STAGE HOLDUP BRINGS DEATH Reynolds, at Murder Scvne, Pens Tribute to Fallen Stage-Driver Hero Friday, January 18, 1935 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 r - ----- NO. DEAR SUBSCRIBER. YOU’RE NOT ’HOOKED’ BECAUSE WE LL MOVE Although The Jacksonville Miner, pock, stock and barrel, will be moved to Ashland over the week-end. paid-in-advance subscribers to the paper will not be penalised. They will be con­ tinued on subscription lists of the newer and larger Southern Oregon Miner the paper’s Ash­ land moniker same as always. Local news coverage will be continued The wider field at Ashland will enable the paper to enlarge it’ scope and value and it is hoped readers of The Miner will continue their interest, which has been both appreciated and helpful The paper cherishes its many friendships and hopes they will continue for the little sheet that was born in Jackson­ ville as it moves on to bigger and better things. est on said judgment from the date Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock, of the decree herein, which judg­ a.m.. on Friday, February 1, 1935, ment was enrolled and docketed in said date being more than four the clerk’s office of said court in weeks after January 4, 1935, the said county on the 12th day of date of the first publication of this January, 1935, Mid i llation, and then and there Notice Is hereby goven that, pur­ show cause. If any there be. whv suant to the terms of the said Louis I’ulil. the duly appointed, execution. 1 will on the 23rd day qualified and acting administrator Among my most prized keep­ of February, 1935, at 10:00 o’clock, of the above entitled estate, should sakes, which I look at occasionally am.. at the front door of the court not be authorised, licensed, em­ with a lot of satisfaction, is a house in the city of Medford, in powered and ordered to sell all of telegraphic dispatch from Klka, Jackson county, Oregon, offer for the il;;ht. title, estate, lien and in­ Nevada, to a Twin Falls pajier. sale and will sell at public auction terest that he as such adminis­ reading as follows : Elko. Nev., for cash to the highest bidder, to trator, or said estate may have or Octolier 8- To The Times. Twin satisfy said judgment, together claim to have In and to the follow­ Falls, Idaho. "Guilty murder first with the coats of this sale, subject ing described premises lying and degree." verdict of jury in Kuhl to redemption as provided by law, being Hituute In Jackson County. case. Jarbidge murder. Sunday all of the right, title and interest Oregon, to-wit: morning Penalty death, either that the defendants herein, George l-ot 7 of Block 2 of Palm Ad- shooting or hanging Beck, second Schumacher and Marie Schumach­ er. husband and wife; Howard dttion. City of Medford, Ora* murder suspect, on trial today. gon. Hill; L. A. Banks: W B. Bar­ Elko Free Press. num; O. B. Morrow; L. D Harris; C. H. Taylor; W H Norcross; Ikin Lot 7 of Block 29 in the Town JIM GETS TOLD PLENTY! of Jacksonville, Oregon, less Newbury; George B. Carpenter; 1 Say, Jim. was you at the Marble J R. F. those* certain premise's de­ Wortman, trustee of the es­ Comer last Sunday night? No? tate of L. A Banks and Edith scribed in deed recorded In Boy. you missed plenty. That Sally Banks. bankrupts; Volume* 189 of the* Deed Rec­ also all other really knows how to put on a show persons or parties unknown ords of Jackson County. Ore­ claim ­ they had it in honor of that kid ing any right. title, estate, lien or gon. at page 284 thereof, to- PegK.v McNeill’s birthday Man. wit: Beginning at the South­ I’m telling you they was so many interest in or to the real estate west comer of said Ix»t 7 on folks there I got my feet tangled described herein, had on the 18th First Street, thence East 100 up in the crowd They was miners, day of June, 1930, or now have in feet: thence North 59 feet, to the following described aviators. schoolmama. society and thence West 100 fe»et; thence property, situated in the county dames, old and young, lean anil of South 61feet to the pluce of Jackson, state of Oregon, to- fat. Boy, what a night! wit: beginning. The aviators had such a dum good time, they flew back the next at private sale for cash, or one- Lots 4 and 5. block 1. First half cash ami the balance in ne­ day and circled right low over Extension of South Sea Addi­ gotiable security, as prayed for In Jacksonville to see if they was tion to the city of Medford, the petition for sale on file herein, more of that there party. Yes. sir, Oregon. specifically referred to hereby and that’s the way it is, they alius want to come back to Marble Dated this 14th day of January, by this reference made a part hereof. Comer for more. 1935. Witness the hand and seal of the And say. Jim. did you know that SYD I. BROWN, our leadin' official is a natural on Sheriff of Jackson county. Oregon County Court of Jackson County. pickin' presents for the ladies? By HOWARD GAULT. Tm bad about our ex-official's Deputy I havin’ to check in so early now. (Jan 18 25 Feb 1 8) — • ----------- Sort of spoils the party not to have him here until the last dawg is In the County Court of the State hung. of Oregon for the County Jim. didja know what I heard of Jackson the other day listenin’ around cor- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ n«rs? That they’re gonna change TATE OF ELIZABETH COUL­ Fri-Sat Marble Comer into something TER, DECEASED prety excitln! In just a week’s CITATION NANCY CARMXl time, the hull dum place will be To Gretchen Schneider, Fred C. changed so you’ll never recognize Puhi and Kenneth Puhi, the heirs it Better prospect around and find at law and next of kin of the above it -she’s a dandy! named decedent: ----------- •------------ You, and each of you, are hereby Prevue Saturday Night DEPRESSION summoned, cited, ordered and re­ quired to appear in this said court By MISS B. F. H. and cause in the County Court­ Sun-Mon room at Medford, Jackson County, Nothing to eat. nothing to wear. All the cupboards stark and bare: Plenty to love us. plenty to care. But hell! that don’t get you any­ where! IlVfl ■ Children 10c Plenty of grub in all the shops Saturday Only Waiting for money we ain’t got: Plenty of clothes, pretty and neat. KEN MAYNARD In But flour sack pants cover our seat. By J. C. REYNOLDS When the big gold stampede .it Jarbidge came off a couple of years or so before the great war. I did not go at once, for the rea­ son that I was tied up to a job in the Blue mountains in eastern Oregon, running a tunnel to devel­ op an ore body of gold quart*. Everything was looking favor­ able ami a freight team had been engaged by the owners of the property to haul in our winter’s supplies. including _ wood and min- ■ ■■ — ■ ■ ■ -- ing timbers when. a whole month ahead of time, it started to snow continued on towards town There and gave us four feet of the was a little snow falling and it was stickiest, heaviest white mucilage turning dusk. There was only one imaginable And a strong wind house to be passed and that was whirled this into drifts 10 feet set back from the road a piece. A deep in places That put a capper woman looked out of the window on that job and if I had not split and saw the stage pass on time, up some old boards and put in a with two men in the front seat, couple of days dressing them down one of whom was driving and at into skiis, I hardly believe the four the same time supporting the other of us could have got out of there. one, who seemed to her to be As it was. we put in 12 hours either drunk or sick, but thought of as hard work as ever men did nothing of it till questioned some in traversing seven miles, to where hours later. Just before reaching Jarbidge. the snow was only two feet deep and could be waded. It is such the road forked, one going right trips as that which make a man up through town, the other turning old before his time. into a river bottom where no one Then I decided the sign was lived and where all was quiet and right to hit the trail for Jarbidge. dark. Leaving the outfit there. After getting as far as Twin Falls, Kuhl possessed himself of the pay­ Idaho, where I had friends. I heard roll and slipped into town where so much about this new mining he mingled unnoticed with the camp from them and from dozens crowds of miners on the street and of other reliable mining men that around the rooming houses. I never did go there. Jarbidge lies In a couple of hours those who on the Nevada side of the line but had been waiting for the payroll all supplies at that time were to show up became alarmed and freighted in from Twin Falls. started out to hunt up the stage. A cattleman riding up the trail Finding out from the woman up on the Nevada side picked up a the road that the stage had gone bunch of quartz float that assayed by, they took the back track and $200,000 to the ton. I have seen a soon located the bloody mess down chunk of that quartz and it was in the river bottom. Then there enough to set a man crazy, being was hell to pay. An intensive search was begun nearly half pure gold. Incidentally, no more of that has ever been right there and though it was quite found, though those old hills have a while before these three mur­ been nearly torn up by the roots derers were apprehended, they fin­ in hunting for it. However, several ally were run down and had to pay tremendous bodies of low-grade a bitter price for that day’s work. I went to the morgue where gold ore were discovered and a number of paying mines began to Fred’s cold, stiff body was laid operate within a short time, and out and looked at him for a long quite a sizeable town was estab­ time. He appeared to be asleep, lished on the Jarbidge river in a instead of dead. On his lips was rather narrow canyon, surrounded the same half-smile he always by steep mountains covered by wore. The dirty murderers had not pine and fir trees. Jarbidge is an been able to erase that Then I went home and wrote Plenty of gold in the ground Indian name meaning "dirty the following tribute of respect, Waiting water .JL. for nothing but to be After leaving the edge of the that was printed in the morning found paper the following day: mountains in which Jarbidge is Lots of silver in all the banks. situated, the rest of the 70 miles But our checks are just blanks TO EKED M. SEARCY or so to Twin Falls consists of bleak, barren, rolling hills and Some have money, some have none THE LAST TRIP when I first came west this was And thè rich guys have all thè fun, part of what was known as the a© - I’m telling you. - if - I - had my Great American desert, though in The Stage speeds down, towards way, later years, under the vast irri­ Jarbidge town l’d spread out the dough and de­ gation projects introduced along And the ’s heart is light; .... Driver _ mand fair play. the Snake river, a great part of In the iron rack. Is the money-sack this desert was transformed into With the mail, secure and tight; Automobiles have never reached a veritable wonderland where any­ And-he feels content, and confident thing that would grow could be That he’ll land it in town by night. the once-predicted point of sat­ uration. It is known, however, to raised in profusion. And at the time I speak of, the whole of that The road is rough and the going the pedestrian in a mud puddle.— Weston Leader. country was one of the most pros­ tough, ------------ •----------- perous places I have ever lived in. Through hills that are bleak and At the time I reached Twin bare; Falls the country around Jarbidge But he feels like one with work LEGAL NOTICES was all snowed up and could not well done be prospected. And by the time the And is glad he will soon be there; NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE snow was gone in the spring, I And he gives no heed, as he gath­ By virtue of an execution in was making so much money where ers speed, foreclosure duly issued out of and I was that I didn't want to go. To the treacherous, waiting snare under the sea lof the circuit court It was that winter I became ac­ of the state of Oregon, in and for quainted with Fred Searcy, as fine Foul Murder’s head looms grim the county of Jackson, to me di­ a lad as ever walked on two feet. and red, rected and dated on the 12th day A nice, clean, genial dispositioned And close behind stands Greed: of January. 1935. in a certain suit fellow, with no bad habits and not The crack of a gun and the deed therein, wherein J. H. Butler as only a willing worker, but the is done— plaintiff recovered a judgment major part of all his earnings A soul from a body freed; against the defendants, George were regularly sent to his wid­ And thieves with ease, the booty Schumacher and Marie Schumach­ owed mother back east, Ohio, I sieze er, husband and wife, for the sum think. And scurry away with speed. of $2500.00. plus interest at the Fred took a great liking to our rate of 7% per annum from the bunch between trips to Jarbidge, And the murdered boy. the pride 17th day of December, 1932, plus spent most of his time with us I and joy $200.00 attorney’s fees, plus costs should have stated that he drove Of his mother, as all men know, and disbursements taxed herein in the stage and was well liked by his Lies cold and stiff, neath a beet­ the amount of $47.80, plus inter- employers for his cleverness with ling cliff horses and for faithfulness to his While his life blood stains duties. I don’t think Fred had an snow; enemy in the world, but for weeks And the night-wind stirs, in in one of the pool halls of Twin pines and firs, Falls three shiftless, no-good And sobs at the sight below. would-be toughs had been plotting to grab the Jarbidge mines pay­ The hills look down and darkly roll, which went over there on a frown certain day each month on Fred’s On that piteous, gruesome sight; stage and, knowing from a couple For they feel the breath of the of incidents which had occurred Angel of Death previously that Fred would put up And they hear her footsteps light, a desperate resistance, it was de­ As she comes to him in the twi­ cided that he would have to be light dim bumped off. And bears him into the night. One of the bunch, named Kuhl, was eelcted to do the dirty work, Farewell, old Pal, so genial, while the others would establish - --------- an alibi for him and help in other ways. I must explain that most of the road being bare, during the winter months when the snow was en­ countered a few miles from Jar­ bidge, the stage load had to be transferred to a sleigh for the re­ 419'/. EAST MAIN mainder of the trip. So finally it Clothes cleaned by the Pan- PHONE 84 came payday and the Jarbidge torium retain the quality of BEAUTY SERVICES payroll was made up and given new clothes, for the im­ AT A SAVING into Fred’s hands as usual. I little proved methods cannot In­ thought that would be the last Permanent Wave ............... $2.00 jure even the most delicate time I would ever see Fred alive, Finger Wave ......................... 25c fabrics. There’s real econ­ omy in dressing well when but it was. He made it safely and on time Comb Wave ........................... 25c quality cleaning can be had to within less than two miles of Shampoo ................................. 25c so reasonably at Medford’s his destination and was slipping Haircut ................................... 25c finest—the PANTORIUM. along merrily when suddenly Kuhl, Marcel ..................................... 25c who had been hiding along the road, jumped on footboard and Manicure ................................. 25c shot Fred in the back of the head. Eyebrow Arch ..................... 25c Climbing quickly into the seat, he Scalp Treatment ............... 50c Dye Works grabbed the reins, at the same Hot Oil..................................... 50c time throwing one arm around the Facails .................. 50c PHONE 244 slumping form to steady it, and V - - - - - ■ ■ j Oregon, thia 3rd