SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, May 28, 1937 I PIIONE VOI R ORDER FOR FREE DELI VERY—CALL 15« SATURDAY FOOD COFFEE S A w Pollini FLUHRER’S ASSORTED CUP CAKES, dozen - 23c FLUHRER’S GOLDEN BEAR COOKIES, dozen - 19c FLUHRER’S DATE BRAN BREAD, each 13e SUGAR, 25 pounds C & H $1.59 23c MILK, Oregon or Morning, 3 for FLOUR, WHITE HOUSE, 49 $ $1.89 ROLLED OATS, 10 pounds QUICK 43e Page 3 | About People You Know! ] dating The body will be shipped to Berkeley, Calif., for entomb­ ment in the Sunset mausoleum. • • Ruth Pickett of Klamath Falls I Is visiting at the home of J C. visited with friends in Ashland i Wattenburg this week over the week-end. • M jh Ruth Helfrich and Mrs • Ills school closed. Wyatt Padg­ I R F Parks were shopping in ett. Klamath county teacher, ar­ Medford Saturday afternoon. rived In Ashland Friday night to • Kenton Robin* left for Port spend the summer at his home on land, Pendleton and other places j Siskiyou boulevard. Wednesday morning • Harry Hoxie, employed by the • Mr and Mrs. Roland Parks re­ 1 state highway department near turned from Malin Saturday, Roseburg, visited his family in where they have been teaching the this city Sunday. past winter. They came home in a • Mr and Mrs Frank Thomas I new coupe purchased at Klamath ' and infant son are visiting at the I Falls home of Mrs. Thomas' parents. I • Louis Kilina of Malin called In Mr. and Mrs Charles Cramer | Talent Sunday evening • Juanita Ross spent the week- ! • High school commencement was end here with her mother, Mrs , held Thursday evening In the Marcia Ross school gym The program was as • Mr. and Mrs Earl Roach vis­ follows: Processional, Helen Hate­ ited relatives in Roseburg Sunday lid; invocation, Dr Temple; salu- • Mr and Mrs T. P Franco left) i tatory, Helen Galbraith; valedlc- for ari extended trip in eastern ’ tory, James Enberg; guitar mu­ states Wednesday. sic, Graham-McDougall trio; ad­ • Harold Owens returned to Har­ dress, Dr. Messenger; singing, risburg Sunday after bringing Ashland chorus; presentation of Nina Clark to her home here fol­ diplomas, Fred Rapp; benediction lowing closing of the Harrisburg Dr. Temple; recessional, Helen Hatelid; presentation of flowers schools for the summer. • Mr. and Mrs Evan Campbell , Graduates included Mae Vetter, of Medford were In Ashland Wed- I Helen Combs, Kenneth Haw, Myr­ tle Hllkey, Margarett McDowell, ;nesday • Linn Mills, Talent teacher, vis­ Helen Galbraith, James Enberg and Virginia Allen ited here Wednesday afternoon • Bill Van Dyke. Espee employe, • Wayne Heard of Ashland was In Talent on business Tuesday j spent Wednesday in this city I • Dr E O Everett. M D , phy­ - •--------- sician and surgeon, Hegsey build- ELMER (’. THOMPSON I Ing, office phone 18-J, residence Funeral services for Elmer i 18-L. (2tfc) Thompson. 69. who died May c 25 • The Rev and Mrs D E Nourse at 134 Pioneer, were held Thurs ­ will leave today for Powers, Ore , day at the Stock and Litwiller for commencement exercises chapel with the Elks lodge offl- • Say, who Is that with the grin al! over his face? That, why that's Joe Whoosls He always looks like that coming out of the Palace I cafe. I Me I • leaving for San Francisco re­ cently was Mrs Ronnie Gandee. who will visit relatives in Bolinas and San Francisco and attend the i bridge fiesta • Mr. and Mrs Howell Turn- 1 baugh of Medford were guests of Mr. and Mrs C. R Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gandee Sunday. , • Roy Parr, jr . left for Los An- i geles Wednesday where he will | join his wife and take a course at the University of Southern Cali- | fomia • Folks, how about one of our delicious dinners Sunday: turkey, fried chicken, steaks, etc., with all ! the trimmings, and we always : keep in mind that you are our i guests and the Palace cafe is your ¡host (30c) • William (Wild Bill) Ingram of Portland was a business visitor Wednesday. • Pete Nutter spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Klamath Falls on business • Mrs Georgia Bowman returned from Arling, Ore., where she was called by the sudden illness of her father who is much improved • Art Gilbert, after visiting with j his family and friends here for ' several dayj^ returned to his work i in Dunsmuir Tuesday. • Perry Ashcraft of Medford ; called on friends here Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs ^Villiam Agustus stopped in Ashland recently for a .short visit with Mr and Mrs. C. , R D. Jones while enroute to their ! home in San Francisco. • Harold Johnson was admitted i Monday to the Community hos- I pitai for medical treatment. • For a square deal go to Peil Funeral services for Thomas Al­ bert White, aged 1, who died in Portland May 21. were held at 3 p. m. Sunday, May 23, at the Stock and Litwiller chapel with the Rev M T Wire officiating Interment was at Mountain View cemetery. • THOMAS ALBERT WHITE THE NEIGHBORHOOD ( HURf II Congregational . Church school, 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Glen Prescott .superintendent; Miss Gladys Butterfield, pianist. Morning worship, 11 o'clock; sermon, "The Cross Or the Sword?” Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. • • M th Edwin Dunn and Mrs. Walter Longstreth attended a meeting of the Jackson County Recreational club at the court house in Medford Monday evening. PROSTATE DISEASES responds to chiropractic A other methods in majority of cases. E. B. ANGELL Chiropractic Physician 460 Boulevard Phone 48 CORNS CURED C A A A 21 tj. LI LI ■a. ■«■.■r ■ ■■ KK A J&X c®rn cur«. Corn.Gt guarantees mi e? W’thcu! >•»' bii.n u k . " HEWARO if you And * . , System. Drtxq. Store ROYAL CLUB CATSUP, each ROYAL CLUB TOMATO JUICE, No. 10 tin ROYAL CLUB No. 2 tin PEARS, each ROYAL CLUB ASPARAGUS, No 1,5 for ROYAL CLUB SHRIMP, wet pack ROYAL CLUB SOLID PACK TOMATOES ROYAL CLUB SPINACH, No. 2 1 Shortening 4“ NEW PEAS, 4 pounds BANANAS, 4 pounds NEW POTATOES, 10 pounds SPINACH, per pound CABBAGE, per pound TOMATOES, per pound BACON Kingan Sugar Cured Pound........................... 14e 31C 15C 42c 15c 13C 14c 48c 25c 5c 4c 15C 26c East Side & Plaza Meat Markets EAST SIDE PHONE 188 MAZA MARKET ° ~ FREE DELIVERY PORK SHOULDER 17c LEG OF PORK-221c HAMBURGER, Lb. 15c LEAN CUBES, pound 15C BEEF STEAK, lb 15c-25c COLORED HENS ON ONE HOUR’S NOTICE pound 25c PHONE 56 ROASTS, lb., 10c-20c LEGO LAMB lb.22ic LAMB SHOULDER 15c VEAL SHOULDER ROASTS, pound - 15c STEW 71c to 10c LUNCH LOAF, Lb. 30c DILL PICKLES 3 for 5c PORK SAUSAGE, pound - 15c 4 CORN-OFF ETF harmacy I CUT RATE DRUGS & TOBACCOS Camels, $1.25 Carton Flat 50’s... Old Golds, $1.25 Carton Flat 50’s 1-lb. Geo. Washington ................. 1-Ib. Union Leader .................... 10c Geo. Washington, 4 for 10c Our Advertiser, 4 for... 15c Prince Albert ................. 10c Union Leader, 2 for....... •— (letfc) TALENT ITEMS • Ruth Myers Is leaving soon for Eugene, where she plans to spend | some time. • Victor Noel of Roseburg spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs Ethel Maxwell and family. • Eighth grade graduation exer- | cises were held at the school gym Monday evening. Eleven Wagner Creek pupils and 14 Talent pupils were graduated. Fred Rapp pre­ sented diplomas to the following: Wagner Creek Harold Barr, Bob Barlow, Glad- ys Goddard. Joyce Haves. Rav Johnson, Virginia Heath. Bob Keath, Audrey Lockwood, Harold Lockwood, Denny Morrow, Earl Sommers. Mildred Works. Talent Lyda May Baylor. Helen Cooper. Arthur Day Dillon. Ruby Dob­ bins, Pollyanna Hart. Leila Kli- mex, Rose Mae Richardson. Mabel Romanger, Marie Schuler, Arduith Spurill, Hazel Stockstill, Lois Thompson. Cleve Walker, Dorris Welbum, Ruby Welburn. • Mrs. Myra Frink was called to Seattle, Wash , because of ill- ness of her father, J. Stoddard. • Mrs. Ray Bums of Central Point was a visitor in Talent Wed­ nesday. • Mr and Mrs. Bill Boyd of the Talent confectionery have in­ stalled a new refrigerator case for handling meat. • Albert Miller of Ix>s Angeles It’s a Wonderful Way to Soothe Itching Skin Soothing, cooling Zemo usually re­ lieves distress of itching skin. For 30 years, this clean, reliable skin lotion has been the favorite with millions. Excellent for the itching of minor skin irritations. Buy s(»othing, de­ pendable Zemo today—to relieve the itching of Simple Rashes. Pimples. Ringworm and Eczema. Tested and approved by Oood Housekeeping Bureau. All druggists', 8W, 60f, $1. $1.09 98c 47c ...59c 20c 20c 10c ...15c