Friday, February 5, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 NA1NT MAKERS tlngulshed a mountain top. 271 Nicholson and his cohorts pin their Dogs’ ’Income Tax’ hopes of finding a fortune. feet below. The Olivia (Minn ) Times given I Guano is valuable as a fertiliser Now Being Collected A mountain within a cave, how the following the once over: "A I ridiculous it seems. But such is and for the manufacture of gun- preacher came Into the office of , As Canine Drive On a busy newspaper num and said: the case of this natural wonder, pov der. It is now worth $30 a ton, which makes it one of the most delivered to rectifying plants in fur 'You editors du not tell the truth. The bartering business was ex­ If you did, you couldn't live; your unique and wonderful of all the the United States, but during war GOOD FOOD caverns Dr. Nicholson has ex­ times its price has risen to as high pected to pick up tremendously, or newspapers would be failures ' The the smart-crackers who always any weary editor replied: 'You are plored, and these include not only as $100 a ton. Prompt Service The method of entering and they'll either have to get clipped light And the preacher who will several other Texas caverns, but Recent Exploration Plains Carlsbad PERMON AL ATTENTION cavern in New Mexico, leaving the caver»» is hazardous, or take out a dog license will have at all times and under all circum­ Caverns Reveals One and other famous eaves in the and only crude machinery is used to think up a new gag, for dog stances tell the truth about hia • United States and foreign coun- to lower and hoist a basket carrier license collections are lieing made members, alive or dead, will n»»t of the Greatest WE WILL DELIVER in »u»d out of the hole. Its con­ ut a rapid pace by the county occupy hia pulpit mon* than one tries as. well. YOUR ORDER clerk, with aid of state police and cave walls are impossible to scale, a huge hour- In the shape of Sunday. He will find it necessary By L. B. SMITH • and rope ladders art* out of the county authorities, who have been What once was merely a great glass, the mouth of Devil's Sink- question. A few years ago a crew sic-ing Fido's proud owner down to to leave town in a hurry. The press walls hole opens wide, its concave and pulpit go hand In hand with ' hole in the ground, and nothing of pipeline workers, disillusioned the courthouse to part with hia white-wash brushes and pleuaant I but a scourge to Rancher Clarence coming together some 200 feet be­ by the depth to the mountain top. fee or his flea circus. low to form a funnel, the diameter words, magnifying little virtues In­ Whitworth, the Devil's Sinkhole in According to County with a long rope lowered them­ to big ones The pulpit, the pen ' Edwards county, 12 miles east of of which is approximately 30 feet, selves into the cavern on an im­ George R. Carter, more than Clerk IbO and gravestone an* the great suint- the little town of Rocksprings, has and then opens wide to spread over promptu exploration trip, and it al­ licenses have been issued by making triumvirate. And ___ the edl- __________ ’ ___ been declared the greatest cave of the mountain top. seen from the most ended disastrously, only one dog 201 East Muli» I Ins office since first of the year I tor turned to his work and told of j brim. The lower part of the hour ­ its kind in America, and a rival to member of the party being able to b'lainess continues at the rate the unsurprising beauty of the the great Padriac cave of southern glass is hidden from view by the climb the upward distance, 271 and of 2b or 30 a day. No license is re- ■ bride while in fuct she wus as France, and somewhat remindful blackness of the cavern. The con­ feet, hand-over-hand fashion. quired for husbunds who think homely as a mud fence.” SLABWOOD of the Carlsbad caverns In nearby cave walls of the upper half of they live a dog's life, pointed out I Has Its Dangers Also New Mexico and the far-off cav­ the glass ieveal in formations $2.50 Backers of the project may Carter. You have to actuully be a i • The Winehind Beauty shop has erns near Grants Pass. Oregon, small part of what has not been Per Isjad, Dumped touched by erosion. change the means of entrance, dog to qualify, which preserves, known as Oregon caves. moved from 161 East Main to 69 Large Ixmd, Dumped somewhat, a dog's life for dogs they point out. Instead of an ele­ A Mountain Below This natural wonder of the So beware, you canine caress- < East Main, in the Ashland hotel lowering the sightseers, a vator The mountain 271 feet below the $3.25 southwest is rich in beauty, the eis. the man with beady eyes, a picturesque formations of massive surface of the earth has been fully rustic stairway and trail circling net and screened truck. Mr. Dog building A formal opening for the newly locuted shop Is expected (imiter Fuel Co. stalagmites and stalactites in the s|q pu« uosioqojx JQ Xq pojoidxa down the precipitous walls of the Catcher to you! some time next week, said Mrs. Phone 96 many rooms and corridors being workers, and they found it to be upper chamber and then swinging out to the mountaintop may be Wineland yesterday. nothing short of marvelous. To about 600 feet high, and approxi­ make these formations the more mately a mile in circumference. constructed as a means of preserv­ interesting, embedded in the strat­ Standing atop of the limestone­ ing the thrills of going down into 364 Inches Snowfall um beneath the surface of the wall cavern, one can drop a large the vertical hour-glass shaped hole. Recorded at Crater The dangers of exploring the earth are fossils of bug-like and rock from the edge, see it almost cavern have been evident, and per ­ shell-like denizens of the Coman- disappear from sight before it Lake Near Record sons entering at this time do so chean sea. which is said to have strikes the top of the mountain. at their own risk. Jagged rocks covered west Texas millions of Then, unless it lodges atop the Far ahead of last year's total, BORDEAUX MIXTURE, EIME pinnacle, it can be heard as it may pierce one's scalp one Instant, 364.7 inches of snowfall have been years ago. and the next the explorer will find ’l l * rolls onward and downward I ""Into AND SULPHUR SPREADER |recorded at park headquarters In Few Have Explored the far reaches of the earth until himself stepping into a seemingly Crater Lake national park up until bottomless pond of icy water. It is February 1. No one knows the extent of sound is lo longer audible. SEED POTATOES—ONION SETS This compares to 289 Devil’s Sinkhole, known by old- BULK GARDEN SEEDS That canyons and corridors ra­ difficult for one to watch hia foot- inches last year, but is behind the I timers to exist, but which few ever diate for miles in every direction ing constantly, and at the same mark of the heavy winter of 1932- dared to enter because of its is the contention of Dr. Nicholson, time keep from marveling at this 33 with 511 inches. threatening appearance and forbid­ and his belief is verified through natural wonder. Speechless, one However, this year holds the' ding walls. No one knows whence the fact that numerous wells have gazes in bewilderment at the glist­ record for the amount of precipi- j ening formations, the white crick ­ its many labyrinths and caverns been drilled in the little Lown of tntion. 50.35 Inches. Last year the lead, but explorers believe they Rocksprings, only to be abandoned ets. the mute swimming life, hun­ figure was 35.41 and in 1933, 40 21, lead many miles in every direction. because caves were struck from dreds of feet below the surface of despite the heavy snowfall of the This they will learn in months to 100 to 200 feet underground. These the earth. Emerging from the cav­ latter year. come. That part of the Sinkhole wells, of a certainty, failed to pro­ ern. one ponders, hours it seems, Last month had a snowfall of which has been explored, however, duce water, but today they are wondering how long it took the 117 Inches and precipitation of was found to contain walls and used by their owners as sewage deft fingers of the Creator to mold 10.16, as compared to 256 inches ceilings of gorgeous formations, disposal places. Within the next such artistic designs and patterns snow and 16.25 precipitation in trickling streams with water as few months Dr. Nicholson and his as Devil's Sinkhole rooms and cor­ January, 1933. The 50-inch mark Coty's Face clear as crystal, and as cold as the party hope to ascertain whether ridors offers. of this year is attributed to more * Today, thousands of people Powder icy waters of the Arctic. The bot­ these caves, 12 miles westward, rain and mister snow. around here are wondering what toms of these ponds and lakes, radiate from Devil’s Sinkhole. Park roads are closed as they Pepsodent Tooth Paste— sometimes 50 feet deep, are as There are numerous mountain the broad expanses of Devil’s Sink­ have been for numerous weeks hole hold in store for Texas, for white as snow, with the rock for­ springs throughout this section of New large Mize past and it is not likely that re­ mations resembling springtime west Texas, most noteworthy the southwest. No one can pre­ moval operations will begin much j flowers. In walking through the among these being Seven Hund ltd dict the future. But take the word sooner than early May or late Ap- j Analgesic cavern, one must watch his foot­ springs, midway between Rock­ of Dr. Nicholson. Devil’s Sinkhole ril. Four men Douglas Roach, ' Balm ing, else he will step into one of springs and Junction, where mil­ is far bigger than Carlsbad cavern, Good, Burrell Sexton and Frank these crystal pools and be sub­ lions of gallons of water gush or any other cavern that he has Briscoe make up a winter m;dn- Cod Liver Oil- merged in waters that maintain a forth daily from a mountains,de. ever before explored. — Brady tenance crew. Tested, per pint (Texas) Standard. constant temperature of 38 de­ A few miles from Devil's Sinkhole Roads leading from Ashland to ------------•------------ grees Fahrenheit. are found numerous large springs, the east and south, over Green­ Razor Blades— Devil’s Sinkhole, destined to be­ with cold water bubbling out of • Henry Enders went to Eugene springs and the Siskiyou moun­ to pick up Jack Enders, last Fri ­ come one of the major attractions mountain sides, and Dr. Nicholaon Probak, 16 for tains, have been kept open during of Texas, has been suggested by is of the opinion that the icy wat­ day. From there they went to Port­ the entire year by the highway Stationery— west Texas civic leaders as a na­ ers of Devil's Sinkhole find their land to the auto show and the commission. tional park. Located In the Texas way to the surface of Mother football game between the coast 60 sheets, 25 envelopes hill country, the rolling mountains Earth in some of these little gey­ all-stars and the New York Giants. Alarm and hundreds of streams fed by sers. • Mr. and Mrs. George Daly and many giant springs, combine to In addition to proving a great Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Angel were Clocks form picturesque scenery long to attraction to tourists of the south­ business callers In Ashland and be remembered. west, Devil’s Sinkhole is providing Medford Wednesday. While in Ash­ Old timers in this section have remuneration to Dr. Nicholson be­ land they were the guests of Mr known about Devil’s Sinkhole all cause of the immense quantity of and Mrs. E. F. Miller. these years, but they all doubt of guano. Several tons have been ex­ its ever having been explored un­ tracted from the cavern and ship­ • C, A. White returned to his Prescription Pharmacists til a crew of men under Dr. Frank ped to rectifying plants, yet the store Monday after a siege of flu. PHONE 75 FICEE DELIVERY Nicholson started charting the un- main bat chamber has not yet been which kept him at home for 10 ' ground recesses recently. It has discovered. For this reason, and days. jeen known by these pioneers that also because of the fact that liter­ • Robert Dodge left Wednesday there were daring men who now ally millions of the winged mrm- night for San Francisco and Los and then were lowered into the mals emerge from the darkened Angeles to be the guest of Mr. and giant hole, only to be hauled back chambers toward nightfall each Mrs. Jack Rafferty and Mr. and Where You Get Most for Your Money Every Day in the Week to the top without exploration be­ evening, Dr. Nicholson places the Mrs. W. T. Abbott. He plans to be cause of the treacherous nature of guano deposits in the cave at more gone about three weeks, and will the big black hole. than 150,000 tons. It is, therefore, visit many different furniture We Deliver upon the main deposits that Dr. houses in both cities. Its Mouth An Hour Glass Gl West Main Phone Located on a plateau, which has Ashland an elevation of approximately 2500 Oregon feet, Devil’s Sinkhole is in the center of a bed of flat rocks. It is a great, gaping hole in the earth, 80 feet in diameter, that opens up into the form of a huge hour­ glass. As one edges himself to the lip of the cave, there is a catch in the throat and a step backward, The Store With 2,000 Satisfied for it gives the appearance of a bottomless pit. But as one gathers Customers Ground Pork and Veal, for loaf Country Sorghum, 5-pound pails 55c courage, standing on the brink a or frying, 2 pounds.................. 25c Honey, 5-pound pails................... 45c moment, eyes become focused and in the darkness below can be dis- Hamburger, lean and good, lb. ..10c Vermont Maid Maple Syrup, 20c, 35c I---------------------------------------------- DEVIL’S SINK IN TEXAS, OREGON CAVES RIVALRY PHONE 155 SCHUERMAN'S GROCERY 0 • SPRAY MATERIALS I* TED'S FEED AND SEED STORE Drugs for Less! 69c 38c 23C 45c 25c 39c 79C ADDIS DRUG STORE 95 ASHLAND GROCETERIA S tearns Grocery and Meat Market Complete Food Market Lennox & Billings 800 NORTH MAIN STANDARD PRODUCTS MOBILOIL CANNED All Night Service LUBRICATION BY TRAINED MEN Old Time DANCE Every Wed. Night EAGLES HALL QUALITY MEATS DAKERY PRODUCTS FROM OUR OWN OVENS FINEST FRUITS & VEGETADLES FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES TRADE HERE—DON’T HURRY You Will Like The Groceteria Way HARDY AND WOLTERS WF, ALL HAVE A GOOD TIME COME UP AND JOIN US! Southern Oregon’s Leading Food Merchants Men 25c—Ladles 10c Bellview Ladies Food Sale Saturday k Round Steak, from fat cows, lb. 12c Rib Steaks, fancy beef, lb............ 15c Pork Chops, from choice young pigs, per pound........................18c Veal Chops, from No. 1 milk fed veal, per pound.........................17c Codfish, just in, 1-pound brick 20c K. C. Baking Powder, 50c tin ...35c Corn Starch, 3 for.......................... 25c Arm and Hammer Soda, 3 pkgs...25c Coffee, it’s good, 2 pounds............ 35c Coffee, Hills red can (Saturday and Monday) 1-pound tin........ 31c Citrus Soap, 2 8-ounce bars........ 5c White Eagle Soap, 13 6-oz. bars .25c Peets Washing Powder, per pkg..25c Purex, V^-gal. jug..........................25c Ginger Snaps, 10 dozen................. 25c Raisins, 3*/j pounds...................... 25c White Figs, for stewing, Saturday, 4 pounds..................................... 25c Onions, 15 pounds 25c Large White Cauliflower, Spinach, Rutabegas, Parsnips, Turnips, Carrots and many other fresh vegetables. Large Juicy Lemons, Saturday, per dozen................................... 15c Oranges, good sweet ones, doz.... 15c SATURDAY ONLY—One ring and stick of candy with each loaf bread. Light Potato Yeast Buns, some­ thing different, per dozen..... 19c Cakes, Pies and Rolls, so good you want more. OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT IS SURPASSED By NONE S' I è