Southern Oregon Miner SUCCESSOR TO JACKSONVILLE MINER EIGHT PAGES ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1935 IIow They Ride at the San Diego Exposition COMICS AND FEATURES Iler Life Saved by an Eye-Dropper This t»evy of California beauties spiiears to be enjoying the ride In one of the Ford VS tractor-powered, •IMM-Inlly designed Mtn It rn Iler bows that are carrying the visitors to the California Pacific International expo Sltlon now open In Snn Diego. The buses, operated by the San Diego Hallways company, are 45 feet long, eight feet wide and eight feet high. Each Is painted In bright colors and bears the name of a bird of brilliant plumage. RECORD BASS CATCH Beauty or Death HAS MADE GOOD Three days old nnd with a mother not well enough to nurse her, this baby monkey at Atlantic City was saved from death by the patient care of n menagerie superintendent. A sjieclnl preparation of baby food and milk was fed the Infant with an eyedropper, and in a month she will tie ready to be returned to her mother. Mermaid Persuades “Bob" to Dine Wilbur White, weighing the world’s record white sen bnss which he caught at Santa Cntallnn Island. It tipped the scnle at 52*4 pounds. Paint and Ceiling Height In modernizing nn older type of house the question of wlint to do with too high a celling Is frequently encountered. An old rule that the celling should bo lighter than the wall Is often disregarded. The rea­ son for this Is simple. Employ a cream celling, for instance. In a blgh room nnd the crentn of the overhead spaces can actually seem to fade farther Into the distance and lncrcnse the appearnnee of height. Give the celling a darker shade than the walls and this treat­ ment has the effect of drawing It down closer to the rest of tho room. This is Mary Harriet Heckman of Gloucester, N. J., former beauty shop operator, who has offered her­ self for ex|H*rlmenlal purposes to "any doctors, surgical or plastic," who would nttempt to make her beautiful. "I don’t want to live any longer as I am," Miss Heckman is reported to have stated. "I am perfectly willing to fnce death. 1 will submit to any experiment the doctors wish to submit me to. I ant not doing this for nny gain other than to do something about a body and face which have made me so miserable that 1 will take death rather than go on.” Knights of Malta The Knights of Malta Is the name of the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem, a military order found­ ed about the year 1113 by Gerard, surnamed “The Blessed," to care for the poor and strangers In the Holy I.and. From 1300 to 1522 they were known as the Knights of Rhodes. The order has been known as the Knights of Malta since 1530. Phil Cavaretta, the eighteen year- old first baseman of the Chicago Cubs, has developed Into the young­ est star In the major leagues. He Is just about ns good with the bat ns he Is on the Initial sack, where he hns taken the place of Manager Charlie Grimm. "Bob," a 498-pound tortoise In the Department of Commerce aquarium in Washington, didn’t feel just right recently and for some days refused to eat. So Miss Doris Anderson dived down Into Ills tank with a big head of lettuce and after mudi coaxing persuaded him to devour it. Costly Embassies The United States embassy at Egypt. Arabia, India Latitude Toklo cost over $1,000.000. The Egypt. Arabia, and India are in embassy building in Paris cost $1,- | GOO,000. the same latitude as Florida. Ancient Tax Exemptions Two thousand years ago the Roman government exempted from certain taxes the father of three or more children.