SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Gay Print* to Be in Favor for Spring Afternoon Wear Gay print«, »tamped with butter- flic*. flower* or link’« mid two tom* print* In l>««k«*t weave* or «tnr ef fed« «re h I iowii for spring after- noon wear. They lire de*luned with ■oft ruffled or knife pleated flounce* nt tile fnlrly low neckline mid with nunierou* finely pleated Inserts In the skirts, whose hem* tire from 0 to 7 Incite* from the ground. With them go wldehrlmmed hnt* of dark >r light «trnw recall­ ing the "merry widow” design* of year« ago, sometime* cut wllli the abbreviated turned up buck brim (io often ween till* «ration) mid trimmed with u cluster of flower* or a tuft of oMlrlch fenther*. Week’* Supply of Po^tuin Free Head the offer made by the I'oatuin Company In another part of thia pa­ per. They will «end n full week'* «up- lily of health giving I’ofltum free to anyone who write* for It.—Adv. Big Army of Hunter* Nearly hunter* paid close to Sli.tMiu.OUO for atnte llcenae* in 19.13, the lafe*t year for which record* nr“ ainllnlde. *uje the biological survey In Rummnrltlng report* from itatr conservation department*. WHITE COLLAR NOW HAS COMPETITION WEAR FLOWERS n* cnr.nir. ni < hola « LACKS NATURALNESS A ponton who never find* fault by and by arouse* your suspicion. “NOT BY NO MEANS” Getting up in the morning is not a* pleasant a* waking up. Beauty that Dash of Pink Has Been Add­ ed to the Neckline. No longer enn we «peak In term* of white accent* for nprlng cos­ tume*, beenuso « dash of pink lift* been added to the neckline. The white collar brigade I* meeting with ■ome real competition. Since one «ucccssful ncce**ory often I* followed by another, there are pink cuff*, veateea, blouse*, hat« mid various piece« of costume Jew­ elry to rival the chaste appearance of the one time favorite. Bale blue and tulip yellow also have appeared In the accessory field, but their en­ try did not create the furor of the delicate pink huea. A glimpse of the neckwear coun­ ter* I* convincing proof tliut pink I* «haring equal attention with white In the decoration of spring costume*. Frilly types of collars, cuff* and veste«** predominate among the mo*t recent arrival*, but there are tailored line* and pique «et* of distinction. The Introduction of the vestee or gilet I* the moat recent develop­ ment. Emphasis I* placed upon the udornment which may be worn either on the outside of a dress front or with the edge* tucked un- dernenth. organdie and mousseline are the most fnihlonablo of the «beer fabric* and usually are fea­ tured In connection with Valen­ cienne* lace and Insertion. "fl* said that fashions will be gay with flowers this *<-a»on. The new* of first Importance In the realm of stylish flowers I* the carna­ tion. The favorite boutonniere of the moment I* a big fluffy many­ petalled carnation, white, pink, red or even navy blue. Garlands of flower* will be worn like a necklace. Add a flower bracelet If you will. A wreath tn the hair, too, if It I* eve nlng. There la rumor In the air that hats will be trimmed In natural flower*—a special little contrivance to bold them and to permit remov Ing to change for fresh flower*. Hindu Sari I* Taken Over The flower eh*emble In the picture for Spring Evening Wear Is Interesting and very lovely. The turbun and the cuff* of the gloves The evening Innovation Is the In­ are made of shaded purple violets. troduction of the Hindu sari which The bows are of satin ribbon in a 1« both draped over the head as deeper shade. the easterner* wear It, or It can ' INSTANT LIGHTING also be draped about the shoulders Iron ib» «wy way In one-third lena time as a scarf. Turkish trouser* ap­ REDINGOTE TURNS with th» Coleman Iron In cornfort any pear In glazed chintz for beach placa. I t a entirely self hratinir No corda FORMAL IN STYLE or win a N<» wmry, endiosa tripa Iwtwnrn wear, and a wedding veil made like a hot a love and I nini njr board. Makca Ita a sunbonnet In white tulle I* edged own iras Burna air Lights Instantly no pra-hoaUnir Operating coat only around with orange blossom*. Coat-Like Garment Is Made an hour. Bes rr ur local dealer or Among 1935 Schiaparelli colors wt I i * for I REF ioUfr. TMt COLLMAN LAMP & STOVE CO of Crisp Sheer Fabric. are carbon blue, which Is darker IWK wutl* WIA«. I m * 1 t— Acetas Oaff : CU m * hi t f-bo**4«ipbte r* TBia than marine, to vlshnu blue, a pale shade for evening which corre The good old redlngote, daytime •pood* with a new pink called des­ standby of the fashion world, has ert rose. Brown* are prominent gone formal on os. and off shade* of terra cotta are The coat and-dress ensemble called Pilgrim, while a brighter or which has become a spring classic orange shade Is called noonday for well-dressed women Is appear­ — by chewing one or ■un. There are some delightful ing now in advance showings of the more Milnesia Wafer* grays for evening In chiffon called summer-evening mode. Sang for ana w**Ki liberal aepply—fHll centdre* (ashes), and the printed At first glance you wouldn't recog SELECT PRODUCT*, lac, 4402 2 J rd glazed chintzes are charming In nlze the frothy concoctions ns mem Street. Long Island City. Naw Yarfc the softness of their tones and com­ bers of the reliable redlngote fam bination* of flowers. lly. But examine them carefully and there can be no mistake. Two Discarded Pen* There Is a strong tendency on the give you one good pen free. Mull two part of designers to make n coat like (JI11 MILK OF MAGNESI AftVAFEflSj wornont fountain j>cn*. You will re­ gnrinent of crisp sheer fabric, such ceive one good fountain pen, guaran­ ns organdie or organza, and pose It teed one year, without cost. 5,000 over a slim sheath of taffeta. The schools use my plan. Pens are rebuilt, organdie coat fastens loosely at the PARKER'S with new points, etc. State color. waistline, and is open the rest of the HAIR BALSAM BIKIE PEN EXCH., 39'22 Southeast way down revealing the slip be­ lUmoeae 1 Xndruff -Ntopa Hair Facing Impart* Color and 48th Ave., Portland, Ore.—Adv. neath. Beauty to Gray and Faded liair air and ILW at Prugglst« Sometimes the redlngote is of Rten.. Cbwn W*. ~ f»r7&«w p v Smooth Life’* Course starched Ince, and sometimes of or­ ronnM-tlon with Parker'* Heir Balaam Makra t a Manners are the happy ways of ganza or stiffened chiffon. hair anft and fluffy SO rent* by mall or at drur- doing things. Usually it has short puffed ■lata. I!taro* Chemiral Work*. Patrhugua. N. Y sleeves, but sometimes It has long, loose ones. The trick Is that It must be sheer, revealing the sheath beneath. When you Simoniz your car, you can be positive—yes, absolutely sure that it will stay beautiful. What’s more, Simoniz protects the finish and makes it last longer. Perhaps, however, your car is already dull. Then first use the new, improved Simoniz Kleener. It brings back all the lustre and beauty your car had when new. So always in­ sist on Simoniz and Simoniz Kleener. Besides being easier to apply, they cost no more than polishes and so- called waxes that give but a here-today- and-gone-tomorrow shine. MOTORISTS Simoniz «nd Simoniz KJeener are »old by hardwtrtand auto *cce««ory dealer», fill­ ing »tetion* and g*r*ge* everywhere. WISE SIMONIZ « fbleman .¿sMron QUICK RELIEF from Heartburn FULL O PEP WHAT A REP MILNESIA WAFERS ■X UN-DE-FEATED YOU CAN'T BEAT IT A TIME SAVER Prepare biscuit or muffin dough when convenient. Set in cool place and bake hours later if you wish. You save time in using Double Tested — Double Action KC BAKING POWDER Sam« Price Today as 44 Years Ago 25 ounces for 25o You can also buy r 11 XO ounce can for ICC IU1X X* ounoe can for xfe MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN BY OUR GOVERNMENT USED WHIMe OF FASHION A bumper crop of bumper brimmed hats Is anticipated. "Waterskin” is a new fabric which Schiaparelli uses for rain­ coats this season. Newest swagger coats have a flar­ ing background fullness often swung from a shoulder yoke. Jackets of printed crepe ensem­ bles are seen among the newer arrivals in the evening suit section. “Greens in all the shades from pale to brightest tones, and mauves which by degrees reach to violines." The knitted frock and suit Is with us again—this time It is very- smart to knit your own I O nce you taste Grape-Nuts Flakes, you’ll cheer too! And it not only has a delicious fla­ vor, but it’s nouri.thini. One dishful, with milk or cream, contain* more varied nourish­ ment than many a hearty meal. Try it—your grocer has it I Grape-Nut* Flakes is a product of General Foods.