Friday, December 28, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 4 cd higher than anybody. It wax sure cotpical and put Walt tn a gvod humor at once After a few minutes Walt shouted. "All right, boys, the show is over; sec you again some time," and put his gun away and off we raced I shudder to think what would hap pen to a couple of fellows who pulled off anything like that in these days But at that time It «Hu simply regarded as a harm­ less cowboy Joke and no attention was paid to such by anybody. When I rode the range cow boys were terrible particular altout the'r hat and boots They didn’t care so much about the other articles of their uttlure. hut the hat and boots must lx« exactly right, or there wax the devil to pay. Everybody wore the most ex­ pensive Stetson he could afford and put in more time keeping the brim strnight then on anything else he ’wore If the brim lopped the least bit. It put him in a bad humor nt one«' We used to put a little bit of sugar in a cup of water and wet th«' brim with th«' mixture. That would make It as stiff as a board until It rained, when of course It would soften up and have to be fixe«! again I never «nw a woman .is particular to get her make-up on all right ax xomc of thox-' cowboys were with their hut brims The ten gal­ lon hats so popular nowadays h«»l«l their ship«’ far better than the old straight brim style Abandoned Lighthouse on Cabe Artigo material fashioned to the uxe of someone, and of the labor use«l In producing and fashioning Had there never been any production, never any labor, there w«»ul«l hav«' been no money, for no one would hm anything to sell The money, which wouhl be I nhuis I am) given th«' penxionerx under this plan would be money not latsed on labor or pr< iuet.i :'.'t«l would lx* s|x'iit by ncr.'.<> n who did not labor or pro­ duce •ml | . ■ I'utlv would lx’ '.’ii'i'e i ml would buy nothing A*l the peitxlon ¡»tunx thut have ver proved aucceaiful have been Msed on services rendeml prrv- lout to te«'clving the pemilon I’or he military n ' is .service render- CLOTHES MARK CHANGE IN LIFE THEN AND NOW RHY V 20cÆ ‘Law of the West’ L “THE TRUMPET BLOWS” A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST” DANCE Saturday till * 2 Jacksonville BUSINESS GOES ON AS USUAL I . . t ** «U Ends Saturday IIIIH I01HCI OI .(H unt J. M ft xw DICK POWELL RUBY KEELER PAT 0 BRIEN W„> . W Í MltlflW MlllCtt PREVUE SAT. NIGHT Sun .Mun 3 HF. I Prevue Saturday Night nr IVI 3 Sun-Mon THE TOWNSEND P Very appealing to many peopl«' is the Townsend "plan" of old age Another unusual block engraving, tooled from linoleum l>y a CCC a list, is shown above. It was pre­ pensions which would give every pared for printing by Arthur J. Merkel and depicts an abandoned ligl bonne which marks Ca|>e Arago person enrolled under its benefits on tbe Pacific coast near Coos Bay. It is one of a series illustrating tie diversity of scenery enjoyed in $200 a month, with Its proviso that this district. The Miner is indebted to the Medford District News. CC< publication, for use of this block the entire monthly stipend should of ordinary kitchen linoleum which has been made a vehicle for Artist -lerkeTn interpretation of Oregon be spent before the next wax re­ scenery. ceived. This, the inventor asserts one was expected to do his share ote of this occurrence, as it is would keep enough money in cir- to entertain the bunch. Either tell wise idea to keep close tab on I dilation to make everybody pros- a good yarn or sing something. 11 such things, capeci illy when ; perous. One night I remember, I stayed ou are riding with a drunken So inviting Is this idea that there with a round-up crew, while on one and cannot always predict ire clubs being formed over the of my trips. I was treated like a owboy xaetly what may turn up of a ountry to insist that congreea put prince, but they couldn’t hardly ; udden. Shortly after, we met three get enough of my singing, as I lanchmen af«x>t. going into town. 1 this plan Into effect and the mem­ knew a lot of good ones they had ne of whom was a little old fel- bers of these clubs are contribut­ never heard. !ow with bowed and a long ing to the expenses of organization One especially. "Brennan on the ray beard. Walt legs (Continued from page one) was a little in and maintenance of them for as Moor, ” took their fancy and I had was the damdest girl for pickles he lead and yanking his horse though. I ever saw. We always to sing it several times. Finally o a stop, jerked his gun and in all such affairs there must be we retired and I was just dropping met on a certain street comer ommanded them to dance I guess paid leaders to keep the members after school was out and about off to sleep when a voice spoke i hey thought it was a joke, as advised of progress, if any. up. "Sing that ‘ Brennan ’ song just the first thing I would ask her ; hey simply stood still and grln- The weakness of th«' Townsend was. what she wanted for a treat. oned more. Reynolds, will you?" ed at him. That made him sore. system in the fact that it ne­ In ninety-nine cases out of a hun­ I said there was nothing doing, . o he began snapping his gun at glects to lies recognize that dred. she decided on pickles. We I was just going to sleep. Pres­ t heir feet. As nothing happened, money is not a thing the but fact only an knew a place where there was ently a high-heel«.'d boot came sail­ they became sure it was a joke emblem it is a representation of always a barrel of great big pick­ ing through the air and hit my ¿nd just laughed. I saw trouble 4om«.' produced, of some raw les that sold for two pennies apiece bed a wallop and in a moment oming fast, so I spoke up and and there we would go. She would more this was followed by a whole .aid. ’•Fellers, I know there is never fail to eat all of hers and shower of boots. Every cowboy one cartridge left in that gun and generally two-thirds of mine, as was wide awake and determined he will be getting around to it I didn’t have much of a yen for to hear that sung again. So I had pretty soon.” At that thev all be- I CAN GET pickles and only tried to eat them to raise up out of bed and give ;;an to dance. They did jigs, hoe­ PROMPT because she did. Personally. I much it to them, after which they left downs. and cut pigeon wings, and preferred candy, nuts, ice cream me in peace. the little old guy with the long LAUNDRY Speaking of cowboys and their or anything else for a treat. The whiskers hopped faster and leap- SERVICE last I heard from Lillie, she was ways, puts me in mind of a ride I took with one by the name of an old maid of sixty years and I FOR YOU think the pickles did it. Soured Walter Reedy, back in the early IN her sweet disposish, I mean. But days. He and I had been in Den­ heavens alive, in that country ver, Colo., for two or three days I IlVfl I JACKSONVILLE Children 10c getting rid of some of our money, where she lived there were seven women to every man by actual and were hitting for our camp Saturday Only count. A girl was sure lucky if sixty miles away. Walter was aw­ she got married anywhere in that fully drunk and I was hoping the ride would help sober him up. I region. BOB STEELE in Well, as I said. I had quite a had been drinking some myself but not nearly as much as he had. Of voice to begin «with. One thing I , So can any was proficient at was the war-cry course we had both bought a big phone without of the Iowa Indians, which made supply of ammunition in town and trouble, Just a big hit with the cowboys on the amused ourselven by shooting dogs Also Serial, call Medford range and they never failed to get along the road which rushed out 166 and you me to show it off at every oppor­ to bark at us. This was sometimes "The VANISHING SHADOWS" can enjoy the tunity. I would stand up in my a dangerous proceeure as there best laundry saddle stirrups and split the at­ were plenty of men in those days Sunday and Monday service you mosphere all up in little chunks who thought the world of their dogs and if you shot one of them, ever thought 1 _ when I yelled "I-O-WAY.” GEORGE RAFT of. Even to the My voice is all shot now and would be very likely to take a shot most delicate I couldn’t call hogs a quarter of at you in return. We didn’t have fabrics can be trusted to our a mile away. Doctors have told any bad luck though and killed several of the most vicious brutes care. Best of all, the service me that somewhere in my travels is always dependably prompt I accumulated a lot of these here . that came tearing out to attack and, of course, extends to Hemolytic Streptococcus bugs in us from the various ranches we Jacksonville. my throat, which look like a rat­ passed. Finally, Walt had used up all tlesnake’s rattles and pour poison OUR FOUR DISTINCT steadily into my system, causing his cartridges but one and he LAUNDRY SERVIC ES rheumatism and other disorders. It would have used that only the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Rough Dry, pound takes a magnifying glass of three dog he was going to shoot, dodged and Friday Thrifty Wash, pound hundred thousand million power to under an old shed and didn’t show Dry Wash, pound see one of them and as they don't up again. So Walt let his trigger Wet Wash, pound seem to bother me, I let them down and slipped his Colts back stay. I haven’t the heart to deprive in the scabbard. I had taken strict them of their happy homes and Phone 166 send them out into a cold, cruel world to start life all over again, MEDFORD so what are not asphyxiated by the | with LOlTSEDRESiÀ.R volumes of tobacco smoke I am DOMESTIC everlastingly inhaling, can stay MARIAN WARSH right where they are, and see if LAUNDRY RALPH MÔRGAN I care. 30 North Riverside Before I forget it, If any of my fellow gold-diggers discover their lungs are becoming gold-plated from the fumes arising from the big nuggets they take out, there Fires May Come, and Fires May (io— is a simple remedy if taken in time. Simply inhale some quick- BUT OUR sliver. Getting back to my voice, I used to know all the popular range songs and dozens of other, and I could sing them too. I have seen tears stream down the cheeks of hard-bitten riders many a time when I would sing something and put some pep into it. This came in very handy around the camps at riight when everybody gathered In Our Temporary Office At the End close to the campfire and each orl the country ns n whole. Under InsuratK’«* immim I oii plans the pen­ sioner contributes during his pro­ ductive period. Any pension not bused <>n labor or production I m a failure from the time it is insti­ tuted I’ails i Texas > Morning News. «:.- uk AUULL MO ’INI FAANCt« LEDERER ÆPURSWïu NNPRNfiSS I O A N H i K N U I CHUttif SUCCI ES » Wï BOI ANO •r : tVûüiÂn rwo MEN n //< Tue« Wed-Thur 1 DOABLE ^CRAWFORD MONTGOMERY AIL | OTHER'. SERVICE • CONGER TRY THE NEW MODEL UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS • FUNERAL PARLORS Taylor and Bierma Medford, Oregon SI N. Ontrul—Telephone 112 Medford Fewer Aches and Pains More Health and Pleasure PAIN drags you down—physically, mental­ ly, morally. VZhy continue to endure it? Try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills for Headache, Neuralgia, Muscular, Rheumatic, Sciatic, and Periodic Pain». They seldom faiL Dr Miles Anti-Pain Pills are pleasant to take and prompt to act. They do not upset the stomach, cause constipation or leave you with a dull, depressed feeling. Ask your druggist or any of the hundreds of thousands enthusiastic users. Probably you too can find relief. I think nil Dr Miles medicines are wonderful, but Anti-Pnin Pills are inv favorite Mrs. Doc Blanki'iuhip, Stamford, Texas I have used your Anti-Pain Pills onlv a short time, but they have given me prompt n lief. They did for me in a week more than anv other rnedl- cine I had taken for a year. Pl JI Goller, Milwaukee, Wisconsin I am never without Anti-Pain Pills. I think thev are much better than anything else I have ever used. Sometimes when I am tired and nervous; and feel like I would go under. I take two Anti­ Pain Pills and in a sort time I feel like a different person. Mrs. S. Tidabach, Stroudsburg, Penn lylvunia Your Anti-Pain Pills have been used in ■ y home with wonderful results I «•« commend them. Maggie Belle Dudley, Vanceboro, N. C. Your Anti-Pain Pills helped me a great deal. I have usc«l them for years. 1 carry them every­ where in inv purse and always keep them In the house They have saved me a great many si« k headaches. Mrs. Jennie Neill, Coronado, Calif. DR. N4 I L.ES’ ANTI-PAIN PILLS of North Central THE NUGGET CONFECTIONERY ALL lilt. MILES’ PREPARATIONS AKE SOLI) AT LUMBER—BUILDING MATERIAL—FUEL Cool Drinks—Good Eats—Fountain Service Home Drug Remedies MAGAZINES—NEWSPAPERS Barber Shop and Pool Room X lì MB ER Pl«» Mcorono Jarmin’s for Drugs Next to Mann's on North Central—Phone 73 60c Size Alka Seltzer— All Combined With Courteous Service PHONE 162 °« rs C ompany Phone 7 End North Central A Good Firm to Trade With ■ Tue-Wcd Thur / At Jarmins you pay only 49c ALL MAIL ORDERS SENT POSTPAID TO YOU