Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1936)
Page 2 Friday, September 18, 1936 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ter’s parents, Mr. ami Mrs O. R. i Miller, on Granite street. Mr Mil ler is a former student of Ash land schools and now is a resident — ■ ■ - ------ ■ ■ „ — — z of Portland, where he is writing e Miss Maxi«* Thompson and Bob 1 • Wilbur Bunch has just returned continuity for stations KGW an«i Patterson of Medford, both former from a five-day vacation spent at KEX. Mrs. Miller is a member of students at Southern Oregon Nor the lH*ad Indian Soda Springs Mr. th«* dramatic staff. mal school, were visiting friends i Bunch is employed at the Leever • Mr. an«i Mrs. W. F Hu len of Petaluma, Calif., an«i Mr. and Mrs in Ashland Wednesday. Motor company. SOUTHERN OREGON’S LEADING e Paul Durkee ami Elmer Ayres • Murray Dougherty made a J B. Clayton of Napa are visiting FOOD MERCHANTS returned from Eugene Wednesday business trip to Medford Tuesday. with Mr. Huien's son ami daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Billy evening. • Mrs. George Shaeffer and Hulen, for a few days They ex e Leonard Patterson. Arba Ager. young daughter Pat are spending pect ‘ some salmon flailing do Jim McBride, and Clyde Dickinson two weeks tin the coast. They are on the to Bogue while in southern arrived Sunday morning to attenii accompanied by Mr. and Mi's. Oregon. the Southern Oregon Normal Henry Shaeffer of Medford. school. All are graduates of • Mrs. Hugh Bates and young • Mr and Mrs Sam Jordan r Franklin high school of Portland. daughter Carole Ann spent Wed- brought the bakin' home with them from a very successful two nesday in Medford. • Bruce Kenworthy, second offi weeks fishing at the mouth of th«* cer aboard the S. S. Michigan, • Bill Gates and A H. Banwell Klamath THE FEWER, Among their bet who recently returned from a trip , of Medford attended a local cham ter efforts river. are salmon weighing through the Orient, was visiting j ber of commerce m«*etiug for di-I 45 and 25 pounds. • The Talent Community club • Mr. and Mr». Leonard Pullen THE BETTER friends in Ashland from his home1 rectors here this week. • Evan Campbell and Roy Fraz held its first meeting of the sea and family an«l G um Goldenpenny • Thelma DeWitt left for Sacra in San Francisco Wednesday. ier left Thursday for Eugen«* on a son at the club rooms Wednesday. Mjient the week-end at Holland, ut • H. L. Claycomb was a business I mento Tuesday night. She is em short business trip, to return Fri • Ray Reed and family have the horn«* of Mr Pullen's parents. Those tiny organisms, ployed at the Plaza cafe. visitor in Medford Wednesday. moved into the Ames building • Fred Haines. Jr , was in Yreka • Miss Bernice Sutherman has • Mrs. C. R. Losher of Portland day. some friendly, some • Paul R. Finnell, manager of the • Mrs. Frances Tames of Inde W«*diiesday evening arrived in Ashland to attenii the is visiting her daughters Ardath1 local just pesky, but many Penney store, returned Tues pendence. Kan., arrived here last • Mrs W. Roush, who has been Southern Oregon Normal school. and Bemita Losher. She is a graduate of Franklin • Harry Hart. Medford represen day from the round-up at Pen week and will make her home In critically ill several days following deadly, have no place the Rogue valley. She and a son, the birth of a little daughter is tative of a candy company, was a dleton. high of Portland. in laundered clothes. have moved into the Crosby Cecil, business visitor in Ashland Wed- I • The l'l'''ver Motor company re- now improving rapidly. *\ nesday. ’ 1 ports the sale of a new Plymouth house in Talent. Our washroom uro • Mr Painter of Loa Angeles wax • Word has been leceived from lk* luxe coupe to George V Gll- • Julius Nelson and son of Fair In Hilt on business Thursday ced u r e thoroughly bury, Neb., joined his family here Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Taylor to lette. • Mr Bagley of Sacramento has the effect that they are at pies- • Mrs. Caroline Schuerman eon- Friday. Mrs. Nelson and two sons been visiting at the home of hla sterilizes the good» Headquarters for Buy ent and a daughter have been here in the Yellowstone National ! tinues to improve. son. Del Bagley. sent to us for cIcanN- • Bud Kincaid was a visitor in since June. ing and Selling of Fresh park Mr and Mrs. Taylor are Medford Tuesday night. • The three children of Mr an d • Mrs Florent Van de Weghe an«l making an extensive vacation Fruits and Vegetables trip throughout the Pacific north O A representative group of local Mrs. Karl Baylor, who have been Mr» Frank Ohlund were in Yreka I ing. It I n heulth pro- I , Elks were romping at the Elks at Wilderville during their vac«- Finlay tecting. You prefer We are now packing and west. • Tile PTA carnival and dance • Mrs. Bud Gandee has been i picnic grounds on Rogue river I tion, came back Saturiiay to at was pasteurizing milk; held at the lx*glon hall Fri tend school. shipping any where in working for the past week in : Thursday evening. day evening and was very mucccmm - why not pasteurized C. Nininger O Mr. and Mrs. A • Mr. and Mrs. Will Maxwell and Medford at the office of the coun- the United States. made a trip into the Dead Indian daughter Malaien«* journeyed to ful and encouraging Music for ty superintendent of schools. laundry? Roseburg Sunday to visit Mrs th«* «lance was played by Mrs • Dwight Patterson and Charles country Usiay. Packed boxes of the Tonner Tallis, at the piano, Waldemar made a short business trip O Rilling Schuerman left Monday Maxwell's father. Mr. Noel. for Victoria. B. C., to attend a • Jot* Tryon retume«! from Port- Ohlund, violinist, ami Fred Haines. famous Ashland Peaches to Eugene Monday. sales meeting in connection with i land Friday where he and Mrs Jr . «»n the cornet. Booths for the • Paul Durkee. Betty Durkee and and Apples. Elmer Ayres left for Eugene Mon his work as a representative of Tryon were visiting Mrs. Tryon sale of ice cream, cakes, hambur day, Miss Durkee to attend the the Metropolitan Idfe Insurance remaintMi for an adiflTlonai two ger sandwiches, fancy work, for Berry Crates and Hal- University tunes and a fish pond were all weeks. company. of Oregon patronised. . . locks.also Peach, Toma • Mr. and Mrs. Buster Brown of • George V. Gillette was a busi • Mrs Edith Cochran receive«! well Klamath Falls were visiting in ness visitor in Medford, Gold Hill wort! that her son, Elvis, and wife • Th«* ladles Club met at the club to and Apple Boxes at Klamath Falls are the parents house Thursday afternoon. Ashland Sunday. They are former and Jacksonville Thursday. • Mrs Fred HalncM an«! Mrs i • Jake Shortridge and Jesse of a baby girl. residents. SI Water Street Frank Ward were in Modford Sat Phone It» WE DELIVER ----- •-------- • Mr. and Mrs Barney Miller are Smith were business visitors in I urday Medford Thursday. J ■ visiting at the home of the lat- For the ideal washday, • Mr and Mrs W W Walker - • Miss Vivian Salo spent Wed- Bushnell Studio Will and family were in W«*e<l visiting nesday in Klamath Falls “ Just Cail, That’s All” (> » Feature Snap Album friends Saturiiay • Of probable interest to amateur JULIA KKKKHON PANNEN photographers, folks who keep Mrs Julia Erickson died Sep snapshots, and those with a fav- j tember 10 at 3:45 p. m. at the Soft Beer negative tucked away in th«* Convalescent home on Granite Pool • The Bellview Grange met in orite family Bible is an interesting offer street following a prolonged Hi regular session at the club house by the Bushnell-Perkins studio be Cigarette» nes» She was bora In Sweden and Drink» Tuesday evening. During the busi ing announced in this issue of the was «1 years of age ness meeting, Dale Williams was Miner. Tobaccos Services were held at the Stock- obligated in the first and second The studio is offering a combin Utwiller funeral home at 2:30 degrees. Plans were made for ation portrait frame and snapshot p. m. Sunday with the Reverend "B«x>ster night" which will be held at special low prices, cou- Melville T. Vvire officiating. at the next grange meeting, Tues album with an offer to enlarge any She is survived by a daughter, day. September 29. Members of pled negative to fit the large frame at Sallie E. Hedlund of Ashland, and BLUE BIRD CLUB the grange are to bring their a slight additional coat. ' other relatives. neighbors who are eligible for ------------ ------------- 5-Grain, 24 in Bottle X f 347 E. Main Street Interment was at the Jackaon- membership in the grange. A good | viile cemetery. program has been planned, and II. E. BKKiGN STRICKEN Ashland, Oregon. ■ Shaving Cream HERE: BURIAL THURNDAY after the meeting Dickey’s orches Subscribe for the Miner today. tra will furnish music for dancing. a Following the business meeting, j Herbert Elmer Briggs died sud I Mrs. Edwin Dunn, lecturer, led in denly at his home in the Hotel group singing. Veda Williams and Ashland Monday He was bom Betty Dunn gave an elfin dance September 28, 18771 at Kalama Mr. and Mrs. I. — F. Hatfield of zoo. Mich., and was aged 64 years. n • Services were held at the Stock- Eagle Point were visitors at the LjUl Litwiller funeral home at 2:30 meeting. h Tooth Paste Bronko Nagurtki Special Value The hospitality committee for p. m. Thursday, with the Reverend the next meeting includes: Mr. 1 James Morgan of the Christian CARREL FOOTBALL c and Mrs. R. E. Bell.-Mr and Mm. church officiating PERFUME Genuln« 4 98 He is survived by two sons: J. E. Gowland, Mr. and Mrs. Wal Leather JL — Ctotc« •« 1 AC ter Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Walter James T Briggs of Ashland, and S Finest cowhide, rewu Hash, Edna Hash, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Briggs of Portland. iation nze and weight You 11 want one of each of these aHonng odeure John Hellmyer, Arthur Edwards, Two sisters, Mrs Nellie G. Heck- Inflated. ady to use linger of Portland, and Mrs. F W and F. F. Carter. A complete NnupNhot album and rich H Sanitarv Napkins • Misses Lucile and Carol Mc Smith of Minneapolis, Also a looking 8x10 portrait frame in one H Box •< e f Collum entertained a group of brother. Fred Briggs, of Minneap- their friends Tuesday evening. The oils. Plain or Chocolate, Lb. "Tv compact unit. You must Nee it to ■ 12 IO Intermeht was at the Mountain time was pleasantly spent in play appreciate this special value, ing games, dancing and singing. View cemetery. At a late hour dainty refresh THOMPSON SERVICEN HELD ments were served. for only ggc Antiseptic, 20 oz. . ■ W Those who enjoyed the party in HALIBUT LIVER Funeral services for Everett J. Maybell Marland, Mildred Thompson of Talent were held at OIL CAPSULES MILK MAGNESIA QQC cluded: Martin, Luceal Hartwell, Barbara the graveside in Stern cemetery. Oiaf*«n. Plain Jean Moore, Louise Martin, Mari Talent, at 6 o’clock Thursday eve Viscolized, Pint OaJ lyn Christlieb, the hostesses. Lu ning 25 in Boi . OZ7 A n an added Npecial, we will enlarge your cile and Carol McCollum; Marvin Twilliger, Donald King, Merle Tal Subscribe for the Miner today. favorite negative to fit the above album ent, Bob Burdic, James Curtis. frame, 8x10 inches, a regular 65c value, Virgil Jackson, Bob Heath, and Louis Ross. for the unuNually low DOUBLE EDGE i • Mrs. William Harrison of price of.............................................. W* Springarden, Calif., is spending a BLUE BLADES 1 few days at the R. E. Bell home, Mrs. Harrison has been visiting ftrfeefion Olaf at n her brother, B. Heaton .in Ash- land. COD CLEANSING • Mrs. Malinda King moved Tues LIVER OIL TISSUES day to Church street in Ashland Home of Lovely Greeting Cards where she will spend the winter. • Don McKenzie of Prineville, Card» for Eevery Occasion Phone 8 Face Powder Build up your body tn c resist cold» and dises«« Oregon, will arrive Friday to ■ 5Oc spend the winter with Mr. and ■ Size Mia. Herman Helm. He plans to attend the normal school there. Digestive Powder . . . ww • Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wallis are moving to Applegate this week • What Ashland Makes, Makes Ashland • where they will make their home. 40c FLETCHER’S • Mr and Mrs W. S Rice and Castori», for only ...*■> Miss Mildred Martin made a trip to Medford Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hash also I were Medford visitors Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs. L. C. Rice will Talcum Powder. soon move to their new home in I , Talent. Mr. and Mrs. Rice have CHURNED BUTTERMILK 10c per gal lived in Bellview for Wveral years. • Mr and Mrs. Walter Hash and Laxative Gum daughter, Edna, made a trip to Lake o’ the »voods Sunday. ■ su«. PHONE 24 • George Peachey has gone to Eagle Point to spend the winter Hers's the wax that needs no with his grandmother. George will rubbing or polishingl Just wet attend the Eagle Point high Electric Doublt Vanity floors with Waterspar Self school, where he will enroll as a RUSSIAN Polishing Wax—and watch it SANDWICH senior. PENA PENCIL MINERAL OIL • The Bellview PT A will hold its dry. Dries in 15 minutes. TOASTER Imported yg Che Lo- « 19 first meeting of the school year Try this modem way to pro Priced X — at the school house Friday night. Full Pint . . . «7 Nnn-corrnii,, pen tect and beautify polished pnrnt Pencil propel, A new secretary will be elected in T nam« two «and wir he« -.pel. .nd repel. floors. or both »idee st once the place of Mrs. Lee Wallis, who has moved to Applegate. Mama Byrd will give a report on her trip JERGEN’S to the 4-H club summer school In Haliver Oil, lOcc,plain "Tv Corvallis. Cake and coffee will be LOTION served. About People You Know! ] ASHLAND GROCETERIA HARDY AND WOLTERS TALENT ITEMS • HILT NEWS • HERBERT’S 2 STORES ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO I c sïèÉ PHARMACY BELLVIEW Extra Values for Friday and Saturday I L’; 1 7c ASPIRIN LIFEBUOY ----- •----- 23‘ ssss 3 f 25c dr . WEST SNAP ALBUM 2 t ",—33 SPECIAL! 3 MODESS [ MALTED MILK JQc 3 • 1 g LA VORIS 7Qc 3 G ILLETTE 10,or49c SSS« 3 f H WOODBURY 33‘ 3 220?£? 2 BUSHNELL-PERKINS STUDIO Ki. S9C 75c ACIDINE WAX SAVES TIME AND Me 97c ossss; 3 25c MAVIS S WATERSPAR K SELF POLISHING WAX 17c < FEENAMINT l25c g 1 Q .... A V c 3 SOc Sis« 34 PASTEURIZED MILK ASHLAND CREAMERY BUTTER SHASTA ICE CREAM ASHLAHD CREAMERY a 3 6 = ABBOTTS ALARM CLOCK Vogue Design, Only 4Q c 11? ----- •----- WICK’S FURNITURE CO. Watch the expiration date on your Miner. The figures, 8-36 indi 857 Kant Main cate the month and year the sub scription is paid to. Phone 216