Page 4 Friday, December 21, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER . Cruel and bitter warfare exists the cause of peace with the re­ I mg and schooling same, he will Ville's trnm winning by a one- After the Christmas plays are among the denizens of the deep. volvers he made than all the peace find out what the head of a fam­ point bad, 17-ltl. over it is planned that a short, I Fierce and terrible are the con- gabbers that ever Tlved from the ily has been squandering his money The lineup for Jacksonville was light musical drama will be pre­ I fUets between the ravenous kill­ time of King Rakatak (20 Vyron Bostwick and Simon John for. pared and presented In February. ers of the fish family The exist­ years before Adam's advent) His attitude toward the Town­ son, forwards; Chester Flltcroft, ence of every known thing depends now The actors for this drama will be Center; Bud Mitchell ami Russell send plan is one of the millionaire on its ability to protect itself Na­ What we should have in our type you would think he was Ayers, g.i .rds. and Morris Byrne chosen from the high m-hl glee tions come under the same rule. country is a wailing wall like the going to have to slave the rest of and Byron Backes, forwards clubs. If this country would discard its Jews enjoy in Jerusalem. Then our his life to pay the pension Wodneadaj night thia town Proceeds received from the plays peace enthusiasts could gather the Ashland high second armament, which is its strength, He at present has had no ex- played will be turned Into a fund to buy then- whenever they wished and team 32-10 in favor of Ashland, Cowboy-Miner Looks at how long would it be before some shout, as a head of a family, so while the Jacksonville B team was a new stage curtain. wail, weep, moan, snivel and ]H*rionce covetous nation, like Japan for only one side of the question defeated World Problem Thru 2(1« by the Ashland high instance, would come over, push us raise hell generally where they sees The only person who could pos­ out of the way and move right in ? wou dn’t bother other people. Eyes of Reality sibly begtudge an old person some third team. These art1 just simply some of pleasure in their few remaining Suppose the Lord of the Uni­ ATIII.ETK' RECORDS verse should renounce His power my icraonal opinions and if you, years, in my mind, is very narrow By J. C. REYNOLDS Those on the midget lumketball Is anything more disgusting and authority and decide to be om­ deal reader, have any you think minded than thes<> "peace at any price" nipotent no longer. How long would bett, r than mine or that conflict Mv interpretation of the Town- team who earned letter last year ahouters who clamor without ces­ it be before the devil took over with mine, bt> assui>' COATI I defenders are wiped out and the contention that the survival of the are several brands of good tobacco a preliminary to the Ashland high Starts Wednesday MAS CLASS» scratch is polluted by infection. If luckiest should supersede the old I don’t use as they do not suit my vs. Crescent City high game. The score was very close. Jackson- your own blood germs are healthy belief in the survival of the fittest. taste. So what? 111** lOIZlif One day I was coming out of the Tue-Wed-Thur and strong enough, th einvading They recognize the fact that force army is repelled. is the dominant factor of nature company's office when I met a All the way up the line it is the and reason that the strongest Salvation Army officer going in. same. Insects, birds, fish, reptiles, force must naturally overcome the He thrust a paper at me and in­ MOPKi RUBY KEELER quired. "Do you want to buy a beasts, humans, even the elements. weakest But it is not always so. And if you will open your Bible Confronted by luck, the strong­ paper?" I glanced at it and saw PAT 0 BRIEN THE RICHEST and read the 12th chapter of Reve­ est forces of nature find them­ the words "WAR CRY" in big Saturday Only lations. you will see that there is selves impotent. Just take notice black letters on the front page. war in Heaven itself. of what goes on around you in this "Good heavens, man,” I blurted, KEN MAYNARD in Have you ever seen two angry world and see if this is /lot the "wc are not at war again, are we ? FAY WRAY thunderstorms run together and truth. Men who have luck are able I hadn't heard a thing about it.” "Oh." he replied, "that is just the battle that ensued between to surmount any obstacle, pass them ? Have you never found the safely through any danger, and the old war we are always waging With all the humor locked horns of deer and elk in laugh at the threats of greatly with the devil.” of "It Happcnt-d Also Serial, "Well.” I remarked, ‘'I don't see the woods mutely testifying to a superior hostile forces. In reading One Night” FUNERAL PARLORS he VANISHING SHADOWS fight to the death? Many a time of some terrible calamity like a any sense in keeping up a war with I Medford, Oregon in the large cities I have seen three shipwreck, for example, where the devil. If he bothers you. al) you Sundav and Monday little English sparrows fly down everyone on board except one or have to do is to say ‘get thee be­ to the curb and while one (the two met death, did you ever stop hind me. Satan.' and that settles i female) sat quietly and watched, to consider that there might be a matters right there. At least that j the other two began pecking at reason why one or two survived? is what my Bible says. I do not ! each other. One would hardly sup­ Well, there is a reason. Luck is the care to read any of that kind of | pose they were fighting to the most efficient entity I have ever war news, but here is a dollar and ■ death until one would keel over encountered in the entire mechan­ if you have time between battles, to rise no more while the female ism of the universe. One cannot see you might buy some poor widow ' with GUY LOMBARDO would fly away with the victor. it, taste it, smell it or cut it up woman something to eat.” GEORGE BI UNS What is the use worrying about with a knife. Eut any one can GRACIE ALLEN Hü'. EAST MAIN Stew art-Warner a devil when we know that Billy plainly se how it works and the PHONE 84 Sunday licked him to a frazzle results performed by it. Tueodav and Wednesday Service - Sales - Rentals BEAUTY SERVICES Reverting to the peace howlers, long ago? AT A SAVING ♦ I wonder what would have hap­ ♦ pened if it had been up to them Permanent Wave f'4 00 423 East Main Street, Medford to settle the west. Well, I know Finger Wave 25c TELEPHONE 008 what would have happened all Comb Wave 25c right. The same thing that befell Shampoo that fine old man Meeker who was 25c r certain that he could handle the i-------- --------------------- o Haircut 25c western Utes without any show of Thursday and Friday Marcel EDITORS AKE K1NDA FUNNY 25c force or firearms and had himself ANYWAY, KAY Manicure 25c appointed as Indian agent on the To the Editor: SPENCER TRACY in Eyebrow Arch reservation. 25c I am surprised at our dear ed- J K The Utes didn’t understand that Scalp Treatment 50c stand on the old age pension. kind of language and. after a short itor's Hot Oil he will look up the records of 50c time, rose suddenly, butchered the If cost Fucails of raising a child, cloth- 50c J Meeker, his hired men and every­ body except his daughter Jose­ phine, stole everything in the agency and then burned the build- ings to the ground. The only language tho»-* Reds I CAN GET understood was the voices o< Colts PROMPT six-guns whispering death in their ears. Old Sam Colt did more to aid LAUNDRY PEACE IS ONLY Al LINK JOINING OUR FREQUENT WARS i C£WdF.Ui • High Prospector a MONG ikinc Æ b ^BABBITT7 ft ‘Uunkist Vanities’ ROXY “Pocatello Kid MANY HAPPY RETURNS” DANCE LETTERS to the Editor Saturday till * 2 ■•••• THE MARBLE CORNE -••• -»••• WILL ROGERS “HANDY ANDY” Now I’ll Tell Jacksonville Of course Santy knows all the best places hasn’t HE been down all the chimneys, peeked in most bedrooms, prowled the parlors and stuffed the most shapely stockings in all corners of the world? Kris Kringle, along with hun­ dreds of others, is going to spend part of his holidays at the BEST comer of the world the MARBLE CORNER! Where the crowds mix merriment, good cheer and friendliness to spend many a pleasant hour in the heart of an old gold camp. Come on over, be happy, be merry, be SEASONABLE! Open EVERY night until 1 a.m., of course! The Marble Corner PHONE 281—JACKSONVILLE MERRY CHRISTMAS, FOLKS YOU Can Have NEW CLOTHES All the Time SERVICE FOR YOU IN JACKSONVILLE Here 'tis, Friends Christmas all over again, but this time we can say "MERRY” without being facetious, or something! Yeah, Folks, we-all are going to do our part to see that you get plenty board feet of service during 1935, with No. 1 clear quality and a knot-free schedule of prices so far as we're concerned. We want you to know our grain runs the right way, and we're not using cheap paint when we color our greeting a rosy red with an old-fash­ ioned wish for your Christmas joy! "CAP” OVERMYER "STEVE” STEPHENSON “ERNIE” KOGERS HAROLD McCORMICK MRS. .JACK GREEN Clothes cleaned by the Pan- torium retain the quality of new clothes, for the im­ proved method« cannot In­ jun1 even the most delicate fabrics. There's real econ­ omy in dressing well when quality cleaning can tn1 had so reasonably at Medford's finest—the PANTOKILM. PANTORIUM Dye Works PHONE 214 TYPEWRITER SERVICE Economy Lumber Co North Pacific Highway at Court Medford School RADIO SERVICE of Beauty Culture Phone 591 ^îPP»!ÎÎP|î|!ÎÎ|!|i»||?lî»i*!lî*!*ili»i|J»î*ll • TRY THE NEW MODEL UNDERWOOD TYPE WRITERS • Taylor and Bierma 34 N. Central—Telephone 112 Medford So can any phone without trouble Just call Medford _____ 10« and you can enjoy — * ‘ the • best laundry service you ever thought of. Even to the most delicate fabrics can be trusted to our care. Best of all, the service is always dependably prompt and, of course, extends to Jacksonville. L OUR FOUR DISTINCT LAUNDRY SERVICES Rough Dry, pound Or Thrifty Wash, pound 7c Dry Wash, pound........ 8c. Wet Wash, pound....... 4c Phone 166 MEDFORD DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 30 North Riverside