Page 4 Friday, January 4, 1935 The JACKSONVILLE MINER bracing every citizen us u naturul cor sequence. The Townsend plan is a marvel ol aimpltelty and faUmaaa and yal it is ho magnificent that minds Jack Gannon traps on Bishop creek that are running in the narrow It was yesterday forenoon when it gets to Washington right smart Back where the timber's green tracks of precedents of the past Mata 21k' • Evos 35c • Kiddle« 10c "It's the finest place to are unable to comprehend it. Old Applegater Harr Harrs an elderly man entered Ray Cole­ quick I kin use $200 a month, And says trap man's hardware store in Jackson­ easy.” went on the old-timer. JOHN H. HUENERS Miner’s Objections to ville and Inquired for the justice of Route I. Medford Judge Coleman explained to the I think 1 have ever seen.’’ the peace. Frl-Hat • Townsend Idea man. who said he was from Apple­ Jack says he’s got a good ’ I'm him.” admitted Ray as he gate, that he would have plenty of scent DOWN TO HARD I’AN bait settled against a counter. It Is reported that one of the To the Editor: time left to file an application for "We-e-ell, I come tn special to­ the Townsend pension and advised That surely gets the cats fastidious newly married Indies of Our yen for writing will not per­ tbl i town kneads bread with her ■ mit your kind invitation for opin­ day to file my application for this him to take it easy and watch Coyotes, links ami cougars, I I gloves on. This incident may be I ions upon the Townsend plan to go here Townsend old age pension what congress was going to do Skunks, martin and muskrats ■'omewhat peculiar, but there are 1 unheeded We favor the plan, not plan I kin use $200 a month, about it. The old fellow was hard He takes a vial because it is perfect in every de­ easy," was the explanation. "You to console, but much talk and as­ And pours it on <>f this rare musk others The editor of this paper | the ground; needs bread with his shoes on. he tail. but because it is a step in the see, I bin hearing about this pen­ surance that the pension was not sion. and I figgerà I’d better be ali-v uiy being gobbler! up enabled Coyotes, links and bobcats. needs bread with his punts on. and right direction. unless some of th" delinquent sub­ Nothing is perfect in its infancy. gittin’ my name in to Uncle Sam, Coleman to escape the task of Sure come from miles around! scribers to this "Old Rag of Free­ The first tin lizzie was far from because I’m 63. although I cain’t drawing up an important looking The skunks all left the canyons, Siin-Mon-Tue prove it right off. dom" pony up before long he will the reliable bus we enjoy today. paper for the fellow with a full ”1 can’t find no birth certificate assortment of seals and whereases Says It’s too darn strong for me, need bread without a damn thing Another reason we favor the And says what is he using" on. and Wisconsin is no Garden of Townsend plan is that no one will to prove my age, but I registered It was the first formal applica­ What the Sam Hill can it be? Eden tn the winter time Milin for the draft back in the war. but then hesitate to act and state their Messenger. correct age. Yours truly wishes to I lost that paper, too. Guess I’ll tion tor the Townsend old age pen­ They gather all around his bait. • be the first to start this wave of have to locate the old family Bible sion to come to light in Oregon 1PDRI IBM you don’t suppose he’s dead? It is surprising how many peo- ItrDl honesty by saying we will be 60 to prove my age to the govern­ and, as Coleman will testify, was Say. JI\N Nope: they just kept on running. own ph> who have foozled their ment, but I want you to sort of made in most earnest seriousness, >• Ms V » our next birthday, if the plan And slowly shaked their head. Sa tn finances know what Uncle officially sign my application fer and revealed a willingness to take _ '■ asr passes congress. ought to do with his money, Wes- It would have a far-reaching ef­ the Townsend pension and see that $200 a month without argument. A spike buck got the horrid scent ton leader. fect upon the gentler sex who. as And tried to get away. I every one knows, are far «from And came tearing out that canyon JOHN BEAL being gentle when their age is Belcastro Repeats Upon a fated day. scrutinized. A IAN HALE Win Over Hated, We are willing to try the Town­ ‘ k ° .» i c i V • » It stepped its foot in Jack's big send plan because our sense of Hooded Red Devil trap. tolerance under the New Deal has 'Twas there it met its fate; Wednesday Only Adults 35c - Kiddies 10c become highly developed. We have Jack looked and says, you’re Just As in all real thrillers, the vil­ repeatedly been told to be patient To the Editor: too good. —ON THE STAGE----- with th administration while the lain was given his just desserts you invite discussion of To get used up for bait. Fri-Sat NRA. CWA. AAA, et cetera, were and the true blue hero emerged the Since plan and especially being given their trials. The Town­ with the cancelled mortgage in since Townsend your last editorial apparent­ Seems like it was Jack's send plan is no more ridiculous Promoter Mack Lillard’s weekly ly conveys to win some false impressions. than the hog reduction plan. In wrestling show at the Medford feel that it should not go unan­ The spikes to meet defeat: fact, the resemblance is strong and armory last night. Pete Belcastro. I swered. Out comes Jack's knife, off comes that has not as yet been denounced Sacramento, played the part of its hide. In behalf of the many thousands Harold Handsome, while the Red by the brainless trust. ----- ON THE SCREEN----- old people who through no fault Look. Boys! we've got camp meat I Perhaps there may be some of Demon was Mister Legree with a >f >f their own are forced to accept your readers who have not been red bonnet and lost his mortgage •harity. Prevue Saturday Night Babes in Toyland” the many thousands very far out on the firing line who on fame and fortune in Medford >f honest and old people who are suf­ lation. it shall return to me again scarcely know what has been going for the second time when the be­ fering, too proud to accept char- and again so that instead of 22 on. For their information and en­ loved rogue, Pete, again flattened .ty. I resent Sun-Mon you calling this pen­ cents it will cost me only a few him prone and plenty. lightenment I will relate that on cents in every transaction. This sion a donation at the expense of The main event, touted as a re ­ the 21st day of last May I re­ he working population. If ever a not only will make it tolerant, but ceived a check for $110.72 for pork. venge comeback on a 60-40 basis, "ederal employe was worthy of his may be considered a good invest­ was a retake of a previous match Before I could use one cent of this tension, so is everybody who has ment in future security, something when Belcastro landed p dropkick it was my duty to march up to spent his years at use­ we could well afford. NATION! the federal building and fork over on the hooded one's phiz. It started ful labor productive I do not claim that by adoption creating values $41.29 for processing tax. How is with a fast display of dirt, punches if which our country in the because of the Townsend plan we could course that for percentage ? If one can and bitin, and first fall went to >f years has become richer and reach the utmost in prosperity, but EAST MAIN gulp that down and still grin he Belcastro in 16 minutes when a greater. by additional legislation to correct PHONE 84 will scarcely worry about a sales sonnenberg, dropkick and body some of the fundamental evils of see in an old age pension an our capitalistic system and im­ tax to keep the Townsend plan press followed one another in •'.ct I of BEAUTY SERVICES well-deserved but long de­ breath-taking rapidity. Next fall rolling. provement in world commercial re­ AT \ S\\LN'G layed justice. came when the Red Demon ap ­ A pension is nothing new. We lations we should enter upon an Permanent Wave , Y ’ ou Mr. Editor, contend that are already giving out liberal pen­ plied a backward headlock on Pete, Ulis $200 per month does not rep- era of sustained prosperity em- Finger Wave sions to many. The army, navy, who patted for release which was ••esent services rendered by the re­ civil service and forestry practice not forthcoming. Referee Ray cipient and is therefore unsound. Comb Wave this convenient method. Even our Frisbie, when forced to break the Using this, your argument, we may Shampoo ..... tightest economists and budget punishing hold, awarded it to Bel­ apply it to much of the govern­ Haircut balancers have not complained of castro on foul, which met with the ment spending with the same force. ■ Children 10c Marcel this enormous expenditure. Our entire approval of fans. Members Any plan of spending public funds of the Medford boxing commission , Governor Martin allegedly receives Manicure is unsound if it does not go be­ Saturday Only $6000 per. "But," sez you. 'that demanded that the Red Demon un-1 yond Eyebrow A rch the relief phase, aiming at mask so they could see the face is reward for merit.” the creation of a sustained pros- Scalp Treatment K5N MAYNARD in We have a system where ex­ they were about to bar. Tue-Wed-Thur First half of Lillard’s double oerity. The Townsend plan is sound Hot Oil . travagance and waste are prac­ aside from relief benefits, Facalls ticed by a few. On the other hand, card almost stole the show when tiecause. it provides for this sustained pros- A picture for every adult the majority are in want. Hunger, Joe Hubka. Nebraska, and Hal ;ierity through rapid circulation of I discouragement and worry fill Rumberg. Spokane, exhibited one money. All economists generally | their waking hours, worry for the of the fastest, most sincere wrest­ agree that it is not so much the i Sunday and Monday rainy day, sickness and old age. ling goes seen in many months. quality of money in a country, but ( Any one who can live for 60 years First fall went to Rumberg via the velocity with which it circu- MATINEES—LADIES ONLY in such an environment without flying scissors and body press, 'ates, which is making for pros­ EVENINGS—MEN ONLY tuning to crime or rebellion de­ while second fall went to Hubka serves a pension as a reward of as the result of flying tackles and perity. Now as to cost: You are slightly a body press. The match went the merit. when you say "the • You say the plan would destroy full hour to a well-deserved draw. misrepresenting TRY THE NEW A special 10-minute curtain- millionaires and capitalists will not our thrifty, saving natures. Dear dig it up, only me and you and the MODEL UNDERWOOD me. isn’t that what you press men raiser featured two Medford youths common folk will foot the bill.” TYPEWRITERS are trying to do? Every thing but aspiring to the business. Promoter One. Tuesday and Wednesday outstanding feature of the your bank ads say "Spend, spend, Lillard said last night his next Townsend is its absolute fair­ spend. Buy now, buy!” And bye- card would be announced over the ness-- it is plan WARNER BAXTER in to bestow its FUNERAL PARLORS Taylor and Bierma bye to our dollar, our poor, in­ week-end, featuring another all­ benefits upon willing rich and poor alike low entertainment show at special I flated dollar. 34 N. Central—Telephone 112 Medford, Oregon so also its cost must be borne by Your objection to the plan is rates First bell will be heard I at Medford rich and poor in the ratio they that $200 per month is unreason­ 8:30 sharp. spend. able. Remember that matter is We have many people in the never destroyed, it merely changes Chitwood’s To Give movies who spend many times as or circulates. Therefore no loss Do they torture you by day? much as ordinary people and many occurs in this case unless circu­ Away Silverware rich men who make large tran­ lation is stopped. So it is not un­ Keep you awake at night? Thursday and Friday sactions, so do not be deceived in reasonable but entirely according Free silverware, a handy thing believing that the lowly must pay What is it that keeps hospitals open and doctors to reason. What a bunch of shop­ busy? NERVES ping would be done! Think of all as any housewife will tell you, will it all. V Further on the editor states that the money being handled, equal to be available at Chitwood’s in Jack­ What is it lli^l makes your Ince wrinkled and the happy days, those days of ’29. sonville come Monday, announced based upon the national Income of makes you feel old7 NERVES 1929, it would require 22 cents of We were only handling money Jean I. Gillis, manager of the store with JOHN BOLES Nine times out of ten it's NERVES that make you then. Yes. our circulation was formerly known as the Jackson­ every dollar to pay for the pen­ Claire Trevor—Harry Green restless, worried, haggard. sion. Here again the editor falls to good. Why should we be denied ville pharmacy. recognize the magic element in According to Mrs. Gillis, gen ­ the chance to live those days once Do they make you Cranky, uine Tudor Plate silver will be money that is kept in constant cir­ more? We do not share the delusion given each customer whose pur­ culation. If 22 cents of the dollar Blue- -give you Nervous Indi­ held by many of its supporters chases total a certain figure, and that I spend must go toward the pension fund and if this money is she has prepared special cards for gestion, Nervous Headache? that the Townsend plan would ' awarding _ of gifts. Mrs. 'lot returned into circulation it will I CAN GET permanently cure depressions. No use in the I Wb( n nerves are over-taxed, you worry over just exactly cost me 22 cents. 1 cure can be permanent unless the Gillis also reports an unusually PROMPT trifles, find it hard to concentrate, can’t sit still, cause for the disorder is removed. heavy trade over the holidays which would be intolerable and LAUNDRY Nerve Strain brings on Headache. Until that time we think we should which necessitated fresh shipment burdensome. But if every dollar so make use of the Townsend pension of stock which arrived early this .'¡pent is kept in constant circu- SERVICE Nervous people often sutler from Indigestion. because at the present writing so­ week. There may be absolutely nothing wrong with the ----------- • ----------- FOR YOU ciety does not permit disposing of organs of digestion, but the Nerves are not on the TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR the old folk as we do our worn-out IN The following correction ap­ job to make the organs do their work properly. horses and dogs. JACKSONVILLE Yes, Mr Editor, better come peared in a small-town paper: “Our paper carried the notice Do they interefere with your along with us and be sixty-two. last week that Mr. Jim Littell is a Feebly yours, work; ruin your pleasure; drive defective in the police force. This BERT HARR. was a typographical error. Mr. Lit­ Jacksonville, January 1. away your friends? tell is really a detective in the --------------- •--------------- police farce.” You’re chenting yourself and the man who pays -------------- •--------------- Don’s Radio Service you if you work when your NERVES are not So can any The normal girl is said to con- normal. phone without tain “enough gluten to make five Builds Miniature Set pounds trouble, Just You can’t have a good time when you are nervous. of glue." It's queer that call Medford _____ You can’t make or keep friends when you are when she forms an attachment she A vest-pocket radio transmitting so often doesn’t stick.—Weston J66 and you keyed up and irritable You may excuse your­ can enjoy the instrument, one that could be Leader. self, but to others you arc just a plain crank. best laundry housed in the average radio con­ service you sole, is on display at Don’s Radio Qu!®t your nervo* with Service, 407 East Main street, in ever thought WHEN BETTER Medford, this week. It was built by of. Even to the that concern for Norvell Wiley of most delicate Central Point, who will use the fabrics can be trusted to our care. Best of all, the service transmitter • for unlimited short­ wave broadcasting .adopting the is always dependably prompt call letters W7EJY. and, of course, extends to Jacksonville. Woodson Smith and Vic Milnes, Clothes cleaned by the Pan- technicians at the popular radio torltim retain the quality of ARE MADE OUR FOUR DISTINCT shop which has just moved into AM, DR. MILES’ PREPARATIONS ARE SOLD AT new clothes, for the im­ LAUNDRY SERVICES its larger quarters in the Sparta proved methods cannot in­ building a few doors west of their Rough Dry, pound 9c jure even the most delicate former location, purchased all ma­ Thrifty Wash, pound .7c fabrics. There’s real econ­ Dry Wash, pound 8c terials and assembled the broad­ omy In dressing well when casting station in less than a Wet Wash, pound ............. 4c quality cleaning can be had WILL GIVE ’ EM week’s time. Transmitters similar so reasonably at Medford’s to the one on display have been Phone 166 finest—the PANTORIUM. «<______ ... .... wr . a. % heard around the world, having an Next A to Ä Mann ’s on North Central—Phone 73 output of 50 watts to aerial. OVER HERE MEDFORD --------------- •--------------- WE GO EVERY ' J 60c Size Alka Seltzer— It has been found that the Tro­ DOMESTIC At Jarmins you pay only...... jan heroes were probably cre­ SATURDAY NIGHT X mated. We’ve always understood Dye Works LAUNDRY UNTIL........................... that Helen had them pretty well ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU PHONE 244 30 North Riverside burned up.—Weston Leader. Applegate Hopeful Hurries to Town PENSION PLAN to File First Pension Application OKE, SAYS BERT Juck Gannon ■*0 . HEAVINS< IHiK HiJENERS SEES GOOD IN PENSION “RAMBLES IN RHYTHM” of Beauty Culture ROXY20c ä OLUNBO ..... 'WAKE UP. W AND DfilAW ‘Hell-Fire Austin “Damaged Lives ‘NO GREATER SERVICE CONGER “Such Women Are Dangerous “WILD GOLD NEW CLOTHES All the Time Dances Jacksonville Jarmin's for Drugs 49c