Bellview Grange To Give Dance Feb. 15 Leaders of the Bellview Grange attended a meeting of the county Grange council at Central Point thia week, which was attended by masters, lecturers, secretaries and chairmen of home economics and agriculture and marketing com­ mittees of all Granges of the county. Plans fpr another popular Bell­ view dance to be given February 15 were made at the Grange meet Tuesday evening. Mrs. Vai Inlow. Mrs. Wren Newhouse. Mrs. J. E. Gowland and George Helms will be in charge of soliciting and serving and Aileen Inlow and G. Edwin Dunn are members of the door committee. Hospitality committee members for the next meeting are Mrs. Alice Pagel. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pankey, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stenrud. Mr and Mrs. Wade Wallis and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wallis. FINAL RITES FOR PIONEER Final rites were held Wednesday for Mia. Louisa Ray, one of the oldest pioneers of the Applegate, whose death nccum'd Monday, fol­ lowing a brief illness due to par­ alysis Services were conducted at Perl’s funeral home in Medford at 2 p m.. Rev. R. S. Peterson offi­ ciating. with Interment in the Jacksonville cemetery. Mrs. Ray, who reached her 88th birthday a few days before her death, had possessed good health until her recent illness, and en­ joyed the privilege last June of formally opening to traffic the pio­ neer bridge at the Applegate store when the dedication ceremonies were held. She was bom in Illinois and crossed the plains with her parents in 1853, her family settling in the Willamette valley. Nineteen years later Mrs. Ray came to the Applegate, having married William Ray in Jacksonville in 1872. She has lived on the Applegate since. She is survived by a daughter. Miss Mollie Ray, and three sons, William. Robert and Mathew, all of Ruch, as well as a number of grandchildren. ----------- •------------ FREE METHODIST CHURCH East Main and 7th Streets A. M. Rainey, Pastor Follow peace with all men. and Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.—Heb. 12-14. Sunday school opens at 9:45, and morning message at 11 a.m. Our subject for the day is "The Holy Applegate Graders Spirit At Work in the Church.” This is the third of a series of Form Basketball 5 messages on the subject of the work of the Holy Spirit at work in The Applegate grade echo I or­ the world and in the church. ganized a basketball team a few Remember, a warm welcome to days ago, which is a remarkable all, and especially to the stranger addition to the wide variety of en­ terprises assumed by Mr. and Mrs. William Ludwig and their pupils. The five includes William Clute, center: Robert Brown and Chester Lind, guards; Harold Perry and Hillier [cierttfn iu'ufrri Elwood Roberts, forwards. Subs are Ralph Perry. Keith Mee and Friday and Saturday Lester St. Johns. The youngsters were scheduled to play Murphy grade school last night. The 4-H club work launched last fall is progressing nicely, leaders say. Girls working in the sewing project under Mrs. Ludwig have completed lunch cloths, and will start zipper purses soon. The proper cooking of cereal and toast and other dishes has also been ac­ complished by the girls under the leadership of Mrs. Frank Knutzen. Boys in the camp cookery project have made two trips in the woods with their leader, Mr. Ludwig, who also is getting fine results in the manual training and tap dancing classes. Funds obtained from the adult class in tap dancing, which is taught by Mr. Ludwig, supplied hot lunches for the school children during the winter. In addition to these varied ac­ tivities, pupils are submitting the school grounds to a spring clean­ ing, which has resulted in a vast improvement. ----------- •------------ FIRST METHODIST EPI3COPAL CHURCH “The Church With A Friendly Welcome” SPECIAL PREVIEW If you have no church home Plus SHOWING ON FRIDAY A SATURDAY NIGHT you are cordially invited to attend the following services next Lord’s SHOWS AT 9 P.M. day: Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. A class and teacher for every age group. Our textbook is the Holy Bible. This is our guide to life eternal. Junior church at 11 a.m. Your children will enjoy and profit by taking part in this service. Divine worship in the main au- I ditorium. Pipe organ music. Chor­ us choir. Good congregational sing­ ing. Vital message from God's word. Vesper services at 5 o’clock. Brief organ recital. Good song service. Brief message. We shall join with our Baptist friends -for the 7:30 service. Young peoples’ meetings at 6:15 p.m. Two groups. Live, vital top­ ics. Free discussion. Bring your young friends with you. ----------- •----------- The New Deal will hereafter be known as the New Order: which Sunday and Monday reminds us that the rose by any other name would smell as sweet. —Weston Leader. ----------- •----------- It seems to be necessary now and then for Japan to fight China for peace—a piece at a time.— with Weston Leader. DICK POWELL ----------- •----------- A doctor says the bite of a rat­ Josephine Hutchinson tlesnake will cure mild forms of Frank McHugh insanity. Olin Miller would need Allen Jenkins treatment from a den.—Weston Leader. LITHIA “HAPPINESS AHEAD” -------------- Personal News Notes EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL................. ......... 2 CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Medford, Oregon NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 10,000 VOTES FOR THE YOUNG LADY YOU ENTER IN THIS CONTEST I nominate Miss......................................................................................... 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Machine Shop in Connection! A NEW BATTERY Makes Easy Starts Get Our Prices on Your Automobile Troubles Complete Overhaul, Valve Grinding, Brake Relining. Auto Lite Guaranteed Batteries! Ford 13-plate Rubber Case $5.65 12 Months Guarantee Ford 15-plate Rubber Case $7.65 OUR RADIO DEPARTMENT IS EqUIPPBD WITH LATEST APPARATUS TO ASSURE YOU THE BEST OF SERVICE RADIO TUBES 12 Months Guarantee Ford 17-plate Rubber Case $8.15 18 Months Guarantee (ABOVE PRICES PLUS YOUR OLD BATTERY) USED CAR SALE 1929 Ford Roadster, price............. $145 1929 Ford Coupe, price................. $175 1931 Plymouth Pick Up, price..... $250 1933 Ford De Luxe Sedan, price $595 1934 Willys 77 Coupe, price.........$375 OUR DELICIOUS HOME MADE CHILI IS FAST BECOMING AS POPULAR AS THOSE SHERM’S --------- --- ------------- ---------- — /" ------------ V-8 Looks and Runs Like New CHILI On the Blvd. Friday, February 8,1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Only Driven 7000 Miles EASY TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY Claycomb Motor Co. Ford Sales and Service “COMPLETE SERVICE UNDER ONE ROOF” PHONE 50 Medford’s Oldest and Finest! D aily ’ s AUTO PAINTING CO. 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