SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Constructive Suggestions or Complaints: Which Get Results? THE FEATHERHEADS *■ First Method Fosters Good Will ; Second Causes Annoyance. S’MA ITER POP— Nothing to Be Seen C. M. PAYNE Shame on Pa : MFSCAL IKE city corner, by autos colliding. A woman requested the city to Install STOP BEFORE CROSSING eigne by the curb at each corner of the cross street. Since her request was heed­ ed. fewer catastrophes have oc­ curred, arid there need he none. It only motorlata would hei-d them She did not complnln, hut she made a good suggestion In a good way. and won her point to the comfort of all but the reckless. There are two ways of accom­ plishing things which one has t<> get done. One Is to complain Hint things are not as they should be. The oth­ er la to make constructive sugges­ tions and request that they be fol lowed out. The first method Is apt e Bell Syndicate —WNU S.rvlc. to annoy the (>erson conferred with. The second appeals to his sense of Quick, Safe Relief justice, and. If the suggestion I» a For Eyes Irritated good one and within reason. It Is genernliy heeded. Assuming that, In By Exposure both cum the thing gets done, In To Sun, Wind the first Instance, annoyance pre­ and Dost — vails. while In the second, good will Is fostered. You will remember the old adage that you' can catch more tiles with molasses, than vinegar. In other words you can get more accom­ plished by keeping good tempered and sweet, than by getting annoyed and sour temfierad. When It'» Unnatural Getting Things Accomplished. It’s rather trying to be expected It Is well to remember these meth ods for family nee. and for civic pur­ to set a good example. poses. It does not mean that one can get things done merely by being good natured. There must be a plus to It There must be continual effort In the right direction, until the No matter how many medicines point Is won. And when there ha.» you have tried for your cough, chest been no hard feeling created, and cold or bronchial Irritation, y„u can relief now with Creomulsion the matter Is wen to. there Is likely get Serious trouble may be brewing and to be a feeling of satisfaction on the you cannot afford to take a chance aide of both parties, each being with anything less than Creomul­ pleased that a good thing has re­ sion. which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to sulted. soothe and heal the inflamed mem­ It was by the recommended meth­ branes as the germ-laden phlegm od that a woman succeeded In get- is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have ting a bench put on n waiting ata - don’t be discouraged, your tlon platform. She appealed to the failed, druggist is authorized to guarantee correct authorities, telling of the Creomulsion and to refund your genuine need for such a bench, as money if you are not satisfied with tired persons found ft almost more results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) thnn they could endure to stand from ten to twenty minutes, more or less, according to the connection of one car with another at this junction. Mr*. L. E. Dixon of At first, came a note stating that 2819 Chestnut SL, Ever­ her request had been noted, and for­ ett, Wash., said: “I wax weak and sickly when mally thanking her for letting them I wax developing into womanhood, I lost know of her wish: nothing more, weight, became irri­ and nothing was done. table, had headaches z It was only after repeated appeals, and terrible cramps. I my system was and continued assertions that the becoming weaker each realized time and that a tonic company would be treating their pa­ was necessary. I tried ____ Dr. _______ Pierce s __ Favorite ____ Prescription and it was not long until I trons with consideration by putting was eating better and feeling better.” bench at the place suggested, New size, tablets 50a, liquid $1.00 & $1.15 finally she succeeded. And now only are he. own trips to the made less tiresome, but hun STOMACH, RECTAL and drills of other persons dally find the COLON Ailments seat a blessing. STOMACH — t lcer». Acidity. IndigosUon. Another Instance comes to mind. RECTAL —Piles h lasure. Fis­ tula. L'lcers. Repeated accidents of major and mi­ COLOM —Colitis. Bloating. nor severity occurred at 3 certain Gas. Constipation. Still Coughing? T INNEY OF THE FORCE •Tutkzs w u-Ae £«s n T our stupv — mat be a Twcit' l F or us to / WUMBSR OP •WAMTtO'MSM RKSHT MB«« iH IbwM— YutiSti PlCTURgS >f-------- ---------- “»---------- A h P MIXR i PT i O n S ILNTOuT U5£ /r— I Putting Them to Use I' m 6LAP To SEE Nbu <5 o < n E- 'taeouGH those papers — STUpY 1*6 PHOTOS, THAT S' —~L ~TmB OHLY WAY/ [--------- - YiS -YiS SoR IrTM BUT T^eSE- T m E ONES YOU'RE P u TTI n ÍT ÀÛIPE- Y hc Y’RE all old CMES— OF men WHO PAVE BE€M ; CAPTuRÊP — "TuAT'S S ct SKP Sez. SEE OlM SORliM’ 'EM OUT FEW P inochle SCORE SHEE 9- WE USES BACKS O t so«.r Pinhead’s Getting Smarter "REG LAR FELLERS" WOMAN’S AILMENTS • No h