Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 27, 1935, Image 1

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A Copy
S outhern O regon M iner
Successor to The Jacksonville Miner
Ashland, Oregon, December 27, 1935
Volume 4
A Copy
Number 52
Mayor Wiley Was Christmas Cheer Work Will Begin Must Serve Term Sewage Disposal
Liberal S. Claus Widely Spread In Monday On Street In State Prison Bonds Forwarded
Surface Project On Barn Burning
To Portland Co.
During Holidays Good Old Ashland
Nuggets From
The Miner
By C. B.
|------------------------------------------------ *
Mayor T 8 Wiley is Axhliind'x
largest apple grower and th«- ap­
ples h«1 grow« are not dlmlnutlv«-,
cither. But figuratively speaking
his heart is a heap larger than a
whole bushel of the largest ap­
ples h<- could possibly grow
It's jetting along pretty close to
a couple of thousand yearn since
< xhcphcrda of Bethlehem heard
k 1‘enci on Earth song with its
^luini ot good will to uuiiiluii'l
But la there pence on earth?
Probably there him never been a
year since that song win sung
that han not witneaaeil win some­
where on the earth
Fifty boxes of hlx fine apples
were distributed free Monday and
Tuesday in thia city to bring
Christinas cheer to many homes
l.axt week he gave liberally of ap­
ples to be included In the distri­
butions at th«1 Community Christ­
mas party Tuesday evening of this
week, and Monday h«- added a lot
more fruit to that gift
It must not la* denied of course
that the world has made tremen­
dous advance .Sentiment for (trace
Is growing stronger War in losing
Its glory as well as its glamor It
1s known now In its true color as
a black .unspeakable horror, a
grizzly, gory game of which the
lowly ones of earth are always the
helpless victims The blare of the
iiugit ih lowing its thrill
Holiday Business
Was Greater Say Will Barnstorm
Local Merchants
In The North
Then why is war? There's no
lamor for it among the ordinary
individuals of any civilized nation
But when the diplomats get to­
gether they arc no longer Indi­
viduals They represent nations
And most nations still do business
according to the code of the re­
lentless law of the jungle The
sacred rights of the weak are of­
ten sacrificed to the greedy de­
mands of the strong Heeds being
scattered right now In the Old
World across the sea may bring
forth monstrous weeds of hatred
and w<s* Diplomats appear to
have taken the place of kings as
nsiters for the game which grim
old Mars loves to see played
But some day, some time, Peace
is going to conquer War lx>ve is
goug to eonquoi Hat* Right is
going to conquer Wrong Truth is
going to conquer Error. Back
where the first day dawned, the
world starb-d to climb. It has
come far on a long trail that often
was dim, but It is still climbing
Ever there is a call to the race of
man to advance It will not always
All that th«1 Old has ever given,
of dream or effort or of shining
deed, all of Its visions and Its
martyrdoips, are stepping stones
toward mghtcr glories of the
New. For all the prayers and
tears, the longings and the heart­
aches, all the weary watches and
the waitings, all the lonely mid­
night vigils, all the faith and hope
of other «lays, have lifted us to
higher ground and pointed farther
upward, along th«1 path immortal
of <>ur dreams
Starting Monday with th«1 okeh
order of P»»A, construction work
on the Ashland sewage disposal
| plant is off to a g«xk! lively start
The preliminaries, such as the
building of toolhouse and office
had already been completed.
Announcement of the order wax
made by D. L. Buckingham, res­
ident engineer inspector of Med
ford There wax a slight increase
in the crew made Monday and by
now the number is considerably
Benjamin A. Eddy is to act as
resident engineer, being sent here
bv rile PvVA He will also be in
charge of the Normal school gym­
nasium work here, another I*WA
------------- •-------------
No us«1 now to give any more
gentle hints as to early shopping
Any incorrigible old gent who
hasn't already done as advised is
Just naturally going to be stub­
born enough to wait until the day
after Christmas in order to avoid
the rush.
Governor Martin urges more
From my observations
Oregon is just about as progres­
sive ns some of the states that
are staggering under loads of
debts that arc entirely too heavy
to carry. To pile up a lot more
debts might start Mr. Progress in
the wrong direction.
And now It is being heralded
about that no outstanding econ­
omists in th«1 country favor the
Townsend plan. Of course it isn't
But anyway. I've noticed
that scarcely any two outstanding
economists ever agree on any sub­
ject. There’s a vast difference be­
tween theory and practice.
Ashland merchants report a
very fin«1 holiday trade this year,
th«1 volume of business exceeding
that of liny year for th«1 past sev­
eral y«;ars.
There wax a big rush at the fin­
ish ax usual. Shopping began at a
rather early date and volume wax
steadily Increased
Th«1 trad«1 territory of Ashland
covers a wide area and the mer­
chants here are wide awake and
modem Window displays and the
xtr«»et decorations, backed by the
splendid stocks of merchandise,
made this city an attractive trad­
ing point for holiday buyers
Ashland however does not de­
pend merely on sp«"clal occasions
Trad«1 lx good at all times of th«1
year because the merchandise is
attracove, ami th«1 prices are
right, ami th«1 merchants adver­
Elks Lodge Gives
Ball For Charity
The charity ball given by the
Ashland lodge of Elks on Christ­
mas night was a big success and
netted a nice sum for the char-
ity fund. The ball was given in
the lodge temple and dancing was
enjoyed from 9:30 to 1:30.
Music was by George Dayton’s
orchestra. M. W. Hamel, Frank
Van Dyke, Clinton Baughman, Lee
Dunkeson, J. E. Thornton, Ash­
land; Harry McNair, Yreka; W. G.
Smith, Talent; Harry Kennedy,
Hilt; and Roy Swaggert, Montag­
ue, are the members of the gen­
eral staff.
ury figures show that there are
goodly numbers of American citi­
zens who are forced to eke out a
precarious existence on puny in­
comes of from three to nine mil­
lion dollars per year. Not half
enough to buy daughter a prince
Headline: "It’s Easy to Find or a duke.
Gifts Ladies Will Appreciate." In-
Oregon State Board of Educa­
dee« 1 yes! But it’s the paying for
them that makes the old pretend tion says "nixie” to any more
Sunday football games for stat«1
to have a sort of hurt feeling.
school teams. Oh, of course the
An Oregon man was arrested in board didn't order the funds from
California recently for fast driv­ that Sunday game played in Cali­
ing. And he was only making fornia sent back, but hereafter it's
eighty miles an hour. The Cali­ very naughty to play Sunday
fornia cops ought to come up here games.
once in a while and see the boys
The diplomats just tip their
making real speed!
hats, and smile. But in their domes
Page the relief agency! Treas- dwell many gnomes of guile.
Among the dark and jarring
news on social, racial, factional
and political news, I not«* one lit­
tle gleaming item: "Wool prices
the past week were mostly firm
despite small sales.”
Just A Wee Boost
For Ashland Climate
Townsend Club No,
One Meets Tonite;
Mahoney Speaker
Christmas Service
By Knights Templar
Homecoming For
Former SONS
Work Is Started
On Sewage Plant Boxing Board Is
And Going Lively Named By Mayor Special Townsend
Meeting Saturday
Evening, Medford
We climb, and climb, and climb,
becaus«1 the wav was smoothed by
other feet. And climbing thus, we
reach new heights, and leav«1 new
stepping stones for thox«1 who fol­
low And climbing on, we look be­
yond the doubts and fears and
clouds of Time and see the sweet
light shine above .and trusting it.
can never go astray.
Some of the G. O. P. leaders are
rooting for a program of economy,
balanced budget, sound money,
and protective tariff. They had
all those things when they held
the reins of government, and yet
they drove right ke. smash Into
the depression.
M<«re than fourteen miles of un-
George A. High of this city, who
Ashland sewage disposal bonds
paved streets in Ashland ar«; to be wax convicted and sentenced to in the amount of $27,000 were
«•«•surfaced when; needed. It is a
state prison on the charge o f signed Monday and sent to the
WPA project an«l will give em­
bon«! company at Portland which
setting fire January 1, 1933 to the bought them. The PWA has given
ployment to fifty-five rnen.
Th«; proj«;ct includes the resur­ Balfour-Guth.ri«1 bam near here complete approval.
facing of aligned portions of the for the purpose of collecting $15,-
The federal government made a
streets with four inches of gran­ 000 insurance, surrendered volun­ grant of $36,000 to the city, and
ite, lowering of 1550 feet of curb­
to the total of the bonds and the
tarily Tuesday morning at the
ing. ami also provides for new
federal grant will be added a suf­
| county jail and was placed in cus­ ficient amount to be taken from
drains ami cross drains.
The cost to the city will b e tody. He has been at liberty on the city’s el«x:tric light fund t o
$2,798 The government is furn­ bonds.
build and install the disposal
High was accompanied to the plant.
ishing $6,371 through WPA, mak­
ing a total cost for the project of Jail by his motner. He returned
The money from the light fund
recently from Los Angeles, where was voted at a special election. A
business, and where good many citizens objected to the
Th«; work is to start next Mon­ he has been
day an«! will be under the direct his family resides On Tuesday af­ diversion of any part of the ■ light
supervision of City Engineer Frank ternoon he appeared with his at­ fund for helping out on the dis­
Walker. It is expected to be com­ torney, William M Briggs of this posal plant, saying that electric
city, before Judge H. D. Norton rates should be lowered instead
pleted within three months.
in chambers, and made a plea for of the funds being diverted.
parole, which the court declined
There are indications that such
' to grant. He will probably be tak­ objections may come to the front
en to the state prison Saturday if again as a well-defined issue in
the mandate from the supreme j local civic affairs.
court arrives in time.
------------- •-------------
The weather bureau forecast of
Robert N. High ,a brother, is al­
rain for Christmas failed to click so expected to be taken to the
so far as Ashland was concern««!. | state prison at th«; same time. He
Nice, bright, sunny, happy day, has been confined since July in the
Eight Ashland high basketball 1 with an extra broad smile on old
county jail. With his brother,
players and coach Pon Faber will Sols beaming face. To the north­
George A , he was convicted last
leave here next Monday morning ward about a dozen miles, where
March by a circuit court jury, and
for a four game barnstorming tour boasting about the climate is the
about two weeks ago the supreme
of the northern part of the state. : favorite sport, it was different
Dallas will b«1 the Grizzlies first Ashland ought to make more noise court confirmed the conviction.
Joe B. Holland of Astoria, con­
opponents, being played on Mon­ about her climate. A foggy day
Ashland Townsend club No. 1 is
fessed dupe of the High brothers
day night Tuesday, the Faberites or night is the big exception Th«1
in the bam burning, is on parole. to hold its regular meeting this
will tangle with McMInneville; contour or whatever they call it
evening, beginning at 7:30. Mayor
Wednesday, New Year’s Tilla- seems to shunt the fogs away Theron Martin, another accomp­ Willis E. Mahoney of Klamath
lice, who pleaded guilty, is serving
m«xik will be met and the trip from here.
I a sentence of two years. They Falls is to be the speaker and a
wound up with a set-to against
1 both confessed that
they had big attendance and a rousing meet­
the Chemawa Indians Thursday
been hired to aid in setting the ing are anticipated.
The club meets now at Eagles
Hurrying home. Faber will take
hall, having found it necessary to
his squad to Klamath Falls for
known landmark of this area, was find larger quarters in which to
the opening Conference game Fri­
by George High at a hold tne session. The club has a-
The Knights Templar command-
day night.
bout reached the limit of member­
I sale, six weeks before the fire.
Players certain to make the tour ery of this city held a brief Xmas
ship allowed in any one club.
are, Hess, Fowler, Schilling. Mur­ service Wednesday morning at the
Mayor Mahoney is one of the
phy, Lee and Mayberry The two Masonic Temple, the service being
great speakers of the Townsend
others will be selected from the followed by a waffle breakfast
movement and his fame is more
following: DeMers, Bromley, Dav­ The service began at nine o'clock
than state wide. It will be a pleas-
is, Bruce Schilling. Gettling. War­ Formal observance of Christmas
I ure to hear him.
as well as that of Easter,
ren and Porter.
------------- •-------------
Ashland high journeyed to Cres- ' been added to the Templar calen­
cent City tonight for a return 1 dar All the members of the local
The fire department was called
game with that team
commandery were invited to at­
That’s what it will be for How­ j Tuesday evening when Austie Bar-
tend, accompanied by their ladies
ard Hobson and his university of j rie's auto caught fire on the Boul-
Oregon varsity basketball team | evard on account of a shortage
I when they take the floor against in the light and horn switch. The
the SONS of Southern Oregon estimated damage was $45.00.
Normal New Year’s night in the
------------- •-------------
highlight battle of the entire seas­ —YOU SAW IT IN THE MINER
In reserve, Eberhart will have
It will be the first time that
Mayor Thornton S. Wiley has
Hobby, after three great basket­ Bill Hoxie, Leavers, Wayne Har-
appointed a boxing commission
ball coaching years here, has plac­ iss, Patterson and Neil Winkle.
to govern matches and smokers
Oregon’s starting lineup, while
ed a quint on the Junior high bas­
given in this city and sponsored
A Townsend meeting which is ketball floor since last season :and not definite, will probably consist
by local groups adn fraternal or­
said to be an important one is to along with the soft spoken coach of McLean and Leibowitz at the
The commission named by the b«* held tomorrow (Saturday) eve­ will come eight former history forwards; Howell at center and
mayor consists of Chief of Police ning in the Armory at Medford, making SONS players who are Willard Jones and Patterson at
battling for first team berths on the guards. Jones, last year all
C. P. Talent. Dr. W. J. Crandall. beginning at 7 o'clock.
R. Z. Adams, national coordin­ the Pacuic Coast Conference Web­ Northwest center, has been shifted
Merritt Randles, Cal McClellan
to guard to make way for slam
and Jean Eberhart, coach of the ator of the Townsend Plan clubs foots.
bang Ward Howell.
of the United States, is announc­
Normal sch<x»l.
The two teams will play in Med­
For Howard Hobson and for
The local Eagles sponsor regu­ ed as the principal.
the following night, January
Accompanying Mr. Adams will Wardlow Howell, undoubtedly the
lar semi-monthly boxing events
here in their lodg«1 rooms, and at be Townsend Plan State Manager finest court performer ever turn­ 2.
times the Normal school and the Bunnell, shortly to be transferred ed out at Ashland high; for Cluf
to Washington, D. C., who is slat- “Chief” McLean, the brilliant In­
Elks lodge stage events.
e«i to deliver a special message dian fl«x>r man; for Bill Courtney,
------------- •-------------
peerless guard and dead eye shot
Mankind Meat Wafers, a bal­ direct from Dr. Townsend.
Frank X. Sherrer, president of artist; for Charles Pat” Patter­
anced dog f«Mxl in a convenient
form. Per |x>tiiid 15c; 5-lb. carton Townsend club No. 2 of Medford, son, the perfect basketball player;
H5c; 9-lh. carton *1.10— At IMRi will preside. In addition to the for Wayne Scott, of the sharp
speaking there will be an excel­ shooting eye and for Ray Jewel,
F«H*d and Seed Store.
six foot six inches tall.
lent program.
Those are the men who follow­
"We all want Mr. Adams to car­
ry the word back to Washington ed Hobson to Oregon when he was
that we are an alive, up and com­ appointed head coach there last
ing. aggressive band of Townsend- year, and in addition to them there
ites here in Oregon" the announce­ will be the two Jones boys, Wil­
ment of the meeting says, which lard and Budd, for the past pair
also urges all who possibly can of seasons at Oregon but who
both were at Southern Oregon
to attend.
------------- •-------------
Normal three years ago.
So it will be Homecoming for
Fire last Sunday damaged the practically everyone on the Web­
residence of David Benjamin at foot squad in addition to Hobby.
287 Avery street to the amount of And tnose players, teamed with
approximately one hundred dollars. Leibowitz. Silver, Harcomb and
The second story of the house was O’rourke, are expected to drive the
destroyed. The fire department re­ Oregon team to the northern div­
sponded quickly when called af­ ision title of the Coast Confer­
ter the roof was discovered to be ence.
Jean Eberhart, handling the
blazing, and kept the house from
Ted Guetzloff, teaching his par­
SONS for the first time, has built
rot to talk French.
an excellent team with which to
A lot of guys staying away
Troubled with RATS? RAT weic«me the Webfoots. With only
from Council meetings. (Fear?)
Aubrey Miles, wishing Saturday NIP is guaranteed to kill them. two b.ttermen available—Walton
would last a week.
For sale at Ted's Feed and Seed and Winkle—the SONS have won
three games while losing but one,
Art Cooper, figuring in seconds, Store.
and mis-figuring
that to Oregon at Eugene early
------------- •-------------
Art Gilbert wondering if he is
President Roosevelt expressed a in the season.
the only lone wolf (HOWL ART)
Carl Oeser putting over a red- lovely sentiment in his greeting er Ashland high center at that
to the American people: "The spir­
hot sale.
position for the SONS; Ted Scliopf
Art Coggins, rend« ring a brain - it of Christmas knows no race,
high scoring ace from Portland,
straining decision.
at a forward berth; Monk Walton
Bill Dean, making up for lost of time or space.”
at the other scoring position; and
------------- •-------------
Merritt Randles making
a i The playlet "No Room at the Howard Scroggins and Arba Ager
Inn” was presented at the Pres­ at the guards, the SONS will pre­
Jerry Gault's favorite express- | byterian church last Sunday eve­ sent a fighting team that will
JO.-.M oo
ion is: ‘‘It's to early to go home; ning. Preceding the playlet there probably give Oregon everything
Jack Bears, wondering,
just I was a devotional service, also car­
ols by the Sunday school orchestra. more.
If anybody In Ashland missed
getting a liberal portion of Christ­
mas good will and cheer, It wasn’t
th«1 fault of the various fraternal
orders of the city, nor of civic or­
The Masonic fraternities, th«1
Elks, the Eagles, th«1 Legion, the
Auxiliary, the Odd Fellows, the
Boy Scouts, the Camp Fire Girls.
th«1 church organizations, the lod­
ges. all did their part
The fire department fixed up
broken toys almost g«ssl ax new
for distribution among the little
folks There wax also many indiv­
idual donations by citizens were
it wax a joyous Christmas. The
city sparkled with holiday lights
ami decorations, and visitors an«l
tourists received vivi«l impressions
of the way Ashland does things
Saturday Only
2 Features
Plus Richard Arlen
“Read For Love”
Sun., Mon., Tue.