I 7/ ? // i \ VE RTC AND GIFTS A Lasting Gift of Modern Style and Beauty! A Gift That's Sure to Receive An Appreciative Welcome! Mastercraft “Full-Vision” Chromium-Plated Electric BREAD TOASTER New Chronmaster ELECTRIC CLOCK With Mellow-Toned Bell Alarm Guaranteed Accurate Timekeeper..... -........ Complete With Approved Cord A gift that's sure to bring words of appreciation. Beau­ tiful modern design in gleaming chromium fln- insh with full skirted hase and trim in eb- ~nv. Has “Pyrex” Inserts. No matter whom you wish to remember . . . whether family or friends . . . you’re al­ most certain to find here the gift each wants most. For these four pages contain a wide selection of the newest gifts for Christ­ mas . . . first-grade, up- to-date items — all at moderate, low prices. Pedestal model with syn chronous movement and ex­ ceptionally fine workman­ ship. Ivory with gold- tone trim or black a with silver. Under- writer’s approved cord. Guar- anteed. All Aboard! A Carload of Fun In Lionel’s Attractive Mickey-Mouse I))«»* CIRCUS and TRAIN SET GIFTS FOR THE HOME The Ever Popular MUSICAL TOP A “Reel” Show for Your Money “Mickey Mouse” MOVIE JECTOR Latest Design Square Model A gift doubly welcome to any housewife! Its accuracy takes the guesswork out of cooking and its smart color finishes adds beauty to the kitchen. Has guaranteed Synchronous movement, accurate and dependable. Ivory with gilt numeral background; green with Ivory; Chinese red with ivory. A Child Can Operate It .............. Handi»m»ty "I 98 fiRlihed ....... — Mother This Chromium Plated Electric Double» QQp Small, compact model—yet it ac­ curately weighs every pound up to 250. Streamlined and finished in choice of colors. andwich Toaster Youngit»ri Will Lite th» Lively Mickey Mouse Give This Hew, Improved Commercial-Typo JUICE EXTRACTOR Is th» New CHIMES Underwriter’! Approved Cordi Famous "Electro-Mix" ELECTRIC MIXER Clear th» Rood! Here Comet THE FIRE CHIEF RACER « 98 New control switch stops and starts motor instantly. Mixes, beats, stirs, and whips. Has graduated bowl of heavy green glass: •v twin-El A Sturdy Pull Toy Ideal Girl't Gift/ Ideal Gift for the Home! Chromium Plated ELECTRIC TABLE STOVE Hs< Switch Is Cord .... . 29 Handsome low-boy, circular mod­ el with high speed heating element. Grand for Jiffy meals. Economical to operate. Little Seamstress Practical, Useful Mastercraft 6-Lb TAPESTRY SET Heat Indicator Iron Complete With 39 Everything your little daughter neada to make tapestry pictures. « printed pictures on buckram readv for working; 1 completely framed, wooden work frame, special needle Approved Cord............... A gift to lighten ironing jobs the year around! New-type heat indi­ cator shows iron temperature at a glance. Imbedded, unbreakable heat unit; beveled edges; cool-grip handle. FOR BROTHER O DAD If H» Playt Golf—Give Him Golden Crown GOLF BALLS Tranipersnf Handl»/ Sanitary Carton! .... Th« Id««/ M««’« Gift! Men’s Lavender Shaving Set In Leatherette Travel Caso! Chrlttmat Gift Wrapped QQC UO lie’ll thank you every time he shaves, for this luxurious gift. Shaving cream, talc, styptie powder and after shaving lotion all In Lavend­ er fragrance so popular with men. He can use the leather­ ette travel case later on, too! TO COMPLETE YOUR GIFT SELECTION Space will not permit us to list all the gift suggestions. ever when you are selecting gifts “for him” don’t forget How­ Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes and Pound Tobaccos A Friendly Scotty Dog Or Wire-Haired Terrier Every Child Should Have Sturdy Runnii