Page 6 Friday, January 25, 1935 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER TWO BRUSH MARINES SLOSH THRU SHOW TO TQP TALLOWBOX Ducks and Dames, Mirth and Music in College Rhythm* Coining to Lithia Urge«! on by visions of scenic mountain ruggedness in a winter setting and the conviction that Portland boys can surmount any obstacle that Applegate people can overcome. Herbert (Slim) Bennings and Earl Handsaker, CCC youths from the Star Ranger station, conquered the desolate ex­ panses of snow Saturday, and emerged victorious early the next morning at Tallowbox lookout sta­ tion 10 miles distant. With no skiis in use, and one night spent beneath the stars with too few blankets, and a third mem­ ber, Lawrence Fields, whom some have declared showed good judg­ ment. turning homeward at the foot of Tallowbox, it was only by the unfailing courage of Mr. Pen­ nings that the couple reached their destination. Even Mr. Handsaker wished to desert the ranks near the journey's end. it was stated. Believing that but little more snow covered Tallowbox than pre­ vailed in the valley, the boys were surprised to find the mountain buried under a depth which they reported as seven feet. Leaving early Saturday morn­ ing. the boys were able to reach within 100 yards of the summit, Jot* Penner, accompanied by Goo-Goo, his duck, one of radio's spending the night under a tree. foremost comedians, appearing in “College Rhythm" coming to By nine o'clock the next morn­ the Lithia theatre for a three-day engagement starting Sunday. ing the Brush Marines had thaw­ It's heralded as the six-star musical treut of 1985. introducing ed and warmed themselves at the new dance routines, new music hits by Gordon and Revel and lookout house, had cooked their features besides Penner, Jack Oakie, Lanny Ross, Helen Mack, breakfast, and reported their vic­ Lyda Robert!, Mary Brian, George Barbier und the All-American- tory by telephone to the ranger Coeds. station. They returned Sunday night, much to the surprise of dubious home folks, who said they FORMER RESIDENT DIES Í GEORGE RII.EY FIRST didn’t expect to see the adventur­ AT KLAMATH WEDNESDAY ers again until the snow melted. ASHLAND SUBSCRIBER Mr. Handsaker was reported un­ Death called a former resident able to walk two days later. Some early birds get worms, of Ashland, Frank A. Sutton of ------------ •------------ but George Riley, who hardly Modoc Point, Klamath county, at Klamath — Falls Wednesday. Jan- waited for the Southern Oregon Mrs. Bennett, 95, Dies uary 23 Mr. Sutton in early Miner's doors to open Monday morning in the new Ashland days ran a livery stable in Ash- Here Monday Evening Und and made his home m this , location at 167 East Main, was greeted by a scene of typo­ city for many years. graphic bedlam, pounding, fuss­ Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Bennet, 95. Funeral services will be held at ing and sawdust. Ashland resident for the past 20 the Dodge chapel in this city at Riley. Irish as Paddy's por­ years, passed away quietly Mon­ 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, in­ cine, called a halt to the activ­ day evening, January 21, 1935, at terment to be tn Mountain View ity. however, when he dropped cemetery. a dollar on the counter and an­ her home at 265 Third street. Frank Sutton was bom at Oil Elizabeth Azbell was bom on Creek, Butler county, Pennsylvania nounced he wanted to subscribe February 21, 1840, in Ohio, to February 20, 1865, and came to for The Miner a year. The edi­ James Azbell and Abigail Millison southern Oregon in 1886. Mrs Sut­ tor, being closest, came out of Azbell. At various times she has ton. whose death occurred several the resulting dogpile with the lived in Kansas. Oklahoma, Colo- years ago. was Pearl Real, a sister coin. Riley had a receipt thrust in his hand and the clatter and rado, and more recently in Gold of Mart Real, resident of Quartz Hill, Her last years have been Mountain. Oregon, and well known commotion was resumed. George Riley's subscription spent with her daughter, Mrs. here. was the first to be received by Pearl Higdon, in this city. Surviving him are twin sons, The Miner in its new Ashland Mrs. Bennett was a member of Layton Sutton and Lester Sutton, the First Christian church of Ash­ both of Klamath county; two sis­ location, and it is hoped by the land. ters, Mrs. Allie Sayles of Eugene, staff he was leading a parade. Two daughters, Mrs. Laura Mrs. Gertrude King of Sonora. Hottenstein oFHappy Camp. Cal., Calif., and two brothers. Ward and Mrs. Pearl Higdon of Ashland, Sutton of Willamette and Lee Sut­ Applegate Welcomes survive her. ton of Klamath Falls. Reopening of Copper J. P. Dodge an Haircut Marcel .. Manicure Eyebrow Arch Scalp Treatment Hot Oil Facails f ■ YOU HAPPY Are After Meals Gas on Stomach and Chiropractic - Iliyslotheraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3029 14 Years in Medford, Oregon Sour Stomach S. C. PETERS (D.M.D.) Dentist Goodyear G-3 Super Twist Cords Opposite Post Office The Greatest Tire Ever Built JACKSONVILLE PHONE 50 Phone 724-K 32 South Bartlett, Medford —■ — Look This Line of Tire» Over Before Buying Any Tire At Any Price Ford Sales and Service ENAMEL LACQUER SIMONIZ PLATING Dr. H. P. Coleman MORE SERVICE MORE SAFETY GREATER TRACTION on the ROAD “COMPLETE SERVICE UNDER ONE ROOF” • MINER TO PRINT FOURTH ISSUE OF MEDFORD CCC • M ah Ion Wilson has returned to Ben Dawson und daughters Betty southern California, after spending und But bum, and little son, Mrs. DIS I KK T NEWSPAPER HERE a few days attending to business j I-ance Offenbacher, und Gerald interests at Ruch, his former resi­ Buck The fourth monthly issue of the dence Mr. Wilson sold his prop- I • Claus Kleinhn miner was com­ Medford District News, CCC pub­ erty hen* to Robert — Ray, local plimented wilh*ti surprise party ut circulating to each of the rancher. ills home Friday evening, when a lication officers and enrolles in • Miss Frances Port, ■ophomore small group of friends assembled, 5600 Medford district, will again be in the Ashland high school, is spending a pleasant hour playing the printed in plant of the Miner. It spending this week at her home cards. will be the third time the Miner's on Applegate, having received ex­ • Mr and Mrs Harold Zundell, plant have produced the four- emptions from all semester exam­ M F. Hanley, and Lloyd Damon, page, will five-column publication, inations. all of Nike Creek, were recent which Is ably edited by Lieut. Roy • Emmett Phillips. Squaw laike business visitors on the Applegute. D. Craft, formerly staff membu|^ resident, received a sprained ankle Mr Hunley and Mt Damon each Regixtei Guard a few »lays ago. when he fell from purchased 15 head of yearling cut­ Delivery of 5600 CO|:!:,!‘ of a bam. tie here. District News is scheduled to rN^^ • J. J. Arant of Eugene and Mar­ • Mrs Floyd Rippey is somewhat | made over the week-end. The 3-C tin Mow of Klamath Falls visited improved, having been seriously ill I newspaper is but one of many at the A. S. Kleinhammer home at her Big Applegute home early orders turned out regularly by the on Little Applegate a few days this week commercial printing de|>artmcnt ago. Mr. Arant, formerly of Ap­ • Whist playing. |x>pulur winter of the Miner. plegate. is engaged in trucking diversion among the young mar­ Willamette valley produce to Cal­ ried people of the lower Apple­ ifornia points, reluming with gate section, has been revived this DON'T NEGI.ECT YOUR EYES fruit from the south. He makes season, Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Brien EXAMINATION FREE frequent stops in Ashland, where entertaining at their home Satur­ GLASSES FITTED he visits his mother. Mrs. Emma day evening Four tables were in Arant. play, Mrs. Gene Mee und Bert DR. ROSEMAN • Mrs. Chester Pureel of Jackson­ Hukill receiving high score, und 58 3rd Street Phone 199-R ville. accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Brown the Noblitt of Medford on a business low. Refreshments completed the trip to Ruch early this week, was evening. a guest of Mrs A. Throckmor­ • Having been unable to assume ton Mis Noblitt is with tin- Med duties ax hostess four weeks ago ford relief, headquarters. on account of illncHS, Mrs. Sid • With the Applegate Grange or­ Hansen will have members of the ganizing a basketball team a few Little Applegate sewing dub at weeks ago. that quintet, coupled her home January 30 for their with the community team. Is put­ regular bi-monthly meeting. The ting basketball to the front this club reports small attendance this ■ winter, even in the face of num- month, owing to illness and stormy ARK MADE erous defeats, The community weather. quintet lost to the Jacksonville • Mrs A N. Krouse, chairman Grange team Tuesday evening, and of the Applegate Home Extension to the Murphy first team late last unit, has been selected as an of­ week, the latter score being 25- ficial delegate from the unit to 30. The Applegate Grangers were attend the Home Interests con­ defeated by Murphy’s second team ference at Oregon State college 13-35. The new Grange quintet in­ February 12-16. An unusunlly fine cludes Frank Knutzen. Frank and program has been arranged for Tom Mee, Wm. Ludwig, and Mor­ this year, and other members of O\ Ell HERE the local unit also are expecting ris Byrne. WK GO EVERY • Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McDaniels to attend. The unit held an inter­ of Vacaville, Calif., arrived Wed­ esting project meeting late last SATURDAY MGIIT nesday morning on the Applegate, week on "Menu Planning,” con­ UNTIL having been called here as a result ducted by Mrs. Mabel Mack, coun­ ty home demonstration agent. of the illness of Mrs. McDaniel's father, William Buck, who is suf- • “Oregon Show Boat," traveling fering from an influenza attack. educational show, was presented • Although the prevailing warm at Camp Applegate Tuesday night weather is lessening the snow over by Mr. Fuller of the state for­ the Applegate country, over which ester's office at Salem and Mr. residents have expressed much Neeley of the regional forest office FUNERAL PARIOKS pleasure, the following depths at Portland. The moving pictures were reported during the heaviest depict modem logging methods in Medford, Orrroo storm: 22 inches at Seattle Bar, northern California, as well ax in­ timate glimpses of the CCC work three feet at Camp Carburry, and 28 inches at the Dawson ranch at Steamboat. • A minor accident occurred at the Cameron bridge on Big Ap­ plegate early this week, when a car in which Ralph Cruther and a friend from Medford and Jean Stayde of Ashland were riding, skidded and hit the bridge. The car being somewhat damaged, the trio returned to Medford with a local resident. • Mrs. Louisa Ray, Ruch pioneer who will reach her 88th birthday anniversary January 29, is suffer­ ing from a flu relapse this week. Dr. A. E. Dodsnn of Medford was called to her home Monday eve­ ning. Mrs. R S Birchard of Lit­ tle Applegate, who became ill with pneumonia following an attack of flu, is remaining with friends in Medford during her illness. Other local people recovering from the DI CO flu this week are Mr. and Mrs. $2000 worth of New G-3 Goodyear Tires! All sizes, the greatest tire values of any tire on the market today. Claycomb Motor Co • Antone Ring, well known cou­ gar hunter of Ashland, brought his two hunting dogs to the Illg Applegate this week, where he de­ voted some time to the search of cougar tracks on Htar Gulch. r~"' ' ’ Medford Cycle and Repair Shop GUNSMITH—LOCKSMITH Ijiwn Mower Her vice Phone 261 28 North Fir make you Miserable?® Too much food, or the wrong kind of food, too much smoking, too much beer, make your body over-acid. Then you have distress after eating, gas on stomach, heartbum, sour stomach. ALKA - SELTZER relieves these trouble* Eromptly, effectively, harmlessly. 'se Alka-Seltzer for Headache, Colds, Fatigue Morning After Feeling," Muscular, Sciatic and Rheumatic Pains. Alka-Seltzer makes a sparkling alkaline drink. A* it contains an analgesic (Acetyl-Salicylate) it first relieves the pain of everyday ailments and then by restoring the alkaline balance corrects the cause when due to excess acid. Alka-Seltzer tastes like carbonated mineral spring water—works like magic. Contains no dangerous drugs... .does not depress .. .is not not 1AX&tiVO. laxative. ~ — the — heart'. ---- ••••!& Get a drink st vour Drug Store Soda Fountain. your home medicine cabinet. sa Keep * package In