Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 25, 1935, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, January 25, 1935
SHASTA 26, 27
Sigurd Ulland, famous profes­
sional ski jum|*cr of the Mount
Sliiixta Snowmen and a crew of
workers are busy at Hnowman's
uni, packing the under hiu and
Improving the huge take-off in
preparation for the Went Const
Professional Ski Jumping Tourna­
ment which taken place Saturday
and Sunday, January 26th ami
27th at 2:00 p. m each day. Due
to the very heavy anowfall at
Snowman « Kill the large take-off
kwlll be taken back 16 feet ami
Rhe landing hill enlarged to make
’possible jump« well in excess of
200 feet. Ulland stated today that
It wax his opinion Home of the
jumps may be up to 23ft feet,
which will be by far the longest
jump ever made In the state of
California with the exception of
the big iiill nt Illg Pines, lx»«
world's champion, ami brother
Sverre are expected to arrive in
Mount Shasta Wednesday, and
will be followed by Hvalvor Hval-
stad, Steffen Trongstnd and others
The state highway crew is pre­
paring the parking space which
.was cleared ami graded the past
¡summer and it is thought that
this area will park about 4<M> cars
C. A. Stimson, who will have
charge of the restaurant conces­
sion at Snowman's Hill for the
big meet is putting the tyiow-
man's lodge Into shape to handle
a large crowd of «[tectators and
winter sports devotees.
Harry Kent, 235-pound ex-Ore-
gon State athlete, was scheduled
to m<-> i i" pp.-i throwing Tony
Catalano In Promoter Mack Lil­
lard's Medford armory card this
Thursday night, starting at 8:30
In main event of the same card.
Lillard had scheduled popular Sa<l
Sam Lethers and open-mouthed Al
Karasick, Russian lion, for best
two out of three falls.
Kent, a handsome giant who
sets feminine hearts aflutter, and
who <lraws enthusiasm from the
males for his clean, skilful man­
ner, meets his direct contrast In
Catalano, whose unorthodox tac­
tics have proved to be a fruitful
bronx-cheer producer. It was dop­
ed as a night of near-slaughter
in the first match, while second
go promised clean, businesslike
wrestling featuring Lether’s nib-
bcr-like knee action and rolling
Ix>w admission rates for both
balcony and ringside still prevail
at IJliard's armory matches, and
a packed house of faithful fans
was expected last night.
One doesn't get much on an old
radio. either, when he trades It in.
— Weston Leader.
Furniture Store
Maytag Dealer for Ashland
Service - Sales - Rentals
428 East Main Street, Medford
Page 3
Miss Landen haj appeared before
an angel by the peculiar markings
on its under jaw and Its eyes which
the microphone in various cities
resembled fiery coals.
of the United States, holds a mas­
For an instant this apparation
ter of music degree from the Uni­
slackened its speed as it passed
versity of Michigan and is a com­
; close above the trapper's head,
poser of distinction. Her violin re­
then swiftly resumed its flight,
this evening at the normal
but not before Otis had thrust out These New Deal guys don’t seem
auditorium will be welcomed by
to see
a hand and grabbed it firmly by
tim ankle. Clinging desperately to They’re using letters far too free; music lovers.
this, the trapper wan whirled into But sometime soon they’ll have to
get '
Let's quit being sorry for our­
space just ax the tree tottered for
selves and be sorry awhile for
the last time and fell with a re­ A vastly larger alphabet.
posterity. Weston Leader.
sounding crash.
Gradually approaching
terra Now what our country needs
firma during this wild flight, his
feet finally touched the ground Is less and less of N. R. A.,
and unclamping his grip upon his B. U. N. K. and K. I D.,
benefactor's ankle, he lost no time J. O. S. H. and E. T C
In striking out for hix cabin ax
fast ax his legs could carry him; For in the sweet old bye and
while his celestial deliverer with Somebody'll have to P A. Y .
a shrill cry of victory, flew Heav­ For all this "jack” the U. S. A.
enward and disappeared. It seems Is handing out so free today.
the rescue was effected with such
lightning-like rapidity, that the If this great waste we cannot
wolves, totally unused to such oc­
currences, were momentarily be­ We’ll soon be on the B. U. M.,
wildered and by the time they had And struggle, starve and break
our backs
recovered their wits, the trapper
If you go East this winter, why
had escaped. Maddened by this To meet the future T. A. X.
not go through California and
unexpected turn of events, the I
Southern Arizona? Ride our
wolves fell upon the beavers and We’ve jammed ourselves into a
devoured them in a few mouthfuls.
famous Sunset Limited or Golden
An agent of the Society for the By living on New Deal's B. S.
State Limited through America**
Detection of Spooks, came on at This steady flow of I. O. U.,
winter region. Stopover
once from New York city on hear­ Should be suspended P. D. Q.
ing of this strange incident, but
after close investigation of the We surely hope that F. D. R.
For details, see your local
premises, gives it as his opinion Won’t stretch the alphobet too far.
or write J. A. Ormandy,
the angel wax nothing more than Our shirts are gone and we would
General Panenger Agent, 705
an enormous rokokus (an almost I
Pacific Building, Portland, Ore.
extinct species of the giant eagle), j If we should lose our B. V. D.’s.
which startled by the vociferous
clamor of the trapper’s prayer, had • Miss Lucie Landen is to give a
soared from its roost in some lofty I violin concert this evening, Janu­
nearby pine, passing close above ary 25, in the auditorium of the
the trapper’s head just in the nick Southern Oregon Normal school.
of time. The weight of the cling­ ■ Miss Landen, recently from New
ing man had forced it down to the York city, is a recent addition to
ground a few hundred yards from the music department at SONS.
the tree. The cry of victory was,
in his belief, a terrified scream,
ax the rokokus relieved of its bur­
den, darted away to safety. He
“Who cleaned that suit of clothes you wear?
produces as proof of his assertion,
a handful of feathers picked up
Likewise who cleaned your hat?
at the spot where Otis landed.
However that may be, the prayer
I wish that I could get such clever work as that.
was answered and the trapper's
life saved, The only doubt ex-
Who keeps your clothes so neat and trim?
pressed by those who have heard
the story, is as to what is the
I’d like to give my work to him.’’
difference between a lamb-dyer
and a damn-liar.
A Republican ‘Holler’
In Kansas City Star
Along late In the week, when
the editor starts tearing his hail ,
ami mutters things about the
Two hundred thousand contract
"great open spaces," it is like a
gift from heaven for the phone to bridge players in all parts of the
ring and a gentle voice start re­ world will gather together In small
citing news notes Into the ear of groups at H:00 p. m. Friday night.
February I to compete in the play
a news-drained scribe.
Although first Issue of the Miner of 16 bridge hands prearranged
this week was published under dif­ and drawn up by the world’s fore­
ficulties inherent with moving, und most bridge experts. The play will
news columns are suffering ac­ be against pars on the different
cordingly, it is the intent of this hands established by these same
newspaper to give as complete cov­ experts.
Local play will be at the home
erage of all local news as possible.
.Social and personal Items, pro­ of Ed w Miller'. Jr , who ba
grams, church notices, sports ami j been appointed ax game captain
civic matters all will be welcomed . for this district. Mr Miller lx of­
at office of the Miner for publi- ' fering cash prizes to local winning
north, south, east and west play­
Is-l the Miner be your backyard ers in addition to the chance to
fence. Phone 70 and we’ll do the win state, national, and interna­
tional trophies. prizes will
be awarded on a match point basis
of scoring.
"Interest here in the World
Bridge Olympic is high and at
least seven tables have signified
their intention to play,” said Mr.
Miller "This context should prove
a wonderful help in the improve­
ment of each player’s game ax
Ijrst week-end The Jacksonville well ax giving a very pleasant
Miner shook the nuggets off its evening of bridge. The context is
shoes, changed its name and start­ open to all players beginners
ed moving machinery to Ashland, having an equul chance with ex­
where it seeks existence as the perts."
Southern Oregon Miner.
The Miner was established in
Jacksonville January 1, 1932, and1
lias been published continuously I
since that time ns u weekly news- |
paper, observing its third birth- I
day early this month. At first ■
Ry .1. < . REYNOLDS
printed in a Medford commercial
A remarkable instance of the
shop, The Miner grew to where I
efficacy of prayer has just been
It Installed its own plant a year brought to light by the deposition
ago. It was this plant which was of Otis Allerlye, a Michigan fur
moved to Ashland last Saturday, trapper. One warm, cloudy night
and which will serve as physical in December while returning to
department of the transformed his cabin through the woods, he
Southern Oregon Miner.
wax pursued and treed by a pack
This week first issue of the of wolves. So close were they at
pajier makes its appearance from his heels, that his rifle was tom
its new location at 167 East Main from his hand and bitten in two,
street, Ashland, under the revised just ax he frantically scrambled
name. A neon sign has been up a tree and pulled himself to
mounted over front of the build­ momentary safety on a limb ten
ing, signs have been painted on feet above the ground.
windows, telephone installed and
Balked of their prey, the wolves
equipment lined up for business. crouched in a circle with heads
Equipment includes a cylinder upon their paws and remained
press, jobber, new Intertype, new motionless, except for the savage • Among those Ash landers to
type, saw trimmer, cutter and snapping of their jaws whenever drop into the new Miner office
other usual printshop fixtures. The Otis ventured to change his early this week was W. F. Darby,
Intertype, one of the few new cramped position.
a subscriber of two years’ stand­
machines in this section of Ore­
After some hours of this, the ing.
gon, has been placed near front leader of the wolves, a huge, gaunt • Andrew Olson of Talent was an
of the office, where it is in view I creature, arose and leaving the Ashland visitor Thursday, during
of windows.
others to guard their quarry, van­ which time he dropped into the
Readers of The Miner will en­ ished in the darkness In about office of the Southern Oregon
joy one of the newest body type an hour he returned driving be­ Miner. Mr. Olson has been a sub­
faces ever designed, Intertype fore him two husky beavers, who scriber to the paper for several
Meal News, which is regarded as by sundry bites and snarls were years past.
the most legible and least tiring made to understand they must cut
deetgn ever produced by matrix down the tree in which the trap­
cutters Other types ot U m m-ws- per was perched.
paper are new, modem faces, and
Prodded to desperation by their I
readers are invited to drop into , remorseless masters, they attack­
the office at any time to inspect ed the tree and in an incredibly i
the plant and to become acquaint­ short time with swift, powerful
ed with the craw, which consists I strokes of their sharp, chisel-like
of I*. D. MacDougal, pressman, | teeth, had cut into it to such a
Art Cooper, circulation and ad-1 depth that the tree held only by
vertising, and Leonard Hall, editor an inch or two of wood and began
and pubUshor
to totter.
The Southern Oregon Miner will
Realizing the awful death await­
be Issued weekly, with publication ing him below, Otis sent up a
<i.»t<• s< t for Friday. Printing and; prayer of such Intensity that both
mailing will be handled late ; beavers and wolves paused in their
Thursday, with news and adver­ nefarious operations to listen to
tising deadline Thursday noon.
the tremendous burst of noise em­
The plant also is equipped to < anating from the top branches of j
commercial the tall pine, to which the fright­
ened trapper had climbed.
Almost immediately, Otis avers,
he heard the flapping of wings and
a being appeared flying towards
him through the gloom, which he
states, he instantly recognized as
Reynolds Spins A
Michigan Wolf Yarn
Eagles Lodge Open
Smoker Series With
Fast Card Tuesday
Beginning a series of smokers.
Ashland Eagles Tuesday night
presented a fight card to about ’
100 fans who saw a fast, inter­
esting display of fistiania which 1
featured four matches.
In the feature bout of the eve- |
ning Eddy Jonas, Talent, took the
no<l from Farrell Snyder of Port- ;
land. Red Handsaker, 165. of Ash- j
land, drew with Tom Walker, 165. |
of Portland. In the preliminary i
bout Andy Anderson of Portland
raised his mitt with Marvin Dun­
ton. also of Portland, on a draw,
while in a special curtain raiser i
Buck Spencer, 130, decisioned Dan ■
Lebe, 140, in three fast one-min­
ute rounds.
The smoker created sufficient
interest to cause the Talent CCC
camp to organize a boxing club |
in cooperation with the Eagles
lodge which will be run on an I
elimination basis punctuated with
frequent title bouts.
Phone 108
S tandard C leaners
House of Quality
FIR W00Ds“«Z.* Tier $2.06
Ie your radio standing in the corner—sitent, dusty, unused—carrying
memories to ail the family of weird, disturbing noises—or, is it a musical
tfcirumont, a companion for all the family, to which you point with pride.
ihifc year’8 radio will prove a revelation to those whose sets are four or
five years old. All extraneous noises practically eliminated. Tone quality
of such parity it must be hoard to be believed. Naturalness of tone that
thrills and beauty that inspires.
Per Load, Dumped
Half ihe money paid before will get a radio today that is a good one.
Why not trade in your old set? It will prove the best investment in entertain­
ment and oompanionship for the entire family you have ever made.
Per Double Load, Dumped
We do not sell radios, but your local radio dealer will be proud to show
you the latest instruments. A new radio for Christmas would prove a revela­
tion to the etdde family. Ask your dealer about radios today.
89 Oak Street
Phone 117
The California Oregon Power Company