Page 8 Friday, April 12,1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER ELMORE NOW TECHNICIAN Judge J. H Fuller tells the Miner his nephew. John Henry El­ more, a foi mer Asli lami boy, now is technical operator of thè largì* General Electric radio station in Boston. Mass. Elmore attended the city schools here when his father had a shoe store in Ashland Saturday Only 2—Features—2 Cl ROCKY MaUfiJAW MYSTERY RANDOLPH SCOTT ANN SHERIDAN • CHIC «AIE • PLUS CHARLES DICKENS CTATIOI J— 3 Sun - Mon - Tue bv» could» » esc opa fa» « osmi aio«« Upw Us *arrdy*g wcrod THE SCARLET PIMPERNEL united Wed - Thur NEW MAGAZINE SECTION TO BE MINER FEATURE Can you feature eight pages of ! features? Well, the Miner can. and two weeks from today this news­ paper will appear with an added eight-page magazine section which will lx* loaded to the cut-off rules with cartoons, news pictures, stor­ ies and good fiction by such auth­ ors as Zane Giey. Sax Rhomer and others, in continued form. Five strip cartoons, fashion notes, reci­ pes. children's page and other in­ teresting efatures will pack the magazine with hours of good read­ ing for Miner st: oscribers. Final arrangements were com- ■ pleted yesterday for purchase of I die magazine, which will be in- cludeu at no extra cost to reg- | uiur paid-up subscribers living in first and second postal zones, and the new magazine section will I make the Southern Oregon Miner one of the best readers' values I in southern Oregon. The innova­ tion is but one part of the Miner's policy of steady expansion. The hiagazine section, to be­ come a regular feature April 26, will be in addition to the regular editions of the Miner, and will give paid-up subscribers a 16-page newspaper for their dollar a year. Those receiving the paper, but who are not paid up. are advised to make arrangements during the next few days that they may be certain of receiving every copy of the greater Southern Oregon Miner, and start a thrilling novel with the first instalment. ------------ •------------ ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’ Is Story of Daring PAPER ‘LOST MONEY’ INTO PROSPERITY Ten years before Uncle Sam went on a diet of alphabet soup, the newspapers of the Inland Em­ pire organized an association and adopted a code. The Lewiston, Ida­ ho, Tribune declined to Join. George Alford, business mana­ ger of the Tribune, was in Walla Walla caking his family to New­ port for the summer. He met John Kelly, publisher of the Walla Walia Bulletin. "I want you to meet my busi­ ness manager, Frank Mitchell." said Kelly. After a short chat Mitchell said to Alford: "Do you know you are losing money on every inch of advertising you sell and every subscription you take?" "Is that so?" "Yes. and X can bring an ex­ pert that can prove it to you," I .-aid Mitchell. "That's just why I don't want to see him," responded Alford. I--------------------------------------------------- “Do you want to lose money?" demanded Mitchell. HOME OF "Thirty years ago my two brothers and I came to Lewiston with $300 and started the Tribune. (By the Old Timer) We have the best plant in the The placing of the photograph Inland Empire outside of Spokane. of Carl Loveland's of 1916 It is all paid for. It is housed in has been delayed by band the Inability PURE PAINT a brick building. 50x140, all paid of the Old Tinier to find anyone for. We have built three good who could identify all the mem- | WAl.l.l’APEK AM) VARNISH homes, all paid for. We have some bers Finally he contacted Wilson bank stock and some wheat lands, Wait at Medford and was able to | all paid for. I am taking my fam­ complete the list which is as fol­ ily to Newport in a $4200 Cadillac lows : car. That is all paid for. I want Leader Carl Ixiveland. to keep right on losing money HOUSE OF COLOR Clarinets Prof. Root, Medford; I just as I have been," was Alford's Frank Ross. Central Point; Arthur! _________________________________ J Medford, Oregon Dr. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic - Physiotheraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3028 In Medford, Oregon, Since 1920 Stewart-Warner Service - Sales - Rentals 423 East Main Street, Medford TELEPHONE 663 TAILORED TO FIT Tdiloi''«l lofil I lie bi o J. P. Daugherty Stomach and Intestinal Prolapses Corrected Without Surgical Op*rat ion Dr. E. B Angell So. Ore. Sanitarium NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 460 Boulevard WATCH FOR SAI.ES SHEET LEFT AT YOUR DOOR Phone 48 Medford Cycle and Repair Shop GUNSMITH—LOCKSMITH Iaiwn Mower Service Phone 261 23 North Fir ^ THE FACTORY THAT MADE YOUR CAR WERE IN ASH­ LAND YOU WOULD WANT THEM TO SERVICE IT FOR YOU, WOULDN’T YOU? The Factory Can’t Be Here, But They Have Appointed Us to Do This Work As They Do It The Factory Trains Us and You Get GENUINE FORD PRECISION WORK and GENUINE FORD PARTS When We Take Care of Your Car Take Advantage of Thia Service CLAYCOMB MOTOR COMPANY Complete Service Under One Roof While You Have Your HEALTH Enjoy It! A washday cold may cost you more than a season's laundry bill. OUR DAMP WASH SERVICE REMOVES WASHDAY HAZARDS s 12 Pounds Only 49c Additional Pounds, 4c ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. Phone 165 Ford Sales and Service Phone 50 OLD TRADITIONS ARE BEST ... AT THE Marble Corner Oldest Bar and Counter In Oregon's Most Famous City! PHONE YOUR ORDER TO US FOR THAT GOOD RADIO SERVICE "THRIFTWEAR" 100% BIG SUNDAY DINNER FUNERAL PARLORS THRIFTY HOSE for THRIFTY MAIDS — Loveland’s Band of 1916 Photograph Is Identified By Wait 75c CONGER answer. Mitchel) did not have any Royvley. Medford: Bert Freeman They had not made money by Floyd Dickey and Archie Eubanks robbing their workmen cither Ashland Trumpets Wilson Walt, Med­ Every man who had worked for them a year or more owned or ford; llallcy Simpson, Marshfield. was (laying for his own home. Henry Enders, Clark Hush uml When a new man proved satis­ Meredith Beaver. Ashland. Altos Paul Paulicrud. Mrs factory after several months' trial. Alford would go to him and say: IAiveland-Robertson, Isiuis Talent, "You ought to be getting you a Ashland Barkone O. F. C. ison. home." Often the reply was. "I Trombones Harry Howell, Med­ have no money to make the first ford; Earl Bratney. Med,ord. And) payment." "Ixxik you up a little place that McGee. Ashland (V O. N Smith you can afford and then come to was one of the regular trombone me. I will look at it and it I think I players but was absent the day it a good buy will lend you the the picture was taken. Bisses Frank Jordan, Ashland, money for the first payment and take a second mortgage on long •nd CUffOTd 11 .rid, Juki CD time, letting you |tay the other Ville Drums Wm Loomis and Lynn otf first," Alford would say Alfords never had a strike. Their Mnwait, Ashiand "’here was little trouble in lo­ men would gladly hit the luill for them. One man got tuberculosis. cating the Z shland members of Alfords sent him to Arizona, sup­ tlie bund but moat of them from ported him there till he died, j down the vulioy were not regu­ brought his body back for burial lar members a id so local players and gave the widow a check for did not know tiicm so well. $1000 • • • \\ M Barber is confined to his home with an attack of flu. JACKSONVILLE DANCING 31 Water Street JUST CALL— THAT'S ALL Medford School of Beauty Culture 419'/. EAST MAIN PHONE 84 Permanent Wave ... $1.00 REGAL AMBER RHINELANDER and BLUE BOAR ALE Finger Wave ........................... 25c Comb Wave ............................. 25c Shampoo .......... 25c Haircut ..................................... 25c Marcel ....................................... 25c Manicure .......... _.......... 25c Eyebrow Arch ...................... 25c Scalp Treatment .................... 50c Hot Oil ......... 50c In Draft and Package DWIGHT E. HARTMAN (Work Done by Students Under Supervision) ORDERS From 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Now Serving