Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 27, 1935, Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
Southern Oregon Miner
Successor to
Published Every Friday at
167 East Main Street
Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1635.
at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the
act of March 3, 187».
Clem Bradshaw and Sona
Subscription Rates, in Advance:
One Year...... .. ....... $100 Six Months................. 50c
-------------- •
Following are the aims of the Town­
send Plan as stated in the National
Townsend Weekly, official newspaper
of the movement;
To provide security for all persons
who reach the age of 60 years to live on
an American standard of living.
To remove from competitive labor a
sufficient number of citizens to afford
opportunity for all employables.
To provide a constant purchasing
power for the products of American fac­
tories. industries, agriculture and ser­
To maintain a balance between con-
supmption and production that will end
all depressions.
To protect and preserve all rights,
traditions and customs which have been
established as true Americanism.
To stimulate ambitions and offer in­
centives to further progress and devel­
opment of higher standards of living.
To reduce crime by destroying the
conditions which breed crime.
To furnish opportunity to the young
for fullest use of their talents and abil­
To safeguard the American home as
the unit of modern civilization.
To reduce the terrific burden of tax­
ation caused by public and private char­
ity, by growth of crime, by waste, by
maintenance of public institutions that
would be rendered unnecessary by in­
creased demands for products and ser­
To compel the constant circulation of
money and obtain the certain result of
better homes.
To constantly raise the standards of
living to the levels possible under inven­
tion and modern methods of mass pro­
duction and distribution.
of credits and currency. Under our pres­
ent Bystem we are in a depression when
credits are frozen in the banks. The gov­
ernment comes along and issues bonds
with which to aid business, and cashes
these bonds through private institutions
thus relieving the banks of their liabili­
ties at public expense. It then spends
millions of dollars through state agen­
cies, private industry, public develop­
ments and relief agencies, in an effort
to stimulate renewed business activity.
But what happens? All this money finds
its way back into the banks from which
it was originally drawn, in less than five
turn-overs, and the freezing procss goes
on again.
“As far as we can see, there is only
one solution to the problem open. The
control of credit and currency issues
should be returned to the government
where it rightfully belongs. As a begin­
ning we offer the suggestion that post­
al savings banks be opened to checking
accounts and their deposit privileges en
larged. The United States Postal Sav
ings Banks could be opened in all first
second and third class post offices in
the country, subject of course, to laws,
rules and regulations laid down by the
government. The postmaster general
would be the head of the banks, assisted
by a banking board including represen­
tatives of the financial branches of the
government service.
“The California State Grange went on
record strongly favoring national bank­
Three candidate» way off then'
ing. The National Grange asked for ex­
Mitchell left for Tacoma,
In Maine who want to tie elected
to Congress have announced their
tension of the postal savings; issuance Wash . on Tuseday to spend the
holidays. Mrs Mitchell expected to
candidacies an advocate» of the
of non-interest bearing treasury notes Join
him at Portland Saturday
Townsend plan Two of them are
rather than bonds; no non-taxable sec­ Mrs May Jorgensen of Medford
Ha! Rah' Rah! At last the Republican» and one n Democrat
urities; reduced interest rates general­ who has been visiting Mrs Mitch­ daily pres» has awakened They In Michigan, when1 Verner W
Main», Republican and avowed
ly. and farmer control of the Farm Land ell, left Tuesday.
i pricked up their ears and came
Townsend Plan supporter, recent-
Banks. They came as close to asking for
out of their lethargy right after jy won a neat In Congrra», a Rc-
federal control of all banking facilities Mr. and Mrs Sanderson of Ala- our Townsend convention in Chi­ publican in another district said
as such a conservative bunch of dele­ meda were at the hotel Wednes- cago. How they do roar, after the he wouai seek nomination iu> a
election in Michigan, with an over­ proponent of the plan
gates could come without directly say- day.
whelming victory for the Town­
ing so.”
send plan. Our "Fantastic scheme”
Sperling has returned to
Mitchell, So. Dakota, are visiting
Gran’pa Invites Some of the Boys In ]
to the Editor
In our opinion Governor Martin is ex­
actly right in opposing the hiring of
outside architects for Oregon’s new cap-
itol. This state has plenty of talent in
the architect line, and the home talent is
much more imbued with the spirit and
traditions of the state than could pos­
sibly be any outsiders. Oregon also has
abundant materials, and the governor is
opposed to buying materials outside. He
stresses the need for more teamwork
among the citizens, which is also an ex­
cellent idea.
If the G. O. P. had any sense it would
0. W. Newman, managing editor of
the California Grange News, has an ar­ drop all other candidates and hand the
ticle in the current number of that pap­ nomination for president to William E.
er in which he discusses “frozen cred­ Borah without a dissenting vote. But
its.” Following are a few pertinent par­ the elephant seems to be very dumb
lately and may obey the commands of
agraphs on the topic:
“It is one of the paradoxes of our de­ Chairman Fletcher and Mr. Hoover and
mocratic system that we should call up­ other standpatters. Senator Borah is a
on the government to assist us out of liberal and the poor old elephant has
periods of depression, and yet not pos­ been trained for a long time to shun lib­
sess within the government the control eralism.
bry and family. Miss Marquis will George Farmer who recently un­
j visit with the Newbrys over the derwent a major operation in Port­
| week end.
land is recovering rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Weuns
and son Dale spent Christmas Day
and family spent Christmas with
The New Year’s Eve dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. Hishinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Marian Ray of
the club members and their famil­
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Duffield of
ies will be served at 6:30 The pro­ Boise, Idaho, visited with Mr. and
gram as announced by the com­ Mrs. Roy Talbot from Monday to Ashland spent Christmas with Mr.
mittee is as follows: A reading by Thursday. Mr Rey is a nephew and Mrs. J. C>. Talent and family.
Mrs. Wade Wallis; a group of sel- of Mrs. xalbot.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and
ections by the harmonica band, ' Mr. and Mrs. B H. Christlieb son Bobby of Oakland, are spend-
two vocal solos by Mrs. Taylor and family spent Christmas with ’ ing a few days with Mrs. Malinda
Williams, a reading by Esther Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Christleb i n . King. Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs.
Carter, two selections by a violin Grants Pass.
King, Mr. and Mrs. George King
trio composed of Dale Williams,
Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Deadmond, i and Beryl, and Miss Betty Coyette
Barbara Helm, and Vida Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long- i spent Christmas with Mrs. Lizzie
accompanied by Mrs. Walter Long- streth and family were Christmas I Barron in Ashland.
streth. Mrs. Ben Christlieb, Mrs dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Her­
Miss Lola Talbot arrived Sat­
Herman Heim, and Mrs. Vai In­ man Helm and family.
urday from Sprague River to be
low compose the program commit­
Esther Wade who has been quite with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R
tee. Everyone attending is asked
ill with the mumps is reported to Talbot, during the Christmas va­
to bring food enough for his own
be greatly improved. Bernie Helms cation.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pankey
is aiso confined to his home with
A large crowd attended the the mumps.
were Christmas dinner guests o f
meeting of the Bellview P. T. A.
George Yockel and George Helm Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lewis in Phoe­
last Friday evening. After the returned Tuesday evening from nix. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and fam­
business meeting and program, re­ Burlingame,
where ily recently moved to Phoenix from
freshments were served by the hos­ they have spent the past three Bellview.
tess committee, composed of Miss weeks disposing of a load of Xmas
Miss Eunice Hager and her mo­
Doris Hitchcock, Mrs. Vera Helm, trees.
ther, Mrs. Emma Hager, are vis­
Miss Eunice Hager, and Mrs. Wil­
Mr. and Mrs. Deverj Helfrich iting in Creswell with Mrs. Hag­
liam Ford.
of Ashland spent Christmas with er's brother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cates and
Friday afternoon the children of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Heinz.
the Bellview school enjoyed a
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams sons Jack and Billy have moved
Christmas tree and an exchange spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs into their new house which they
of gifts. The teachers and pupils W. C. Martin and family. Mr. Mar­ have erected on their place.
------------- •-------------
will enjoy a l»ng vacation, return­ tin. who has been ill jvith malar­
ing to school January 6.
ia fever, is rapidly recovering.
Mr. and Mrs W. C. Yost
Mr and Mrs. Erford Poole, Mrs
Miss Beth Joy, who is attending Klamath Falls have purchased the
Ida Poole, Mr. Ed Williams of Tal­ O. S. C., is spending her Christmas J. M Montgomery home, 207 Vista
ent, and Miss Patsy Marquis of vacation with her parents, Mr. street. The sale was made through
Medford were Christmas dinner and Mrs. A. C. Joy. v
the agency of Reed & Robinson,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R E New-
Word has been received ft hat realtors.
Friday, December 27, 1935
to get something for nothing is
at Norton's.
coming to the front by leaps and
Mr and Mm. Clark Becker and bounds. Some of us can remember
daughter» Edith and Mary Helen,
when some other folks got some­
are spending the holidays with
thing for nothing and they were
relatives near Loa Angeles
not front page folk» either How
Mrs Mallin was in town
o n about some of our rich exploiting
Thursday, having Horne dental
the rest of us. in our public land
work done.
steal». Million» to the railroad»
Mrs. Wm. Tallis was ill last
.Million» of acres bought with the
week and Mrs Baumgartner was
greenback» at 25c to 35c on the
taking her place in the post office
* dollar in gold, creating immense
Mr. and Mrs W A Gran and
holdings ax the Henry Miller es­
son Billy left Saturday to spend
tate of 13.000,000 acre», and num-
the holidays with relatives at Ker­
| tier» of others obtained the same
by. Oregon.
way Some of them were obtain­
Mr and Mrs Joe Franci» Jr. are
ed by placing wheels on boats and
visiting relatives in Central Point
riding over the land in the best
for the holidays. They left Friday
on wheels and taking the land ax
swamp land. Also some of upper
Mr. and Mrs Frank ».ard and
"Eastern Senator»" took over the
family were In Ashland Saturday
' timber land with dummy entry-
Mr. Oliver Larrimore went to
i men There is a tract in Eastern
Granta Pass to spend the holiday»
Jackson and Western Klamath Co.
He expects to return about Janu­
of 42,000 acres that was obtained
ary 5.
under the "something for nothing
------------- •-------------
act." We Just want a »mall part
of the wealth we have been bilked
An all-day meeting of the Home out of by some of our "Illustrious
Economics club of the Phoenix Congressmen and public officials."
Grange, whicn included a covered Also, a small part of the wealth
dish luncheon at noon, was held we have helped produce, that has
Wednesday of last week A busin-
confiscated by* few? 20 pct.
ess meeting was held in the after­ of our familie» receive $450 per
noon, and gifts were exchanged
year income, or »lightly more than
$ 1000 per day. 1-10 pct. of 1 per
The Heath place, Nevada street, cent receive $305,000 dollar» per
has been purchased by Mr. and year, or $1,000 per day. Can any­
Mrs. Thurman Owens of North one in these United States »ay
Hollywood, who expect to arrive that is a fair and just or equable
here soon to take possession. The distribution of wealth? Especially
sale was made through the agen­ when so many are near starvation
cy of Reed and Robison, realtors. or are actually starving.
------------- •-------------
—Charles J. Holmes
Miss Ellen Franco, who is teach­
ing in Granta Pass, is spending
the holidays here at the home of
Ross Lewis has taken over t h e
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T -P.
management of the Unique Clean­
ers, and Fred Dunn, who has been
operating the plant, i» planning
Ted Schopf and "Pat” Patterson,
students at the Normal school, are to return to Los Angelos. Mr. Lew­
is was formerly In busine»» at Vil­
spending the holiday vacation in
lisca, Iowa and has resided here
the past two years.
Troop 35 of the Jacksonville
Boy Scouts enjoyed the annua)
Christmas frolic Monday evening.
A Christmas tree with a present
for every scout who had done his
good turn was one enjoyable feat­
ure among the many of the eve­
his home in Kansas City after
spending ChrlMtrnaw here with Mr
and M rs Sam McNair and Ruth
Mm J II Sugg.M
Mrs. Clay Hugg an«i
Thursday for a visit
cisco st the home of
R A Grant.
Mr and Mrs Hugh Hartman of
Rogue River arc here for a visit
at the home of Mrs Hartman's
parents, Mr and Mm. V D Mil
Mr and Mm Arthur V Hardy
of Granta Paas visited friends and
relatives here Wednesday
Robert Bectel of Dunsmuir spent
Christmas here with his aunt, Mrs.
Walter Bevington
Mr and Mrs H. O. Parker and
family of Yreka were Christmas
guests at the home of Mrs E M
Rease, Mrs Parker's mother
Mr and Mm. Will Bates spent
Christmas in Medorfd with their
son and family. Herald Romanger
took care of the station in their
----- •-----
The nations of the Old World
are forming a solid front against
Italy. It will have to be admitted
however that Italy was a mighty
factor in helping to determine the
outcome of the World War. And
it will have to be further admitted
that when the conquering nations
of that war made their divvy of
the spoil» of war, Italy got a
mighty raw deal
Nine attorneys of Portland may
be disbarred from practice. While
a good housecleaning helps once
in a while, the Incident should not
be considered as a slam against
the legal profession in general.
There is just as big a per cent of
It was an ideal Christmas day in
honorable and upright attorneys
this fair city, even those inclined as there is In most of the profes­
to make dents in the law seeming sional and business lines.
to catch the spirit of the day.
There were no arrests and the po­
There will be many social af­
lice department felt truly thank­ fairs and "watch” meeting» i n
| these pa its next Tuesday night.
----- «-----
WART, THE SPEED COP (Continue^ Next Week) By Dr. W. Oeser
WMvfo ri s
Iw YCAA 01
Another year I» cloning—With »Incere gratitude I thank all my friend» and patron» for their gener
__ we.
_ _
ous ktinnnpf
support. Unnlnir
Hoping oriel
and nsMs«rls»ev
preying # for > Lla>4
kind assistance in the
New — Year,
I beg r to remain faithfully
your», Dr. W. Oeser.