Page « Friday, July 19, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Classified Ads Friday and Saturday Oil for the Lamps of China with PAT O'BRIEN Josephine Hutchinson ----------- plus------------ SPECIAL PREVUE SATURDAY NIGHT “The Daring Young Man” with JAMES DUNN Coming Sun - Mon - Tue MARK RAKER PASSES Mark Baker died at the Conval­ escent home July 8. leaving one sister. Mrs. French of Kent, Wash., and one brother of La Crosse, Wis. Baker was born December 16, 1862 and came to this valley in 1886 on the first train to arrive in Ashland from the south, and had resided in this locality ever since. Funeral services were held at the Stock and Lit wilier funeral home Sunday. July 14. Rev Runham of­ ficiated. following which the body was taken to Portland for crema­ tion. ------------ •----------- • Mr Litwiller, of Stock and Lit­ willer. spent two days of this week in Portland on business. ------------ a— Subscribe for the Miner today. STAPLES DEALS IN BARGAINS — Has unparalleled bargain near town, 3 acres on highway, splen­ did modern bugalow. free water system, outbuildings. Go see Staples, value the place and pay half of your honest valuation. FIVE-ROOM city resident, close in on paved street, house is plas­ tered inside and in good condi­ tion. brick foundation, modern conveniences, roof is old and I'aint dim. with new roof and painUng the place will be ap­ praised by competent« $1500 or more, will sell for $700 cash, or might take less and might make terms, so come and see me if you want a bargain. 88c; cinnamon, half pound 32c; YOU CAN GET a government loan washing compound, pound 20c; to build a new bungalow, so free soap given with each pur­ why raise your family on rented chase of Watkins quality prod­ premises with move, move, ucts. Don’t wait, phone E. A. move? Build a home and en­ Perrin now for delivery to your courage the kiddies to plant, door, 267-R. 129 Granite street. construct, and breathe independ- endence. There are a few, and FOR SALE—Good used lumber, only a few. extraordinary resi­ also kindling, at Shale City. Low dence lots left on the market at prices. (J5tf) attractive prices. Staples has 3 bargains. Go and see him he FOR SALE- Cocker spaniel pups, gives service. just weaned. Herb Moore, Bell­ WHEN the Townsend Recovery view. Phone 20-F-ll. Plan is made a law (and it is going to be made a law) prices of realty will be a little higher because citizens will have money Vacation with which to buy. Why delay getting a home while you have a TIMES chance to get it at bottom prices? Be as wise as the birds Call for a and beasts who make their nests PERFECT when nesting material is easily COIFFURE obtainable. E. T. STAPLES, Realty Broker Which Means So Much To 149 E. Main, Opp. Fortmiller's (Next Door to Steven’s Market) Your Charm and 33 Years in Ashland. Oregon, the Personality Climate Capital. Where the Pine and the Palm Meet INSURE IT WITH A FOR SALE- Wildroot Hair Tonic. PERMANENT—FROM THE Brilliantine and Rose Hair Oil. special 10c each, at Bolton's Drug store. FOR SALE- At the Blue Front, 67 North Main: New mattresses, beds, springs, kitchen cabinet, table and stands, chest of draw­ ers, ranges, fruit jars, etc. DR. GILLIS OPENS OFFICE Dr. Harold B Gillis returned to his practice in Jacksonville early this week, following several years service with the medical corps of the Medford district CCC. His of­ fices will I m * located in the Chit wood drug «ton» and Dr. Gillis* re­ turn is being welcomed there, ac­ cording to townsmen. LOW HUMMER PRICKS ON PERMANENTS MARY’S BEAUTY SALON Phone 169-L 85 N. Main Don’t Forget BARNEY’S SERVICE STATION LIFE INSURANCE IN ACTION Insured with the Company for $1000 in 1925, (Nam* on request) of Kingsburg, Calif., became totally disabled from tuberculosis the following your and began to receive monthly disability benefits. Meanwhile premiums on the insurance policy were waived, I-ant month this unfortunate policyholder was bitten by a spider, resulting In his death The Company promptly paid to his $2000, double the face amount of the policy, on account of accidental death. Having paid only two annuul premiums on the |>ollcy, the Insured received during his disability a total of $1300 In monthly payments and left $2000 in cash to his wife. Life insurance was a good investment for this man. Tho above article was taken from our monthly magazine, put out by California Western States Life Insurance Co., and is only one of the many articles showing recent pay­ ments , We are one of the VERY FEW companies who arc still including monthly payments to the Insured in case of total disability. Telephone 406-J 150 Nursery St., Ashland, Oregon for GAS, OIL, PARTS Guaranteed Repairing SHELL PRODUCTS July Clearance An Independent Station On Timely Items for Men Friday and Saturday BEAUTY NOOK 161 Harrison Street PHONE 313 Ask the Lady Who Has One” • E J. KnuTson, state munager week in town talking over future for the California Western States plans with Ben Gibson, Ashland Life Insurance company, spent representative. Subscribe for the Miner today. Wednesday and Thursday of this FUNERAL PARLORS Medford, Oregon Specials That An* Real Bargains At Our Prices! SHOP OUR MAN’S DEPARTMENT FOR RENT—Furnished house. In­ quire at Palace cafe. FOR SALE—4 acres close in, 6- room house, chicken house and 200 chickens, 3 acres pasture, 2 fine milk cows, woven wire fence, price $1500; also have a nice clear farm to trade for city property. See Reed and Robison. WE’RE PROUD OF OUR PRODUCTS! CASH NIGHT $75 WATKINS PRODUCTS SAVINGS —Baking powder. 24c pound; best grade vanilla, 11 ounces A—~------- ---- CASH-PRIZE ON THE SCREEN WED. & THURS. Medford School of Beauty Culture Finger Wave ____________ ,25c Comb Wave _____________ 25c Shampoo ________________ 25c Haircut_________________ 25c Marcel--------------------------- JMc Manicure ____ .25c Eyebrow Arch __________ .25c Scalp Treatment _________ -50c Hot OU__________________ 50c Facaila . ___ . 50c (Work Done by Students Under Supervision)' Refrigerators THE JOURNAL Byer Putman, Agent $85 and Up Phone 621-R DICKEY’S RADIO SERVICE AT WICK’S Medford Cycle and Repair Shop DR. E. B. ANGELL GUNSMITH— LOCKSMITH Lawn Mower Service Phone 201 23 North Fir 19c ALL WOOL SWIMMING TRUNKS For boy« und men—regular $1.00—HPECIAI ALSO DISTRIBUTORS FOR MISSION DAIRY ORANGE “So Delicious It Makes Thirst A Pleasure” SILVER CREST DAIRY VISITORS WELCOME OESER’S Super SERVICE STATION 358-370 EAST MAIN STREET reN.CsjxÄjnA For FRIDAY and SATURDAY Men’s Fine Broadcloth PHONE 78 419 '/2 EAST MAIN PHONE »4 Permanent Wave ....$1.00 9 Fine soft knit cotton, regular “ 25c, SPECIAL— MILK AND CREAM FOR SALE—3 and 5-pound bas­ kets for peaches, apricots, to­ matoes. etc., at Ted's Feed and Seed store. SHEEP GAUNO — Sifted and ground, a wonderful summer fer­ tilizer, per sack 75c, at Ted’s Feed and Seed store. for Men GRADE ‘A’ WANTED—Dependable woman for general house work in family. Answer care of the Miner. WEDNESDAY July 24 SCANTY SHORTS GALENA FROM FRANKLIN, PENNSYLVANIA BRADFORD STOCK 100% PURE PENNSYLVANIA 25c a quart— 80c In plain or fancy patterns, fast colors, regular $1.00— SPECIAL 87c MEN’S UNION SUITS prlng needle knit, short sleeve, ungle leg, regular value $1.( SPECIAL 87e a gallon On the market since 1869—just brought out west by the VALVOLINE OIL COMPANY! Your Best Buy—Give It a Trial TIRES AT LOWEST PRICES! I Like to Serve You—DR. W. OESER FORTMILLER'S h . The Quality Store 1C. W. FORTMILLER J. P. DAUGHERTY Chiropractic Physician Nervous and Mental Disorder* SOUTHERN OREGON SANITARIUM 460 Boulevard Phone 48 ______________________________________________ j EXCLUSIVELY IN CROSLEY Shelvador REFRIGERATOR AT THE -TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT SEE IT NOW AT DICKEY’S RADIO SERVICE AT WICK’S FURNITURE Phone 216 Watch for Sale Sheet Left at Your Door ACROSS FROM LITHIA THEATER IN ASHLAND Midsummer Sale! CUT RATE DRUGS—TOILETRIES — TOBACCOS AND FINE WINES! a