Friday, December 28, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER companled by his sister, Miss Mar­ garet, also of Heattie. v • Ray Ix'Wis, student at SONS In Ashland, Is spending the holi- days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I^ewls ent Christmas with rel­ definite period. the first part of the week of atives on Applegate. • Mr. and Mrs. John M. Price of Edward Finley und sister* Mrs • Mr and Mrs Leon Offenbacher Coulterville mine, Calif., spent the Victor Andersen Mr und Mr« motored to Grants Pass Christmas, week with Miss McCully of this Emeat McKee and daughter of they were guests of the lat­ city, returning south Thursday. Klamath Fulls also sjM-nt Christ­ where ter ’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M • John Orth of Medford and Mrs. mas with Applegate relatives Heuber. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Salt­ Joe Pelton of Klamath Falls were • The Nugget for cold drinks marsh spent the day at Talent Jacksonville visitors Wednesday. • Taking the occasion of the an- with Mr and Mrs. Loys Hamilton • Dr. and Mrs H. B. Gillis of this 'Wl! party to honor • Mrs Hattie lx>gan of Jackson­ city were Christmas visitors at the "enbberx whose birthday miniver ville la «pending the week at the J. B Gillis home on Thompson »rtc*. occurred in December, the home of her brother, Ansil Gilson creek. Lhdlcs1 Aid Six-iety of the Pres­ • Erank Kurtz, who bought the • David Adamson, SONS student, byterian church made their party old Wright place and is fixing it was a Christmas guest at the late Inst week an event of unusual up for a home, returned Sunday Mary Norvell home in this city. interest. Members honored were from a business trip to Yreka. • George Merritt and Miss issie Meadiimes A 8 Klelnhummer and • The Nugget for magazines. McCully of Jacksonville were Med­ 1-oula Ncidermeyer anil Mias Mar- • Mrs W. B Cruuse and Arthur ford visitors Wednesday morning. garet Hart Forty-five women en­ Mrs. Margaret Watson of Port­ have returned from a trip • joyed an aftemiMin of games fol­ Crause land arrived Friday to spend a to Roseburg, where they went to lowing a cover«! dish luncheon ut with her sister, Mrs. Harold Christmas with Mr. Crause, week noon, with the exchange of gifts spend B Gillis of this city. who Is 111 in the hospital there. around the Christmas tree climax­ • Mr« Ogden and children, who • Mrs. Englehart of Los Angeles, ing the day Hix guests attended lived on Poorman's creek, have Calif., returned to her home Wed­ from Medford, including Mrs Fred moved to the valley for the winter nesday evening after spending Fick and Mrs. G. A Gardner of to enable the children to attend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Ban Francisco, formerly of Jack­ school at the Advent academy. Mr Jack Green, of this city. sonville. who is making an extend­ Ogden will continue to make his • Mrs Barbara Jennings of Med­ ed visit in Southern Oregon. called on friends here Wed­ home in the hills, his ford • Harley Fleming of Jacksonville time between the two dividing nesday. places. wax a recent visitor to the Apple­ • The annual Jacksonville school • Welcome news to his friends, gate Although a horticulturist, program and Christmas tree was John R. Knight was able to return Mr. Fleming expressed much in­ held at the local school gymnas­ to his home from Sacred Heart terest In Jacksonville's mining ium here Friday evening. After hospital Monday. activity, stating that a small con­ Mrs. Fred Fick of Medford was splendid program furnished by a • visitor cern is operating succesfully at the a teachers here Wednesday. and children, sacks of Fleming orchard Mrs. George Gardner of San nuts, candy and oranges were • • Leonard N. Hall, Jacksonville's passed out to all children of the Francisco was a Jacksonville vis- itor Sunday. ambitious editor, motored to the community. Applegate a few days ago and re­ • Mr and Mrs. H. L. Noblit of • The Applegate editor, seen in ported a deficiency of peanuts in Medford were visitors at the the city, supposedly laying in a of pencils and • paper. She his home town. Cheater Pursell home Sunday eve­ stock must have made a New Years res­ • Clarence Buck. Big Applegate ning. stockman, has been ill at his home • Mrs. Howard Bare and daugh­ olution. Contributed by an Apple- during the last week Mr. Buck ters Jean and Betty of Medford gater. was somewhat improved Wednes­ called on Mrs. Martha Mitchell • LOST Brown tooled leather lady’s purse containing personal day Tuesday. items hard to replace. Finder • Stop at the Nugget. • Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Young and please return to Roberta Forbes • Ixiuia Buckley, student at the family of Medford were dinner or to Nugget confectionery, Columbia university at Portland, guests at the Ruel Knowlton home Jacksonville, and receive re­ where he is a member of Sigma here Christmas day. ward. Phi Sigma fraternity, is spending • Ed Vogel, Mrs. Louise Moore the holidays here with his parents, and children George and Grade • FOR SALE- Wheat $1 50 cwt., Newtown apples 50c in your box, Mr. and Mr« J. T Buckley. and Miss Melva Anderson were delivered. Roy Smith, Jackson­ • A successful evening is report­ dinner guests at the Fred Butcher ville. (Janl-35) ed by patrons of the Sterling home Christmas. Ray Vogel spent school who attended a box social the day at the home of his mother, FOR SALE—4-room house with basement, garage, woodshed, and Christmas program there late Mrs MaMie Vogel, of Griffin large chicken house, city water last week Eight dollars were creek. and 2 good wells, 2 acres partly realized from the sale of the • Mr and Mrs Ray Crumley and in fruit, grapes and walnuts, lo­ taxes. small daughter. Donna Mae, visited cated in Jacksonville. $600 cash; • Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Klcinham- relatives here Tuesday evening. will accept good used car or mer entertained a large number of • Mr and Mrs. Thurman of truck as part payment. Cail The guests at their home ChriBtmas, Granta Pass and Mrs. Janet Hutch­ Miner, phone 141, Jacksonville. Including Mr. and Mrs. Merriam ings of Ross Lane were dinner Worthington and daughter Dianne, guests at the home of their moth­ The Japanese, we read, do not and Paul Worthington of San er. Mrs. E. F. Fairktng and broth­ Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Peter er, Walter Whitney, Christmas hate us. It is fortunate, perhaps, that they owe us nothing.—Wes­ Garret and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde day. Young and daughter Marily of • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett and ton Leader. ----------- •------------ Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. Martin daughter Francis spent Tuesday As they couldn’t be quarreling Stevens and son Jerry, Mr. and afternoon with Mr. Bennett's par­ for the spoil, rival GOP leaders are Mrs. Clarence Fry, and Harold ents in Beagle. Worthington of Medford. • Mrs Polly Watkins and son evidently spoiling for a quarrel.—■ • The expectations of Wayne Guy spent Christmas with Mr. and Weston Leader. (Red) Carpenter, member of the Mrs. Harry Whitney and family. The yawning lady of Illinois had Star station CCC crew, who plan­ • A surprise birthday party was ned to return to Portland Tuesday given in honor of George Van probably been reading Olin Miller’s to enter business college, were Galder’s anniversary at the home paragraphs. Weston leader. sadly thwarted that morning when of his parents Saturday evening. r he became ill with mumps. Mr The occasion was spent in danc­ Carpenter was taken to the iso­ ing by a large group of friends. lation ward at Camp Applegate. R. W. Sleeter, M. D Refreshments were served at mid­ • Applegate Grange is sponsoring night. 202 Medford Bldg. a dance at Applegate hall New • Iutrry Howe, who had been en­ Year’s night with music by the gaged in mining for some time • * Owen Oregon Lumber Jacks. The in Jacksonville, recently moved to Medford Phone 4 Community league dance here his home in Seattle. He was ac- Christmas night was reported suc­ cessful, 150 numbers being sold. • Courteous service at the Nugget • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Offenbacher entertained the following guests Christmas: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rlnabarger of Medford and Mrs. Mamie Venable and Walter Blair of Ashland vicinity. Personal News Notes , Huey Long is the type our in- FEDERAL HANK CHECK TAX OFF JAN LAKY 1 i telligent compositor says he’d like to throw in Weston Leader. ----------- •— J. W Maloney, collector of in­ China’s handicap as a nation is ternal revenue, stated today that the federal tax of two cents on that her teeming population does­ bank checks would not be effec­ n’t team Weston Leader. --------- ------------ tive after December 31, 1634. the alm of this repub­ “The Revenue Act of 1634 pre- lic Although is peace, it is perhaps prudent vlded for the repeal of tax on bank to have something to aim with. checks, drafts or orders for the Weston leader. payment of money, drawn on a —•------------ bank, banker, or trust company, At a time when people are look­ at the close of business December 31, 1034," stated Collector Ma­ ing for easy dough, scant heed is loney, "but information received at paid to the scriptural injunction: this office indicates that manyy "In the sweat of thy face shalt attorneys and other interested parties have the impression that thou eat bread."- Weston Leader. other taxes imposed by the rev­ Such a homely virtue as thrift enue act of 1932 were repealed will be scorned when all may look on June 30. 1934. “I would call particular atten­ forward to living, after 60, in a tion to the fact that the increased free house on Easy street.—Wes­ rates of stamp tax on Issues and ton Leader. transfers of capital stock, the stamp tax on deeds of convey­ Franklin D. thinks he has "the ance. the tax on safe deposit box greatest job in the world," but he | rentals and the tax on all ad­ has never run a country news- I missions selling for 41 cents or more will be in effect as pro­ paper.- -Weston Leader. vided under the present laws, until July 1, 1935 The only taxes which have been repealed are the taxes on candy, soft drinks, and the use • of boats." -------- •--------- A modern girl will never have a ’ stitch in her side if she has to I take it herself.--Weston Leader. Stewart-Warner ------------ •------------ The time for a driver to blow I Service - Sales - Rentals up is when his tire goes flat.— Weston Leader. What the world needs is a good ' 423 East Main Street, Medford scent cigar.—Weston Leader. TELEPHONE 668 DON’S RADIO SERVICE i .... — ...... 1 4-U. ¡Ì MONARCH SEED & FEED CO Sixth and Bartlett, Medford J Phone 260 Instead of getting a thrill when sold for hotel beef at one dollar a pound, that champ Hereford at Los Angeles must have felt pretty well cut up. Weston Leader. YOU Can Have NEW CLOTHES All the Time ( lothex (-leaned by the Pan- toriurn retain the quality of new clothe«, for the im­ proved method« cannot in­ jure even the most delicate fabrics. There’s real econ­ omy in dressing well when quality cleaning can be had so reasonably at Medford’s finest—the PANTORIUM. PANTORIUM Dye Works PHONE 244 I)r. H. P. Coleman Chiropractic - Physlotheraphy Oregon License 264 California License 3029 14 Years in .Medford, Oregon Have You Tried ORIGINAL T. CHARLES SHAMP-U-TINT HAIR COLORING Applied by Experts This Sensational Restore gray and overbleached hair to its natural shade ... at BOWMAN’S Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Phone 57—18 S. Central Medford Cycle and Repair Shop GUN SMITH—LOCKSMITH Ijiwn Mower Service Phone 261 23 North Fir S. C. PETERS (D.M.D.) Dentist Opposite Post Office JACKSONVILLE NEW BREAD? BAKED IN ONE OF THE FINEST BAKERIES IN THE WEST ... On Sale at YOUR Favorite Grocers’ Have You an Old-Fashioned Strain in the Family? DO YOU LIKE MOUNTAIN MUSIC? DOES A SQUARE DANCE TICKLE YOUR TOES? When the Clock Strikes 12! • Midnight, next Monday, when Father Time rips another leaf from his calendar, the world will launch into a new, a better year, which we hope will be filled with both promise and fulfilment for our many friends in southern Oregon and northern California. • Too, as the clock ticks off the first few minutes of 1935, they will mark the 25th year the Monarch Seed and Feed Company has op­ erated in Medford under the same ownership. 0 May we extend the season’s greeting to you, Friend? Page 3 . Come, come now—out with it! Does continual jazz tire your ears, your feet and your patience? Would you like to see a night set aside each week for old-fashioned fsetivity at the famous Marble Corner? We are considering such an innovation and we would like to hear YOUR views on this subject . . . after all, you know, such a his­ toric old spot as The Corner sort of owes respect to ghosts of its colorful past and we aim to cut you-all in on some good, early-day model fun. Next time you are by the Marble Corner take a moment off and drop in for a little chat with us about this . . . you know, callers, fiddlers, thumpin’ planners and stuff . . . we’re ready to shoot when you say the word! The MARBLE CORNER PHONE 281—JACKSONVILLE