Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1935)
SOUTHERN OREGON MINER SILK LACES JUST NOW LEAD IN FAVOR Late Offering« (lave Deli* cacy of an Etching. Women who have always had n warm «pot In their hearts for n lace evening dress can once again satisfy their desire* Silk Ince, once heirloom lace, I* now a iinnit and practical choice for the silk sheer* which lead the summer faahlin pa rade. You will see allk Ince on the amarteat dance tloora and In many faihlonahle daytime costumes mid sccesaorle*. It tuny he made up In tailored or dreany styles but It al ways retains that femininity that Is characteristic of the new silk node. The new silk Inces appear to be of the most fragile, airy descrip lion, featuring stylized floral pat terns In group treatments. But In •pile of Its apparent fragility, •!?!• lace has remarknble durnblllIy. Silk 1« the strongest of all textile Abers, raw «Ilk having a breaking strength equal to almost one-third of the best Iron wire, and this character Istlc makes It practical as well as beautiful for use In Inces. It musses very little and cleans beautifully. If you do happen to catch It on something or to put your heel PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM aswswsOwuraff MaeaSaSSWhs Impart. Color and Baaut, to Grey and Fadad Hair and II '¿st pruftfiet* Whs fatrT,.^(t>«>, N Y.l FLOMATON SHAMPOO - Ideal fur um in •oanarOon with Parker's Hair lUlsam Mak>e the hair soft and fluffy. Mi rente by mail or al drujr- ftele. Hieros Chemical Work*. Patchogue. N.Y. ttdUranirn. Double your m»n»y oelllnt West* irn made Flavor« Coernell* ■ A rrinsdle» Write KnfMlMl* Mf«. Co.. (urvaJIU. Ore. WNU—13 through It while dancing, you can be sure that It can be mended so Hint the tear will never tie noticed. Home of the new silk Inces have the delicacy of an etching. Vine chantilly erred* are much In favor. New and churmlng nre some con volitional pattern* In silk Ince, In eluding big «plushy whorl designs and spider-web effects In slightly stiffened textures. Evening gowns of silk Ince are the most Important manifestation of the revival of luces. They nre bundled like fine chiffons or silk crepes, with full hemlines, and soft ened decolletnges featuring dro|>[>e<l shoulder effects, shoulder ruffle* nnd dru|M'<l treatment*. However, there are some new dinner gowns In silk Ince which, while they are soft In silhouette, have amusing tnl lured touches, such ns shlrtwnlnt bodices, little round or pointed col litra nnd front dosings accented with vertical ruchlngs. PATTKSN «S« KC BAKING POWDER Double Tested — Double Action Manufactured by baking powder Specialists who make nothing but caking powder — under supervision of expert chemists. Sam« Price Today as 44 Years Ago >5 euneos for 25« You can also buy C 11 IO ounce can for *0o IU11 If ounce can for l*a A Hlchest Quality — Always Dependable MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN BY OUR GOVERNMENT USED Every Car Needs Simoniz Protects the Finish . . . Makes It Last Longer .. . and Stay Beautiful The sooner you Simoniz your car, the longer its beauty will last. In fact, Simonizing is the only way to keep a car beautiful for years. So always insist on Simoniz and Simoniz Kleenex for your car. They don't cost much and they’re easy to use. MOTORISTS WISE SIMONIZ [Best for y on Cutie lira about skin irritations when you use for daily toilet purposes the same pure, sooth ing soap that you use for baby’s tender skin. Containing the delicate Cuticura medication, Cutlcura Soap protects sensi tive skins and helps to keep them in a clear condition. Prict 25c. Sold at all druggittt. Long suede gloves are again In fashion. Satin I* a great favorite In day arid evening dreaa. Long Blender silhouette with low flare la fall forecast. Interest In Hindu fashions re- vlves the sari of tie dye Indian silks. Autumn fabrics accent change- able velvets, also many novelty velvets. Wnahable novelty cotton weave coats are popular for midseason wear. NOBILITY’S OBLIGATION Nobility Imposes the obligation o nobleness of feeling and action. r w When in the Northwest HEATHMAN HOTELS isewi BEST IN THE WEST Portland's newest and finest ho tels. .. .located in the hub of the shopping and recreational district .. .are the unquestioned, choice of experienced travelers. harry E. heathman /HAWAsra Week’s Supply of Postum Free Read the offer made by the Postum Company in another part of this pa- per. They will send a full week's sup ply of health giving Postum free to unyone who writes for it—Adv. Sheer White Blouses and Hat Give Summery Accent You can have a tailored suit In firmly woven cotton or In the per ennially popular linen In dark «hade*. Wear the alieerest of white blousea with them, white fabric gloves nnd a white hat to give the crisp summery accent that will keep you from willing. bark sheers, such as dotted Swiss ami chiffon weaves, are to be found In short cape-sleeve models tliut have Hie formality of the fuller skirts, and dressmaker touches treat more expensive fa brics. This Is the kind of dress you can wear with your broad- brimmed straw bat for Informal afternoons In town. FLASHES FROM PARIS Mind’* Pot.ibilitie. The mlml la invincible when sbe turns to herself, and relies upon her own courage. . . . What then must her strength be when she Is fortified with reason, and engages upon thought and deliberation?—From the writings of Marcus Aurelius. Solicit for us. Listing property—cairti commissione every day—exclusive— different. Beul Estufe Exchange, 5tM) S I., sill A\e., l'l.i-tlimd, on-. Adv. The Choice of Millions No need to worry BUSINESS GIRLS WILL LIKE THIS Wide Belta Three Incites Is none too wide for belts which contribute a slim- walsted silhouette to the evening mode when worn above a spreading skirt The smart business girl has her own rules for chic—tailored femi nine alinpllcity. And here's the frock that obeys the dictates of fashion and utility. There's a world of youth ful charm In that simple collar and flattering curved yoko thnt cuts Into a bodice with the very new "bosom nnd back" fulness. The paneled skirt breaks Into pleats just In time to give you lots of walking freedom. Wear the sleeve puffed or flared—let your “type" be your guide. Because every smart business girl will choose this pattern and run up several In the evenings, the frock pictured has been kept especially simple. Choose a cheery flower print silk on a dark ground—or a washable pastel. Pattern 2230 is available in sizes 14. It!, IS, 2<>, 32. 34. 30. 3S, 40 nnd 42. Size 16 takes 3% yards 39-inch fab ric. Illustrated step-by step sewing Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly nnine, address and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Circle Pattern Department, 243 West Sev enteenth street. New York. Spoiled by Nursemaid* Many men and women ure pre vented from murrying and raising a family because as children they were "poor” little rich boys and girls cared for by nursemaids and governesses. The women entrusted by wealthy people with the care of their little children are so often Ignorant of child care and emotionally uncon trolled, that their little charges de velop a fear-anxiety neurosis which makes them unfit for the responsl bllitles of adult life. Dr. A. E. Hamil ton of New York reports In Eugeni cal News. “In my own experience as a con sulting educator, I have a distinct claaslflcatlon for 'Nursemaid Chil dren,’ ” Doctor Hamilton says. “They nre children who show all the symp toms of growing up Into the kind of men and women who often lack cour- nge to make so Important a decision ns thnt involved in marrlnge and founding a family."—Kansas City Star. PORTLAND OREGON