 1932. The company officials asserted flip hiwi fu uPio vernmer. MADDEN S TIRE SHOP Lowest in Price Grentest in PHONE 90-J ASHLAND Kive th* JocaT«