f Friday, December 25, 1936 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 ------------------------------------------ TOWNSENDS MEET SUNDAY TAI EBIT ITFAAO According to announcement by • BELLVIEW • PIIONE YOUIC ORDER FOR FREE DEI J VER Y— CALL 156 SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD Coffee 20c MONARCH PEARL SHORTENING 4 pounds FLUHRER’S or LITHIA BREAD Unsliced 9c Sliced 10c MATCHES 6-BOX CARTON 39c 15c ■b/ Corn Flakes LIMIT OF TWO, EACH 5c CELERY, Good Solid, Crisp Stalks 10c POTATOES, II. S. No. 2’s, 25 pounds 45C $1.59 FLOUR, Bouquet 49’s ($5.36 per barrel) 25c BANANAS, 3 pounds for $1.49 SUGAR, C & H, 25 pounds for • John Arnold, son of Mr and Mrs Albert Arnold, underwent a major operation Saturday evening • Earl Hamilton arid son Milton left last week-end for San Fran­ cisco with a load of Christmas trees • Mr and Mrs G L. Brock and son Hobby of Tacoma, Wash., will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs W O Martin and family and James H Williams. • Mr ami Mrs. Pomeroy of Evans creek will spend Christmas with Mr and Mrs J. O. Talent and family. Mrs Pomeroy Is a daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs Talent. • Mrs Charles Anoerson and son Dale left Saturday for Santa Rosa, Calif., to spend Christmas with Mrs Anderson's mother. • Mrs I. E IJeadmond Is cooking hot lunches for the school children this week In place of Mrs. Charles Anderson. • Mr and Mrs. Roy Hessenauer, Mrs Everett Smith and Buster Owing spent last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hes­ senauer. They were here due to the death of Mrs. Jim Mayfield, mother of Mrs Roy Hessenauer. • The Reverend Young of the Lutheran church. Medford, held services at the home of Mr and Mrs John Hessenauer last Mon­ day evening • Mr and Mrs. Mark True will spend Christmas with Mrs. True's father, H. L. Gregory of Central Point. • Gary Christlieb, 111 with pneu­ monia. Is recovering satisfactorily. • Wednesday evening an inter­ esting program was presented by the Bellview school. The program was opened with two selections. “Star of the East," and "The Story," sang by a group of girls. The second number was a play. “The Bird's Christmas Carol," by Kate Douglas Wiggins It was pre­ sented In three aqts and four scenes. The acenes were as fol­ lows: The arrival of the Christ­ mas child, 12 years later in the Bird home, Ruggles family, home of the Bird family. Characters were as follows: Barbara Helm, Carol; Betty Dunn. Elfrida; Mar- na Byrd. Mrs. Bird; Bob Dunn. Mr Bird; Billy Briggs, Jack Bird: Nancy Briggs. Mrs Ruggles; Fern Weanus, Sarah Maude; Vernon McKinnis, Peter; Veeda Williams, Peoria Ruggles; Patricia Bell. Kit­ ty; Robert Ross. Clement; Wendel Reynolds. Cornelius: Glenn Wade. Larry; Norman Christleib, the but- i ler. After the play nuts and candy were distributed to the children. • Mrs. Huxley and Islay Sewell are staying with Mr. Meservey this week while his housekeeper. Mrs. Ward, is spending several days in Klamath Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peachy and family will spend Christmas with Mrs Peachy’s mother, Mrs Alice Daley of Eagle Point. • Miss Alberta Thomas is spend­ ing Christmas vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas of Neil creek. I HL l I1 • John Schuler of Klamath Falls la »pending the holidays with his brother, George, and family • Mrs Alice O'Byme, who is teaching at Bogus Creek, Calif , is spending the holiday at the home of her sister, Mrs E. L Thurston • Talent school closed Wednes- day evening for a week of vaca- tion. • Mi and Mrs. Willard of Idaho are guests over the holidays of Mr and Mrs John Sloan. • The Talendelphlan club met Saturday evening and elected of­ ficers for the coming year. They were: president, Grant Boyer; vice president, Emma McCurtain; sec­ retary, Mane Schuler; educational leader, Effie C. Thurston Plans were made for a community Christmas tree to be at the home of Mr and Mrs George Schuler December 26 • Fred Cook made a business trip to Portland Wednesday and re­ turned home Friday. d Mrs. Charles Long, who has been in Portland for the past month with her daughter, Mrs Gladys Helbig, who has been ill, returned last week • The school Christmas enter­ tainment held at the Methodist chuich Wednesday evening was well presented before a large gathering. • Mrs. Lucille Skinner and small daughter of Los Angeles are vis­ iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Werly and family. • George Thurston, of near Red Bluff. Calif . is spending the holi- I days at home • Friends and neighbors will be | pleased to learn that Mrs. Walt i Love)’, who was taken ill suddenly at the Grange party Thursday eve­ ning, is improving. Mrs. Lovell was Margaret Petri before her marriage. $1.09 PAR WASHING POWDER * CRACKERS, Superior Salted, 2 pounds ROYAL GELATIN 6 for 25c East Side & Plaza Meat Markets EAST SIDE PLAZA MARKET PHONE 188 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 56 THIS IS NOT A SATURDAY SPECIAL BUT OUR PRICE FOR ONE WEEK ROASTS - 10c to 15c LEG OF LAMB Lb. 20e I I VEAL SHOULDER i LEAN CUBES, pound 15c n ititi ? STEAK - 12 1 c to 20c COLORED HENS AND FRYERS ON ONE HOUR’S NOTICE ROASTS, pound 12 *c STEW - 71c to 10c LUNCH LOAF, Lb. 30e DILL PICKLES 3 for 5c PORK J SAUSAGE, pound - 15e • Friday, January 1, there will be a dinner for the Grange and Upper Valley Community club members and their families. CHUCK’S TAXI Just Phone 58 THDXINE A*_ Sore Throat due to cold relieved nickh Satiafaction, or money back. 5DRE THROAT | East Side Pharmacy SERVED 12 NOON TO 9 P. M. RELISHES: Celery, pickles, ripe olives. SOUP: Chicken, a la princess. SALAD: Fruit with whipped cream or seafood with Louie dressing. ENTREES: Roast Oregon turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Fried Spring Chicken on toast, home style. Baked Virginia style Ham. candied yams. Sirloin Dinner Steak, mushroom sauce. Fried Rock Point Oysters, tartar sauce. Friccassee of Chicken Breast with green peas. Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus. Snowflaked Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower Hot Dinner Rolls ADA LILLIAN SPENCE Funeral services for Mrs Ada Lillian Spence of Myrtle Point were held at 3 p. m. Monday from the Stock-Litwiller chapel, with the Rev. James Morgan officiat­ ing. Mrs. Spence, 60. was born in Wisconsin July 3. 1876, and is survived by her husband, Archie Spence, and the following chil­ dren: Mrs. Leeda Bishop. Ashland; Mrs. Velma Reiten, Ashland; Mrs. Dalpha Reid, Neva, Nev.; Archie Spence. Myrtle Point, and Eldon Spence, also of Myrtle Point. The deceased also is survived by her mother, Mrs. H. A. Perking, Oak Ridge. Interment was at the Mountain View cemetery. Deaf Man Hears Minister First Time In Years I John R Pittenger, president of Ashland Townsend club, Medford clubs are combining Sunday, De­ cember 27, in the K-P hall there for a special meeting at 2 p. m. Principal speaker will be Mr. Rhodes, Grants Pass. Others also will give short talks and it is the desire of Medford clubs, according to Pittenger, that, all county club members be present. -------- • • Leslie Kincaid, who Is attend­ ing Oregon State college, is spend­ ing Christmas vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kin- caid and sister, Eunice. PLAZA CONFECTIONERY AND RESTAURANT 75c Special Christinas Dinner 75c —•----- SNOWDRIFT, 6-pound Tin I II Livid DESSERT: English Plum Pudding, hot butter sauce. Home-made Hot Mince. Pumpkin or Apple pie. Date Pudding with whipped cream. Shasta Fruit or Almond Toffee ice cream. Angel Food Cake, a la mode. Chocolate Dinner Sundae COFFEE POT OF TEA MILK OR BUTTERMILK Bring the Family and Enjoy Christmas Dinner in Comfort \ WINE SPECIALS SONNIE BOY WINES After using OURINE. the prep­ aration of a Vienna specialist, only a short while. Joseph Mere­ dith of Ontario, Canada, reports that “all the head noises have gone and I can hear people talking. I heard the minister read the Scrip­ ture for the first time in two years." If you are hard of hear­ ing, bothered by head noises, ear­ ache. ringing and buzzing in ears, sick with the dread of approaching deafness, get OURINE today. Easy to use Relief is quick. Costs only a few cents a day. Money back if not satisfied. For sale by McNair Bros., the Rexall store Finest Vintage—Every Bottle Guaranteed Aged Wine! PINTS—30c QUARTS—50c HALF GALS.—95c GALLONS—$1.65 r EXTRA SPECIAL CLARET AND ZINFANDEL 98c GALLON! FIFTHS—35c HERBERT’S TWO STORES EAST SIDE PHARMACY Headquarters for Buying and Selling of Emits and Vegetables We have a good selec­ tion of all varieties of Applies priced from 35c to $1.50. We a’so have Potatoes. WK DELIVER A Happy Christmas . . . The Christmas Gift I bring To you will make you happy Through and through. ••• GOLDEN GUERNSEY MILK CLOVERLEAF DAIRY Phone 28-F-2—Or See Driver |