SOUTHERN OREGON MINER PAGE OF READING FOR THE FAMILY THE-NOMADIC CIRGILS Circus Clowns Cater to ths Popular Fancy. Prepared by National Geographic Society. Washington. D. C—WNU Service. N MIDSUMMER the circus sea­ son Is at Its height Since early spring troupers have been don­ ning their costumes dally, and trained animals from every corner of the globe In colorful trappings have delighted young and old. Geographically, the circus has been a great eJucator. Long before ajtomobiles. motion pictures, and radio broke down the barriers be­ tween Isolated regions of the Unit­ ed States and the advancing world outside, the circus was taking its artists, its comedy, its music and Its nomadic college of zoology Into almost every state and territory. The world's largest circus might even advertise that It carries the original New York cast, because It takes on tour precisely the same show that opens in Madison Square Garden. Whatever else the peripatetic amusement venture Is or is not. the fact remains that It Is real. There are no circus “doubles" to perform the difficult feats, and there are no substitutes for those who may not feel "up" to the ordeal of two shows a day, “rain or shine.” Years ago leaders In this field of enter­ tainment learned that the formula for permanent survival Included a whole-hearted attempt to give the public something It never had be­ held before, surrounding it with a dazzling array of sustaining attrac­ tions. This hard-and-fast rule has persisted through the years, amid a procession of magic names: Jum­ bo, Tom Thumb; Chang, the Chinese Titan; Zachlnni, human cannon ball; Tom Mix. whose Rough Rid­ ers carry the spirit of the old West to every state In the Union: Goliath, monster sea-elephant; Ubangl sav­ ages from Darkest Africa. Because the circus is nomadic In Rs quest for business. It always has been of necessity a fighting Institu­ tion. Therein Iles one of Its major blds for fame. Like a gay explorer who finds each day’s Journey a fresh problem to tackle, the circus strug­ gles against a perfect maze of dal­ ly entanglements that threaten to ensnare It like a colossal Gulliver. The circus has battled the weather and it has fought grafting officials who threaten to dig up some ex­ cuse for fining or tying up the show unless complimentary tickets fly thick and fast. Hu^e Daily Overhead. The managements for yenrs have fought the argument that they take t<»o much money out of town. Peo pie overlook the fact that every big circus spends a large sum In every city in which it plays. The dally overhead of the largest circus Is In excess of $15,000, and a consider­ able share of It is spent locally for lot and license, straw, lumber. Ice cream, soft drinks, billing locations, and food for GOO horses. 36 ele­ phants, four herds of camels, hippo­ potamuses. an