Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1935)
Page 6 Friday, August 2, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER CIRCUIT CLOUTS GIVE LOCALS 10-9 WIN ON CCC NINE JUST PEOPLE by John D. • FEDERAL SLEUTHS IN ACE THRILLER AT HIE LITHIA 'j Edward» “Just sight your bead squeeze the trigger. I said squeeze Home runs by Bill Kanuasto it. suh!" and Leonard Hall and manager Gunsmith extraordinary, Cliff McLean's eighth inning sin trade, vocation, and avocation gle in the pinch, gave the Ashland For the past 51 yean I. E. Dead Lithians a 10-9 win over the Anne mond has practiced his trade in Springs CCC last Sunday at the Missouri. Kansas, Oklahoma. Cali high school field. fornia and Oregon. Lanky Bob Hardy went the He comes by his trade honestly. route for Ashland and although he His grandfather, Joseph Deadmond was'touched for 11 hits, tanned was one of the early settlers in N. 12 and pitched great ball in all but Carolina and was a finished crafts Mt > «51 J* «« aai Mmr. rwt aaiftti'Kv 3 innings. man in the art of gunsmithing. in S4?iiMt o» >« at wur XWAC4- ■ H E However, I. E. Deadmond, Ash tutM imitato tut Nino* rut. u A* i KNTOM. UP LIMA.» SXMU FUH Anne Springs 9 11 3 land's gunmaker began learning »talli Mtallt» PAHtatO rOtalTHCU »I» Ashland 10 13 3 the trade from his uncle William BIT i jr auttraoN ah ' ’Mt Slut mat «V» c uw« A c loam CApnato Batteries: Hogan and Pearson ; Deadmond in Centralia, Illinois. ruoM a »«Irl»« ow'd* There at the age of 12 he turned Hardy and McLean. his hand to appreticeship in ------------ •---------- IT UO Bitta HOI 4WPIIP SV uncle’s shop in Centralia. owví«» <* just TOWNSEND CLUB ELECTS Gunsmithing in his family JA< HAS KNOW'« 45 n«o DELEGATES TO ALBANY extended back 175 years at least. oat 5uM<t .»».') rt H ao nniim The Townsend club at their reg He's not certain just how much tees amo muño or siut ular meeting Thursday evening el farther back, but at least * 'TW !ì •>*>. 4U LOVUHUM to ected E. F. Miller and John Pit years is his estimate. «I* *«0'AM* H * 4W UUNA -~4 tinge r as delegates to the congres FX WVT1P *«n WKX NGviu A He has a very modest supply of tlk. 99 MsO J TA TV' »»4 AM* •’ sional convention to be held in Al guns, only 40. That’s all he could 0N6KU FMSt® ’AN act T» t STA»M3M 1 bany August 14th. rwt KA* C» IXtU-k" TWt nexs’ • name offhand., there may be some »JW WA5 A'.WTTP AX’ a Mr. French, a Townsend organ that he couldn't remember. They «0* sun » mo m »SUUtP QNiue izer from Salem, made an address range in type and size from the JULY Í0U0WHU OSTI CF little popular calibre 22 to the big AOMiAAiOM. ’ to the local club. buffalo guns of early days used on the prairies. One of his guns, a 12 gauge muzzle loader, was used in TWO ARRESTED FOR Quantrell's band of gorillas which DISORDERLY CONDUCT terrorized Western Kansas during Carl Pitts and Dave Kimball, of and after the Civil war days, it Medford, were arrested late Wed was brought to Oregon in 1867 via nesday night on a charge of drun covered wagon. It formerly be- kenness and disorderly conduct longed to the Beeson family. Ball was set at $10, each of which FRIDAY and SATURDAY Another early gun brought ac- was furnished. They were cited to ross the plains from Pennsylvania 2—FEATURES—2 appear yesterday morning but for is a 16 gauge muzzle loader Whit feited bail ney. in 1865. Another, a buffalo gun taken from a Sioux indian CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE shoots a slug larger than a man's Comer Fourth and C Streets thumb. The rifles are so large One of baseball’s greatest at R. T. Holmes, Pastor that the end of the midget cannon tractions, and certainly its most Sunday school. 9:45 am. looks octagonal. 1A rifle in the belly-laugh provoking, will be pre Morning worship, 11 a.rn. Sub barrel of a gun is a spiral groove sented to Ashland fans next Tues which gives to the projectile a day afternoon when the Detroit ject, “Faith and Courage.’’ Young peoples service, 7 p.m. spinning motion resulting in much Colored Giants, rated the finest Musical program given by Mr. greater accuracy.) Negro ball team in America, tan A paragon Baker 12 gauge shot gle with Cliff McLean's Lithians and Mrs. Vernon Cay wood, 8 p.m. Mr. Caywood imitates eight dif gun with a damascus steel barrel on the high school field. ferent instruments by the genius is his pride and joy. its original The game is scheduled for 5:30 cost was only $150. Another, a p. m. to enable business men to of Up and vocal placement, while little LeFever 16 gauge shotgun, have the opportunity of seeing the Mrs. Caywood plays the saxophone with and piano. is worth but $85. entire game. WARREN WILLIAM When questioned about his Tuesday, at 8 p.m., Rev. Manager McLean has assigned marksmanship he replied that he to Bob Hardy, brilliant young Mrs. Ralph A. Cook will be with could still see to hit the side of a southpaw, the job of hurling us in a missionary service, Rev SUN - MON - TUE barn, with due caution. Then fig against the Ethiopians. and Mrs. Cook are sailing from uring the number of rounds of shot Portland, Oregon, September 17 as Billed as the only team which he’s fired in his life time of assoc our new missionaries to India. You CRIMINALS fr iation with guns, he said that he'd year after year barnstorms from will enjoy hearing these young coast to coast and from the Gulf shot the barrels from eight guns; people sing and also the message. to the Border, the Dark Clouds n tu unta $ one Stevens, two Colts and five to be given. Rev. and Mrs. E. E. ICE »ETECTIIES Marlins. This of course does not will descend upon Ashland with a Martin, our new district superin -IIIIU III lineup literally studded with names «Il CLIIT... include the number of rounds fir tendent, will also be with them. 931 IECEITE ed from guns which he’s owned for familiar to baseball fans the coun Everyone is invited to be in this try over. a short length of time. All in all service. Led by the Babe Ruth of inde much more than a million shots Wednesday, at 8 p.m., mid-week have been touched off at the press pendent ball, King Kong Smith, prayer and praise service. who smashed out 41 home runs -------- •------------- of his finger. A muzzle loader, according to last season, the Giants will be the Perhaps talk is so cheap be- Mr. Deadmond, is a really more ac first nationally known team to cause the supply is so largely in curate gun than the breech loader play in Ashland in the past five excess of the demand. — Weston (the modern type of gun.) This years. Anotherf player that is Leader. is due to the use of round balls featured is Dizzy Dean Thomas, and the longer distance between the pitcher who has lost only four games in two years. Albert Moor sights He tells the story of his uncle, a head, called the funniest catcher crackshot, who used to attend dif in baseball, will be behind the bat ferent shooting contests. This un for the Giants. cle had a muzzle loader which was Others of the great Negro team perfect Inside, splendid barrel and are; Andy Childs, second base; true hammer contact. But the Pistol Pete Moore, shortstop; Red outside was rough and scarred. Knuckles, utility; A. J. Smith, The butt was wired together and first base; A. Parks, left field; M. altogether it looked most disrep Saunders, third base; Andy Love, utable But when the shooting be right field; and Big Bill Smith, 6 gan, the uncle would unlimber this foot 4 inch outfielder. long barreled muzzle loader and For Ashland, Cliff McLean will catch; Carl Harris will be on first, Billy Hulen on second, Parker Hess on short and Virgil Swanson on third. The outfield will be selec ted from Arnold Gosnell, Bill Kan- Wednesday nasto, Leonard Hall and Joe Mc Why in creation FOR SALE!—Six acres, all kinds Farland. Aug. 7th Is all the Elation of berries, and fruits, all good The largest crowd of the season soil, 4 room house, garage, chic is expected to attend the game, Among men whom you meet every ken house, Price $1250.00. day? Season passes will not be honored $360.00 down. Balance terms. as the Lithians have gone to a It’s easily deduced See Reed and Robinson. great deal of exuense In bringing Florsheim Shoes are reduced, FOR RENT—A four room furn the Giants to Ashland, but the ad- ished apartment at 96 Laurel mission price has not been advanc And that’s why they’re acting Street. Phone 289-J. (Jy26A2-9) ed-thirty five cents for fans and this way! a dime for little baseball bugs. FOR SALE—Good used lumber, also kindling, at Shale City. Low prices. (j5tf) drive a tack at 75 to 100 yards. In the natural course of events he FOR RENT—Furnished house, in was barred from other shoots. cluding electric refrigeration. Mr. Deadmond Is a splendid gun Inquire at Palace cafe, Ashland. smith. He recently took the bar FLORSHEIM SHOES WANTED—Fruit haul for one or rel of a broken .22, cut the bar two trucks. Also good body rel short and has turned out a HERTOOTHPASTE wood for sale. Buy your winter beautiful muzzle loading pistol. He CLEANED UP ON wood now and save money. J. W. THE MARKET/ Coates, Bellview. Phone 10F11. has a standing offer for this gun, from an Albany man. But Mr. FOR SALE- Automatic Reming Deadmond is very partial to this ton 12 gauge, like new. A bar gun, there probably isn’t another gain. 770 Iowa street. Aug 2, 9. in the country its equal. FOR SALE MUM takes the od or out of perspiration. Special 29c at Bolton’s Drug Store. Colored Giants To Play Here Tuesday It's taken 22 years for A m I i I iuh I' h number two fire truck to cover ap- proximately 2791 miles. Bought in 1913 from the American I tai brume company for $10.01)0, it has only needed two new sets of wheels and tires with small motor adjust ments. However, it must be not ed that each mile put on the truck is equivalent to about 15 on an or dinary automobile. Soon as u call Is sent in, the mo tor is started and with no warm ing up the throttle Is pushed to the floor and all speed possible is made in reaching the blaze. Ashland's number one truck, a Reo, was purchased in 1928 for the sum of $8,000. It has covered 1323 miles since Its purchase. Lithia Spigot Is Installed, Plaza Those who can’t drink enough Lithia Water down town to last them until they get home will be agreably surprised to learn that work on the installation of a spigot from which jugs, buttles, demi johns, kegs, may be filled with ease, will soon be installed Installation work is now being carried on under supervision of the city water department. The new faucet will be located directly be hind the iced Idthia fountain in the Plaza and will be ready to use by the first of the week. All the thrills behind the scenes of the Department of Justice's re lentless wur on crime will be brought to the screen of the Lithia theatre, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday in "Let 'Em Have It." The film, which Harry M Goetz and Edward Small produced for release through United Artists, Is a swift moving tlirilici which tears its subject right out of the head lines of the nation's press. Richard Arlen, us Mai Stevens, an attorney; Harvey Stephens, as a wealthy sportsman, and Gordon Jones, the sensational new football star "find," us a dead-shot cowboy, become the "three musketeers” of the Federal sleuths. We used to hear that "Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm." The gift now Is supposed to l>e a job. Weston lA'ader. /----- ——'— -------------------------- - Medford School of Beauty Culture 419% EAST MAIN PHONE 84 Permanent Wave ... $1.00 Finger Wave .......................... 23« Comb Wave _____.................. 23« Shampoo......... —... ................. .25« Haircut —............................... .25« Mai cel ............................................ J Manicure ........................... ......J Eyebrow Arch __________ J Scalp Treatment ....................I Hot Oil.................................... Facalla ..................................... (Work Done by Students Under Supervision) Millionaire “CASE OF THE CURIOUS BRIDE WIPED OUT/ Classified Ads CASH NIGHT $125 Sale CASH PRIZE ENDS SATURDAY AUGUST ATTENTION FARMERS—Used and reconditioned grain sacks and twine for sale at Ted’s Feed and Seed Store. CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Medford, Oregon NEW LOT of FLOWER POTS- all sizes at Ted’s Feed and Seed Store. < IMPROVED 14% acres with bun galow, barn, poultry house and about $500 crop goes with this GUNSMITH—LOCKSMITH close-in acreage, to trade for Lawn Mower Service Ashland home. Phone 261 23 North Fir A Fm Styl— •79S Medford Cycle and Repair Shop < MILLER REALTY CO. / OESER’S Super SERVICE STATION 358-370 EAST MAIN STREET— ESTABLISHED 1922 r BLU-GREEN GASOLINE 22c Tires INDIA —HOOD MILLER YALE I Like to Serve You DR. W. OESER Do You Realize The Ford 1935 V-8 HAS MORE BODY ROOM THAN ANY CAR SOLD IN AMERICA UNDER $1300 Some people think they are buying a larger car when they purchase some other make. It will pay you to investigate. The only small thing about the NEW FORD V-8 is the PRICE! More Power, More Body Room More Miles Per Gallon of Gas More Years Of Service CLAYCOMB MOTOR COMPANY J MARS & SON Ford Sales and Service Complete Service Under One Roof Phone SO •)