Friday, February 8, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 • Interest Up in Tonight’s Grizzly Game Here! HIGH HOOPERS ^Smooth as Syrup! I MEET KLAMATH RIVALS AT 8 P.M Falwr’s Grizzlies to Try for Third Leg on District CojH'o Trophy ARMORY BOUT EAGLES SMOKER IS RINGSIDE IS FISTIC ORGY FREE-FOR-ALL It was blood and thundred at Ash­ land’s Eagles hall Tuesday night with a capacity crowd of over 200 fight fans going home talking to themselves. From the opening bout, a three- rounder between Joe Scott and Charles Warren, both Junior high basketball players at 104 pounds, until the main event when Harold Wright, 125, from Chiloquin, klunked Buddy Jacks, same weight from Medford's CCC camp, on the button twice to win a technical ko, the paying customers were treated to as nifty a card as could be hoped for. In the main go Wright, a Klam­ ath Indian, swarmed over, around and figuratively through the game Jacks to take the first two rounds by a wide margin and finished it up in the third with a crushing left hook to the chin that put Jacks down for what would have surely been the count if Jack's second hadn't thrown in the towel. Frank Redke, alias Max Baer, alias King Kong, alias Lon Chaney, the pride of Southern Oregon Nor­ mal school, grimaced, laughed out loud and scowled his way to a decision over Red Handsaker in the four round semi-windup. Both weighed 160 pounds. Redke had the crowd near hysterics by his clown­ ing tactics, but he had to do some tall fighting to eke out the de­ cision. Blood ran freely in the four- rounder between Billy Hawkins and Chuck Abel, both of Ashland and middleweights. The fight was the best of the evening, with both boys slugging it out toe to toe from the opening gong and the draw decision was well received. Art LuCore and John Berberick, CCC students from th«* Portland branch, went four tough frames to a draw in the second match of the evening, each scaling 160 and each plenty willing to mix it. And doing so. The card was the second held under the auspices of the Ashland Eagles and if succeeding ones prove as thrilling, little old Ash­ land will be a fight town in any man’s league. Next card will be held in two weeks and some equal­ ly willing boys are expected to be signed up. Abie Kaplan, rotund Jew from Portland and Wildcat Pete Bel- castro from Sacramento teamed »NIGHT'S STARTING LINEUP up to turn Promoter Mack Lil­ Ashland Kluiniith Falls lard's weekly wrestling card into Hoxie r Wakeman a wild free-for-all last night at Hunusto f I'astegn Medford and to send Referee Ray Hardy Carter <• e Friable home on a stretcher al­ Hess g Eglehoff most. Jungwirth . g Giovanni Kaplan, 219, bouted with popu­ lar Sad Sam Lethers, 208, from By BILLY HULEN Dallus, Texas, and when the freak­ Coach Don Faber's Ashlund ish affair was over, Friable was high school Grizzlies will be gun­ flat on the floor from one of the ning for their ninth consecutive nice Jewish boy's right hooks to win and their 17th out of 18 tor the chin, Lethers was wobbling the season when they tangle with from corner to corner and the Dwight French's Klamath high large crowd was pop-eyed. Pelicans tonight al tin* Junior higli Kaplan took the initial fall in 12 •:m. Opening tipoff Is tagged for minutes with a body press after o'clock. a steudy stream of wicked lefts u non-confer- and rights to the head but Sam The game will be the outcome came back to equalize the affair encc affair in that after 22 minutes with a body press will have no bearing on the right to enter the state tourney, but by after a weakening arm lock. By BII.I.Y HILEN winning tonight's tmttle, the Griz­ The nice fellows wrestled for zlies will practically cinch the Ask Howard Hobson or any about five minutes in the third fall Copco trophy, emblematic of the member of his great Southern before things got rough. After a southern Oregon championship. i Oregon Normal basketball team very wild melee in a comer, with Ashlund will probably be with­ wh it they think of a certain dark- both shooting them fast and fur­ out the services of Parker Hess, skinned forward named Charlie ious, Friable got mixed up in the who has been ill all week with Patterson and they would say, tangle. Leading with his chin, the flu. "Absolutely perfect." referee suddenly sat down. He got Pre-game predictions point to u Smooth as syrup, fast as light, up and poked Abie in the kisser. sensational scoring buttle between a dead shot and a beautiful team Able poked back. Friable went in Ashland's Bob Hardy and Klam­ player, Charlie Patterson is un­ with both hands and lathers stuck ath'S Carter and the Grizzlies' Bil­ doubtedly one of the must valuable around for awhile. Down went ly Hoxie and the Pelicans' Jimmy players on a team that is as near Ravin' Ray again and Sam backed Wakeman. Hardy, a really fine perfection as any quintet in Ore­ away while Kaplan went nuts. center, has bombarded the hoop gon. The rftngy negro flash is Friable finally got up and lifted for 203 points in 17 games for an second only to Wuidlow Howell as Lethers' arm for the win. Kaplan average of 11.9 per battle while the team's chief scorer and plays showing many disgusts while the Carter, Klamath's lanky center, iu second fiddle to none when it customers strained their tonsils. one of his team's leading scorers. comes to taking the ball off the In the first match of the double Hoxie, Grizzly forward, has been SONS backboard and starting it main event, Petey Belcastro, 194, one of his team's mainstays on its way out of danger. and Hal Rumberg, 228, from Spo­ throughout the tough 18 game Pat's prep basketballing was kane, Washington, carried their schedule and for Klamath Wake­ done at Benson Tech in Portland fight into the first, second and man is rated the ix-st shot to play under Hobby when the present third rows of spectators and after for the Pelicans in many years. SONS mentor was turning out punching each other Into states of Two weeks ago Ashland de­ some pip teams up north and when respective exhaustion and giving feated the Pelicans 30-22 on the Hobson came to Ashland to take Friable a good working over, de­ Klamath floor for whut was con­ over the reins here, Pat toddled cided to reenter the ring. But Mr. 4 sidered quite an upset as the vis­ along. Pat is one of the big boys Frisbie would have none of it. itors boast practically the same of the giant team, standing six probably because he had already team that reached the stale tour­ feet two inches tall and weighing had plenty. ney finals last yeur. Tonight will 201 pounds He does most of his Pete took the first fall in 14 be the last time that French's out­ heavy scoring in close where his minutes with a dropkick to the fit will have the opportunity to get height enables him to sink many stomach ar.d Rumberg the second revenge for that licking, as the "follow ins" but he can also hit with a fast airplane spin. Coming game winds up the two schools' them from beyond the “pressure" back for the final and deciding fall, SONS TAKE LAMPORT meetings for this year. Unless, of area with any of his teammates. MEN 55-19 TUESDAY the boys seemed to get a good hate course, they meet again at Salem. NIGHT IN LOCAL GAME on at each other and after they Pat Is a two-year letterman at Both teams have veteran outfits got tired releasing it in the ring, and both are champions of theii SONS. His most thrilling feat this took themselves outside. Seats Southern Oregon Normal school district. Last year Klamath fin­ year happened in the second Wil­ splintered, women screamed, men defeated Lamport's All-Stars from ished in the runner-up position at lamette game played here. With swore hoarsely and poor Ray tried Medford 55-19 at the Junior high the state meet while Ashland had the visitors leading by two points to separate them. Finally, he gave gym Tuesday night. Charlie Pat­ to be content with sixth place. In and five seconds to go, Pat shot up and scampered back into the terson, negro forward, was high helghth the Grizzlies will have a from the center of the floor, ring. He counted the required 21 scorer for the evening with 15 decided advantage, three of them missed and with the timekeeper's and when both boys failed to re­ markers, followed by Ward Howell —Hoxie, Schilling, Kanasto scal­ triggger finger twitching, followed spond in the usual manner, called and Ray Jewel with 10 apiece. ing six feet or over, but offsetting it in and dropped it through to tie the bout off and sent them to their In the preliminary, SONS frosh that will be the far greater speed the game and beat the gun by a dressing rooms. Official verdict took a thrilling 33-30 victory from gnat ’ s whisker. of the Klamathltes. Wakeman, Ashland high school. The high contest.” What a laugh. Coach Hobson tells this one on was "no ----------- Pustega and Eglehoff arc all plenty school had a 21-4 lead at the half­ •------------ fast, probably more so than any the colored boy: In the Irish Cash way mark but wilted in the fourth one of the Grizzlies, so it appears stores game, Pat got pretty tired GENE HASTINGS RETURNS TO quarter before the driving SONS the game will go to the quintet along in the second half. SONS ASHLAND FROM NEAR SALEM attack. Wayne Scott flicked the called time out. that is "on" with their shots. hemp for 15 points to lead the Gene Hastings, well-known bar­ frosh while Billy Hoxie counted 10 "I'm all through,” Pat gasped. Tomorrow night, Ashland jour­ neys to Dunsmuir to attempt their shaking his head wearily. ”1 can’t ber of Ashland who spent the past for the preppers. The game was second win from the Californians go any longer Can't even stand six months with a brother near an exhibiUon affair. this year, first ending 34-27 here. up. Hob better take me out; I'm Salem, returned here late last week to take his old stand at the Lithia ------------ •------------ no good in here now.” Hotel barber shop with his broth­ Referee's whistle announced time Ashland Trio Meet in and less than one minute later er, Veme Hastings. The Lithia hotel shop, which alsO With Southern Ore. Pat had slam-banged three field has a beauty parlor in connecUon, goals through the hoop and a free Officers, Roseburg throw. is owned jointly by Veme Hastings and Nate Bates, and is one of the Electing George A. Codding, dis­ oldest established shops In this trict attorney of Jackson county, president for the coming year, a Roseburg Saturday. Eighty-three section. ----------- •------------ conference of the Southern Oregon peace-time officers were present Law Enforcement league met in at the assembly of fallen arches. • The Ashland Study club met on Justice of the Peace E. W. Madi­ Monday at the usual hour at the Cannot prevent accidents but it son of Grants Pass was elected home of Mrs. F. S. Engle. Follow- can protect you from loss and secretary-treasurer. Complete Line of ing the business session of the meeting. Harry M. Niles, Portland chief Mrs. Gordon MacCracken lessen the hardships of the un­ Wallpaper, Paints of police, was the principal speak­ gave the interesting topic, "What fortunate. Our cost is the low­ er, stressing importance of scien­ Every Woman Wants.” Mrs. T. J. est available. and Varnish tific criminal investigation and Malgrcm, who has been quite ill, pointing out how newly developed gave the book review. “The Van­ Get Our Prices und Estimates crime detection methods had been ished Pomps of Yesterday,” a very Farmer’s Automobile Before You Make Your applied in tracing the Lindbergh interesting story. "Science Gets Selections Inter Insurance Exchange the Confession,” an article on kidnap case through to trial. Other speakers included Carl C. crime, was very well presented by Donaugh, United States district at­ Mrs. Elda Anderson. Next Mon­ Gilmore Bros. torney, who explained the duties day Mrs. F. G. Sweden burg will 37 First Street of his office In relation to law en­ hold the regular meeting at her House of Color home on the Boulevard. forcement. Guy Cordon, Douglas y V county district attorney, was mas­ ,--------- ------------------------------------ - ter of ceremonies for the meeting, OLD-TIME—MODERN which was held in the Umpqua hotel. Former deputy sheriff Phil Stansbury, Patrolman Dick Hall Those 10c and L. I. Moon, internal revenue officer, were Ashland representa­ Chicken Pies Are tives at the annual bluecoat con­ Stewart-Warner Under New Management Going Up Soon fab, which seeks more efficient law A NEW ORCHESTRA Service - Sales - Rentals enforcement as its goal. WE NEVER CLOSE ----------- •------------ • Orville Hall, who is employed 423 East Main Street, Medford at Schuerman’s grocery, is con­ TELEPHONE 668 fided to his home with the flu this Every Saturday Nite week. ♦------ ------------------ Wagner Creek Quint SONS DENVER TRIP Flashes With Close IS NEAR CERTAINTY Games Under Parr With their long-hoped for trip to the national AAU basketball tournament in Denver early in March almost assured due to the fine cooperation of the Ashland city council and Medford chamber of commerce, Howard Hobson’s Southern Oregon Normal school quintet will begin a month of se­ rious conditioning when they tan­ gle with the Klamath Falls Peli­ cans, an independent outfit, to­ morrow night in the junior high gym. Game will start at 8:15 sharp. Of the $600 needed to send the SONS on their way to match field goals with the best teams in America, $200 has been raised through the medium of an appro­ priation from the Ashland city council Tuesday night. Two hun­ dred more is expected almost Im­ mediately from the Medford cham­ ber of commerce and the remain­ der will probably be raised through like channels in other southern Oregon cities. Thar's basketball bein' played in them thar hills. If you don't believe it, ask Roy Parr who does the coaching at his grammar school way up Wagner Creek. His team has played five games and all have been pretty tough affairs. In one high scoring battle, Talent beat his team 8-4. Then, Wagner Creek turned around and took Sams Valley 8-4. Came Jacksonville to take a 7-5 walk- away from the Wagner Creekers. Reversing the tablea, Wagner Creek went field-goal crazy to trounce Jacksonville, 5-4. And, to top it all off, and give the score keeper a real case of writer’s cramp, Talent ran all over Roy's team by the score of 1-0. TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA Classified Ads FOR SALE—80 acres, 3 miles out, about 20 acres in wheat, 10 acres In alfalfa, good 3-room house, new bam, well, electricity, farm tools, place fenced and cross­ fenced; a real buy at $1800 See Reed and Robison. (fl) FOR SALE—Chev. touring car with 1935 license for quick sale, $25. Auto repairing; have your car repaired or brakes relined at Madden’s Tire Shop. (fl) FOR SALE OR TRADE—Good saws, gas plates, invalid chair, good lavatory. Parr's 2nd Hand Store & Trade Shop, 11 Plaza, (fl) FOR SALE 1929 model A Ford sedan, run under 30,000 miles, good running order; also model 60 Atwater Kent radio, 1930 model, good order, $122.50 new, now $25. Box 121, Ashland, Ore­ gon. (fi) When you go to California, try the train! Big changes have taken place on our rails. Pullman charges are a third less than last year. Rail fares are touching bottom at a mile and less. Complete meals in our dining cars cost as iitde as 80C. For de­ tails, see your local agent or write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon. W. J. LANE WATCHMAKER AND TO SELL OR TRADE—One of JEWELER the best business lots in Ash­ land, lot 41-ft. front, 140 feet 163 Eaxt Main Street deep, party walls, excavated, an ideal place to build. Inquire at i-------------------------------------------- Al Jordan's Army Goods store. DON’T NEGLECT YOUR EYES (f8) EXAMINATION FREE GLASSES FITTED IMPROVED, irrigated ranches for sale, 10% cash, balance easy terms. See F. L. Nutter, 2 doors DR. ROSEMAN north of Madden's Tire Shop, 53 3rd Street Phone 199-R (febl) Oeser’s Super Service Station 358-370 EA8T MAIN STREET, ASHLAND FISK TIRES Fully Guaranteed for 12 Months Retread and Remold Tires The New MARINE GAS Tetraethyl NO KNOCK—MORE MILES I Like to Serve You—Dr. W. Oeser ¿&&AUTO INSURANCE JORDAN’S DANCE EAGLES HALL HURRY!! IMN’C RADIO SERVICE BROMLEY CAFE A “Claim” that always pays! A “claim” that pays a guaranteed income every year, and one you don’t have to “work” yourself, is a savings account. One of the best paying “claims” you can possibly have is a growing savings ac­ count! First National Bank OF ASHLAND