Friday, December 28, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER time to dig up the coin to pay the pen­ sion, that is another story—and a story we had better go into pretty thoroughly PabUahed Every Friday ** before we take such an expensive fling, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON * or even condemn others for objecting to dOHH vo you the plan. hear . Ouft. It is easy to picture how much finan ­ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF JACKSONVILLE church petLS cial benefit might accrue to each of us Entered as second-class matter February 19. 1932. if the old folks we know were to receive at tile postoffice at Jacksonville. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. $200 a month which must be spent. We LEONARD N. HAU. Editor and Publisher know all or most of us would get some MAUDE lXJOL ..... Applegate Editor of that money. We can trace its course through the community and see where PHONE JACKSONVILLE 141 it would help everyone somewhat. Fine. Address All Communications to Box 138 It is not too much wonder the plan is Subscription Rates, in Advance: One Year............. $1 00 Six Months 50c being received heartily by thousands of — people, who are grouping themselves Hurrah for John Law! into Townsend clubs to put the idea over It was with satisfaction that most But, on the other hand, consider ser­ southern Oregonians read news of the iously and fairly where this silver flow recent holiday arrests of bootleggers and of balm will come from. Will the "mil­ illigitimate resort operators. Sentiment generally expressed concerning the raids lionaires” and capitalists dig it up? Of favored the officers and the cause of law course not, no more than they dig up for everything else. It will be you and your and order. It is almost needless to mention such neignbors and your cousins somewhere a public attitude toward the incident is else who will pay the bill. Not one new almost a direct reversal of general feel­ dollar will be created by the Townsend, ing during prohibition days. For once, plan. It merely is a redistribution of the drys and wets both are in sympathy earnings. Those who earn would pay with the law’s doin’s. heavy tribute to those who do not, under It is for this reason many people have the plan. faith in, and moral support for, the Knox Many readers have asked for figures law, which regulates the liquor traffic to "Enough is great riches.”' run« nil of them, and all persons claim­ which are convincing argument against a surprising degree. And when there is ing by, through or under them, or LEGAL NOTICES any of them. subsequent to the n ! »aniflh proverb We see no ap- sentiment behind a law, violators had the Townsend plan. Here are a few, and of said mortgage on said pci I in thia to the loner of u street they come frem one of Jackson county’s Ln the Circuit Court of the State execution better watch out. premise«. either as purchaser», en­ fig it Weston Leader. of Oregon for ear and answer the Amended doing their best to prevent a pop- ; F.icall« pose that residents of that section total needed is always the same—almost Complaint 5Oc ‘ of the plaintiff on file ulatlon surplus Weston Leader formed the Applegate Valley Irrigation a FOURTH of our entire volume of busi­ hc.ein against you. or otherwise id thereto, within four (4)1 and Improvement district. ness, both on paper and actual, to pay ph weeks from the date of the first ! Of course only final, accurate figures the pension alone. Other overburdening publi ation of this summons, ex- ' of the first date of publica-| and a complete survey of virgin lands taxes would come IN ADDITION to this elusive tion. and if you fail to appear and and lands now under water will answer 22 per cent tax. answer the Amended Complaint ot the plaintiff a» hereinabove re­ the question as to whether the dam The fact remains that Oregon, as a quired otherwise plead thereto, should be built. But any such improve­ state, turned down repeatedly a two per plaintiff or will apply to the court for ment which seeks for the conservation cent sales tax, believing it to be too much the relief demanded in its Amend­ ed Complaint, which is succinctly of needed water and the reclamation of of a burden, and it is hard to visualize stated as follows: good soil is worth a full and complete how oppressing a 22 per cent sales tax For judgment against the de­ fendants George Schumacher and investigation. Any progressive move would be. Marie Schumacher for the sum of $2500 00. plus Interest at the rate should be fairly considered before it is These are cold, hard figures which of 7 per cent per annum from the turned down, for we must always go cannot 17th day of December, 1932, plus be ev^ied, if the debater is to be $200 00 attorney’s fees, plus cost* forward, else we fall behind. fair and honest. Many argue that the and disbursements herein to be So far, it is largely a matter of opinion A COMPLETE STOCK OF GELATIN plus interest on said judg­ plan avoids this heavy ex­ taxed, ment at the rate of 7 per cent per whether the Applegate river should or Towmsend AND OTHER TYPES OF POWDER from the date of the decree should not be dammed. The organization pense by both saving on charity and annum herein. recently formed is capable to carry on a crime, and receives its revenue from the Kor a judgment and decree fore­ plaintiff’s mortgage on CAPS and FUSE comprehensive, honest estimation of the circulation of money. But you can never closing property situated and being in the get away from the fact that the taxes Available for Immediate Delivery project, and should be backed fully by county of Jackson, state of Oregon all civic-minded ranchers of the valley. WE PAY are taken only from OUR and described as follows, to-wit: When a complete, accurate and com­ EARNINGS, otherwise we can’t pay Lot 4 and 5, block 1, first extension of South Sea addi­ prehensive survey of affected lands, them. tion to the city of Medford, The Miner has not attacked the Town­ Oregon. probable costs and benefits of the proj­ Phone .l'ville IS ect have been put down in black and send plan to be spectacular, obstinate, or and that defendants, and each and white, then it will be time to pass judg­ because it fails to realize our obligation ment. Until then, Applegaters should to the aged and unfortunate. This paper help the organization compile informa­ objects to the Townsend plan simply be­ tion, prepare data and look into various cause we believe the plan is unsound, im­ practical and not honest with itself. methods of financing the work. The Miner is ready and anxious to When that is done, then it will be a simple matter for each individual to de­ back any plan which will provide for the cide fairly whether or not he can afford actual needs of those who are in no po­ sition to care for themselves. The old, the improvement. the feeble, the sick and the unfortunate MUST be provided for. That is a fore­ gone conclusion in minds of almost everyone, and it is this sentiment which Oh, Dr. Townsend! has been taken advantage of by the An irate subscriber of The Miner last backers of the Townsend scheme. They week stopped her paper because, she have played on sympathy, charity and • With a confident feeling of progress and assurance, we said, she could not tolerate our attack woe to convince their listeners and be­ greet the New Year, 1935! Soon a brand new 12 months will on the Townsend old age pension plan. lievers that Dr. Townsend’s fanciful be starting ... a year of opportunity, improvement and ac­ No doubt there are many more readers plan is the only way out. complishment for each of us . . . may we continue our march who have felt the same impulse but—for forward, as we have in past year—upward, better! The pity of it is that, when such an which we probably owe our continued impossible scheme as the Townsend plan • We greet you, 1935! Not because we are glad to be rid of existence—they have not acted on it. the Old Year, but because we must ever live in the present falls of its own weight, there will be and plan for the future. Granted, there are many things to be hundreds of thousands of old folks and said in favor of Dr. Townsend’s plan to good citizens of these United States bit­ donate $200 to each person 60 years or ter towards onr legislators, toward gov­ over. When one considers the plan from ernment and towards opponents of the the standpoint of spending, it looks plan. It will be hard for them to place “A Department Ized Institution" mighty good, even to The Miner. But blame for the plan’s failure on the plan MEDFORD when one figures out just how uneasy itself, and heaven only knows what the its “easy” payments will be when it is reaction might be. Another Year The Jacksonville Miner w ■ " I - 1 ■■ 1 —. II - ■— ■ Medford School of Beauty Culture EXPLOSIVES COLEMAN S HARDWARE We GREET YOU 1935! The First National Bank