Sc A Copy S outhern O regon M iner Sc A Copy Knock, Knock! The Miner’s Here Again! ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1936 Volume 5 Number 37 PARK FEUD TO REACH BALLOT It has been said that absence i ruikcs the heart grow fonder Trouble is, we're afraid some of this column's readers have leak age of the heart • Anyway, here's a greeting to all the Miner's old friends, and to the |>eraon who mumbled "My . suffering aunt. Is THAT going to start again," phooey! Suggest Medford C of CT ieup ♦— M c C racken to AH, THERE, FOLKS! CITY FATHERS TO ASK OPINION OF ELECTORATE Clothes Don’t Make the Man! Three Charter Revisions To Be Decided Here November 3rd With all the political claptrap and whoosh being Perhaps you've already noticad peddled so early in the fall presidential campaign by Personalities and Ashland’s .but In order to drive some peo- I to drink, you've got to catch the republican publicity committee, apparently the all- Litiua park have been getting with them first mixed up in recent council meet time low is being reached by Alf (Sunflower-seed) ings and, as a direct result, coun Ashland, Medford Bodies Landon in hia sudden remembrance of those places cil members late last night de Which reminds us to inquire Would Unite Into into the well-being _ of Art (Hie) dear to his early childhood (and republican electoral cided the question will have to be Powell, the Central Point Amer- threshed out by voters in the city Common Unit votes) which, as far as we can find out, have been election leaner who claims he drink.« water November 3. and rata sunflower seeds for City fathers voted to place on neglected for many years. Precipitated by the resignation breakfast His era of neglect from ballot in the form of a char of Ashland Chamber of Commerce Apparently having little else to sell prospective vot the thia end <rf the county is over ter amendment the moot ques Secretary Gordon MacCracken ers other than broad generalities referred to in a more tion of whether the park com Wednesday, l<Kal buxines« men fell mission should be maintained un And as for Weathervane Ore into a recurring discussion of the or less vague term of “the American way," Landon der its present set-up or dissolved gonian. the Miner figures the only proposed unification of the Ash- has been coached into a series of acts and mannerisms and its duties transferred direct- reason It points to laindon is on land and Medford ("Jackson coun- ly to the city council’s jurisdic- account of the great loosening of ty") chambers calculated to gloss him over as a great guy. He wears tion. I Here for the Wednesday meet- winds in the republican camp. a hat, likes his pipe, is kind to animals and his chil It has been pointed out by spon ing of the Ashland chamber. Med • of the amendment that inas Banwell and ford secretary A. H. dren, stoops to shake hands with his old childhood sors versatile Radio is man's moat much as councilmen must raise of Medford, . W. A. Gates, also invention, much to its hrait-r»’ nurses and reenters his grade schoolhouse. But the funds for park maintenance they pointing out dismay, it la both a musical and addressed the group, exercise some control over advantages said to be possible great good fellow, Just Call Me Alf, gives himself should political instrument park expenditures. However, it is should the two bodies consolidate completely away by the horde of paid photographers said, personal feelings are en their offlcea and energies, and twind in arguments both for and mualc suggesting that one secretary and nowadays Yes, and cameramen accompanying the Landon pilgrim agaiijst the measure and indica soothes the soul, by kind permis- might handle affairs of both ages. tions are that lithia's air, as well «ion of the sponsors chambers. as water, will be charged before If the silly, irrelevant props Landon is making use election Gordon MacCracken, secretary ballots are counted. Sarcasm la that group of re of the Ashland civic body for of are any gauge of the man’s real capabilities, then Last, night'» meeting of city marks you al ways think of after more than two years, tendered a »aw two petitions pre the opportunity to say 'em has written resignation to the cham ' there must be far more than just rumor to the report dad* THESE WILL BE ON BALLOT sented on the matter, one passed ber officials, which was read by that he is Willie (O You Kiddo) Hearst’s little white- bearing 273 signatures urging For mayor: T. 8. Wiley, In- President Prank J. Van Dyke, and rumbent, and T. L. O'Harra. haired boy, and a front for the same influences which councilmen to not place the A Moscow student was ex approved, with a vote of appre pr<»|M>sed amendment on the For Council: Dr. W. E. pelled from school for kissing a ciation for his services The res made his party’s predecessor, Herby (We’ve Hit Bot November ballot, while the Blake and Ralph E. Koocrr. girl's hand. Had he performed the ignation. which is seif-explan- second petition, bearing 118 Incumbents, and 8am 8. Dav- tom Again) Hoover, so well liked in Washington. tory, follows: stunt in Oregon, the undergrads pleaded that residents lea, \ E. Tonner, and Ray "'For nearly two and a half would have jeered him clean out Voters will be at far better advantage if they dis names, should have an opportunity to Minkler. years it has been my good fortune of the state regard Landon’s theatrical efforts and look more express themselves this fall. For recorder: J. Q. Aduni«. to serve as secretary of the Ash • meetings also have incumbent, and J. II. Itarker. Suttle Sam. from down on the land Chamber of Commerce Dur closely at his prompters and costumers. Our Alf might Previous been stirred by stray bits of For treasurer: G. G. Eu- ing thia time I have enjoyed the comer says he's not surprised at also be Their Alf, too, once in the White House. oratory and personalities. banks. the feats of lady airplane pilots Acquaintances and the work that Hal McNair, former park board For park board: C. N. Gill- has fallen upon me. After this member, spoke in behalf of the more and N. W. Heard, in period I have formed certain con present park board, pointing out cumbents. clusions of such importance that that the controversial issue may my duty would not be fulfilled un affect other amendments on the With deadline for filing of nom less I informed you of them. ballot, and that the park board is inating petitions in the Ashland "As you all know, for the doing very well. Ths druggist also city election November 3 nearing, Because the evening will fea past several years we have warned council members that the T. L. O'Harra last night an ture a Townsend dance tonight the been struggling under rather I amendment would mean more nounced his platform as candidate Ashland club will suspend its reg severe and unusual conditions. 1 work for them. for mayor. ular business meeting. First, and of greatest Import Will Dodge, present park board The dance, to be held in the ance, there ha* been for ap Deadline for filing of petitions member, declared that Ashland's proximately three years tur- and measures is Wednesday, Sep Eagles' hall, will feature a real Assessable valuation of mer park is in a class with most larger cake walk dance, with home-made moil about a minor matter, tember 23. chandise in Jackson county for cities where park affairs are gen cake to be given the winner. namely, the location of the O'Harra, a local businessman, club members and the coming tax year has been erally handled by a commission office. This trouble has flared moved to Ashland nearly twc Townsend fixed at $853,380 by the assessor's (Continued on Page 6) up and died down several years ago from the Rogue River friends have been invited to join office. in the event. times, but with each appear district He formerly was a suc- ance the renult ha* I kvsi dis The assessable valuation of ceaaful cattle man in the middle astrous, for each time intro 8OUTHERN OREGON PIONEER farm machinery is placed at west. duced it has had a harmful The complete O'Harra state SOCIETY TO MEET IN J'VII.LE $206,760; hotel anu oft ice equip ment at $180,450; and machinery effect on the prestige which ment follows: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH and mechanical equipment at an organization must have to "1 have consented to become a $519,320. enable It to aucceaafully con candidate for the office of mayor The Southern Oregon Pioneer tinue Ila work. Dairy cows of the county, num after considering the request of "We also have been constantly a number of taxpayers who vol society will hold its annual meet bering 1,099, have a valuation of ing in the old court house in Jack harassed by Inadequate financing. unteered to circulate a petition $180,310; stock cattle, numbering It is my personal belief that con asking to have my name placed sonville Thursday, September 24, 15,471, valuation $261,760; 8,874 according to Marne Dox Nelson, By Our ditions have so improved that on the official ballot for the com sheep, valuation $25,950, and 2,562 Jacksonville, secretary. KEYHOLE with an understandable program ■ ing general election. All pioneers who arrived in swine, valuation $10,790. REPORTER and a vigorous campaign, suffi "And, if elected, I will give the Oregon by 1859 and their descend The assessor's office estimates cient funds could be obtained to city my beat service to give a that county valuation will be assist us out of th« financial clean, honest, conservative admin ants are eligible for membership practically the same as last year. in the organizaUon. The Native deptha into which we have sunk. istration. --------------•------------- Daughters of Jacksonville will However it would be very diffi “I believe the city should furnish the dinner. cult for the limited number of continue to have an adequate business and professional men of and efficient [K>li<-e depart Ashland to by themselvea insurfe ment, backed by the admin the organizaUon of sufficient istration and the loyal support PAUL DURKEE rustling the funds to carry out the needs of of the citizens. SHASTA SPRINGS, Calif. — skirts of Lady Luck at five cents the town. To adequately finance "I am in favor of adequate sup Gathering from all parts of the a rustle. the Ashland Chamber of Com ervised playgrounds for the chil HERB^H MOORE S BING saying Wonderland, members of the reg merce It would be necessary to dren. ional council of the Shasta-Cas ( slime, slime) I can lick any have in the neighborhood of five It was not merely an accident "I do not think it would be to thousand dollars a year. the best Interests of the city to that in the year with the greatest cade Wonderland association met (slime) gent in the house. DORIS HUNTER saying aw-w "To me the moat logical solu disorganize tne working depart- demand for .. , . field , seeds Oregon has here Saturday evening to formu tion to our problem would be for men ta of the city but will demand ! B16 lar^est supply of any state in late important policies to be con to DR. MARCUS WOODS. Southern Oregon about to be i the union, says E. R. Jackman, sidered at the sixth annual con- the Ashland and the Jackson efficiency in all departments. County Chamber of Commerce to "I believe that the administra extension agronomist at OSC, in vention at Klamath Falls early in CHATEAUED. CORRINE wanting to be scene merge, with an office being main tion of the affairs of the city discussing still further opportun October. tained in each city, with one sec should always be for the moral as ities for seed production in this The council reviewed the prog in a daze. GEORGE GILLETTE with a retary dividing his Ume between well as the financial interests of state. ress made by the association dur the two offices for the purely lo the community. He says the success of any ing the past year both in mem movie colony bar, by two thirsty cal problems that arise, and the farming community depends on bership and general support, and flies. “1 believe the purpose of Little BILL MILES swooshing one secretary being ame to ef- the degree to which it capitalizes win propose at the convenUon an municipally-owned utilities is ficiently administer the many upon its natural advantages, and increase in staff and a review of past on his noomatic-tlred trike. to furnish service to the peo Six little puppies having their the extent to which it adapts It the possibiliUes of increased fi questions that affect the county ple at the lowest |H>ssible cost as a whole and not merely one self to changing conditions Ore-1 nancial set-up. ActiviUes of the i say in TED GUETZLAUFF’S feed and not to build a large sur part of it. gon has for many years been past year were checked and it and seed store. plus to be used for other pur MEL KAEGI putting out his “Accordingly I visited Mr. Ban systematically developing its field was found that a widening of the poses. well, secretary of the Jackson "I believe that the present city seed industry under the guidance association's publicity policy was white-wash. BILL PRATT warmly welcom County . Chamber of Commerce, levy is entirely too high and out of federal and state research and bringing the desired results. and after several talks, invited of proportion to the earning ca- the application of these findings President B. K. Snyder of lake ing Lady Luck to a pinochle game him to be here and discuss this parity of all real property. by the extension workers in every view and past president E. B. after an absence of several weeks. with us. 1 have also menUoned JAKE SHORTRIDGE busily county. The wide range of seed Hall of Klamath Falls were (Continued on Page 6) getting the kiddies off to school. this plan to several of the Ash crops that either are or can be among those present. successfully raised in Oregon is POKE N1N INGER astride a land members who are agreeable horse named Romeo with MRS. to the proposition. I also want to ber of commerce service at a cost indicated by the following list, the N1N1NGER on hand with a bottle emphasize that this move did not of perhaps half of what it would prospects for each of which Jack POULTRY CONVENTION SET FOR CORVALLIS SEIT. »4 of liniment. man has discussed with all of originate in Medford, but was require to do by ourselves. "In view of this, I hereby sub Oregon’s county agents: AL JORDAN wearing a red taken to them by Ashland. Oregon's 13th annual poultry smock and cap in his store so's mit to you my resignation as sec Red, alsike, white, iadino, crim “Undoubtedly there will be considerable o|T|>o«ltion to this retary of the Ashland Chamber of son, sweet and strawberry clovers; men’s convention sponsored by not to get shot for a deer. Commerce, effective October 1, such grasses as sudan, bent, mead Oregon State college will be held Idea, mainly motivated by CriUCK TONNER and PAT 1936, or at whatever earlier date ow foxtail, reed canary, Kentucky at Corvallis September 24. As at PATTERSON enviously eyeing fear that our sister city will attempt, In some unknown a merger may be consumated. blue, meadow fescue, tall fescue, the recent turkey growers' con city fellers' cabs and creamery “I wish to express to you my smooth brome, blue joint, chew vention the program starting at trucks. way, to take advantage of us. grateful appreciation of the sup ing» fescue, English rye, orchard, 10 o'clock will consist of a series LOGAN NININGER being just This feeling is entirely un many brief talks by marketing a little too, too willing to work port you have given me during tall meadow oat, rough meadow, of < justified and no one should have the slightest niixon to the past two and one-half years and crested wheat; and such other < officials, college specialists, and overtime. that I have enjoyed working with crops as yellow trefoil, soy beans, commercial poultrymen, with time oppose the merger for such The KEYHOLE REPORTER you and trust that my successor alfaLfa, winter peas and vetches, for discussion between, Inviting his readers to watch key cause. “This plan would enable Ash-I will enjoy his Ashland work and hors« beans, garden peas and cer-, ------------- •-------------- holes on their beats for more land to obtain a superior cham-1 associations as much as I have." tain grain varieties. Subscribe for the Miner today. oopy. Shucks, he says, women can fly into anything. Including a rage, without half trying, • Perhaps, after the fall election, some of the country’s die-hards will have to satisfy themselves I with a lot of hand-me-down law suits Instead of the robes of au thority they've been jockeying for. • And this guy Art Perry with his Smudge Pot. May he not even , have a window to throw it out of • A l*ullman, Washington, man choae to come back to life after having been "dead’’ for 30 min utes. And on the eve of a po litical campaign, too! • Although some people may in quire correct in their ego. they seldom arc tactful about it. Modem drivers have the ad- vantage of knee-action on their cars, but what seems to be needed most is some good foot-action in the seats of their pants. The biggest Jaugh of al) la the guy who always is waiting: for the last one. e clothes do not make the but just try to prove it Ln overalls. Nobody likes two-faced people, but oh you double features. • Then there's the class of people who'll have nothing to do with the milk of human kindness unless it's been thoroughly pasteurized. • The ocean has been declared the world's biggest and best germ killer. Now if we can just get Art Perry into a bathing suit. • One thing can be said for the railroads. They don’t run their rattling freight cars down the main stem Ln the dead of night. • Judged from the news, it's pretty hard to determine whether the Spanish “ rebels And loyalists are going or coming. Maybe its just a case of silver going out and lead coming Ln. • Grants Pass business men are worrying over the for sale signs being posted on ranches and homes in that vicinity, reasoning that Bark us had better not be too willing. UNITY ( ENTER TO MEET Lessons in truth will be the theme of Monday night's Unity Center meeting, it was announced today. Classes, open to al), will start at 7:45 p. m., with Mrs. Walter Clifton in charge. ----- •----- Mall or bring in your subscrip tlon for the Southern Oregon Miner today. One year one dollar RESIGN FROM CHAMBER 1ST That pair's in again, Ashland . . you remember, P. D. (Presses and Ink) McDougal, ind I>eonard (Horsewhupped) Hall And we don’t mean in Chief Talent's boarding house, but the good old Southern Oregon Miner, or what’s left of it. Here to take up duties pertaining to publishing a newspaper intend ed to be interesting, readable and, if we can help it, profit able. Drop in and renew acquaint ances any time you’re down town, and if absence hasn't made your heart grow fonder, why come in anyway and stick out your tongue. We'll be glad to see it. P. 8.: We’re open for busi ness, too. Townsend Dance Will Be Held Here Tonight VALUATIONS IN COUNTY SET AT $853,380 TOTAL SEEN in OREGON LEADS ALL STATES IN FIELD SEEDING Regional Council To Hold Meeting ----- •-----