Friday, January 4, 1935 ... ~ The JACKSONVILLE MINER --------- -—------ ------- Page 3 ------------ I • Emil Britt, Jacksonville’s of­ Concerning Damphiile Critics And bury them decent and quiet KID STUFF ficial weather observer, was a Med­ and safe, "I’ve read the poems of J.C.R. ford visitor Thursday of this week, And then our courts Will have On damphule laws and such. By .1. <’. REYNOLDS i as was Charlie Blitch who, with It's just begun to dawn on me NOTHING to do.” i others, helped watch with craned L. O. Cal. That he doesn’t approve of much. neck a chimney burning out in the Our NON-COMBATIVE CLAN He’s quite exercised in his mind ANSWER Dear L. O. Cal: < Both from JACKSONVILLE and OVER the HILL business district. Have now produced a plan He says a lot of our Jaws are bunk. Nothing gives me more Joy than which they would establish --------------------------- —---- ——--------------------------- • John M Price, who H|x-nt the By lasting He wants to abolish them right a little kindly _ criticism _______ ___ now _____ and Peace, Peace, Peace. away • Mr. and Mrs Melvin Arnold of Sewing circle wuh scheduled to Christmas vacation with Miss Mc ­ "It is," so runs their tale, then. Il show's me that somebody Cully of this city, returned to his Because his next-door neighbor upper Applegate ure the parents meet at the school house there has read my stuff and I was stuff, and cannot fail, gets drunk. of a daughter, weighing (J'4 Wednesday. Miss Jeanie Smith was home in Coulterville, Calif., re- "Good afraid it was being overlooked. Unless the cogs go dry for want I centiy. It’s perfectly awful the law is so But you have me sized up wrong, pounds, bom at the Stanley Nurs­ to have been honored at the meet­ of grease, grease, grease.’’ mocked - ing home at Medford December ing, the occasion being her birth­ • Mrs Lula Saulsbury of Jack- Neighbor. I plead "not guilty." We'll abolish all law that's what 211 The little miss is a grand­ day anniversary. The Little Apple­ sonville wan a luncheon guest Wed- They say, "To prove we’re wise, The Ten Commandments are all we’ll do! daughter of Mrs. Sadie De Weofe gate Sewing club will meet ut the nesday afternoon at the home of We’ll get the other guys right and so is the Constitution of Into a little neighborly It’s perfectly awful that windows the of tills community. home of Mrs. Sid Hansen January Mrs Gentner of Medford, United States, hut the bunch get broke. combine, bine, bine. • Finding a triple occasion to en­ 16th. • Mrs Jessie Jones of Salem, cou­ boneheads who are working So we'll make a law against that, of tertain, Mr and Mrs Henry Budd • Jack Gannon of California, sin of Miss iHsie McCully, and We'll scrap war-ships and guns double shifts inventing extra com­ too. Invited it number of friends to noted cougar and coyote trapper, Mrs. Jack Porter of Medford vis­ A hundred million tons mandments and additional amend­ And we will be the first of all We ’ ll turn our attention to another their French Gulch home for din­ has established a trap line on Ap­ ited at the home of Miss McCully ments to our Constitution are not abuse to sign, sign, sign." ner Tuesday As well as celebrat­ plegate, and is residing In the Thursday. all right, by a damstte. (Excuse That’s kept the world in trouble the ing the new year and the 13th Ruch vicinity this winter Mr. Gan­ I • Lula Saulsbury and son John "Then on a certain date profanity; my pen slipped.) too long— birthday anniversary of their non also has a trap line in the m■> omp.iiimd by Mrs SaulHbury’s Which we will stipulate, Now as one criticism deserves There's Ten Commandments some ­ daughter Irene, the event was a Rogue river valley. mother, Mrs John M. Williams, We’ll sink the whole caboodle in another, I would suggest that you where on the shelf token of farewell to their friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Ix-r Port and •on attended a Medford theater Fri­ the brine, brine, brine. brush up on your poetry a little. That somehow make people go Mr. and Mrs Budd planning to and daughter, accompanied by day And when the deed is done, Mine is awfully bad and awfully wrong. leave soon for Phoenix, Arizona their guest, Miss Mury Herbert of simple, but yours is simply awful. • A double-header celebration ob­ Peace will be fairly won to make their home. Aahlund, motored to Phoenix Sun­ serving It’s awful the way they’ve gath­ I think we are square now, so au And in a gladsome future we Ixim T Wilson ’ s 84th birth ­ • Mrs Clarence Roundtree spent day. where they were entertained ered the dust, can shine, shine, shine.” revoir. Don’t forget the number — the holiday period at her home at dinner at the home of Mr. and day anniversary was ushered in So we’ll give them a decent fun­ come again some time. with the New Year early Tues ­ "This scheme, as you can see, near Ruch She resides at Phoenix, Mis Jess Wilson. eral too I thank you. -J. C. REYNOLDS. where her son is attending school • Alex Schichtl is spending sev­ day morning. To help him com­ In shrewd diplomacy, • Miss Jeanette Gore of Medford eral weeks In Medford, where he memorate the occasion, Izrn and Can never be improved on, we Mrs Wilson were hosts to 20 mem- believe, Heve, Heve, was an overnight guest Tuesday is undergoing treatment. tiers of a birthday club and two And if we make it »tick, at the home of Mrs. L. C. Port. The Nugget for cold drinks. honor guests, the M íhhch Emesta ’Twill prove the finest trick • With tiie water supply frozen Mr. W B. Crause, who has been CHITWOOD’S WHAT-NOT the Aurora mining company on ill in a hospital in Roseburg, has Bell and Florence May Severance. A nation ever carried up it’s The ladies, however, refused to re ­ sleeve, sleeve, sleeve. ” Little Applegate is not operating Improved sufficiently to be able veal their ages Cards and a mid­ this week. to come home and is now at his night supper were enjoyed and "When battle-ships are sunk, • The Nugget for magazines. home on Jacksonville hill. Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Wilson With other war-like junk, • Miss Jessie Smith entertained • Mrs. George Ritchey arxi Mrs were hosts the American Fur And grisly forts are overgrown a small group of local friends with T. 8. Cady spent Friday afternoon • »rowers and to Rabbit with flowers, flowers, flowers, Breeders as­ a watch party at her home at In Medford attending to business sociation members, again Regardless of expense. induling Ruch New Year's eve Taffy pull­ uffalrs, shopping and. later, taking ci c ards, a rabbit dinner and well- We’ll build a little fence I ing was the principal diversion, tea with Mrs. Wollan and her wishing. Around this peaceful earth and call Thursday morning of this with serving of refreshments later mother, Mrs Ada Odenkamp, at week an old friend and neighbor, it ours, ours, oura.” in the evening Guests Included their Medford home. * ♦ O. G. Lightner from Valier, Mon ­ Misses Ixiis and Marian Matheney • George Ritchey was stricken ill tana, dropped in to visit with Lem anil May and June Pcebler; Harvey Tuesday morning with what ap­ and Mrs. Wilson while enroute to Rowden, Paul and Wendell Math­ parently was a repetition of a se­ THERE’S SOMETHING USEFUL YOU WILL WANT eney. Cliff Smith, and Fred I*»w. vere attack of flue which Mr southern California. • Mrs. Florine Severance will en­ IN THIS ASSORTMENT Among other local people enter­ Ritchey recently suffered. taining with similar parties Mon­ • Frank Kurtz made another trip tertain the Jacksonville Health day were Mrs. C. W. Culy, Mrs Into ("alilomla recently to finish group and their friends at her ♦----------------- Fred Offenbacher and Mrs. Ed bringing equipment from Selad home Tuesday, January 8, with a To the Editor: Russel. Dancing was enjoyed at valley, where he has had a hunt­ covered dish luncheon at 12:30. All Some time ago I received a call­ the Russel home. ing and fishing lodge for several Indies interested arc- cordially in­ ing down in a Washington state Savings As High As 30%! vited. • Dick Kerr of Ruch received years. Arthur Crause accompanied weekly that I write for now and medical treatment Tuesday for a Kurtz and, as a special thrill, they • FOR SALE Wheat JI 50 cwt., then when the spirit moves, from boll on his arm which threatened tramped deep Into the mountains Newtown apples 50c in your box, some touchy old tomcat (or per- blissl poisoning, in search of CCC boys thought to delivered. Roy Smith, Jackson­ . haps tabby) who was afraid to SPECIAL—STARTING MONDAY ville (Janl-35) sign his (or her) right name, but • Claus Klcinhammer wan a din- have been lost They returned to Chitwood's offer you genuine Tudor Plate Silverware ner guest at the home of Mr. and Jacksonville hill Monday evening FOR SALE 4-room house with evidently imagined their fur had FREE! Here is a premium offer you will welcome—drop Mrs Everett Beeson near Talent • Malcolm Jones, who has been basement, garage, woodshed, been rubbed the wrong way in a in today for complete details on how you can assemble on New Years. visiting with his parents here for large chicken house, city water little rhyme of mine, concerning a complete set of this beautiful open-stock pattern! • Mr and Mrs Jess Taylor and the past week, returned to Salem, and 2 good wells, 2 acres partly the many useless and damhpule daughter were New Years dinner when he is attending Willamette in fruit, grapes and walnuts, lo­ laws being passed of late years. guests nt the home of Mrs Ix-ster university cated in Jacksonville. $(>00 cash; I enclose the same, together with Throckmorton at Eagle Point, • Mr and Mrs. Hanly Bush of j will accept good used car or my reply, which followed in the . where Mr Taylor, whose birthday near Jacksonville called on friends truck as part payment. Call The next issue of the paper and which. anniversary occurred on that wis Jr., Mrs. Fred Coppie Can you imagine Toggery quality at these prices? Men are proud of The cars cost as little as 80f. For de­ and Jimmy Moore. Toggery label in their clothes. You can buy a Toggery suit at a real price tails, see your local agent or • Mias Itrice Huber returned to write J. A. Ormandy, 705 Pacific Grants Pass Tuesday for the open­ now! Look these prices over . . . Building, Portland, Oregon. ing of high school there, having spent her vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leon Offenbacher. Monday evening Miss Huber, as­ A large group of outstanding suits for men The “top layer” of The Toggery clothing sisted by Miss Lorraine Offen­ anA young men. All styles and models. stock. This particular brand has been fea­ bacher, entertained about 20 local young people with a watch party. ORIGINAL T. CHARLES Formerly priced to tured at this store for g" • Ivan Collins and Rudy Knutzen, $22.50. Now selling for the past 20 yrs. Choice Star gulch miners, have returned SHAMP-U-TINT to their work here after spending HAIR COLORING the holidays at their homes in Applied by Exiterts Portland. • Having discontinued their meet­ ings during holidays, the Ruch “The cream of the lot.” Society Brand and You will really be surprised when you see Michael Sterns Suits going for a lower these suits. They are the latest patterns price than you ever expected. Values to and styles. You can’t find a better selection $40.00. This is a limited stock and bound S. C. PETERS anywhere. Values to to go quick ^90 $24.50. Now selling for at this price (D.M.D.) Personal News Notes LETTERS BARGAIN TABLE to the Editor 5e to $1.19 CHITWOOD’S NEW YEAR VALUES Starting Saturday at 8:30 TRY THE TRAIN TO CALIFORNIA $12.85 Sensational Selling of Quality Suits Southern Raicific $14.85 Dentist Restore gray and overbleached hair to Its natural shade ... at Opposite Pont Office .JACKSONVILLE BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Phone 57—18 S. Central THESE SUITS MUST FIT ALTERATIONS ARE FREE A $5.00 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY GARMENT FOR 15 DAYS