Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 21, 1936, Image 1

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A Copy
S outhern O regon M iner
A Copy
Successor to l’he Jacksonville Miner
Volume 5
Ashland, Oregon, Friday, February 21, 1936
Nuggets From
The Miner
By C. B.
------ 4
Hometimes I get a sort of sus­
picion In my noggin, or may la- It's
only a mere notion, or a flitting
tnough to make a vibration
si miliar to the faint tintlnabulat
ion of a allvver bell, not impressive
enough however to warrant any
great excitement, not enough to
upset my well known ami justly
celebrated dignity nor play hob
with my ¡Milse, but enough by put
ting two and two together ami get­
ting my mental attitude in tune
with the music of the spheres and
shifting from the clash ami clang
of politics, as I started out to
remark, 1 sometimes have a feel­
ing thut neither Herbert Hoover
nor Alfred Hmlth think any too
highly of the New Deal
Educational campualgns t o
check reckless driving on t h e
highways may be all right. But the
trouble is, a campaign of education
can’t do anything to curb reckless
drivers tor the very ap|>areiit
reason that auch drivers have'nt
sense enough to learn anything
There arc too many apeed maniacs
on the highways
What's become of all the young
members of the Republics nparty ?
A few years ago they were expect­
ed to run things Ami they showed
signs of being progressive But
the standpatters arc still dominat­
ing the party
There's great fussing and fuming
and buzzing around among some
of the hardshell congressmen about
Dr Townsend They never -ared a
tinker’s dam about what they call
the "old folks" until the Town­
send movement threatened their
Jobs So now they want to Invest­
igate. There ought to be an in­
vestigation about the salaries and
perquisitiea of congressmen and
especially about the perquisitiea
The city council at its meeting
Nomination of directors for the
Tuesday night accepted most of Ashland Chamber of Commerce is
the recommendations made by a being made by the members, each
special committee appointed prev­ member having received a list of
iously, and adopted ordinances the membership from which to
placing an annual license fee on all make choice of fourteen names,
pin-ball machines operated within After tabulation of the returns
the city, and also on theatres, card the fourteen high names will be
rooms, billiard halls and bowling declared nominated and a second
ballot will be sent out for final
Home ordinances were repealed, choice.
and some were amended. The re­
There will be seven vacancies in
sult, including the new ordinances, the board by expiration of terms
will remove some features that on March the first These include
have become obsolete, and will nix regular vacancies, and in ad­
furnish strict regulations as Well dition that of Frank Jordan, who
uh provide revenue
is filling the unexpired term of
Tiie police department will have Dr. B G. Barkwill. The term of
charge of al) collections of license Dr Barkwill would have expired
in 1937
aty Judge John H Fuller was
The election of board members
reappointed on a salary of $20 per will be completed by February 29
month, the salary taking the place I it is said, and a new fiscal year
of fee method hitherto In use
will start with prospects for a very
Further time was granted the active program.
state banking department in the
Plans are being made for the
matter of quieting title on the annual meeting, which is to be­
Pompador mineral springs proper­ held March the tenth Details will
ty. The city, in a general election be given later. All members are
more than a year ago, voted to expected to attend and the public
buy the property for 110,000 A is invited The committee is com­
decision on the suit Is expected posed of O. F Carson, chairman,
and Clem Bradshaw, Wirt Wright,
A financial report was submit­ H. C. Galey and J. G. Anderson.
ted to the council showing a bal­
This annual meeting will afford
ance for January of $87,060 11 a fine opportunity for the citizens
The December balance was $102.- of Ashland to get together, enjoy
755 93 Receipts and transfers dur­ a good time, do some community
ing the month amounted to $26.- singing, shake hands, swap jokes,
571 17 Disbursements and trans­ forget scars, and start climbing
fers were $41,666 99
"Where there is no vision the
j>eople perish."
Disposal Plant
Townsend Picture
Work Going Fine At Lithia Theatre
Work ia progressing on the new
sewage disposal plant. Ashland’s
big civic project, to whic the fed­
eral government donated 55 per
cent of the coat.
for the three tanks are atxiut com­
They say figurca don’t lie And pleted and the pouring of concrufa*
yet you’ve noticed, you’ll find both Is expected to begin tnis week '*
aidca of most any political quest
There is still much work to be
ion can is* provevd by census fig­ done, for it ia a huge project The
ures May I m 1 it's the fellows who
■Hgging of mure than two miles
quote the figures who stretch the of sewer ditches, which will con­
nect the septic tanks with the
i new plant, will soon be under way.
According to Mr Hoover, con-
Elmer Biegle, city superintend­
fusion ia going to rage in thia ent. expects the entire system to be
country until the budget ia bal- in operation by the latter part of
anccd And yet the nicely Italanced June
budget that he found when he be­
gan his term as preaident didn't
Ser us for seed potatoes luid on­
prevent the hlghwaya In evevry
part of the country from being ion sets. Ted's Fe<>d A S«M*d
lined with unemployed men seek­
'S3 C'hev. Truck. Reconditioned.
ing jobs. Who upset the budget
Ashcraft A
then ?
A census ia now being planned
to register and classify unemploy­
ed in western states in order to
atbillze and regulate the supply of
farm labor. If there's anything
thia country needs. it ia more and
better censuses Or Is "censi" the
proper word ? First thing
know the census will become a
political issue.
Seems like about every winter
or so all previous official cold
weather records are broken some-
where in the country If that keeps
on very long there's liable to be
some pretty cold weather for fut­
ure inhabitants unless they find
out about the Ashland winter cll-
New Deal, no longer weep,
For night has turned to day
The Court says you may keep
Your darling TVA.
One of the main causes that
brought on the depression was a
bull market. That, and several
other varieties of unmitigated
"bull." And the stock market gam-
biers of Wall Street are begining
to show symptoms again.
An increase in carloadings is
seen aa a favorable business omen.
Come on, cars! Waddle up to the
sidings and get your loada!
Brace up and take a forward
step and chaBe away the frown;
put on more vim and push and
pep and boost the good old town;
forget the jars and ruts and jolts
and wipe your weeping eyes, be
friskey as a dozen colts. Get wise
and Advertise!
------------ •------------
Give your chicks a break. Fitd
Hodgen-Brewster ('hick Starter
with Ymist. Tested, tried and
proven. Exclusively for sule at
Ted's Feed & Seed.
How come and what for CLYDE?
♦ MAYBELLE JONES, fiddling
*A CROWD of dissapointed for­
tune seekers, explaining they al­
ways take a walk on Wednesday
and Friday nights, anyway.
Ing for a rabbits foot.
Ing to rise early, again.
LEE RYAN, having bomb
getting caught in the act. Terrible
how some people delight in break­
ing the law. Tsk! Tsk!
*• CORRINE stating that her
favorite colors are neither black
or blue.
ALLEN AUTREY, figuring on
" FRAMING” a sports column of
their own. They intend to head
the column, "PAN”.
* LEE BATES, figuring that all
he needs to be a detective, is a
* AUB MILES, getting a little
light on the subject.
BUD GANDEE, buying per­
Number 8
Talent Organizes Deadline for Dog THE CHAMBER OF
Townsend Club in Licenses March 1 COMMERCE DOES
Big Meet Tuesday According to a statement made EXCELLE! WORK
by the Humane Society the date
A new Townsend club was or­ of March the first as the limit of
ganized Tuesday night at Talent, securing dog licenses means ex­
Gordon McCracken, secretary of
the club starting with 48 member» actly what it says After that date the local chamber of commerce, in
on the roll. There are two other there will be a penalty and there a report to the board of directors,
places in the county about ready will be no recourse to avoid pay­ said the registration of automobiles
to organize, which gives a pretty ments.
from other states for the first
fair idea of how the movement is
It ia pointed out that thia license fifteen days of February, was 205,
growing in Jackson county.
was created for the benefit of far­ a gain of three for the same per­
Rev. Ray Garland, an authoriz­ mers suffering sheep losses thru iod a year ago.
ed Townsend organizer, presided ravages of dogs. Incorporated cit­
During the six weeks of 1936,
as chairman Ear) Withrow was ies receive 80 per cent of this lic- the report stated, a total of 477
elected president of the club, a ense to handle their municipal dog out-of-state autos were registered.
vice-president is to be chosen lat­ problems.
Indications are good for a record
er. Katie Estes was chosen as
Payment of the dog license in number of tourist visitors this
secretary and Mrs. Ethel Maxwell Jackson county last year enabled year.
The next meeting the county dog control board to in­
as treasurer
The State Highway Commission
will be held Wednesday night, crease the compensation on aheep is preparing to publish and dis­
March the fourth.
losses 33 and one third percent.
tribute a nifty edition of folders
There was an interesting pro­
Licenses are a benefit to the to be distributed where they will
gram. Rev. Garland, the organiz- 1 farmer and a necessity to the city do the most good, and a picture
er. presented the club with a gav­ resident, and as a consequence the of Ashland's already famous Lithia
el of apple wood, home made and payment of same cannot be avoid­ Park will be included in the illus­
guaranteed to be effective. Mr. ed, the Jackson County Humane trations.
Maxwell gave a talk descriptive society said. The society suggests
Real estate inquiries are being
of Congressman John McGroarty, that in order to avoid needless ex­ received at the office. Mr. Mc­
who is his personal friend. There pense, all dog owners secure their Cracken reports fifty-three such
was also a talk by Ray Shoemak­ licenses before March 1. The lic­ inquiries, from a radius which in­
er on the proper understanding of ense is due, whether dogs are per­ cludes British Columbia, Californ-
club work L. S. Hackler was ap­ mitted to run at large or kept con- -
ia, Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska,
pointed as a member of the coun­ fined on the owners' property.
Ohio, Washington, Arkansas. Mon­
ty advisory board.
tana, West Virginia, Wyoming,
Others who made brief talks
Indiana, Florida, New York, Ver­
were Rev C. F. Embrey of Phoe­
mont and Texas. A letter and de­
nix, Rev. Charles Fredenburg of
scriptive matter have been mailed
Talent, and John R. Pittenger of
to each inquirer.
this city. Thirteen members of
The chamber has received a let­
Ashland club No. 1 attended the
ter from the Talent Grange, invit­
Richard Joy of Ashland was ing all Ashland residents to a din­
elected presodent of the county ner and dance to be held at the
41H club leaders association at a Grange hall there next Tuesday
meeting held on Monday night in evening. It would be right neigh­
Mark Skinner, superintendent of the county court house in the Ore­ borly for a big delegation to attend
banks, was here Monday on bus­ gon State college extension office. from here.
Secretary McCracken recently
Other officers elected were Wal­
iness concerning the liquidation of
to Senator Charles L. Mc­
the Citizens Bank. A consultation
was held with George N. Dickin­ president; Miss Marjorie Fisk of Nary in regard to much needed
son. who has charge of the affairs Medford, secretary; Aubrey Sand­ improvements for the Dead Indian
of the bank. Properties controlled ers of Medford, treasurer. Among road, the route to Lake of the
by the bank were inspected and others attending the meeting from Woods. The senator replied, saying
satisfaction was expressed as to Ashland were E. B. Poyer, Larkin that he has discussed the matter
the progress being made in the Grubb, Florence A. Tucker. Lucille with the chief forester, who is
communicating with the regional
Lamport, Dorris Hitchcock.
settlement of affairs.
forester. A good raod to the lake
----------- •------------
give Ashland another good
txx st
tonight, Friday, at Legion hall.
The local Parent Teachers Asso­ All members are urged to be pres­
C'hev. '28 nimble seat coupe.
ciation has made arrangements ent, as this meeting is to be of $145. Ashcraft & Leever.
for a public showing here of “Life import to all Legionnaires.
Begins," an educational picture.
’35 Plymouth coupe. Radio and
The film illustrates the psycholo­ YOU SAW IT IN THE MINER! heater. $585. Ashcraft A Leever.
gical growth of the normal infant
and is said to be very interesting,
It will be shown at the avie Club
House next Tuesday at 2 p. m. by i
Dr. L. F Beck of the University
of Oregon and also at 7:30 p. m.
"March of Time" issue coming
to I-ithia theater Sunday, Monday,
and Tuesday in connection with
the "King of Burlesque" featuring
Warner Baxter, Alice Faye and
Jack Oakie, brings to the screen
the pictorial history of Dr. Fran­
cis E Townsend and the Town­
send Old Age Revolving Pension
For the first time the full Btory
of the country doctor who asks
$200 a month for every old per­
son in the United States, is told on
the screen in the "March of Time." ;
I-ate in 1935 brings Townsend I
clubs welcome news, in the nom-
ination of a Michigan candidate
whose platform is the legislation
Funeral services were held last
they have promoted for the past I Saturday for Mrs. Mary Carson
two years.
I Hurd of this city, who passed away
In 1935, Dr. Townsend, an ob­ Thursday, February 13. She had
scure California physician, worked been in ill health for the past sev­
out his remedy for the nation's eral years and underwent an oper­
ills Undismayed when able econ­ ation Thursday morning at the
omists denounced his plan as the Ostepathic Clinic in Medford.
mad dream of a well meaning
Services were held from the
theorist, he abandoned his practise, Stock and Litwiller Funeral Home,
opened headquarters and spread with Rev. Merle L. Edwards of­
propoganda that enchanted old ficiating. Mrs E. O. Smith sang
folks and brought him millions of two hymns, "Safe in the Arms of
followers. "March of Time" viv­ Jesus." and “The Old Rugged
idly portrays this dramatic epi­ Cross."
sode in American History. Showing
Those acting as
intimate scenes of Dr. Townsend, were Glenn Simpson, Gerald Gunt-
explains his plan and tells how er, Bert Freeman, Emil Stauffer,
he devised it to restore America Herbert Specht, and Carl Burning­
to complete economic health. It hausen. Interment was in the
shows the doctor as he directs Mountain View Cemetery.
his activities from Washington,
Mary Byers was bom November
supported by a following of over 15, 1899, in Grand Junction, Colo­
rado, and came to Oregon in 1920.
Other items of interest shown She was united in marriage to E.
in this issue of the "March of C. "Bert” Hurd on December 25,
Times” are the timely films taken 1926. They lived in Ashland until
by Julian Bryan during the past a year ago, when they moved to
summer and fall, of the Japan and Shale City. Mrs Hurd was a de­
China Episode. Many of the scenes voted member of the First Pres-
taken in Manchukuo, where the byterian church, and a faithful
Japanese are spending millions on worker in the American Legion
a gigantic boom.
In addition to her husband, E.
"The King of Burlesque,"
Hurd, she is survived by two
glittering melodious romance of
the stage presents Warner Baxter, children, Frank L. Carson, and
Alice Faye, Jack Oakie and many Phoebe Hurd of Ashland;
stellar names of stage and screen mother, Mrs. E. Byers of Paul,
together in what is heralded as Oregon; two sisters, Mrs. C. K.
the most entertaining musical Rupp of Burlingame, Calif., Mrs.
L. C. Johnson, of Auburn, Wash­
ington; and two brothers, Paul P.
Byers of this city, and Carl Byers
of Elyria, Ohio.
------------ •------------
Leonora Broili, district deputy
of the Royal Neighbors lodge, was
A Portland newspaper stated in Grants Pass Monday on lodge
Thursday morning that John H. business, also attending a meeting
Fuller has been recommended for there that evening.
postmaster at Ashland, a position
------------ •------------
which Fred D. Wagner has held
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sewall, Lome
since 1923 The appointment must Sewall and Mrs. Ellen Tate were
be confirmed by the U. S. Senate guests Sunday afternoon of Mr.
before it becomes official.
and Mrs. L. R. Phillips, in Horn­
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Butchart of
Grants Pass returned to their
Mr. and Mrs. George Robison re­
home Tuesday after a visit here turned Monday from Crescent City
at the home of Mrs. Butchart's where they had made a week's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yeo. visit.
Named President
Of 4-H Leaders
■ • Chas. Boyer in THUNDER IN THE EAST
a I i EB
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PI IK AN extravaganza OF MELODY
WAY! -,
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