Friday, February 1, 1035 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 Acid Test for SONS Here Monday, Tuesday! * ♦ / LINFIELD OR UNION OIL TO PLAY ASHLAND BOYS WHO AWAIT INVADERS! Melgan Will Be Buck in Normal Linkup Again Following Layoff Howard Hobson's high-powered Southern Oregon Normal basket ball team will tangle with either Linfield college, last year's North- West conference champions or Un­ ion Oil from Portland, next Mon- day and Tuesday nights in the Junior High gym SONS, who have game i way to 14 wins against the finest In til" state, have put in of In tensive practice ami will lx* In tip top shafie to fight for their thii teenth ami fourteenth straight vl< - torics . Union Oil, the strongest inde- y • ■ Pendent squad in the northern part of Oregon, fell twice befen the driving SONS two weeks ag­ in Portland and will I m - hopped t< the skies to get revenge for tbos< two lacings If Linfield Is the team that will appear next week, it will : • A >. ■>. 9 k I m * the Initial time that the two quintets have met this year. For the first time in nine games. Cliff "Chief" McLean will prob­ trout row—left to right: < l.vde Dickenson, ( lift Mclx-aii, Hob ♦------ tlr. ddiM-k, Ix-n I andlr (not with team tiny more) and Bill Courtney. ably be ready to go the route I Hess, fg The fiery little Indian’s knee, in­ Si- mid row—left to right: Mayne Scott, Oil Hughes, Charlie Pat­ ! Kanasto, fg. . terson. Jack Eagle and Itud Lindley (all players in this row are jured in the Irish (.’ash Stores 16 «lx feet two inches or over). Back row—left to right: Coach Howard Schilling, g. gume more than n month ago, is Hobson, Harris, g. ... 13 Frank Pettyjohn. Harold Bradway, Ray Jewel, Ward Howell, almost entirely healed and the re­ Di* k Jocklsch anil Frank Redky, student manager (all players in Fowler, g. 12 turn of the flashy guard will this row are six feet three Inches or over). Murphy, f....... 11 strengthen the team considerably The SONS starting lineup will Pass and are odds on favorites to probably consist of Charlie Pat­ repeat their championship act of terson and Mclx*an at the for­ last year and again make the ward positions. Wardlow Howell juunt to Salem for the state tourn­ at center and Billy Courtney and ey. Dick Jcx’klsch nt the guard spots, The team is composed of five with Ray Jewel, Bob Braddock. veteran lettermen, with four of Frank Pettyjohn and Wayne Scott Plans for the formation of an them being two-year letter win­ held in reserve. independent, eight team city bas- ners. In case the SONS opponents are Billy Hoxie, fotward; Bob Har­ Ketball league will be discussed Union Oil. the visitors will have Faberites Hope to Repeat dy, center; Parker Hess, guard; when managers of the clubs in­ 1922 Performance In Gene Robertson, former Oregon and Hjalmer Kanasto, forward, terested meet tonight at the Sen­ star and Thomas at the forwards, Copping Title are the two-year men while Ken ior high gymnasium. Grenier, the huge center from unl­ Five teams have been tangling Schillings, Bill Jungwirth, Carl veraity of Idaho, and Rulph Cair- In last night's game with Harris and Johnny Murphy, who informally with each other for the ney and Ray Eustis at the guards < heinuw a Indians, the Ash- alternate at the other guard posi- past three weeks, and with the ad­ 4 In speaking of Calmcy. former dition of three more aggregations, land high school quint added tion, are one-year lettermen. University of Washington all-coast to be recruited from the Normal unothrr victory to their long The Grizzlies employ a fast- man, Howell. Courtney and Jock- list, defeating the I’edsklns breaking offense with Hoxie, Har- school, a compact setup with a lach call him the "best basketball 37-10. Neorr stixxl it 16-8 at dy, Hess and Kannasto being tha regular schedule seems probable. pluyer they have ever seen.” Teams to be represented tonight the half, and the game |M-p|M*d big scoring guns. It is under the Wardlow Howell, six foot six 217 are Christian Church, Baptist up for the balance to give fans basket where Hardy, one of the pound center, ia far out In front a good exhibition of basketball. finest centers to ever wear the Church. Townies. McKenna's Scot­ of his teammates In the individual Red and White, does his heavy ty's, Johnson's Swedes. Clemens scoring race Howell has connected By BILLY IH LEN scoring. Hoxie hits them from way Black Cats, high school reserves for 192 points in 15 games, an ave­ Southern Oregon Conference out with monotonous regularity and another outfit still in the for­ rage of 12 8 for each fray and W. L. Pct. while Hess and Kannasto rely on mative stage. nlso leads In the personal foul Ashland In case the proposed league is 1 0 1.000 lightning fast breaks to get their column with 30. organized, fans will be assured of .500 points. Grunts Pass .......... 1 1 .000 Medford 0 1 Faber's team uses a close check- seeing at least some very rough SONS scoring records follow: thirteen For the first time In ing man to man defense and no basketball, if nothing else. Three Player, Pos. G FG FT PF TP of the teams will be composed of Howell, c 15 74 44 30 192 long years, Ashland's basketball team has so far been able to score Normal school football players. |x>pulacc is burning up with State more than 27 points against them. 15 57 31 25 145 Patterson, f Championship fever. Not since Courtney, g 9 10 S3 1922, when the Red and White of Most of their opponents scores are 15 37 Before that Detroit woman or­ below twenty. In their 17 games McLean, f 7 • 49 13 21 Ashland high, led by that great the Grizzlies have knocked off dered her husband to sit on a fire, 5 Braddock, f 1 I 13 7 31 array of hemp flicker»- Guthrie, she made sure it wasn't an old 2 15 22 Heer, Ramsey. Young and Weise- 621 points to their opponents 336, flame.—Weston Leader. Jockisch, g I I 10 an average of 36.9 for Ashland 9 Jewel, c ... 2 17 berger trekked to Salem and II 4 8 Scott, f ... 5 0 3 10 came back with the state's highest and 19.8 for opponents. Not counting the Chemawa 0 Walton, f 4 3 0 6 honor, has a local team raised We Specialize in 0 Eagle, f . 1 2 4 such hopes in the hearts of the game played last night. Bob Har­ dy leads the team's scorers with in Fresh 6 Pettyjohn, c 1 1 0 3 old guard. 167 points garnered in 16 games, Dickinson, g 5 0 0 2 0 Under the direction of Coach Winkle, c 1 0 0 • 0 Don Faber, who is in his third an average of 11.7 per battle. He Hudeman, g 1 0 0 0 0 year at Ashland High, the Griz­ is followed by Billy Hoxie with , 152 for an average of 8.9 points • GUARANTEED zlies have battered their way a game. Hardy also is the bad man through a tough schedule of 17 of the team, committing 24 per­ Hobson Will Officiate games against the best opposition sonals and leads in free throws northern California and most of dropped through the hoop, with ( Sunday for Portland Oregon could offer to win 16 bat­ 31. On the Blvd. while losing one. Following are the individual M^’ro Football Meeting tles Among the teams defeated so scoring statistics of Ashland High I Open Evenings and Sundays J Howard Hobson, Southern Ore­ far by the rampaging Faberites varsity squad: gon Normal school athletic coach, are Weed, Dunsmuir, Shasta City, G. FG, FT. PF. TP. ASHLAND'S LEADING will officiate in the role of Umpire Eureka and Crescent City from Hardy, c......... 16 78 31 24 187 INDEPENDENT California, and Bandon, Toledo, at Portland's Multnomah stadium Hoxie, f.......... 17 70 12 17 152 SERVICE STATION Sunday when the world champion Tillamook, Salem, C h e m a w a, Jungwirth, fg. 17 40 7 17 87 New York Giants pro football Grants Pass and Klamath Falls team meets a picked squad of from Oregon. Some idea of the TRY OUR ROUGH Grizzlies’ strength may be gleaned former Pacific Coast stars. from the fact that Klamath Falls, On the playing field, southern On the Boulevard Oregon will be represented by Bill runners up to the title last year, aJdorgan, former Medford High have practically the identical SHELL—RICHFIELD I'cr Ixiad, Dumped k "tickle who does the same work team back this winter and were GILMORE PRODUCTS I <>r New York, and by Bernie defeated 22-30 by the Grizzlies on Hughes, center of the Chicago their own floor. Lone defeat was r Cardinals, who will perform for suffered at the hands of the state Better Than Slabs ” the Coast team. Hughes is also champion Astoria quintet at As- toria, after the locals had played from Medford. CARSON-FOWLER A number of Ashland fans are six games in six nights. In the Southern Oregon confer- LUMBER COMPANY planning on making the trip to see what professional football ence race, Ashland is out in front Phone 98 due to their victory over Grants looks like. "4Æ Isl ASHLAND HIGH HOOPSTERS EYE CHAMPIONSHIPS PETE,LETHERS PELICANS TO FIGHT TO DRAW INVADE ON 8TH Belcastro, 194, and Sad Sam Lethers, 208, wrestled to a draw last night at the Medford armory in a match that saw both boys puff and heave for the full 60 minutes with neither being able to gain a fall. Although Lethera had the better of the going, which was very rough in spots, he was unable to pin the slippery Sacra- menian, who spent practically half the time outside the ring. In the preliminary. Abe Kap­ lan, 218-pound Jew from Portland, rained the verdict over the popu­ lar Paul Boesch. 219 from Brook­ lyn, New York, two out of three falls. Swedes Take Lamport 54-14 in Game Here Olson's Terrible Swedes, barn­ storming professionals, defeated I-amport's All-Stars 54-44 in the Junior High gym at Ashland Wed­ nesday night. Ix-d by the dead shooting Shaef­ fer, one of the highest scoring players in America, the skyscrap­ ing Swedes took an early lead and were never behind. Only once, late in the third quarter were the Med­ ford Lamport's close, knotting the score at 24 all. Shaeffer scored 20 points while Laing and Swanson counted 10 apiece for Lamports. WHEF.LS OF SLOT MACHINE GRIND EXCEEDINGLY FINE Ashland high school's champion­ ship-destined quint will pay one of its most decisive games next Friday night, February 8, when the local boys will meet the dan­ gerous Klamath Falls Pelicans on the junior high floor. Next Friday night's game, which will start at 8 o’clock, probably will determine tie permanent win­ ner of the southern Oregon con­ ference cup. Possession of the tro­ phy goes to the first three-time conference winner and Klamath Falls, Medford and Ashland each have qualified for the first two steps. With Medford and Klamath Falls both lagging a game behind Ashland, it is thought a victory by Faber's five Friday will cinch the cup for Ashland. If patience is a virtue, then Toni Mooney should be rewarded with freedom and newspaper read- era with surcease from the Mooney case.—Weston Leader. Old Time DANCE Every Wed. Night EAGLES HALL WE ALL HAVE A GOOD TIME COME CP AND JOIN US! 8-TEAM LEAGUE Wheels of slot machines may exceedingly fine, but they TO BE TALKED grind will "pay off” after enough time, EGGS LANE’S discovered O. Bessonette and E. M. Bush, charged with the operation last summer of a slot machine at the Pine Cone, refreshment parlor just north of Medford on the Pa­ cific highway. Both men were fined $10 and costs by Justice of the Peace Wil­ liam R. Coleman Monday after­ noon, the case having been pend­ ing since last fall, when the ma­ chine was confiscated by the sher­ iff’s office. Men 25c—Ladies 10c Kight on the Comer G. R McConnell COFFEE ROASTER Ashland Blend Brazilian Coffee 25c lb. _15c lb. PEANUTS ROASTED DAILY Alwaj-s Fresh North Main and Water Sts. Ashland’s Open Display Store Continues to Bring You Savings With the Following Week-End Specials: RUBBING ALCOHOL 35c BROMO QUININE Pint 10 c 20e $1.00 POND’S CREAMS 35c POND’S COLD CREAM 79e 25e New Large 75c LISTERINE Large PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 59e 38e Ingle Drug Co. H. J. CARTER MILL BLOCKS SLABWOOD $2.50 Per $4.25 DEL ROGUE The new Richfield service sta­ tion, corner of Main and Bush sts., ’•’ill open with a bang Saturday morning with Chet Woods, mgr., and Cliff Green, asst., behind the guns. Both of these men are well known locally. Prompt, efficient service and quality work will be maintained. ----------- •------------ His World war experience may be worth to Uncle Sam the fifty billions it cost if it has taught him to keep out of the next one.— Weston Leader. ANOTHER EAGLES SMOKER Feb. 5th—Eagles Hall, Ashland 19 Fast Rounds! ANY SEAT IN THE HOUSE Load, Dumped Per Double Load, Dumped FIR WOODS™~rhT,„$2.06 DELIVERED IN 4-TIEK LOTS WHITTLE TRANSFER CO 89 Oak Street Phone 117