Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 25, 1935, Image 1

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    But You
Should Subscribe
S outhern O regon M iner *
Successor to The Jacksonville Miner
Volume 4
Ashland, Oregon, Friday, January 25, 1935
Those readers of the Miner who
will I m - -interested in watching how
the wheels go round in a country
weekly are invited to drop into
U m MW OtflOt at 1».7 EMC Main
street, Ashland, and have a lixjk
Although no formal opening ix
planned, it ix expected the office
will be in presentable shape by
first of the week All machinery
ix in place and o|>erating, and
already many passersby have
stopped In to watch the Miner's
new Intertype machine perform its
almost human functions of trans­
ferring copy into metal type.
Office hours at the plant will be
from 8:00 o’clock in the morning
till S;00 o'clock at night. Tele­
phone number assigned to the
Miner this week is 70.
Nummary Shown Value of
$1,172,000 in 1931 As
Buyers of automobiles on the
Installment plan will listen with
Against $526,188
their fingers crossed when they are
told the Townsend pension can be
The total value of the output of
raised by taxpayers on "easy" pay­
I.old. silver, copper, lead, and zinc
from mines In Oregon increased
from $526.188 In 1933 to about
To successfully represent the $1,172,(8)0 in 1934, a gain of 123
stute In the courtroom. It is get­ per cent, according to the U. 8.
ting to the point where an attor­ bureau of mines, department of
ney must be a dramatic student the Interior. The 1934 total vulue
us well.
wax the highest since 1920 and
reflected the increased price of
With ex-soldiers pressing for gold and silver us well ax the
payment of the bonus, the old improved conditions In the indux-
folks yelling for the $200-a-month try that encouraged
old age pension, we are is-glnnlng duction throughout the state Gold
to realize who the forgotten man supplied approximately 97 per
is going to be, until tax-paying cent of the total value and silver
almost the entire balance. Copper,
lead, and zinc prixluctlon wax
When the conversation begins small and the aggregate value of
with All I know lx what I've these metals was leas than $8,500.
The gold output in Oregon in
heard,” someone's reputation la go­
1934 wax about 32,200 fine
ing to suffer.
at $1,125,390
A Hillsboro relief worker, faced ($34 95 a fine ounce), compared
with the problem of feeding 50 with 20,240 ounces, valued at
families of drouth refugees, said $517,326 ($25.55 a fine ounce), in
"there is nothing for them to do 1933. Placer mining, although
but starve " And this in America, hampered by water shortage, con­
tributed the larger part of the
the Land of Opportunity!
output. The Rogue River Gold
Art (Hie) Powell, Innocent by- company, which operated a gold
slander of the Central Point dredge on Foots creek in this
American, wonders if The Miner's county, wax one of the outstand­
move to Ashland was occasioned ing producers of placer gold in
because we had "milked Jackson­ the state last year, although shut
ville dry." Nice of Art to admit down for seven months out of the
we've been drinking milk in the year due to lack of water.
In western Oregon the produc­
town he claims is so wet.
tion of placer gold came largely
To many false sturts lead to a from Jackson and Josephine
counties and, with the exception
l-iiuiiK- finish.
of the Rogue River Gold company,
Maybe another reason why so wax derived largely from xmall
many bills are shoved into the operations and sold to local banks
hopper at Salem Is because tile and bullion buyers.
Principal producers of lisle gold
legislators are juat passing ’em.
in this section of the state were
not paying 'em.
the Chieftain and Huckleberry
We were reminded over the mines in Douglas county, the Ash­
week-end of the oid saw, Thn-e land mine in Jackson county, and
moves arc ax bad ns a fire." But the Rainbow mine in Josephine
county. In the Ashland mine ad­
a fire doesn’t last as long.
ditional equipment was Installed
Many n subject loxes its faine and a cyanide plant was under
face when our contemporary, Col. construction, while tn the Jack­
Clark Wood <>f the Weston (Ore­ sonville district there was activity
gon) Leader starts making type­ In ixith quartz and placer mining.
faces at it.
In the Jacksonville section,
quartz operations have been on
One of the latest wrinkles of the increase during recent months,
cold weather is the fold-up in beer i ith Pacific States Mines, Inc.,
operators of the former Opp prop­
erty, making regular 22-ton car
Americanism: Attorneys spend­ shipments of concentrates to
ing money preparing a pardon smelter every two weeks. The con­
plea for a convicted murderer centrates represent values gleaned
while the victim's widow suffers from quartz ore which is being
developed by the present oper­
from want.
ators Another smaller mill, of 25-
The local gas company this week ton capacity, is being ojierated by
is announcing cheaper natural gas the Jacksonville Gold company,
service, and it is xuxpicioned by limited, in Jacksonville, with ore
some that a trunk line is being being developed from the Old
piped from the Oregon legislature Town, or Midas, mine.
----------- •------------
New' York newspaper gave Se­ • C. L. Reynolds, operator of
attle to Oregon the other day, no Ashland hotel and formerly of the
doubt tickling a lot of Indians Holland hotel in Medford, was one
who thought they were going to of The Miner's early subscribers
have to take several places back. this week, dropping in for a chat
and to renew an acquaintance.
tiary at Salem for a visit with
the Jackson county delegation to
that institution sent there to rue
the day—or night—they warmed
their shins on burning ballots.
According to Sheriff Brown. L.
A. Banks is not writing a "Once
In A While" column there, but
is working in the prison library.
Although Banks is said to be
quite interested in the fruit in­
dustry in southern Oregon, many
growers here have signified their
willingness to get along without
his guiding genius.
Sheriff Brown stated Gordon
Schermerhorn, former sheriff of
Jackson county, convicted of bal­
lot theft, was looking and feeling
fine, and was in good spirits. Earl
Fehl, whose apprenticeship there
wax spent mopping cells, was glum
and morose and has evoluted into
a "sort of prison roustabout.”
Art LaDieu, recently paroled, is
said to be in a healthy frame of
mind since his return to Medford,
where he joined his family.
(Continued on page four)
Milk Board Chairman
At Pomona Saturday
E. G. Harlan, chairman of the
Oregon milk control board, is
scheduled to be in southern Ore­
gon Saturday. January 26, at
which time he will be present at
a meeting of the Pomona Grange
at the Sams Valley Grange hall.
According to John Billings, field 1
representative for the Oregon milk
control board, Grange members 1
who have had a misunderstanding
as to the objects of the law and
have suggestions for its better­
ment are requested to be present
with a complete outline of such
proposals to present to Harlan.
Harlan plans to carefully explain
any problems that might arise in
the minds of the market milk pro­
ducing dairymen.
announced yesterday.
----------- •------------
Coach Don Faber’s Ashland High
Announcement was made this SchoaFquint will journey to Klam­
week by J. B. Brault, general ath Falls today for a cup play-off
manager of the Southern Oregon with the High Pelicans of that
Gas corporation, that petroleum city. The game, a conference tilt,
natural gas will soon be available will be played in the high school
to the cities served by this public gym there.
Tonight’s game may decide per­
utility, Medford, Ashland, Grants
manent possession of a district
Pass and Roseburg.
Klamath and Ashland
Construction work is to begin cup trophy,
won temporary possession
immediately in the city of Ash­ having
while Medford has
land, upon the arrival of D. E. of it twice,
its keep one season. Win­
York, vice-president of the com­ earned
ning of the cup for the third
pany in charge of construction. season
carries with it permanent
Having installed a number of possession and Don's boys're doped
these services throughout the to come out of the fray as they
state of California with great suc­ have been coming out of such en­
cess. Mr. York contemplates this counters with almost no exception
--------- •--------- -
new project with complete confi­ this season, winning 15 out of 16
The average man will seldom dence and the assurance that it games.
Scotch version, with reverse be inclined to depend on his own will fill a long felt need in south­
Last week-end, after Medford
English: “A penny earned is a resources while he thinks he can ern Oregon.
defeated the fast Shasta City bas­
penny saved.”—Weston Leader.
on Uncle Sam's.—Weston Leader.
In addition to the extensive keteers by two points, tile Ash-
construction work involved in the land men downed the Californians
new distribution system, the cor­ 54-17 in one of their fastest ex­
poration plans to lay new mains hibitions this season. A large
wherever popular demand for this group of followers is expected to
convenient service may warrant, make the drive to Klamath this
evening for the game.
throughout the territory.
This will make it possible for
all to enjoy the many advantages
of this modern fuel. The economy
of natural gas has long been rec­
ognized. This new distribution
*7A VYASri-
system brings with it all the ad­
'Yo UlZ
vantages of "instant heat," in­
cluding lower rates.
Preparations are being made by
The first reduction of rates will
take place just as soon as each county officials to file tax fore­
system is completed and thor­ closure proceedings as required by
oughly checked to insure perfect law for unpaid taxes for the years
operation. Further reductions may 1928, 1929 and 1930. The list will
be expected from time to time, as include the property of approxi­
the demand for the product in­ mately twelve hundred persons.
Reports coming to the county
creases, until a rate-level approx­
imating natural gas prices has court indicate that there are some
taxpayers in the county who are
been reached.
aware of the fact that the
The rate structure will place the not
list may include their
gas consumer on a profit-sharing foreclosure
all taxpayers are
basis in proportion to the increas­ requested to carefully
ing gross consumption of the pro­ their tax receipts to determine
duct. It is hoped to have the sys­ whether or not their taxes for the
tems completely installed within years indicated are delinquent. If
the next three months.
the taxpayers' receipts have been
This development should prove mislaid the information could be
a great inducement for outside in­ obtained from the sheriff's office
dustry to locate in the aforemen­ or the county clerk's office where
tioned localities. It is important a complete list of delinquent taxes
that every public-spirited citizen for those years is on file. Immed­
C c> m ~ A
get behind this progressive step, iate attention is necessary.
which is being taken by the
----------- •-----------
Southern Oregon Gas corporation, MINER EMPLOYES SHY
A I ►J
and by supporting the industry,
assure the future of our city and
all Southern Oregon as an indus­
That Ashland is a city of homes
trial center.
and families was impressed firmly
----------- •------------
on members of the Miner staff
• To satisfy their curiosity for the early this week. It seems that
whereabouts of deer, and whether every boy in town between the
coyotes were bothering them, and ages of 7 and 17 dropped into the
to do a little skiing besides. H. office seeking a paper route and,
L. Claycomb. Freil Taylor and Roy as there were about 40 times as
Parr of Ashland spent Tuesday many embryonic carriers as jobs,
skidding across snow from Green­ most of the lads were disappointed.
springs mountain down toward
Since the small army of youths
Copco, Calif., and the Klamath was turned down. Miner employes
river country. They reported no have been shying away from snow­
coyote signs or cat tracks, but banks, believing there are bound
plenty of deer, feeding on moss to be some pretty good shots in
the snow had brought down.
ranks of the jilted boys.
By C. M. Payne
According to state police, en­
forcement of foreign license reg­
ulations will be pushed forth with
a vengeance February 1. The first
to come under this new order will
be drivers of California licensed
cars «till using 1934 plates.
After February 1, which Is a
week from today, drivers of such
cars will be required to either
purchase California plates for 1935
at $3 a throw, or pungle up $5
for an Oregon license. It is a fore­
gone conclusion that most all mot­
orists thus approached will buy
California ana spend the differ­
ence, which is far less than a few
years ago. In Oregon, however,
there ix no private property tax
levied on vehicles as in Califor­
nia, which makes the total col­
lection there, aside from gasoline
tax, somewhat in excess of the
present Oregon fee for operating
a passenger vehicle.
So, if your license plate is one
of the familiar California "yallers,”
you’d better start watching
for the state police.
Following this week's publica­
tion of the Ashland Store
News, a mimeograph shopping
guide, its publisher, Art Cooper,
will join forces with the South­
ern Oregon Miner in the adver­
tising and circulation departments,
according to arrangements com­
pleted this week.
Mr. Cooper is well known to
Ashland businessmen and resi­
dents, and will augment the staff
of the Miner and help introduce
the paper in its new field. Mr.
Cooper will assume his new duties
Saturday, January 26.
Howdy, Ashland! | FOR BUILDING
Following a week of climbing over type cases, skid­
ding and grunting and crowbars, electricians, moving
Art Cooper Joins
Staff of The Miner
Number 4
vans, plumbers and carpenters, the Southern Oregon To Meet Tonight at C of C
for Election Officers
Miner has connived to assemble enough type and ink
and Directors
and paper from the hysteria to issue its first edition
as an Ashland newspaper.
Success was assured yesterday
Last Saturday The Jacksonville Miner pulled stakes, for formation of a federal building
loan association for Ashland,
called on the Whittle boys and all the strong men in and
according to chamber of commerce
Ashland and underwent a transformation which, we officials and businessmen who have
sponsoring the move. About
hope, will work to the ultimate benefit of both the been
20 interested Ashlanders met for
paper and the town it will try darned hard to serve. luncheon Thursday noon at the
Ashland hotel, at which time G. A.
And, chiefly because the snow didn’t get any deeper, Moore,
field organizer for the
' here we are.
northwest area for the Federal
Loan bank board, was the
The Miner, established a little over three years ago Home
main speaker.
in Jacksonville, expanded and grew till it felt an ap­ Purpose of the organization of a
prenticeship had been served which qualified the paper federal building and loan associa­
was explained, and it was
for a larger field. After some inquiry, cogitation and tion
pointed out that Ashlanders would
A special dinner meeting of the
Ashland Business Men's associa­ the flip of a plug nickel we took our printing press and be given a more liberal loan serv­
tion is being arranged for Friday Intertype by the horns and decided that the city of ice if the project is completed. The
evening, February 1, to be held at Ashland had room for a weekly newspaper, and we association would grant mortgages
on long-time contracts, would re­
the Lithia hotel starting at 7:30
finance loans and supply funds for
were quite certain the Miner had room for Ashland.
new construction.
Special topics and discussions of
But, more seriously, there were several consider­ The association is to be formed
Interest to Ashland business men
will concern the Lithia springs, ations which influenced the Miner’s decision to move through stock subscription, mem­
amusements, athletics, the HOLC to Ashland. Foremost reason was that we have been bers buying shares at par of $100.
For each dollar so subscribed, the
and other subjects Music for the
• ■veiling will be furnished by Law­ convinced a weekly newspaper here could justify its federal government will contrib­
ute three toward a loan fund which
rence Hubert.
All business and professional existence if it would properly serve the community. will be restricted to within a 50-
men of the city are invited and Too, Ashland lacked a balance for her presentation of miie radius of Ashland. Stock sub­
former members of the Lithlans, problems and issues; was without an organ to give scribers will come under federal in­
surance, according to an outline of
whether in the above classifica­
the association, and their subscrip­
tions or not. arc urgently request­ the “other side.”
tions would be guaranteed up to
ed to be present A good attend­
$5000, same as bank deposits.
ance Is expected and reservations
Miner is basing its foundation on being an “opposition” Gordon McCracken, secretary of
.should be made early.
newspaper. Far from that. It is our intention to sell the Ashland Chamber of Com­
merce, said last night indications
Sheriff Syd Brown
the paper purely on its own merits. We believe the were
that enough stock would soon
pledged to assure advantages of
Looks in on Jackson Miner can stand on its own feet and endure; that it be
an association for home owners
County’s Salemites can develop into a community asset, an institution for and builders of this area, and that
interest in the plan was growing
public service.
Sheriff Syd I. Brown, while
Stockholders already pledged
north to Willamette valley where
he conferred with other Oregon you. We want to find out what are your likes, your will meet tonight at 1 o’clock” in
the chamber of commerce office toy
sheriffx and state police heads,
dropped into the state peniten­ dislikes, your needs and your ambitions. The paper elect officers and directors, it was
L. T acl .