Friday. May 10, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! ... EDITED BY EDWINA • Jack Enders, student nt the University of Oregon, wus ut homo this past week-end visiting in Ashland and Medford. Enders brought three of his friends with him from Eugene, and while hole, they were entertained by Enders' many friends • L. I Moon recently spent sev­ eral days in Portland where he was called to get instructions In the use of small guns • Mabelle Jones. Curl Brower. Dorothy Bertel and Vic Sander >cnt Sunday at Bipiaw Ijike, re- |>l III! beautiful spring land­ F“|» h . und a delicious picnic | (inch • Miss Lydia McCall returned to Ashlund last week from .Han Fran­ cisco where she visited Dr. uml Mis Herman Sommer, and Mr. uml Mrs F M Anderson of Berk­ eley. • C. B. Andrews and W A Oates recently spent a few days hi Eugene and Roseburg on vacation trip for Mr Andrews manager of Western Union here Oates Is a brother-in-law of Andrews and has been his guest in Ashlund for quite a while. |B Mrs. Roy Ijimjicrt who has ■•en under medical treatment in ^xhland and Medford for several Weeks, returned last Wednesday to her home in luikeview. SMr.i W A Ansted, her daughter son-in-law, and small grandchil­ dren, spent the week-end in |j»ke- view. • The regular meeting of the Friday Afternoon Embroidery club wus held nt the home of Mrs. Hal Emery on Laurel Street. rhe usual delightful embroidery and chat was enjoyed by the mem­ bers during th«- aftermxm. in the beautifully decorated iwm of the Emery home. At the dose of the afternoon the hostess served dainty refreshments to the following ladies: the Mes- dames. Clyde Costolo. J. Edward Thornton, Mark Smith. Phoebe Kacgi. Frank Nelson. Ulllan Fru- lan, and O W Ixing • Mrs. Otto Winter returned to Ashland Friday from a five months trip to California She en­ joyed visiting relatives at many different points in the southern state, • Charles Tilton, son of Dr and Mrs C. F. Tilton left for Cottage Grove Friday to begin his duties with the U. S Geological Survey. He will join Charles Chattin local boy. who recently left for the same place to be employed In the same crew, • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hill, re­ turned last Thursday from a trip to the middle west, south and East Mr. Hill reports conditions there about the same as here and a drift in the south toward Hughey Long. They report a very pleasant and profitable trip • Mr and Mrs. C W. Fraley re­ turned last week from a trip to Berkeley, Alameda and Los Ang­ les where they visited relatives Mr. Fraley reports that his two sons, Earl and Floyd expect to come to Ashland for the summer vacation. Eurl Is teaching in the Alamedu high school and Floyd in Berkeley high. • Mrs. Laura A. Hill left Sat­ urday for her home in Merrill, Ore., following a two-weeks visit with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hulen. Before coming to Ashland, Mrs. HU) en­ joyed a four months trip through California and Arizona. • Mrs. Lillian Schofield returned to Ashland Sunday from a seven weeks visit through Southern Cal­ ifornia. She brought small Carlos IJng home with her to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Lillian Greer. • Clarence Woods, student at the University of Oregon spent the week-end at the home of his par­ ents. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Woods. • Mr. and Mrs. Roland Parks spent the week-end with Mrs. Parks' mother, Mrs. Walter Bev- Jngton. Mr. and Mrs. Parks are teachers at Malin, Oregon. Rg C. H. Robertson and grand­ daughter, Nancy Nicola recently left for their home in Seattle. Wash, following a weeks stay at the home of Charles Robertson, son of Mr. Robertson. • Mrs. J. O. Talent recently re­ turned home from Fort Bragg, Calif., where she was called by the death of her father, A. Hendrick­ son. • Miss Marietta Whitney student at the Northwestern Business Col­ lege in Portland, spent the week­ end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitney. Miss Nancy Gill also was home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Gill. • Mr. Fred E Wuhl was a busi­ ness caller in Ashland last Friday. Mr. Wahl is bead caxhli-r 01 Hu- Farmers’ and Fruitgrowers' Bunk of Medford. • Dr. Bertha Huwyer left for Portland last Haturday expecting to return May 14. Hhe will attend a State Osteopathic meeting while there and visit relatives. • George F McConnell xjs-nt sev­ eral days on a business trip to San Francisco recently, also visiting his brother-in-law, George Gillette in the Southern Pacific Hospital there. • Mrs Mary Post, 15.3 Granite street, went to Klamath Falls Sat­ urday for a visit with her children • The Southern Oregon < las cor­ poration is erecting an *'alr station on the Piel property near the Plaza to assist in maintaining proper air pressure. • Frank Johnston, who has been r medical care for several weeks In Ashland, returned Wed­ nesday to his home in Fort Dick, I hill • John Enders of Uikevlew xjx-nt tile WMk end hi Ashland visiting friends and relatives Mr Enders is a former well-known Ashland resident. • Mr. and Mrs R. L. Lindner have ax their guest for a while, Mrs. Lindner's nephew, Hlyvester Mes­ singer of Tacoma, Wash. • Mi and Mrs Sum Roberts of Spokane, Wash , are the guests oi Mrs Sly via I^amb for a short visit before going on to lx>x Ang­ eles Mrs Roberta and Mrs. Lamb nri- sisters. • Mis Mercedes Hathaway had us a guest for a few days this week, Mrs. Lila Hall of Klamath Falla • Mrs. J. Edward Thornton and Mr and Mrs. Murrick Thornton »jx-nt several days in Eugene this week, where Mrs. Thornton atten­ ded a telephone company meeting us representative of this district. • Mr and Mrs. J H. 1 tardy Ashland, Oregon. His wife passed away May 23, I 1911, and death came to William ' Johnson Friday, May 3 at his home on I-aurel street here. Inter-1 ment wax in Hargadlne cemetery. ■ —•----------- The Blue Eagle is less proml- ! nently identified now with a win- I dow pane than with a pain in the | neck.— Weston I>Ader — •—-------- SCOTT YOUTHS KILL 40 SNAKES IN RATTLER DEN Six youths of Scott Valley, while I Through error in reporting, a new» account last week confused Paul and Ned Mars, both visiting here with their parents, Mr and Mrs. J. D. Mars of Ashland, early last week. The paragraph should have read "Mr. and Mrs. Ned Marx who left for Richmond, Calif.,” while it wax Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marx and son who left for their home in Eugene. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Merle Lloyd Edwards Minister Church school 9:45 Mr. Wirt Wright, superintendent. Morning Worship 11 a m. Pastor's Sermon, “On Account I of Faith”. Diamond Lake Toy's Group 5 p.m. Christian Endeavor. 7 p.m. Evening Worship, 8 p.m. Studies in Hebrew. Prayer meeting on Wednesday nights 9:30. Starting Book of Romans 1st chapters. SLABS Page 5 Mrs. J. Koch, 72, Passes »Saturday Mrs. Julius Koch, 72 died at her home on I.aurel street Saturday, May 4. following a lingering 111- ness. She wax born in Tyrone, Ire­ land, March 14. 1883. and moved to Roseburg, Oregon, with her parents in 1872, where she later took up a homestead. Eliza Alice Keys wax married to Julius Koch at Maryville. Ore­ gon. May 28, 1913. In 1921 she moved with her husband to Ash­ land. She was a member of the Mayville Rebekah lodge, the Pio­ neer association of Wheeler county, Medford Pythian Sisters, the Woman's Relief corps and the Past Noble Grand club of Ashland She is survived by her husband, a step-daughter. Mrs Jessie Unnel), and a sister, Mrs Mary Schomp, both of Mayville. Services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in chapel of the Stock-Litwiller funeral home, with interment at Mountain View cemetery, with Rebekahs in charge. The Rev. M L. Edwards officiated. on a snake-killing expedition last Thursday, slew 40 rattlesnakes In the course of an hour on Coyote hill, about three miles south of Etna. The young men confined two of the snakes in glass and presented them to their high school biology instructor. THREE UNES OF Refrigerators $85 and Up DICKEY’S RADIO SERVICE AT WICK’S Phone 421 -R DON’T ASK MOTHER TO SERVE YOU- Ijet Us Serve Both You and Mother On MOTHER’S DAY With A Roast Turkey or Fried Chicken Dinner ---------------------------- •----------------------------- W. L. Johnson Laid To Rest at Harjfadine PLAZA CAFE Ijist tribute was paid to William I L. Johnson. 97. pioneer of South- ! em Oregon, by many friends in | funeral services held at the Dodge i chapel Sunday, May 5. Johnson came to this section in I 1860, having been bom in Wayne County, Indiana. December 22. 1 1837 of Scotch-English descent J The gold rush of California and 1 Oregon attracted Johnson to the j «ND CONFECTIONERY SHASTA ICE CREAM CREAMERY PRICES— WE DELIVER Phone 149 FOLLOW the FUNNIES Hart «r« rtal friends whose lift's business is mt kin g you hoppy I •I RIENDS who never fail to make you toonist Osborne’s laugh can always make you forget the funny folk also come to you every painful pressure of your corns or taxes. On the Funny Page of this newspaper are a week in this paper. group of friends ND Finney. whose riotous » "Finney of antics shoo the the Force” is the blues away week answer to the after week. charge that nobody 'R instance, loves a policeman. there are This genial flatfoot’s humorous adventures, as ’ portrayed by the young artist, Ted Gene Byrnes "Reg’lar Fel­ O'Loughlin, are a lot of fun for him and even lers," as likely a more for you as you watch him walk his beat. band of youngsters as ever busted a school­ escal ike - by house window Jimmie Dugan, Aggie Riley, S. L. Huntley Pudd’n'head and Pinhead. Bump Hudson brings you Mescal himself, and the dog Bullseye are worth a chuckle Pa Piffle, Miss Sally Price, in every line. Dirty Shirt Mulloney, esperate Mule* Bates and the other Ambrose, who salty citizens of Cactus Center. This hilarious strip becomes doubly dangerous when has the excitement of a donning his vendetta diamond-back’s rattle, a hat, Pop Wimpus kick like an untamed mus­ and Old Timer have tang and all the dry humor become national institutions in the uproar- of a desert mule. ious strip, "S'Matter Pop?"by C. M. Payne. NUSUAL insight into human nature One af the wildest, craziest comics in the and a keen sense of humor are the world, this is still as true to life as cold stock in trade of Magnus G. Kettner, who oatmeal or corned beef hash. ranks among the truly great cartoonists of LIGHTLY daf­ the day. In “Our Pet Peeve," "Along the fy, of course, Concrete," and hie are “The Feather- other cartoons, there heads," but is always a chuckle, often a real, construc­ only daffy tive thought, but enough todo never a sting. Espe­ the things cially has Kettner that all of us do that caught the warm are good for a mil­ humor of small town lion laughs in our and rural life. daily lives. Car- F A F M D 12 or 16-Inch Delivered Dumped $3.00 WHITTLE U TRANSFER CO. Phone 117 S DANCE And Really Enjoy Yourself WHERE EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIME EAGLES HALL Every Wednesday Nite AYERS ORCHESTRA Follow the doings of these friends of yours. They’ll make your life foyer, your lot easier and your digestion better. 25c and 10c EVERY WEEK IN Use This Coupon for a Free Sample | Take this coupon to your Rexall Drug Store. Hand it to him and the Rexall Druggist will gladly give you a sample bottle of BISMA-REX, so that you can try it and prove to yourself that it is the most wonderful help to people suffering with stomach disturbances. DO IT TODAY! THE fefs“ DRUGSTORE McNAIR BROS. PRESCRIPTIONS PHONE «1 I I i | I . I THE SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ANU MAGAZINE Clip and Mail Today I For YOUR copy of Ashland's new, newsy and necessary pa­ per, the Southern Oregon Miner —one year one dollar, six months one-half, complete with th«, Miner Magazine in Ashland and vicinity. If you want the Miner Magazine sent to points outside Jackson county, remit •1.50 per year. I I I I I SUBSCRIPTION BLANK ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND S................... FOR WHICH SEND ME THE GREATER SOUTHERN OREGON MINER AND MINER MAGAZINE FOR YEARS (MONTHS), BY MAIL. TO STREET ADDRESS CITY STATI •i