Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 01, 1935, Image 1

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    rC a Copy
■ 1 Should
But You Rsally
S outhern O regon M iner
Successor to The Jack .son ville Miner
Number 5
4 >
He’s Head Man! FOOEY ON MINE
A special meeting of the Ash­
----------------------------------- o
FAVORS 15-MAN will
land BuxineMX Men's association
lx- culled for some time next
week, at which time several sub­
of importance to the organi­
The mun who thinks too well of
himself seldom advances. Ills mind
Is xo filled with lilriiHvlf he lias
no rextm for additional knowledge.
Timc conquers nil things es-
pecially the fellow in u hurry
Luck lx something that always
sees you first when you’re looking
for it.
The truth will always out, but
it’s strange how the truth shuns
the courtroom filled with criminal
That it never pays to point in
public was tlie lesson learned thia
week by a Phoenix resident, who
wax fined $10 and costs for point­
ing a pistol.
Printers loathe Chinese wars be­
cause of the difficult spelling they
Involve, but pity the poor radio
announcer who hux to try to pro­
nounce 'em.
Another venture Into the strat­
osphere is planned this spring.
However, if the Townsend old age
(tension is turned down, the air
will be pretty crowded.
January inay be the worst month
for resolution-breaking, but then
we always have garden-planting
time, too.
To facilitate coojx-ratlon with
the < ounty’s several districts, the
board of directors of the Ashland
chamber of commerce Monday
night went on record ax favoring
formation of a 15-man develop-
merit committee to further the in­
terests of the county as a whole.
"In union there is strength" wax
the underlying principle involved
In the proposed combine with other
chambers of commerce and com­
Under the plan. Medford would
and other sections of the county
have six members, Ashland four,
five. There has been a move u.foot
tor some time to combine efforts
of the Medford and Ashland cham­
bers for their mutual benefit, and
it ix to thia end the approvement
wax given.
The Itoard also favored the pro­
vision of a two-day tourist angler
license which would give those
passing through a $1 license for
a sh'irt period without the neces­
sity of purchasing a $3 annual per­
mit. Ix-gislation toward this end is
through Dr. James A Best, ac­
cording to Gordon MacCracken,
secretary of the Ashland Chamber.
A new building to house the
commerce office was talked, to be
financed by the city with SERA
labor. The building would be lo­
cated on the plaza Director J. E.
Thornton stated that a delegation
of Valleyview residents are seek­
ing n new connecting link with the
Pacific highway, eliminating the
dangerous Junction at the South­
ern Pacific underpass Just north
of Ashland.
Listening to a home-grown,
threadbare economist tell how to
save the country, somehow, is re­
mindful of a bald-headed Itarbcr
selling hair tonic
Nothing seems quite so homey NURSI'RIFTIONS I'oni INTO
as the muffled ticking of an alarm MINER OFFICE; IDEA TAKEN
It’s great to watch a magician
Subscriptions to the Southern
pull a rabbit from a hat; nice idea.
But level-headed people always re­ Oregon Miner have {toured into
member the rabbit had first to be the newspaper’s new Ashland of­
fice in an unending Btream since
placed in the hat.
publication of the first issue here
One thing can be said for the last week.
Miner staff said yesterday, how­
Hauptmann trial, anyway. They’re
certainly making a darned good ever. that all comers would be
show out of the murder of a tiny cared for, and should money pour
in too fast, a money-funnel will be
purchased. Art Cooper, special cir­
A busybody, alas, seldom la on culation worker and advertising
n an, will continue to spend much
the list of unemployed.
of his time soliciting subscriptions
in and near Ashland, and it is with
real appreciation the Miner ac-
knowledges its wide reception into
homes of this section.
More than 2700 copies of the
Miner were printed and distributed
to readers last week, who are
urged to have their names placed
on subscription lists of the paper
soon as possible so as not to miss
An important meeting of the a single issue.
Applegate Valley Improvement
district has been called for Thurs­
day evening, February 7, to be
held at the Applegate hall starting
at 8 o’clock.
According to Edwin Taylor,
prominent Applegate rancher, the
meeting will discuss Incorporation
of the group and possible appro­
priation by the federal govern­
ment of funds for the construc­
tion of a dam on the Barr ranch
MA-YiSt 17 4
which would conserve winter run­
off of the Applegate river and
Supply the district with ample
water during dry summer months.
The movement had been con­
templated for some time by resi­
dents of that valley, but it was
not until recently that sentiment
crystallized into formation of the
improvement district. Taylor has
asked all ranchers to be present
at the meeting January 7 for a
complete discussion of the proj­
ect and possible further action
tending toward realization of the
dam, which has been proposed as
a 100-foot high structure at a
point in the river said to be an
ideal location.
zation will lx- discussed. Tlie meet­
ing will be In the form of u din­
ner. and such subjects as develop­
ment of Pompadour springs with
private capital, the Increasing of
the output of the Ashland granite
quarry and other civic matters will
be chief topics.
Meeting for tonight wax post­
poned till then, due to conflicting
engagements elsewhere. The Miner
will carry a complete story con-
cerning the meeting in Its next
Proposal for construction of u
combined rail and highway tunnel
through the Siskiyou mountains at
an estimated cost of between
three and a half to ten million
dollars, depending on the length
desired, wax the chief item in a
long list of projects laid before C.
C. Hockley, state engineer for the
PWA in Oregon, at a hearing held
in Medford Wednesday.
According to C. C. Hockley,
state engineer for the Oregon
PWA, the meeting called at the
city hall was primarily an explan­
atory one, for the purpose of hear­
ing the needs of Jackson county.
The projects submitted today were
not applications, he explained, but
actual applications must be in the
state PWA office before February
At the meeting Wednesday
many important needs in this
county were submitted for Hock-
ley's examination, chief of which
was the plan to construct a tun-
nei through the Siskiyou moun-
tains, to accommodate both rail
and auto travel, at an estimated
cost of $1,000,000 per mile. The
plan states tnai uie benefits would
be the approximate saving of
three hours by train and one hour
by auto between Portland and San
Francisco; elimination of 28 com­
plete circles in a distance of 10
miles; lessening of danger from
auto accidents incurred on the
winding road, especially during
the winter months; lowering of
highway maintenance costs; re­
duction of cost for railroads, re­
sulting in a great saving to this
community in the shipping of
products; possible increase in tour­
ist travel; encouragement of fast*
er train service, and possible use
of new high-speed stream-lined
trains on this route; increase of
value of Pacific highway as a mili­
tary highway and defense meas-
The estimated cost of the tunnel
depends upon the length, which I
in turn would depend upon the el-
Senator Dunn Back
At Legislative Duties
Senator George Dunn, Jackson
county member of the upper
house of the 1935 Oregon legisla­
ture from Ashland, was able to
return to his desk at Salem early
this week, after being confined to
his hotel room for several days as
the result of an auto accident
during the first week of the pres­
ent session.
Senator Dunn, a political tradi­
tion here, received head Injuries at
first reported as slight, later prov­
ing to be of a more serious na­
Commissioner Billings At
Salem to Meet With
O-C l^and Group
Ashland’s member of the Jack-
son county court, Commissioner
Ralph Billings, left for Salem early
this week, where he met with
other members of the executive
committee of Oregon and Califor­
nia I^and Grant counties to con­
sider special legislation. Billings
is secretary of the group.
The meeting, called for Wed­
nesday, seeks legislation in the
form of a memorial to the nation­
al congress to provide that, in
case any transfer of O-C land is
made, counties will be protected
In an amount equal to that being
paid on the land to the counties
by the federal government. Eight­
teen counties of Oregon west of
the Cascade mountains are in­
cluded in the group.
Early in the settlement and
building up of Oregon, railroads
were given every odd section of
land within 20 miles of their track
as a special Inducement to build
up the country and in 1915 much
of this land reverted to the fed­
eral government. Railroads had
been paying taxes on this land to
the various counties, and the
transfer of title cut off payment
of taxes on considerable acreage
until the O-C land grant refunds
were authorized a comparatively
few years ago.
Billings and other members of
the special representation will
seek to safeguard payment of
these moneys, in the event the
land is transferred.
Commissioner Billings expected
to return to his home here late
this week.
That some people are inclined to
make a grand canyon out of a
mole hill was the opinion expressed
by several Jacksonville residents
and city officials who gazed with
amusement at stories and photos
plastered over newspapers of the
Pacific coast last week-end.
The ’’misunderstang” all started
when a few vacant lota with mine
holes in their bowels sagged down­
ward and caved in due to excessive
moisture which has softened over­
burden. At one place a sidewalk
had settled about six inches, but
the mine shaft under the street
had been backfilled and city offi­
cials removed danger signs after
an investigation under ground.
Small areas at the Oscar Knox
place, the R M. Johnson home and
the Severance filing station had
caved, but were refilled within a
couple of days.
It was pointed out by G. W.
Godward, Jacksonville gold buyer,
that approximately $75,000 in
placer gold had been taken out of
yards and lots there during the
past 12 months and that $250 at
the outside would repair all dam­
age that has been done.
One development of the sensa­
tional news treatment given the
cave-ins was the arrival of one
family from southern California,
who drove to Jacksonville to view
a town which had ’caved in.” Al­
though they were disappointed in
finding the town still quite nor­
mal and unperterbed, tney found
their trip to be worthwhile after
visiting the Museum of Southern
Oregon, and other old landmarks
of the famous town.
Frequently, when pushing tun­
nel into the earth, miners suddenly-
come upon old workings which i
release a flood of water and mud
into their shafts, but so far no
accidents have resulted, save re­
cently to Oscar Knutgan, who suf­
fered back injures when attempt­
ing to change timbers without
first setting up his replacements.
Miners ther^ sell gold to Buyer
Godward at the rate of about
$1500 J l week, while several quartz
operations have been under steady
production for some time.
----------- •------------
Folks, get acquainted with Mr.
Wardlow Howell of Ashland, who
does a fair bit of country center­
ing for Howard Hobson's swash­
buckling Southern Oregon Nor­
mal school basketball outfit.
Mr. Howell is strictly a local
product, athletically speaking, as­
similating the rudiments of the
court game under two coaches,
Russel Cripe and Jack Bliss, in
his four years at Alma Mater,
Ashland high Mr. Howell is rated
by all, the greatest chunk of bas­
ketball flesh to ever be graduated
from that institution.
In describing the maple court
antics of Mr. Howell, it can best
be said that he resembles noth­
ing so much as a mountain having
evation at which it was eventually a landslide. Mr. Howell stands six
located. A survey wou.- determine feet six inches high and weighs
this, it was stated The possible 217 pounds. He wears a number
length of the tunnel is given as twelve shoe. And, he’s plenty
from three and a half to 10 miles, tough.
This would be an expenditure of
Mr Howell, if you take uni-
from three and a half to 10 mil-
of Oregon’s Billy Rhine-
lion. The attitude ot the railroad
towaru such a project was not hart’s word for it, is the bestest
center on this entire Pacific Coast.
And. Billy Rhinehart should know
Another project which would di­ because it was Mr. Howell who
rectly benefit Ashland is a $40,000 blazed the way for his team in Oiling 10 Miles Road
gymnasium for the Southern Ore­ their three out of four wins over
gon Normal school, the application Mighty Oregon.
Awaits Good Weather
for which has been filed with the
Mr. Howell is what the baseball
PWA for some time. It was in­
The Jackson county court, in
playing boys call a "money play­
cluded in the list of needs intro­
er.” He is at his best In the old accordance with its 1935 road pro­
duced at the meeting.
pinch. Or crises. For instance; in gram, expects to oil surface ten
Guy Applewhite, relief chairman
miles of county roads as soon as
the second Willamette game down
of Ashland, is working out the lo­ here the count was knotted up weather conditions permit and
cal projects in detail, getting them tight at the end of the game. An expects communities desirous of
securing quicker action, by paying
ready for submission.
overtime period was necessary. So
half of the oiling, to bring the
Mr. Howell went out and caged a
When Mussolini met Cantor it field bucket and a free throw for total road oiling for the year to
was a case of seeing I to eye.— the only points scored. Second in­ the 20-mile mark, acording to an
Weston Leader.
stance; with the score tied in the announcement issued from the
second Union Oil affair in Portland county seat this week. The budget
provides funds for the road oiling
and about forty seconds to go,
it is the plan to oil ten miles
Dick Jockisch let one go from fhe
each year until all main roads on
center. He missed. But, Mr. How­
the floor of the valley are treated.
ell was there under the basket to Some oiling may
also be done on
take the rebound off his number
are avail-
twelves and lay it in. For the ball
able, it was said.
County Judge Day said Tues-
Mr. Howell has accounted for a day the oiling was "practical and
few points in all the fifteen games cheap, and was necessary to save
the SONS have played. To be ex­ the original investment of roads,”
act, 192. Which is an average of some of which are now sadly cor­
12.8 per battle. Which is not bad. rugated by four years of travel.
Against opponents like Oregon, The county judge said no new
Willamette, Multnomah club, Un- roads would be started, but •‘ef­
ion Oil, Irish Cash Stores and forts and funds would be devoted
New York Harlemites.
to saving and bettering those al­
Mr. Howell is 22 years of age.
ready constructed." County Engi­
This is his third year under How­ neer Paul Rynning said “practi­
ard Hobson. He is unstoppable on cally no grading would be done
the basketball floor and likes to be this year.”
called, "All American.” Which may
not be so far wrong at that if
the SONS attend the National Alpha Tauri Will
A.A.U. tournament at Denver in
Present ‘Hay Fever*
March. Which they most likely
will do.
The Alpha Tauri, dramatic or­
----------- •------------
of the Southern Oregon
Normal school, presents under the
SMOKER FEBRUARY FIFTH able direction of Mr. and Mrs.
Angus L. Bowmer Noel Coward’s
Tuesday night, February 5, the "Hay Fever.” The cast includes
Eagles will hold the second of their many people who have entertained
series of smokers. This event is audiences here in Ashland before.
to inaugurate eliminations which They are: Sunshine Walters as
will lead to finals.
Judith Bliss, Jack Frost as Simon
The winner of each bout is to Bliss, Helen Edmundson as Sorel
have a succeeding bout with his Bliss, Bob Stedman as Sandy
challenger and among the fore­ Tyrell. Dorothy Jackson as Myra
most fighters in the coming card Arundel, Wanada Aldrich as Rich­
will appear Buddy Jacks, who chal­ ard Greatham. The scenery has
lenges Harold Wright, the Chilo­ been designed by Mrs. Bowmer
quin warrior, Frank Redke versus and is being built by the play pro­
Red Handsaker, both local boys, duction group of the Sons, under
and Chuck Abel, Ashland’s favor- the direction of Mr. Bowmer and
orite, against Bill Hawkins. Sev­ Bob Stedman.
eral other bouts have been ar­
Judging by previous experi­
ranged for and fight fans predict ences, Ashland may well look for­
one of the best cards in this sec­ ward to a very successful produc­
tion for some time.
----- •------
By C. M. Payne