SOUTHERN OREGON MINER » • I«. • • », I • 1—A Wabash rnllwny train run berserk, leaped a siding and struck a support of this bridge in St. Charles, Mu., collapsing It. Two men passengers of an automobile carried away with the bridge were Injured, as was a woman when their car tore through the wall of her hotel nearby. 2—John .Monroe Johnson, of .Marlon, Nothing to be sniffed at was the $25.000 willed to I’et, this Eskimo 8. C., assumes bls duties as nssistnnt secretary of commerce, succeeding Ewing Y. .Mitchell who was ousted I spitz, by Ills late mistress, .Miss .Margaret .McDermott of Chicago, who and wrote the President that "graft and corruption" abounded In the department. 3—llnrry L. Hopkins asked that he be placed In the home of a woman who loved dogs. Pet is (left), works progress administrator, and Henry .Morgenthau, secretary of the treasury, leaving White House now the charge of .Mrs. Hulda Rhode and her grandson Lawrence Dennis, with Josephine Hoche, assistant secretary, after discussing new Natlonul Youth administration which she will 1 shown here, who were friends of Miss McDermott head. Taking Amusement to the Eskimos F. I) R. IN BRONZE *•- . Setting out from Seattle, this little 2-1 footer, the flappy-Go-Lucky, pointed for Alnska where, In Innumerable Inlets and coves she will pro­ vide nmusement for the Eskimos, but primarily for the fishermen, trap per», hunters, can tiers anil prosfiectors of the Ear North. Capt Gordon Clements ami Mate J. It. Dobbs nre carrying a complete equipment of motion picture apparatus and thousands of feet of Him. Something new In the show-boat line. This forceful bronze bust of Pre» dent Roosevelt, now on display In a New York nrt gallery, Is the work of Jo Davidson, Rl LES CHERRY FETE "Hara-Kiri" Ilara klrl Is defined: "A Japanese method of suicide by ripping open the bowels, practiced formerly by dalmlos and mllltnry officers." The word Is often Incorrectly spelled hari-kari and harrl-karrl.—Literary I st. ♦-------------------------------------------------- MAP WOMEN’S AIL) r» » Mrs. Ellen S. Woodward, assist­ ant program director, who Is busy In Washington with plans for em­ ploying 500,000 women with part of I he President’s $1,880,000,000 works relief fund.