SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Going to Meet Europe’s Best Lacrosse Teams Here are the members of the All American women'« lacroxae team selected to Invade Euro|»e this summer •nd meet the best women’« teams over there. Left to right, they are: Betty Itltchle, Westchester, N. Y.; Lu­ cille Burnham, Boston; Gretchen Schuyler, Westlicester; Elisabeth llontron. Baltimore; Anne Pugh, Baltimore; Barbara Crowe. Boston; Virginia Allen, Philadelphia; Hetty Freemnn, Baltimore; Sue Cross, Philadelphia; Flor- sues lloff, Baltimore; Lil Ian Scott, Baltimore, and I.lbby Toulmln, Philadelphia. Looks Like Big Blaze; Only Garbage Tie«! together and strung around Hiker’s Island, New York harbor, •re aven the 24 garbage scows thnt caught tire as they were about to t»e towed out to sen. The blase was spectacular and made a tremendous lot of smoke, but the damage, owing to the nature of the contents of the barges, wan small, from a financial standpoint. General Drum Is Deeorated (Jen. Hugh A. Drum, U. S. A., who was recently assigned to com­ mand the Hawaiian Islands, is one of the most popular officers to come to the Pacific paradise. Wanda Silva, a pretty little resident, was the happiest of American girls when she was given the privilege of decorating him with lela on Hawaii's "lei day,” which corresponds to the May day of the other countries of the world. Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—President Roosevelt reading before Joint session of congress his message vetoing the Patman bonus meas­ ure. 2—llarjter Gatton of Madisonville, K,v., w ho was elected president of Klwanis International at the annual convention In San Antonio. 3—Amelia Earhart receiving from Italian Consul Castruccio in Chicago the Balbo medal, a gift from the Italian government. Army Lands First Planes on Boulder Lake This Is one of the group of first planes to Innd on Boulder lake, a fleet of Douglas amphibian planes of the 30th squadron, 19th bombardment group, from the United States army general headquarters air force at Rock­ well field, San Diego. Pioneer Days in Yakima Valley The whole Yakima valley in Washington lived over again the frontier days in a celebration that lasted several days. Automobiles were tabooed In the city of Yakima nnd the people wore 10 gallon hats and other pio­ neer garb. This is a view of the parade.