Friday, February 8, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! _____________ KDITKD IIY EIJW1NA • Coming here to spend a month in the Convalescent home, Mrs. M L. Johnson arrived in Ashland a few '- smllax, which combined with pas­ tel candle shades, made a beauti­ ful setting. The tables were ar­ ranged to form u xquurc where, in the center, Mrs. Margaret Whittle, hostess for the candidates, wax sitting. The temple decorations were done in Oriental style, with beautiful Chinese rugs ami pampas grasses arranged in attractive ways Five candidates became Daugh­ ters of the Nile at this time, the Misses Grace Holmes and Isaura Young of Medford, Rosa Franco, duughter of the queen, Mrs Lulu B Franco, and Betty Dean of Ash­ land. and Gladys Sults of Lake­ view. Miss Dorothy Reynolds pre­ sented the high schiMil sextette and the boys trio during the short re­ cess in two groups of lovely num­ bers. Next week, in Granta Pass, in­ stallation of officers will take place at 7:00 at the faigrounda, preceded by an afternoon of enter­ tainment, and followed by a grand ball. • We should like to take this op­ portunity to offer our congratula­ tions to the high school debate team, George Hall. Della Willard. Kathryn Doyle, and Phyllis Sparr in their recent victories over their opponents. The first two. who in­ cidentally worked together last year under the excellent coaching of Rolla Reedy, took the affirma­ tive side of the argument and won it. The others won the negative question, both over Crescent City. We wish you the same luck you have had in the past when you go to meet Klamath Falls. • Misses Marietta Whitney and Nancy Gill returned home Friday for the week-end from Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitney, who had been visiting in Portland since the middle of last week. They returned home on Sunday evening. • Mrs. E. F. Starr spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. G. Hunter of Third street, returning to Granta Pass Sunday morning. • Mrs. K. Fred Wolcott and baby daughter arrived in Ashland re­ cently to spend several days with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor. • Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Curtright, who have been staying at the Lithta hotel for the past two and a half months, recently returned to their home in San Luis Obispo. They may decide to make their home in Ashland at some future date. ' • Mrs. C. W Fortmiller and Mrs. C. A. Haines were co-hostesses at a dessert bridge, given at the home of Mrs. Fortmiller. The rooms were attractively decorated in sweet peas of pastel shades. Playing at the four tables were the following guests: Mesdames Harvey A. Woods, Edwin Dunn, Frank Dean, Roy Frazier, Dom Provost, W. E. Bartlett, Gerald Wenner, Rilling Schuerman, H. G. Enders, W. M. ’.Valls, Claire Tufts, Mrs. Archi­ bald, and the hostesses, Mrs. Fort­ miller and Mrs. HaineB. High score flower pri-xentatlon will be held Tarantella, Op. 191, Drdla, Joe “Drunken drivers must go,” says Roger Babson says American lie in pant recitals. the Saturday Evening Post. But farmers are on the way to recov­ Burdic. Una Vez en Mayo, Op, 64, No. 1, wouldn’t it be better if they ery, which may be news to those The program will be ax fololws: didn't? Weston Leader. in this bailiwick - Weston Leader. Golden I tod, Harvey, Mouryne Popper, Leslie Kincaid. Mazurka, Mlynaraki, Alice Cog­ Burton. Twinkling Stars, Harvey, Bonnie gin». Rezeda, Op. 59, Friml, Mary Boone. Rose Petals, Wallace, Veda Wil­ Roberson.---------- •------------ 5-COURSE liams Carey Williams of Georgia lx Elegy, IJK-y, Jean Van Ness. ROAST TURKEY Barcarolle, Offenbach, Corrine getting out a dandy column »Ince he lost hix appendix. Olin Miller Croft FRIED CHICKEN or STEAK Bohemian Girl, Balfe, Harry would do well to establish credit with a Thomaston surgeon. Wee­ l<;iiin Sleepy Hollow, Kountz, Patsy ton (Oregon) Leader. DINNER Whitney, A new "sound microscope” 1 b Martha, Flotow, Jeannette Bur­ capable of amplifying sound ten EVERY SUNDAY, 12 TO 8 P.M. thouxand billion time». We shudder ton. AT THE to think that one of those Long Selected, Billy Willits. Valse Petite, Kern, Stanley speeches might carry to Oregon.— Weston deader. Coleman. Romance in A Minor, Williams If the gold clause 1» restored, Dick Dayhoff. G. Howe Harduppe says his cred­ My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice, itor» will lose the difference be­ Good Lunches and Dinners Saint-Saëns, Andrew Johnson. tween what they can’t get then Every Day in the Week O Sole Mio, Di Capua, Dale Wil- and what they couldn't get before. Hams. Weston leader. I .a Paloma, Y radier, Beatrice i Worth La Cinquantaine, Gabriel-Marie, Carol Templer. Song of India. Rimsky Korsa­ kov, Peggy Guiley. Norwegian Dance No. 2, Grieg. I Ix»is White. Secret Love. Resch, Shirley Wal­ ton. Resignation Op. 59, Dancla, Jean Billings Hungarian Dance, Drdla, Mar- | garet Harrison. Nocturne, Mendelssohn, Elmer Ayers. Romance Sans Paroles, Van Gocns, Phyllis Sparr. Serenade, Galkine, Ruth Hardy. Kujawiak, Wieniawski, Florence Hubert. Canzonetta from Concerto, Tschaikowsky, Francis Aikens. award went to Mrs. Dom Provost, second high to Mrs. Willard Grubb. • Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Cooper re- turned Monday night from a visit to Loa Angeles. • Rev. S. W. Hall, pastor of the First Methodist church, left for Portland and Hulem Wednesday morning. He expects to be In Mc­ Minnville Wednesday night. Rev. Hall is scheduled to give an ad- dress la-fore the student body of Willamette university Thursday morning. Friday he is to be In Portland In attendance ut the mid­ year meeting of the board of trus- tees of the university, of which he in a member. The new president, Dr Bruce R. Baxter, will give his first mid-year report, together with recoin mednations for the fu­ ture policy of the school. O Minx Virginia, King of Palm uyenue, Ashland, spent the week­ end with Miss Leafs Bedford of Medford, returning home late Sun­ day afternoon. • lx>is Crawford and family, of Tule lake, were spending several days with relatives at Talent this week. • C. A Crit Tolman and his aunt, Mrs D E Wright, who have been house guests of Mrs. L. A Phillips, eft recently for the south by notor to visit friends and relatives in Han Francisco. Sacramento and San Diego with Mr. Tolman’s Brother. Chester Tolman. • Mrs. C. R IJ. Jones and daugh­ ter, Mrs. Elwood Hedburg, re­ turned to Ashland Wednesday from the Saint Francis hospital In San Francisco where she has been much Improved by treatments which she received there. • Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Butler and We Specialize Mr and Mrs D. Perozzi spent the week-end on the coast at Brook­ in Fresh ings. returning to Ashland Mon­ day • Rev. Sydney W. Hall left Wed­ nesday morning for Salem where GUARANTEED he is to address the Willamette university student body on "Youth Getting Heady for Tomorrow.” He will go from Salem to McMinnville Thursday on business, and on Fri­ On the Blvd. day he will visit Portland to attend Often Evenings and Sundays the semi-annual meeting of the board of trustees of Willamette. - --------------- ~~ He will return home Saturday. O Mrs. Gordon MacCracken and Mra. T. D. Wagner entertained Saturday evetng at a dessert bridge at Mra. Wagner's home. There were four tables in play. Mrs Hal McNair received the ladies' award, Mr. I. E. Vining the men's award, and Mrs. A.,E. Kin­ ney, the door prize. Headquarters for O The Junior-Senior P-TA benefit dinner given Friday, February 1, Buying and Selling v.-as pronounced a general success, financially because Mrs. A. C. Joy of Fruits and made the report that $46.50 was made, and altogether everyone Vegetables seemed to enjoy themselves. The P-TA is greatly gratified, especial­ A FEW APPLES AT ly by the number, 170, of people REASONABLE PRICES who were present. The Mesdames A. C. Joy, Murray Murphy, Hal We Deliver McNair, R. L. Burdic. C. L. Berg­ strom, Fred Hitchcock, Charles Forsythe and many others who helped on committees wish to ex­ Right on the Corner press their thanks for the support they received. • Lawrence Hubert, well known violinist, will present nearly 30 vio­ lin students Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Lithia hotel. This COFFEE ROASTER program will be of extreme inter­ est to local music lovers and par­ Ashland Blend ................ 25c lb. ..........15c lb. ents of Ashland. The pupils repre­ Brazilian Coffee sent nearly every degree of pro­ PEANUTS ROASTED DAILY ficiency and range in age from Always Fresh youngsters Just starting school to violinists at advanced stages. The North Main and Water Sts. public is invited to attend. No 65c LANE’S HERBERT’S TWO STORES G. F. McConnell EAST SIDE PHARMACY Every Day Money Savers and Specials for Saturday! Per Quart ............ VW ASPIRIN— 100 Tablets.......... TQr FACE POWDER- SI. 10 Size Coty’s............ OVW CONGOIN— 200-cup JQ/* package •• rW CASTILE SOAP— Imported, 1-lb bar......... W * W Fletcher’s Castoria .. 29C COD LIVER OII^- Vitamin test- Cflp ed, 1 pint....... SATURDAY, MONDAY FEBRUARY 9th-11th Fine ... SUGAR Granulated. Red or BEANS White CORN Mil Maximum MILA TaH- S cans . 3 cans for 29c 19c 27-oz can 10c FLOUR ¿s 49-lb. bag $1.67 CANDY Fancy Chocolates, 2 i/j-lb box cleanup...... ...... ........ 39C SPINACH“"““ tin 9c MB" ■ A Golden Harvest r U A V No- SOS Tin....... RICE Fancy broken, 10 pounds.......... TOMATOES, 39c Stand. |>ack. ig. can IOC 3 for 25c COFFEE TX™, 49C MACARONI cXcS 6 pounds Jell well, asst. g* flavors, 6 pkgs.. W / W Deviled Meats, < Aj* Libby’s W b 3 for A V w Baking Powder Calumet, lb. can /h* w SPUDS CABBAGE CARROTS, bunch I r 11 AMO Fancy Sunkist, LEIYIUNU «2 Size............. GRAPEFRUIT ÄX FRESH CRABS Fl T Fresh mid Firm, 4 pounds.............. OYSTERS, VALENTINE CANDIES Standard White, No. I 2 cans, cleanup price. Van Camp’s Vick’s Vapo ICg* Rub, 35c size w OLIVE OIL /fOf» Pint ............... ‘•VW - 10 pounds 50c -5 pounds for 29c PORK and BEANS v IVI l L I 75c Orliss Antiseptic .... "W L • > 1 k 1 ç Haliver Oil— Qftf» $1.25 size..... VOW EX LAX— Chocolated, 25c size..........wAw 65e PLAZA CAFE EGGS MINERAL OIL— Russian, dPOtf* pints.............. A VV Page 3 42c CHEESE WEEK! February 11th to 16th, Inclusive Ladino Cheese, per pound............ 22c Brookfield Cheese, per pound......21c EAT MORE CHEESE! 100 lbs. 63c pound 2c 1C dozen 9c dozen 25c NUOOA, 19C White King, I-arge pkg-------- 29e Syrup—Log Cabin, medium ... 39C Bakers Cocos •/2 -pound tin.......... 10c Pound.................. MAYONNAISE— Best Foods, Pint Jar................. J* 9 W ..... each 15c 25C 29C BRIGHT RED SALMON AND CHICKEN HALIBUT Eat More Fish—It Is Cheap and Healthful